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((Y/N)'s POV)

Kalma and Sarita were still playing around with me and it was hard to stay still when Kalma was still tickling and pinching my feet like it was a game. My feet were even hurting a bit now and just then we heard the door open and I thought it was Blair, so I was about to call out to her, but I accidently lifted myself up a little and Sarita's fingers went deeper and touched the back of my throat and I choked and couched on them and she gave me a look.

Sarita-Now frankly, that was your fault.

Just then Blair came in and saw what they were doing to me and Sarita finally took her fingers out of my mouth and shook my spit off them before wiping the rest on the couch then Kalma pinched my foot again right in front of Blair and she didn't like that.


Blair-Kalma! What are doing?!

She just ran and took me from Sarita and Kalma and they both kinda laughed which made her even more mad.

Blair-I leave to look for you 2 and while i'm gone you come back just so both of you can torment him?! Do you know how delicate humans are?!

Kalma-Don't get your panties in a bunch, we were just having a little fun.

Sarita-We were gentle with him. You saw what happens when we get rough and he doesn't even have a bruise on him.

Blair-How long were you doing this?!

Kalma-Eh... Maybe almost an hour and we got him to stay still the entire time. Hehehehe.

Blair-You're both monsters!

Sarita-Look in a mirror sometimes honey? I'll play with my subby boy however I like. Go ahead and take him, but he's sleeping with me tonight.

Blair-Like hell he is!

Sarita-He, he's in hell right now, but for real i'm coming to get him before I go to sleep later and unless you want me to bring over some "friends" you better hand him over.

Blair just grunted before she left with me and Sarita gave me a wink before we made it into the hall and Blair took me to her room and laid me on her bed before she just looked at my foot.

Blair-No bruises or marks. You're ok. I'm sorry they played so rough with you.~

She just laid next to me and held me close and she saw the necklace Kalma gave me and the bite mark on my neck and she just got mad for a second before she gave me a kiss.

Blair-You poor baby, come here.~

She flipped me on my back and started to give me a massage and it just felt so good.

(Y/N)-Blair, do I have to go back with Sarita?

Blair-*Sigh*... She's just going to go to sleep and wants you to cuddle with her. I hate it just as much as you do, but it's best we do what she says right now, so it doesn't turn into something big.

Just then she smiled and leaned into me to whisper something into my ear.

Blair-But if you're good and you come back to me tomorrow, i'll sneak some ice cream back into my room just for you.~ *whisper*

I felt kinda happy about that and I was about to turn back to her, but she quickly pushed me back to my tummy and acted like I was in a lot of pain and can't move or it would hurt more.

Blair-No, no, no, no, don't move during your massage... or maybe you'll love this even more.~

She took off my shirt and started to scratch my back and the back of my head and it felt ok at first, but then she got to a spot on my head that I just loved and a little noise slipped out of my mouth and I leaned into it then she scratched harder.

Blair-*Chuckles* Does that feel good?~


Blair-I thought you my like this more. It's like scratching an itch.~

She kept on going until she found another spot in the middle of my back and I couldn't help stretching my legs. She just giggled before she moved onto massaging my feet and she was the nicest out of everyone here and only got really mad that one time, but she doesn't deserve to be in this bad place for it.

(Blair's POV)

My child was just so precious and I just love to pamper him and I wish I knew this with my last human before they tried to... I won't let it happen again. I just wanna spoil my child and smoother him in my love... I hate demons, but humans are what ruined everything for me last time.

Blair-In a bit we'll get you in a nice warm bath. I'll even let you snuggle into my wings.~

He just smiled a little at this and it was adorable, so I just gave him kisses and I got his neck on one of them which made him laugh a little from it tickling.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

(Sarita's POV)

I was about ready to go to bed now, so I was going to pick up my subby baby from Blair and I was serious about bring some of my big boys and girls over to take him by force. When I made it to her room I heard her classical music playing and I knocked on the door and when she opened it I saw my baby boy already half asleep in her arms.


Blair-*Sigh* Be gentle with him ok. It took a while to get him like this. *whisper*

Sarita-I'll take him from here. Come here baby.~

I got him from Blair and she opened her wings a little in a defensive way and I just left before I push her to the edge because in a 1 on 1 i'm not gonna be winning. When we made it to my room I just laid him on my bed and got all my clothes off to get comfy as I got into bed with him and he only looked away and this made me wanna have some fun with him.

Sarita-Honey, are you shy?~

He wasn't even looking at me and I saw him do a little pouty face and if he wants to play hard to get I dealt with humans when they weren't in the mood and I know how to get them back in a good enough one.

Sarita-Oh I see... The silent treatment.~

I just pulled him into me to where his back was firmly pressed on body and his head was against my boobs. This got a little reaction and now that I got that, it's time for phase 2.

Sarita-I'm sorry Kalma and I played rough with you earlier, but I can be a gentle mistress instead of always a sadistic or a teasing one. Let me show you.~

I rubbed the back of his neck and gave it kisses and took off Kalma's necklace she gave him and licked him to earn a cute little whimper. Next I flipped him on his belly and took his shirt off before I just rubbed my body on his and he wasn't doing a thing to stop me.

Sarita-All my clients and property love it when I do this.~

(Y/N)-St-St-Stop it. *whisper*

Sarita-Why would your mistress ever do that?... Actually since you're special to me I want you to call me "Sugar Mama".


Sarita-You heard me and until you call me your Sugar Mama, I won't stop doing this.~

I gave him light single finger scratches to send tingles down his back and it was working and I could get used to his reactions to this. He was without a doubt the most fun to play with because almost every move I know will work on him. He soon tried to struggle and get out, but I kept him in place.

Sarita-Eh, eh, eh.~

(Y/N)-P-Please stop. *whisper*

Sarita-You want me to stop? You have to ask me properly. What do you call me?~


Sarita-I guess you don't want me to stop then.

(Y/N)-S-S-Sugar M-Mama. *whisper*


(Y/N)-Please st-stop, Sugar Mama.

Sarita-Awww, since you asked nicely.~

I stopped and he flipped onto his back to protect it and his eyes almost looked like they were begging. I pulled him in for a deep kiss and when I broke it he was catching his breath and I let him before I was done and ready to go to sleep, but he was going to do one last thing, so I pointed at my cleavage and he saw this.

Sarita-Alright baby, it's bed time. I want that little face here. Let's go.

He was nervous and being slow, so I just pulled him into me and put his face between my breasts and tangled his little legs into mine and it was so comfy and his cute little face was getting red and his breathing was faster.

Sarita-Night honey bunch.~

I gave him one last kiss on his head before I closed my eyes and went to sleep with him.

(Timeskip 3 hours)

(???'s POV)

I was looking through my Mistress's window and when I did I saw her asleep while being naked in bed which always makes me happy to see, but then my heart shattered when I saw someone else which made me believe those "false rumors".


???'s mind-Th-This can't be! I-I-I'm supposed to be her favorite sub!

This human brat's face was buried in my mistress's tits and only her favorite toys get to do that when they sleep with her. What finally broke me was when my mistress shifted a bit the child to have to seem to woken up and he dared pulled his face out of her tits before he went back to sleep. This made my blood boil in anger from him humiliating her by practically saying she's not good enough to cuddle with!