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((Y/N)'s POV)

Right now I was inside and more pokemon were in here cuddling with me while Espy had me in her lap, curled up, and watching a show while she had one of the men her give her a foot massage. One of the normal pokemon was licking my cheek and I had to let them do it or I get in trouble because they just want to love me like Garda says. It was like this a lot today, pokemon being served, loving me, the girls too, and to top it all off when I wanted to play it was like a show to everyone and I didn't want to be watched like that. It was almost dinner time, but right now bowl after bowl of pokemon food was being put out and soon Espy got up with me to go to the table after we smelled the food from the living room and when we got there the others were already at the table.


Mewtwo-Was our baby good?

Espy-Very good. Got lots of love.

Charlotte-You have him too long. Let me have him.

Espy gave me to Charlotte and she just stroked my head and just then dinner came out and the men put out the food and got started on making plates.


When the plates were made I knew I couldn't touch the forks or spoons or anything, so I had to be fed and Charlotte liked doing it. The food was good and even the vegetables because they had bacon on them, but soon I felt something grab my leg and when we looked down it was another pokemon rubbing it's face on my leg.


Charlotte-You wait. Our baby is eating.

They were begging and got for the food we had, but for me and Charlotte pointed them away and they got sad before they slowly left and looked back over to us.

Lilly-Awww, they're sad now.

Bula-Our baby needs food more. They will wait.

Piku-Their baby now too. Mewtwo said so.

I was confused on what they were talking about now about me being a baby to an actual pokemon. They were thinking about it while Charlotte just gave me more meat to eat and Mewtwo snapped her fingers, so we all looked at her.

Mewtwo-Human servants sleep outside now and tonight our baby will be sleeping in a room with other mothers to learn more.

Piku-Awww, I wanna sleep with our baby too.

Mewtwo-He needs to learn... Tonight, men sleep outside for now on, pokemon sleep inside if they want, and our baby learns he will listen to them too.


Charlotte just flicked my nose before she started to feed me again and I tried to talk again and say I don't wanna do this, but that only lead to no dessert and Lucy and Umbria took me to the bathroom for my bath before bed while the others were getting things ready by putting all the adults outside. When we got in the bathroom Lucy just stripped me while Umbria was getting the bath ready.

(Y/N)-Please, I don't wanna sleep with-!


She flicked my nose before she got her clothes off and we all got in the bath together. They both started to wash me and Umbria saw how sad I was, so she pulled me into a hug to try and make me feel better, but it wasn't really working. I just want my mommy back.

Umbria-Shhhh. They're your mommies too and just want to love you.~

She just gave me kisses for a bit before she went back to scrubbing my body and when we were done we dried up and went into the hall in towels to see the adults cleaning the last of the things before they went outside and Garda locked them out there and the pokemon were inside.

Garda-Come everyone. You can sleep with your baby tonight.

They all jumped around and looked very happy and were even jumping at me before we went to a smaller room where there was only one small bed on the ground with a blanket and pillow and they kept the pokemon out of the room until I was tucked into bed and given a kiss by each of them and Mewtwo was last she said something to me.

Mewtwo-These mommies are in charge of you tonight. Let them love you and if good, you get treats, but if bad, you're getting spankings and put in timeout.

She gave me an extra kiss before she left and she let the dozens of pokemon in the room with before she they just waved at me closing the door and all the pokemon got on the bed. They were all licking me and I tried turning away, but there was more there to lick me too. Soon they all stopped and snuggled with me and I tried to get up, but a few of them growled while others looked a little sad, but when I stopped they were all better. I even looked around the room to see a camera in the corner of the ceiling and there was a blinking red light on it.

(No POV)

The girls were all in the master bedroom where they would normally sleep with (Y/N), but now they were looking into a tablet that a human set up easily, so they could watch their baby tonight to make sure he was ok and behaving. A few of the girls were scared that he almost got up and upset his "other mothers", so they would have to punish him already while the "fathers" were outside making sure no humans get in the house.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and there was some kind of bird pokemon on my head and I got up and they quickly woke up and flew on top of another pokemon and it woke up some of the others with them speaking their name. The pokemon that woke up gave me some licks on my face and soon the door opened and a very good smell came into the room and I saw Bula and Charlotte come in and it woke the rest of the pokemon up.


Charlotte-Awww, good baby. Your other moms are happy. You get treats now.~

Bula picked me up with her vines and some of the pokemon didn't want to leave with them and were begging to Bula and Charlotte.

Bula-No, you had our baby all night. Our turn now.

They left the room with me and the pokemon followed and I saw the other pokemon that didn't sleep with me were already eating from bowls and our breakfast was being made and the others joined us on the couch, except for Piku and Lilly. I didn't know where they are, but they were maybe still sleeping.

<figure></figure><figure></figure><figure></figure><figure></figure><figure></figure><figure>Mewtwo-Was he good?Bula-Yes. No moms were sad and still in bed.Mewtwo-Great... After breakfast, we'll go on a walk again. He will learn more today.Garda-What will he learn?Just then Mewtwo took me from Bula and looked into my eyes and she looked kinda mad and very serious before she said...Mewtwo-... Humans can't touch you anymore. Not allowed.</figure>


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