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(Loona's POV)

I woke up a while ago and just stayed laying down with this human kid and he was still sleeping and even nuzzled into me. The only reason i'm staying still was because it felt nice and warm with them and when I did look at them it was like they didn't even think they were in hell right now. I just shifted a little and they stirred and normally I wouldn't give a flying fuck, but I shifted slower to get comfy and they stayed asleep... I'll admit that they looked kinda cute in their sleep, but suddenly the door was kicked open and Blitzo just walked in and this made (Y/N) jump awake and I was actually kinda pissed off.


Blitzo-Hey Looney, pay day!

Loona-Did you have to do all this shit?! We were fucking sleeping!

Blitzo-Paaay daaay!

I just growled and he tossed my paycheck on to (Y/N) and he looked kinda scared and trying to catch his breath as Blitzo left the room. He nuzzled into me again and I just sighed and wrapped my arm around him and he was starting to calm down and I know this isn't anything new for Blitzo to do, but still...

Loona-Ugh, so fucking annoying. *growl*

I just took my check and got up holding (Y/N) and went to the desk in the lobby and saw everyone out here and they were all looking at us and they looked surprised.




Blitzo-I knew it! It wasn't just sleep cuddling!

Loona-You watched us while we slept?!

Blitzo-And posted pictures.


I just went on my phone and onto Blitzo's page and saw a couple of pictures of me sleeping with (Y/N) and comments were blowing up about the human. I hated it when he posted pictures of me without me knowing and he damn well knew that.

Loona-What the fuck Blitzo?!

Blitzo-Aww, but you look cute when you sleep and these aren't the only pictures and videos of you I have.~


Would it seriously be that hard for him to find a hobby or some shit other than spying on us. Moxxie and Millie were still looking at me in shock a little and it was getting annoying until finally...

Moxxie-You're... holding a human child.

Loona-So what?!

Millie-The last time you saw a human child you just recorded us killing him "after" you kicked a baby in a stroller when you got mad.

This just scared (Y/N) and why the fuck would I care? We only slept together and that was to keep him from Millie and making more noise.

Loona-Tch, whatever.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Loona just put me down and walked away, so I was just I was just left with Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie. This nervous feeling never went away and it came back the minute I woke up, but before I went to sleep and woke up just a bit before I got nervous... Did I really just cuddle a wolf monster girl? Just then I saw Millie look at me and I remembered the promise before she let me go back to Loona.

(Flashback Start)

Millie-I'm taking that as a yes. Now, here's what I want you to do when the boys get back... You're going to to say yes to whatever I say. Understand?

(Y/N)-U-Um, I-.

Millie-Understand, good. Remember our promise now.

(Flashback End)

Millie ran up to me and picked me up and swung me a bit in the air before she looked at Moxxie with a smile on her face only like those kids I would see happy on T.V., but she still looked kinda scary.

Millie-Moxxie, can we bring him back to our place for him to stay the night?!

Moxxie-What?! We can't bring a human out in the open.

Millie-Oh come on Mox, i'm sure he wants to come over too.

Just then she looked at me with a smile and pulled Moxxie in for a group hug with us.

Millie-Ain't that "right" (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-Um... Y-Yes.

She squeezed us tighter a little before she just spun around from being just so happy, but I didn't wanna go and I was gonna say no, but I remember she uses an axe.

Millie-Oh, we gotta do something special for dinner now!

Just then she ran out of the building while still holding us and I saw a star on the moon in a red sky and everything was kinda dark and scary with more monsters out here and they all looked mean.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

(Loona's POV)

I was just relaxing on my phone and it was getting very boring now, so I was trying to get comfortable for another nap, but it just wasn't good enough as last time. I gave up and got up to go find something to eat to get my mind of things, but now this was just frustrating with nothing to do. Office hour are closed, Blitzo went to go annoy Moxxie, Millie, and-.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Loona's mind-The kid... What am I thinking? I'm not his mom or fucking babysitter.

I opened the fridge and found some leftover steak, so I just took it and some beer and heated it up before it was ready. I just had my dinner alone and had to constantly think about other things to get my mind off the kid.

Loona's mind-Ugh, stop thinking about this kid! What the fuck is so special about them anyway?!

My tail was fluffing up and I was growling being frustrated at myself and I didn't know what to think.


I just threw a plate at the fucking wall along with my beer bottle shattering them both and ran outside and kicked the first demon I could see which was some homeless fucker before I just went on a walk to calm down some more.

(Millie's POV)

Dinner was in the oven and I just got out of the shower and now it was Moxxie's turn while I was getting dressed to make sure the kid didn't run off. When I made it out to the living room I just saw him sitting on the couch watching T.V. and I ran up to him and hopped on the couch.



He only jumped a little and it was adorable, like seeing a scared puppy that them being scared when you just want to love them makes you want them more. I just wrapped them in a hug and they froze and I just want Moxxie in on this just to squeeze them both. Soon he started to struggle and I was stronger than him, so he wasn't going anywhere, but I was gonna tease him a little about this

Millie-And where do you think you're going?


Millie-Awww, don't cry... Stay right here.~

I got off the couch and quickly grabbed a spare smaller blanket and I came back and he did put up a bit of a fuss, but I got him wrapped up, so now he can't fight me at all anymore.

Millie-You're gonna love it here tonight. I might even keep you like this during dinner then you're next in the shower... Or do you need help with that too?


Millie-Hmmm... Yes you do.

(Y/N)-No, I can-

Millie-Stay still while I give you a bath after dinner? Good idea!

He was about to speak again, but I just covered his mouth to shut him up and when Moxxie got out of the shower the timer just went off and he went to get dinner out of the oven and he made enchiladas for dinner.


Moxxie-Dinner is served.

He made both of plates and instead of the food (Y/N) was looking at something else and he looked creeped out.

Moxxie-What is it?

We just looked to where he was looking and we looked at the window to see our boss out there with a camera.


Moxxie-GO AWAY!!!

Moxxie just walked up to the window and closed the curtains and now he was mad, so I just pulled him into a hug with us and used the same arm to stroke his head to calm him down and we started to eat. I had to feed (Y/N) and Moxxie did question it, but he didn't stop me and when we were done eating.

Millie-Hey sweetie, i'm gonna take our little guest to give them a bath. How about you pick a movie for all of us to watch.

Moxxie-Sure thing honey.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie took me to the bathroom and closed the door and locked it before she put me down and finally let me out of the blanket only for her to strip me and I was too scared and embarrassed to fight her now.

Millie-Good baby.~

She rubbed my cheek and I just covered myself in the blanket again before she went to turn on the water and soon she came to pick me up and put me in the water and gave me a kiss before she got my hair all wet.

Millie-You know I can't let you back in those dirty clothes after your bath... I guess you'll have to be swaddled in the blanket all night long like a baby... our baby.~

She continued to give me a bath and while she was scrubbing my whole body she leaned into my ear and what she said made me shiver, embarrassed, and scared all at the same time.

Millie-I always wanted a baby boy and I think you'll be perfect... You'll be calling me mommy and you'll be "our" baby.~ *whisper*


Millie-... Now say it. Call me it.


Millie-*Sigh* Fine, i'll be nice and give it time to sink in, but just know... i'm not letting you call me by my name anymore or you'll regret it.

(Y/N)'s mind-... Why?

(Blitzo's POV)

I got enough footage and when I made it home I just saw Loona very angry curled up on the couch and when she looked at me for a moment she just looked at the ground and growled.


Blitzo-Everything ok?

Loona-Does it look like it's ok?! Leave me alone!

Blitzo-Oh Loony, you can talk to me.~

Loona-FUCK OFF!!!

She just stormed to her room and slammed her door shut in a fit of rage.

Blitzo-... I'm sure it's just that time of month.

(Loona's POV)

I was just so irritated with myself because I can't stop bring my mind back to that human kid and I finally decided something.

Loona's mind-If I can't stop thinking about them, then i'll just have them!

I'll take them back tomorrow at work when Millie and the fat ass bring them in with them and if they have a problem with it then they can kiss the furriest part of my ass because i'm taking them rather if they like it or not!



I love it this will be so interesting definitely keep it up I love your work