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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being chained to a cage and being put inside, but at least they were nice enough to put a pillow in there for me to sit on and there was also some cooked meat for breakfast. Everything was happening so fast for me to keep up, but when the cage door closed I somehow snapped wide awake and just looked at them.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?!

Thora-Making an appearance for you to show the others who owns you.

Edith-We let you sleep in. No need to thank us.

(Y/N)-I wasn't.

Edith-Well it doesn't make a difference. We're going out with you and challenging our chief and when we win we'll let you out for some "fun".~

They both flashed me with their tits before Thora managed to pick up the cage and Edith had a sword and her axe. We went outside and there was a lot more ogres than I remembered at least, but then again I was only out here early in the morning before we left the first time and late at night before I came.

Thora-CLORB!!!... CLORB!!!

Soon a huge ogre man came out of a huge tent in the middle of the camp and I could just feel the hate and cold killer stare in his eyes as he looked at me, but Edith got in the way to block it.



Clorb just pounded his chests like an angry gorilla before he went back into his tent and came back with his weapon and I really think it suits him and makes him more terrifying and he had 2 of them.



Everyone gave them all space by going into tents or completely of of the walk way and I was put aside by Thora before Edith gave her, her sword and the 3 lifted their weapons high in the air to scream and charge at each other.



(Nova's POV)

I was by myself right now as my herd split up to find more in a short time and I was getting thirsty, so I went to a stream and got a drink before I just looked at my reflection in the water.


I went back to searching and I had to be careful since I was in very hostile territory of the ogres and wild live here isn't that friendly either which is way my herd won't go that far from each other, so we can rush to them if they need help. I heard war cries of an ogre off in the distant, so I pulled out an arrow and charged to the noise until I saw the village and right now 3 ogres were fighting and it looked like it was a 2 on 1.


I paid no mind to it, but I spotted something on the sidelines and other ogres were growling at them and at first I thought it was an elf, but at a closer and longer look the clothing was completely different and I think their ears were different too. I don't know if they were elf or not, but I know they weren't a warlock because they would be free a long time ago from that cage. Whatever that male was he looked intimated and I was curious about them then it hit me.

Nova's mind-Could this by why others are so riled up? This creature in captivity of the ogres?

It was clear I was going to need help in retrieving this creature and luckily I have a male in my heard capable of lifted a cage like that, so I went to go call for them at a safe distance, so the ogres don't hear my war cries to call the others.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The stares I was getting from the other ogres were really getting to me and it was like the second the girls lose is when they rip this cage apart to eat me. The fight went in and this guy was no joke with those maces he has and they were like wrecking balls and the girls couldn't stop them by hitting them back. They were all getting hits in and soon Edith turned and took a knee since she was tired most likely, but I saw her smiling as Clorb was charging to her after knocking Thora to her side since she used her sword to block the attack.

Clorb-YOU'RE DEAD!!!


She swept to her side to dodge the attack and managed to strike his arm with her axe and it went in, but all the way through.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is their skin made of, steal?!

He just screamed in pain, but it stop him from using his second hand to attack and that's when Thora came from behind him and stabbed him from behind the knee to make him go down and miss Edith. She pulled her axe out of his arm after a few tugs and Thora pulled out her sword and they wasted no time and went to butcher his arms, so he couldn't fight anymore. He only grunted while he looked at his arms that looked like they just got out of a shredder and the girls just stomped on his arms and he screamed while he looked at them.

Thora-WE!!! ARE!!! THE NEW CHIEFS!!!

They both held up their weapons for one final swing and brought it down on his head and it was very thick, so it took a few hits, but I looked away only to look back to a puddle of a head and Thora and Edith walking to me.


They both grabbed the cage away from the crowd and lifted me in the air a bit to show my to everyone.



They were about to walk to the big tent tent, but that's when we all heard some kind of Indian war cry and an arrow came from nowhere and hit an ogre and all they did was pull it out.


Thora-GET THEM!!!

All the ogres all shouted and went for weapons before they went to the woods and the girls put me down in the big tent before they left to go fight. Soon after they left someone else came in and I knew what they were and they just looked at me for a bit probably wondering what I was.


???-M-Marv! I found them!

Soon another came in and without thinking they picked up the cage and had some trouble before he held it on his back.


???-Let's go! When they find nothing they will return!

They both ran with me and the girl just looked at me and it was like they were looking at a sad cage animal and she moved closer while still running.

???-You poor um,... whatever you are. We'll have you out soon.

Marv-Celia, focus.

Celia-Oh, right.

(Y/N)-Where are you taking me?

Marv-Our meeting point. Now be quiet before it brings the ogres down on us.

They just kept n running and I was bouncing with each gallop they did and it was very comfy even with the pillow being used as a cushion.

(Timeskip 15 minutes)

(Edith's POV)

We found no sign of the attackers, so the cowards must've just attacked us and ran and chasing them is pointless and as new chiefs we have higher priorities. We're chiefs now, so we all turned back and headed home and everyone went back to their business and Thora and I were going back to the chief's tent which was ours now to claim our prize and I took my top off as we got in to tease him before our "wild day and night" begins, but when we got in... the cage and our human was gone. We were both shocked and enraged before we stormed back outside and I didn't give a shit that my top was still off some men and woman come out in the nude sometimes.



They were all angry and all of our hunters were only picking up their weapons again and letting out war cries while swinging their weapons in the air.


Hunters-*Crowd cheering*!

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were at a clear field and Marv was hitting the cage lock with a rock trying to open it and he was getting annoyed, but not from his failed attempts to get me out of here.

Celia-Now Marv, be careful not to hurt yourself or this...


Celia-Hooman creature.

Marv-I got it. Thank you.

Celia-Also watch for the sparks and dust. They might-.

Marv-Celia, I know you mean well and you're one of the gentlest centaurs in the village, but all this talking is distracting me and I will hurt myself.

Celia-Oh, sorry.

Marv-Keep an eye out for Nova and Kaleen. They should be here soon after going around the perimeter of ogre territory.


She just took a few steps away while he kept on hitting my cage lock with the rock until the rock became pebbles and he got even more annoyed. If he thinks he has problem, i'm the one in this fucking cage!

Marv-Where's Kaleen when you need her? *mumbles*

He picked up another rock and I was getting real tired of the sound of rock hitting metal with no luck and sometimes the rubble hits and by sometimes, I mean every fucking time he hits the damn cage.

(Y/N)-Can you "please" stop doing that. It's not working.

Marv-... I got no problem showing you to the elders like this.


Marv-I'm serious.

Celia-We are not a cruel herd and I would like to show the elders this creature without making them think they're a threat on first site.

Soon we saw 2 more centaurs come out from the trees and into the field and they saw us and ran to us before they just looked at me with curiosity.


Marv-Kaleen, give me a hand with the lock, please.

Kaleen-Stand back.

The centaur woman with the sword and shield held up her sword and I tried to get her to stop and let me prepare myself, but she just brought down her sword and there was a big spark before the finally came off and the door opened, so I got out.

Kaleen-Now that we have time. What is this creature? Is it really what's causing the uproar in the forest for everyone?

Celia-The call themselves a hooman.


Nova-Stand up.

I just did what she said and she just walked circles around me to check me out and she used her bow to try and lift up my shirt, but I stopped her by pulling my shirt back down.

(Y/N)-Watch it!

Nova-I don't feel any magic coming off him and judging from his clothes and ears, he's not an elf.

Kaleen-What are capable of "human"? What's special about you?



Celia-I never read anything about humans in the library or heard of them. Not even in folk tales.

Marv-It doesn't matter because our orders are clear.

Nova-He's right. Come on, we're bringing him to the elders.

(Y/N)-Why should I go anywhere with you?!

Just then Kaleen pointed her sword, so that her tip was just grazing my neck and Celia quickly grabbed me and pulled me away from her crazy friend.

Kaleen-Does that answer your question human?

Celia-You don't need to be so mean about it!

Kaleen-Let's go.

Just then Celia let me go and laid on the ground and patted her back for me to get on and Kaleen was watching me and so were the others, so I just got on her back and sat down only for her to stand up and walk with me.

Celia-I have so many questions for you human. Do you have a name? Where are your people living in the forest in secret? Tell me everything and don't leave out any details!

I had a feeling that this was going to be a very long and talkative walk, but I had to stay focused and think about how i'm gonna get out of this one and get back to my parents then find away out of here...

(Y/N)'s mind-A witch or warlock have to know a way out of this forest.


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