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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so tired from not being able to sleep a lot last night because I was just so scared and it didn't help when Blitz broke in and stood on Moxxie to ask him what he was dreaming about. Right now I was on Millie's shoulders while we were just waiting outside for a ride then soon a van that said I.M.P. came up and when the windows rolled down I saw Blitz again and I didn't really like it, but Loona got out of the van walked up to us.


Loona-Let me see him.


Loona-You 2 had him all fucking night. Give him to me.

Moxxie-You shouldn't say such words in front of child.

Loona-Kiss my ass. I'm taking him.

She pushed him out of the way and Millie took a step back before she took me off her shoulders and held me close to her like she was protecting.

Millie-Go lick your own ass you bitch!

Loona-Give him to me! *Growl*

Millie-Make me.

I they were going to fight, so I just Millie a tight hug before I let of her and pushed away to go to Loona and this confused everyone. I just don't like others fighting and Loona just picked me up and Millie looked a little mad, but we just got in the van and Loona put me on her lap and there was music until Blitz just turned it off to look at us.

Moxxie-Sir, the road!

Blitz-OH, FUCK!!!

Just then Blitz freaked out and dodged cars and we were all screaming until he made a sharp turn into a parking lot and into a parking space. I was catching my breath and holding onto Loona tight without thinking and she had one arm around me and the other on the door. I looked to see everyone was breathing just as hard as me and tears were coming out of my eyes.

Blitz-Holy shit, we didn't crash?

Moxxie-I-I think I-...

Moxxie just opened the door and got sick on the side and while Loona just looked disgusted Blitz just looked angry.

Blitz-God dammit Moxxie, not on the parking space!

Loona just got out with me and Millie was just patting Moxxie's back then Loona held me up a little higher. We waited for a while in the parking lot and were about to head inside before a pink car pulled up and parked in an empty space and Blitz didn't like it and the monster that came out just smiled at him, but I know a mean smile when I see one.


Blitz-You're here again?!

???-My office is going under remodels and I thought as crappy as this place was, how much would it piss you off.

Blitz-Fuck off and take your "fuck me car" somewhere else!

I don't why he has to say so many bad words like my dad does, but she just kept on talking in a way that kids do to me when they're really making fun of me and the others just stood there. I just covered my ears no wanting to listen to this and Loona just kinda laughed at me for doing it and this made the pink monster lady look over here and at me and she looked a little surprise and I uncovered my ears.

???-That wasn't photoshop? You really kidnapped a human kid from the living world?!

Blitz-Mind you're own damn business bitch.

???-*Tch* I knew you were always a beacon for fucking amber alerts. How'd you get him? From their parents or from an elementary school.

Blitz-Get the fuck out of here!

???-Go suck off your employees fuck nut.

She just walked off and looked at me while she did while taking something out to drink from.

(Verosika's POV)

I was getting remodels, but that was because I had an office party and it got out of hand and it was bad, so I was forced to come back here for a while until it's all done. I also thought that human child thing was fake as fuck for the limp dicked imp to get attention. I just shrugged it off and my employees should be here soon, so I just went straight to my office they I re-rented up here and sat in a chair. I just went on my phone and I heard the cocksucker himself reach the floor and go into his office and was talking to his hell hound daughter about her looking adorable holding that kid. I was never one for kids, but I looked at the post I thought was fake and some think so too while some were loving it, but probably not in a innocent way for most. I also noticed something else and it was some very high ranking demons down here giving Blitz attention now that i've been trying to impress and get employed by for almost ever since I started my career down here.

Verosika's mind-No fucking way. This human brat down here is never seen before, but how much do people actually care... mostly pedophiles or some shit, but still... How much attention would I get?~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea who that girl was and when I told Loona that she went to her desk and leaned back with her feet up and me laying on top of her. I was scared I was going to fall, but then she wrapped an arm around me before she pulled out her phone and went to her music.

Loona-Listen to this. It's one of her songs.

She played it and it was loading for a bit before it finally got started.

https://youtu.be/ssCiDJzarXE (Video will be available on Wattpad)

I kinda liked the beat of the song, but I don't think I really I understand the song and have some questions and since Loona is a fan, she might know.

(Y/N)-Hey Loona. What's Bonetown?

Blitz-Made up, but it'll be a place were sex maniacs would call there own heaven and birth place for STD's.


Blitz-What?! He asked!

Loona-You are so embarrassing!

(Y/N)-What are sex maniacs and STD's?

Loona-Nothing! Blitz, keep you mouth shut!

She just held me tighter before her desk phone started to ring and she put me down before she answered.

Loona-Hello, I.M.P..

She just spoke on the phone until she just gave it to Blitz and now he was talking on the phone about a job and that scared me because I think I know what their job is. I didn't want to think about it because it made me think about my dad and when I just walked away from them I was scooped up by Millie and she saw the look on my face.

Millie-What? Why are you so bummed out all the sudden?

(Y/N)-Um... nothing.

Millie-Ohhh, it's our work isn't it?

Moxxie-If it makes you feel better, most of them have it coming.

That didn't make me feel better at all and when Blitz hung up the phone and Loona got a weird looking book.

Blitz-M&M, we got a cheating husband with a rich sugar mama. Loony, portal.


They got guns and stuff while Loona opened a portal and I looked through to see a mansion and the sun was just setting. I know this could be my chance to get back home or at least away from here, but just then Blitz grabbed me and tossed me to Loona and she caught me.

Blitz-We'll be back soon.


They went through the portal and it just closed, so I just need to get the book and i'm home free. Loona just put the book in a drawer then she back down and played some more music from Verosika on and made it loud then put me on her lap. Soon I started to feel tired again like I did this morning and Loona saw this and turned down the music then got up with me to go to the couch and just then my stomach growled, but I wasn't even hungry, but Loona thought I was now.

Loona-Ugh, did they do anything right? Stay here and get some sleep, i'll go out and get something. Hope you like burgers.

Just then she tossed a blanket from in her desk on to me before she just stood there for a bit and came over to lick me a few times before she left. I just turned and closed my eyes while pretending to be back him and listened to the music Loona left on and soon it was the first song she showed me. Soon I heard the door open, but I knew it was Loona, so I didn't look until I heard something over the music and it sounded the exact same.

???-Pack. Your. Bags. Sun's... Out. Take a Va-cay. Babe. Take it straight to Bone-town.~

I just opened my eyes and turned around and I saw that girl from the parking lot that Blitz hated, but now I know her name.



Verosika-*Chuckles* You like my music little man?~

(Y/N)-U-Um... I-. Uh.

Verosika-*Chuckles* You nervous or scared of me? Well don't be. In fact, those bags under your eyes tell me that you must be tired.~

She put her gloved hands on my cheeks and I tried to back up into the couch, but it wasn't that much and she just laughed a little harder now.

Verosika-I'll admit you are cute and I think I have a better place for you to sleep.

(Y/N)-I-I'm fine right here.

Verosika-I wasn't asking. Come here and I think my fans are going to go crazy after they see I have a kid now.~

She took me off the couch and left the office with me and went across the hall to another office and she had a lot of music stuff in here, but she just laid down on a long chair and I was on top of her. She made me use her boobs as a pillow and they kinda comfy and the heartbeat was nice too then she started to scratch my head.

Verosika-You'll stay with me and I can give you a lot. Toys, a nice big bed, all you can eat, whatever you want. Unless, judging by your clothes you can go back to your shitty life back on the surface.

(Y/N)-My... My daddy's dead.

Verosika-Oh, then this should be easy for you to decide. Go to sleep and when you get up i'll take you to get some better looking clothes. Night, night.~

I was very, very tired, but I don't know if I could sleep still.

(Timeskip 20 minutes)

(Verosika's POV)

I got a message from my employees that they were stuck in traffic before there was a 5 five crash of drunk drivers and that's no surprise. I just looked back at the child that was finally asleep on top of my and now was time to take some pictures and send post them for my fans. Soon they even nuzzled into me in their sleep and it was adorable.

Verosika's mind-Welcome to your new life baby. You're about to be a new face to my brand soon enough.~


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