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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mary was still holding me and would start to cry whenever I move to try get up and Cammy was poking herself with a thumb tac for a bit until she got bored of it and stuck it in a wall and came back to play with my cheeks until we saw the front door open and we saw Linsey come in with a bunch of bags and they were all huge and full of clothes and stuff.


Cammy-Ohhhhh, what's in the bags?!

Linsey-Clothes for all of, soaps, basically everything in better taste then what the doctor has here.

Cammy-Clothes for me to?!

Linsey-Yep, I got more bags out in the car. Help me.

Cammy-Ok! Bye my cutie wittle Short Cake!~

Cammy just got up and skipped out the door as Linsey just walked out the door and the 2 brought 8 more bags full of clothes, but 1 bag had other stuff in it I think and there was a plain picture of a lady dancing on there and the bag was still huge. When they were done they closed the door and Linsey came over to me and Mary and Mary held me tighter and curled up some more.

Linsey-Get up, I got clothes for you two. I'm getting you dressed properly (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Um... did you get clothes for my mommy too?

Linsey-*Sigh* "Yes" I got stuff for her too, now can we go?

Just then I saw Cammy completely naked in the living room to get changed and it was a another skirt and shirt, but they were different now. She went on about how she loved it and soon she got Mary to get up and gave her clothes, making her let go of me and Linsey took this chance to grab my hand and 2 bags.

Linsey-Movers are coming with beds and when they do, come get me and go into the doctors old bedroom.

She took me to my room with her and put the bags down before she closed and locked my door then went to my almost empty closet and smiled at me.

Linsey-Let's get you in an adorable little outfit. I wanna show your mom after then we'll get you in a "good" bath tonight. I got all sorts of soaps and stuff just for us.~

She started to strip me and I was nervous about it before I was completely naked then she reached into one of the bags and got out an outfit she wanted me to where.


Linsey-You're just gonna look so adorable.~

((M/N)'s POV)

I was waking up to the sound of Cammy barging in and squealing happy while coming up to my, but crawled over and shook Bridget awake and all she did was turn me to her and pulled me in a hug.


Bridget-Cammy, Bridget and doctor lady are napping. Come back later.

Cammy-Linsey bough us all clothes and even Doccy got new shirts, jeans, shoes, and some kind of toys.


Cammy-Yeah, come on!

She ran out of the room and Bridget took me out of bed with her and kissed my cheek and I just blushed.

We left my room and I saw Cammy and Mary were in new clothes now and there was a lot of bags in the living room and Cammy tossed us 1 outfit and a pair of pajama bottoms my size and the other was for Bridget.


Cammy-Come on, try them on, so Linsey can see when she gets out here!

(Timeskip 15 minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Linsey put me in a couple more outfits and put all the clothes back in the bag and took me out of my room and to the living room to see everyone and my mom was in pajama pants and being held like a baby by Bridget then they turned and saw us.


Cammy-Aww, he's so adorable!~ Hey since Bridget is holding Doccy, can I hold him?!

Linsey-I want to get him something to eat before the men get here. I got beds for the other rooms now and i'm taking the master bedroom.

This made my mom look surprised and I didn't even know that Linsey was planning this and I wasn't going to let her.

(Y/N)-You can't do that! That's my mommy's room!

Linsey-I can and I will. I don't care where she sleeps, but she's not allowed in my room.

Bridget-Doctor lady can sleep with Bridget!

Cammy-Oh, I want (Y/N)!


Linsey-His clothes are going in my room. He's sleeping with me.

They all started to fight over it while Mary was starting to cry in a corner and this made them stop. Bridget laid my mom on the couch before she went to Mary and she jumped and screamed a little, but now Bridget was holding her like a baby now too. Just then Linsey saw something outside then she got annoyed.

Linsey-Fine, we'll switch them around every night. Everyone just go in my room, take the bags and wait there until the men are done!

Bridget-What about food?

Linsey-Ugghh! Fine, but make sure she's gagged again because I don't want her screaming!

She just went to the kitchen and Cammy ran up to me and picked me up then Linsey came back with one of the party trays my mom has when she invites work friends over or goes to their house with me.


Linsey-Help me get the bags in my room real fast and you can all have this for lunch! Ok!

(Linsey's POV)

The girls put Mary, (Y/N), and the doctor in my room and I was sure she didn't touch him still by giving him to Mary before we put the bags in and I gave Bridget the tray before I closed my door. I prettied myself up a bit before I answered the door to men and they should have instructions to put everything I don't want here in storage.

(Timeskip 5 minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

The panties were finally out of my mouth, but I could still taste them a little and it was disgusting, but it didn't stop there because Bridget was making airplane sounds to my son before she fed him a cracker with cheese and pepperoni before she came to me with the same thing and I knew what she was gonna do and it made me feel like a baby. I could scream since men were out there, but then I know Bridget will feel hurt and possibly triggered into a rage and we will all be in danger and I don't want to risk it with my son in here.

Bridget-Open up doctor lady. Chu chu.~

(M/N)-Bridget, you need to listen to me. I have to get you back to the hospital.

Cammy-Awww, but we like it here. We got you, we got you cutie wittle son!~

Bridget-We stay doctor lady. Open up the tunnel for food train now.

(M/N)-Girls, ple-.

Bridget shoved the cracker in my mouth and I was very hungry, so I ate it and Bridget pulled me on her lap and kissed my cheek in front of my son and Mary pulled him over on her lap while Cammy started feeding him and Bridget went back to feeding me while making train noises.

(Y/N)-I-I want my m-mommy. *whimper*

My son was about to cry and I know how sensitive Bridget is and she hates it when others cry, but now she was hesitant since she has me then we saw Mary pet his head like she would do to her bear sometimes to help her calm down. Next, Cammy went to him and tried tickling and he just cried out and pulled his foot away.

Bridget-(Y/N) can't touch mommy right now. Linsey said no touching.

(Y/N)-Please. *whimper*

I could tell my son almost crying was getting to her, but Bridget just got up and put me in bed and tucked me in then she got (Y/N) from Mary and tucked him in my bed a bit of ways away from me and got between us and held us close to her under her arms and she was loving.

Bridget-Doctor lady and her baby are both so cute.~

Cammy-Oh, oh, I wanna cuddle with Doccy too! I already cuddled her baby!

She jumped into bed on my side and wrapped her arms and legs around me and Mary got on the side of my son then soon Cammy got up again.

Cammy-We forgot this!

She went into one of the bags and spoke to herself about which one she should use and I was confused on what she meant, but then soon my question was answered when she held it up in the are like she won a grand prize.


Cammy-Oh, let's use this one! It's got a little heart!

She came back to bed and she held it up to my mouth and I didn't want to do this especially with my son in her and watching while looking confused on what was happening.

Cammy-Come on Doccy. Open up for the cute little heart.~

I only turned away, but Bridget grabbed my face with both hands then turned me back to Cammy.

Bridget-Doctor lady, open your mouth or Bridget will punish you again.

Cammy-Oh, Linsey has stuff for that too!

I knew she was serious and I had a choice now. Be gagged in front of my son or be spanked until I cry like a baby and be gagged in front of my son and most likely others that will come in after hearing crying and are curious about what's going on. I don't a crowd to see my red ass, so I just opened my mouth and Cammy put the gag in and strapped it around my head.

Cammy-Good Doccy.

She just kissed me then Bridget just gave me and my son kisses too and I think Mary did the same to my son a bit.

Bridget-We all cuddle now. Bridget is so happy.~

Just then I felt Cammy pinch my ass and it was still a little sensitive, so I jumped and Bridget noticed that, but didn't know what it was exactly, but knew that something hurt me and looked at me like I was a crying baby.

Bridget-Poor doctor lady. Did something hurt you? Come to Bri-... mama.~

I was feeling a little sick that one of my patients wanted me to call her mama then she looked at my son now.

Bridget-Bridget will be your mama now too. Bridget's babies now!~

She held bot of us a little tighter and Cammy got really happy now and squeezed me tighter.

Cammy-*Gasp* I wanna be their mommy now too! Can I, can I, please?!~

Bridget-Linsey and Mary will be mommies now too. Happy family!

(No POV)

(Y/N) and (M/N) were getting kisses and cuddles from their new "mommies" while Linsey was making sure the men do there job and even let them turn on music, so it was harder to hear them in her new room. After a few hours the men were finally done with everyone's rooms and when the men left she turned off the music and felt happy, but annoyed at the same time.

Linsey's mind-Now I gotta deep clean my room and replace my bed sheets.


Isaiah Weeb

I'm hoping the mom will do something, Linsey can't be as great at manipulation as a Psych Ward doctor who studied YEARS about this and shite.


Don't forget that manipulating, dominating, and backstabbing are things Linsey has done and had experience for all her life