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((Y/N)'s POV)

I have no school online today, so I get to relax today and play all I want, so I wanted to go get Misty and Sophie before we go out to see if we can find Isabella. I left my room to see my mom was already up and has been for a while now and I saw her with Misty and Sophie on leashes and she was also holding a cage covered in a blanket.



Mommy-Good morning, you're up early.

(Y/N)-Where are you going with Misty and Sophie? What's in the cage?

Mommy-Oh just some mole I found in the garden. I'm dropping it off at the shelter and these two have a date at the vet.

(Y/N)-Can I come?

Mommy-No, I got something to do at work real fast after before I pick these two up again. We have breakfast bars in the pantry, you know the rules when i'm gone, and I love more than life itself.

She just left with our pets in a hurry and I guess I can watch a cartoon during breakfast then I might go look for Isabella when she gets back or she might come up to my door for a carrot.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was lucky to get the rabbit without my son noticing and the blanket was supposed to keep me from getting bit, but it served as making my son not see them or he would've gotten upset. I had the animals in the car with me while I was on the was to work and when I got there after the long drive I got here a little early to make sure i'm on time and when I checked in and went to the lab I saw my boss was already here.

Head scientist-Do you have all 3 of them?

He turned around and I put the cage on the table and took off the blanket to show him the rabbit and he saw my cat and dog.


He came over to do a quick inspection and even Misty and Sophie were scared of this place, but everything should be fine, i'm 95% sure. Soon the others showed up and that's when we all got to work and I propped my cat and dog up on the table then someone got the 3 samples we had unfrozen and guaranteed to not be damaged and the doctor held the first one up to start with the panicking rabbit.


I watched him inject the poor rabbit and next was my cat and dog and I helped hold them down and tried to calm them down, but Misty hates needles and Sophie... she just hates me most of the time except for meal times. When we were done all we had to do now was wait and observe and small changes normally occur after a few hours.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

We were all starting to present small tests with toys they might like or new foods they might enjoy and I know what my pets hate, but so far there was nothing new, out of the ordinary. We made all of them run by scaring them or had them chase something, but they were around normal performance.

Co-worker#1-Maybe it doesn't work on animals.

Head scientist-Impossible, the serum is designed to adapt to the host body. Just give it more time.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

There was a bit of a difference from what they thought Misty was doing, but to be honest it wasn't anything new. She was always kinda clean, but the head scientist was about to get in a bad mood, so I let him have this, but I wrote it down as nothing. This actually might be a complete failure, waste of time and money. We were about to pack up shop and I was gonna leave the rabbit here, but they said no and I was too tired to stop anywhere on the way home.

(M/N)-You are one lucky bunny.

I just took the animals back to my car after I clocked out and started to drive home and on the way home all these animals were scratching themselves probably from a chemical in the lab. I'll give Misty and Sophie a bath when we get home, but that rabbit was on its own and was lucky to come back to my house.

(Timeskip To Night)

The bath when we got home showed me it was time for those two to shed and get a new fur coat and thankfully (Y/N) helped me giving them a bath because Misty is well behaved, but Sophie scratches at me, but at the most just nips at my son. I was in a shower right now while that dog and cat had my son in his room and were practically thinking they own him like they do everyday since he turned 3 last year.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Misty dragged her bed in here while my mom was in the shower even when she knows my mom says no to this and Sophie was just so itchy and so was Misty. I tried scratching, but it wasn't enough and my mommy says they're just getting rid of their old fur to get new fur and it's normal.

(Y/N)-I think you 2 need another bath.

Just then Misty just looked at me before she quickly got up to make me fall back to where she was laying down then got on top of me and she never did this before.

(Y/N)-Misty, get off!

She started to lick my arm and moving around for another tongue bath and I just pushed her away from me again, but this time she just licked my hands and it tickled and made me weak enough for her to get through and keep going.

(Y/N)-Misty, stop!

I kept on trying to stop her, but she kept on getting past me and when I tried to slide under her my shirt went up and she started to lick my belly. I was next for a bath anyway, so I just gave up and soon she tried something... she tried to take my shirt completely off.

(Y/N)'s mind-Misty, what's gotten into you?!

(No POV)

Meanwhile in the woods, in a rabbit hole was Isabella and she was itching a lot and hopped out at night to find a berry bush for a snack. The poor bunny was confused, alone, and scared, but for the moment she remembered the boy that she knows is always nice to here and gives her carrots and stuff like that.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

She just dashed to the house knowing the boy is never out at night now, but after a bit she thinks she might know a way in... She remembered how he opened the door in front of her sometimes and all she needed to do was get it to move to the side. After she was done scratching and losing more fur she gave it a shot. After a few tries she would've got it if the door wasn't locked, but just then her whole body just spazzed and it hurt which scared the confused rabbit and she ran off feeling more and more pain and hid in the shed and knocked over some of (Y/N)'s mom's old clothes she keeps out there during hot weather or just out grown them to free up more room in her closet. The bunny was buried under clothes and was scared as she was feeling more pain.

(Meanwhile In The House)

Misty was whining in the living room jut laying in her bed while Sophie was constantly backing up trying to see what was hurting her, so she could run away, but it wasn't working. They just wanted to find comfort in (Y/N)'s room, but they couldn't because the door was closed. They were stuck out in the living room whining, but Misty always knew where his window was and now she knew how to unlock the back door with her snout and open it and lost a lot of fur while brushing through the door and Sophie followed her. Mist leaned on the wall and whined through the window at (Y/N). Soon the pain made her fall and so did Sophie and she was meowing in agony and they were like that all night long even while the pain kicked into overdrive and their fur was falling off quicker than it already did before.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and left my room and I saw my mom sweeping the floor by the back door and there was a lot of white fur and I think I knew who it belonged to.


(Y/N)-Is all that Misty's fur?

Mommy-If that dog doesn't have her new fur coat by now, I don't know when she'll have it.

(Y/N)-Did you let her out?

Mommy-I must've left the door cracked last night by accident. *sigh* How about I call work real fast then you and I can go out for breakfast. I think I know a little someone that loves banana nut french toast.~

She was talking about me, so I ran to the shower while she went on her phone to call her work and talk to them about something, but I didn't care. I got a plate of my favorite breakfast later with a side of sausage and bacon. After my shower I got dried off and dressed and my mommy just left a bowl of dog and cat food out for Misty and Sophie and some water. I even snuck some of their treats into their food before we got in the car and left.

(Misty's POV)

I felt much better and nothing hurt or itched anymore, but when I opened my eyes I... had hands and I felt kinda cold. I had no idea what was going on and my breathing was getting faster until I saw someone and she had clothes... How do I know what clothes are? I think I hear the mom talking about it a lot.


???-... Is... Isabella

She dropped the pile clothes in front of me and I took what smelled nice and when I stood up I saw Sophie, so I got her up and she freaked out from what happened too before I got her to get some clothes and we looked at the window and saw us a little.


This was kinda nice and weird at the same time, but I still have no idea...

Misty's mind-How did this happen?


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