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((Y/N)'s POV)

We finally parked outside of Six Flags and the girls were holding my hands and Tess was kinda mad for a bit before we got here, but she did something on her phone now to calm her down. When we got into the park I looked around at all the rides I could see and just then my mom bent down to us and she gave us a smile.

Mom-What ride do you all wanna go on first?

Tess-How about a water ride? We can all get on.

Mom-Oh... sure. Let's go.

We all started to head to a ride called "Water Safari" and there was no long lines yet, so it only took a bit to get on and my mom looked at Tess just as we were about to get on.

Mom-Tess, do you want me to hold your phone? I have plastic bags to keep it dry.

Tess-No thanks. My phone is water proof, but thanks anyway.

We all got on quickly, since the boat was slowly leaving and not stopping and during the ride we could spin the boat a Bella and I went under a small waterfall and the water filled the boat a bit. Next was a part where there was these squirt guns that people could pay to squirt us and there was somebody there and they managed to squirt my mom to get her wet before we went down into a tunnel before we started to go up a wooden ramp while we were sprayed with mist. When we made it back to the beginning of the ride we got out and we went to look for another ride we were all tall enough to go on. Tess was on her phone for a bit before she put it away before she pulled on my mom's arm.

Tess-Hey, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Mom-Do you want me to hold on to your phone?

Tess-I can take care of my own phone.

((M/N)'s POV)

She just went into the bathroom and I know she has to think that the other copies are safe when really they're gone, but she can't know that. All of the moms agreed on the plan and they deleted the photos. I just have to stay calm and get them on a ride and I have all day to do it, so there's no rush and the moment I get a hold of it i'll delete the photos, we go back home after the fun day those girls will have for a while, and I can burn these memories from my head.

(M/N)'s mind-You'll have to part with your phone sometime Tess or better yet, you'll take it on a ride and accidently break it.

(Tess's POV)

I was on a video chat with my mom while I was in the bathroom alone, so it was safe to talk and I sent the photos to my friend's computers since she said she almost deleted them and the other moms did, but didn't and since she even told me (Y/N)'s mom's plan I would reward her when I get home. Right now my mom was on her way and when she gets here I just us to leave calmly and go home with her and after I tell her the pictures aren't gone she will listen to me.

Tess-Where are you right now?

Mom-I should be there in 45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic.

Tess-Did you also prepare the backseats like I told you and tell the other moms?

Mom-Yes, I did tell them, also the back seats are all folded flat and I made a bed out of only pillows and blankets for you kids in the back, just put the bungee cords over all of you, please since you can't use seatbelts.

Tess-Good. I don't have the remote on me, but you can guess which button i'll be pressing when I get it.


Tess-See you soon mom.

I just hung up on her and headed back out of the bathroom and i'll let (YN)'s mom think she won because when we got back, i'll have my mom deal with her while we enjoy the rest of our day without her and the rest of the moms will be next.


Tess-Hey, maybe you should hold my phone. I almost dropped it in the trash.

(Y/N)'s mom-Oh, i'll be happy to hold on to it so you kids can have some fun.

I gave her my phone and she just put it in her purse before we just went to go find another ride we all could go on and the next ride was called "King Cobra", but when we got on his mom wouldn't get on and I wasn't complaining because I was in the same cart as (Y/N) and she can delete the photos on my phone, I don't care.

(Y/N)-Mom, are you getting on?

(Y/N)'s mom-Sorry sweetie, mommy just has to do something. Have fun.

She just left the ride and the ride started and I just focused on having fun until my mom gets here and i'll explain everything to the girls on the way back home. When we got off the ride we went to look for another ride and the next ride was almost like some kind of spinning tea cups.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was fun, but we already went on all the rides we were tall enough to go on and some of the rides in the kid zone were broken, so now we only could go on the same rides over and over again, but now lines were starting to get long. Just then Tess's phone started to ring and it was in my mom's purse again.

Tess-I know that ringtone. It's my mom.


My mom gave Tess her phone back and she answered her phone and took my hand to hold me close to her.

Tess-Hello... We're next to the place that do the water shows... Alright, we'll wait.

Just then she hung up and my mom looked confused and so did the rest of us before Tess put her phone in her pocket.

Tess-My mom's here. We're going back home with her.


Just then Tess smiled at my mom before she pulled me to a bench with her and now my mom looked a little worried and scared.

Tess-I gotta say, it was a good plan and it would've worked if it weren't for one thing... My mom rarely follows through on "anything" even if it's to help herself.


Tess-Oh yeah, I know you got rid of the pictures on my phone, but I already sent them to the girl's computers again and my mom never deleted them off mine.

This made my mom scared and the girls just looked at us before that got mad at my mom. This was so confusing and I had no idea what was so important about some pictures or what the pictures were. Soon we saw Tess's mom walk up to us and when she did my mom got mad at her.


Mom-You told them?! Do you have any idea what you just did?!

She looked a little sad and looked at the ground then Tess got up with me and pulled me to her mom before she took her mom's hand.

Tess-She did what she knew would keep me around and not be at home alone. Isn't that right mom?

Tess's mom-... I'm... I'm s-sorry. I just lost my husband and son, I can't lose her.


Tess-Anyway, we already went on all the rides we can and it was fun, but we're going home now and so are you, but to my house. My mom will meet you there to teach you a lesson for us.

Tess's mom-I-I am?

Tess-Yes, you are. I also thought about it earlier today and since all the moms are next, we're gonna be going to homeschooling together and all of you can help us. I've had it with that teacher already.

Just then Tess pulled on her mom and we all started to leave and the girls all got around me while my mom was walking by herself. When we made it to the parking lot Tess looked like she just thought of something and let go of me before walking up to my mom.

Tess-I don't trust you not to try something. Give me your phone too.


Tess-I have the pictures on my mom's phone and will post them if you don't give me your phone... "Now".

My mom got mad and I felt bad and wanted to go hug her, but Kenzie and the others held me back. My mom listened to Tess and gave her, her phone now before she came back to us and I was pulled with them to Tess's mom's car and she opened the trunk of her van to show the backseats were gone or something and a homemade bed made out of pillows and blankets was back here.

Tess-Alright, get in and my mom will strap us in.

I wonder how she was going to do that, but I was forced in and laid in the middle while the girls were getting in too and soon Tess's mom grabbed something and put them on the hooks and over us.


When she was done there was 2 ropes to hold us in place and she put up a net back here before she closed it and thanks to the windows it was easy to see her walk away and soon to the front seat.

Tess's mom-You kids stay still back there. I don't want any of you getting hurt.

Tess-We will mom. Let's go.

Just then the car started and she started to drive while the girls were cuddling me and I tried to beg Tess to not hurt my mom and stop being mean to her, but she just looked a little mad and hugged me tighter..

(Timeskip 1 hour)

I felt so tired and when the car stopped soon the trunk opened and we saw Tess's mom undo the ropes to let us out and I saw we were back at my house.


Tess-Good work mom. I'll give you your reward and by the time you show me a video of what you do to her, I want her to have blisters by the time your done or you will with her.

Tess's mom-Y-Yes.

Tess-Good. *yawn* I think we're all gonna take a nap and we'll go to school to start dropping us out.

I felt sick to my stomach when she said all that and all these thoughts were in my head now while we all went inside and up to my room and Tess grabbed a remote from her bag and pressed a button and her mom shook a little and bit her lower lip while we all got into bed.

Tess-Now go.

Her mom just looked sad before she finally left and when we were all in bed...

(Y/N)-Wh-Why are you so mean to your moms?!

Tess-You, stop it. You have no idea what she put me through or what we did for you!

Bella-Don't yell at him. He doesn't know.

Tess-Fine,... but we'll tell him after we're all out of school.


Kenzie-No buts! When I turn 16 i'll have my grandmas house and all these rules and whatever else we have to have will be house rules and your mom is gonna follow them too while we're here.

Heather-It's just tough love. We just want what's best for all of us.

Trinity-That means,... nobody can touch you.~ *whisper*

(No POV)

Soon the girls got (Y/N) to fall asleep with them after some pampering and love and meanwhile Tess's mom made it back home to where (YN)'s mom was waiting and she had all the "tools" she needed to make sure she never tries to do something like this again to please her daughter and the other mom's were next on the list, but the next day is when the kids were all pulled out of school and put on online homeschool, so nobody can bother them or stop them from loving (Y/N) ever again.



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