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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up a while ago to see that it was night time now and the mermaids that were "watching me" were taking me somewhere for a surprise. Before we left I did see my mom sleeping with mermen on a rock and my dad was having his head stroked like a child. These mermaids and mermen treat us like children and it fucking bothers me. When we finally stopped on a spot of the river and went into a stream they hopped up on rocks with my and looked at the sky to see the stars.

Nixie-Isn't the night sky beautiful?

Grace-We come here sometimes for the best view.

Shelby-We also keep this a secret since the silence and privacy makes it better.


Marline-Awww, are you still fussy from this morning?

Grace-Marline, he doesn't like that kind of talk to him yet. Remember it took his dad a few days to get used to it.

Marline-Oh, he'll come around though.

Nixie-Important to be patient. These seem to be very sensitive creatures.

I just ignored them now and I can't leave just yet, not without my parents and i've been having a feeling to relax all day, but I knew well enough not to listen to it. I need to hurry and find a way out of here, if you can get in here, you can leave... somehow. We only kept on watching the stars and they were trying to give me massages, coo me, and stuff like that, but I wouldn't let them because I don't plan on getting comfortable here even if they are truly nice doesn't mean it's good to stay. At the very least they won't be able to hunt me down as much, so I just need to get my parents away then we're golden.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why are my parents so ok with this anyway?

We heard the bushes rustle and turned to them only to see nothing and the girls went back to watching the stars and I was about to too, but they rustled again and it wasn't enough to be a small animal or the wind.

Nixie-Sweetie, what's wrong?~

Just then someone jumped out of the bushes while another ran from the trees and I knew who they were and they grabbed me first before the mermaids could and pulled me away.


All mermaids-(Y/N)!!!

Thora-Long time no see baby. Come here.~

She just threw me over her shoulder and the mermaids just backed up when Edith pointed her axe out to them.

Nixie-Give him back, y-you beasts!

Grace-You'll hurt him!

Edith-Oh we won't hurt him and we know you can't do a thing to stop us.

Marline just jumped at Edith and Edith only brought her foot up to meet up with Marline's face and push her a couple of feet back into the water. They just laughed and I tried to get out of Thora's grasp, but she just smacked my ass a little.

Thora-I told you I would find you.~

Shelby-Put him down! You don't know how delicate his species is!

Edith-Be lucky we just ate or we would be having fish dinner. Fuck off.

They all got very angry at that and I was still trying to get out, but it was hopless since Thora was holding tight and Edith was smiling at me as we were walking about, but before they could get far with me... we heard the girls singing.

I felt so relaxed that I couldn't help it and wanted to go towards the song and Edith and Thora stopped walking and were trying to decide to still leave or not going back and forth.

Grace-Give our child back to us... Gently.~

They were slowly walking back to them and the singing continued and they held out their hands to me to take me back and I really did feel like being with them again... This song... is this what it feels like to have calm music move you? They were close to giving me back before...


She slammed her axe on the ground between us and scared them into stopping and falling back in the water and the feeling of the song left and that's when the ogres took off running and we heard the desperate cries of the mermaids off in the distance and also trying to sing their song again, but we were too far away to really listen to it.

(Nixie's POV)

We tried desperately to sing our song to hope it still reaches them, but soon it was clear that it wasn't and we were left heartbroken and crying now. What are we gonna tell the others, what are we gonna tell his parents?! They'll all be devastated like us, but this wasn't over yet. Everyone needs water here and where there's water, we have reach.

Nixie's mind-We will find those filthy ogres... AND YOU WILL BE BACK IN OUR LOVING ARMS!!!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I fell asleep on the way back, but woke up to see that the sun was just coming up to the voices of other ogres and it did make make panic a bit before I wrapped my head around all this since i've been her before. We just got into their tent and they tossed me on their bed of hay and cuffed a shackle on my ankle.


Thora-*Chuckles* Welcome back you little trouble maker.~

Edith-Did you miss us?


Edith just slammed her axe back into the log she did the first time I was here and stepped on my stomach

Edith-I said... Did you miss us?


Edith-Good answer!

She took her foot off me and they both laid on the bed with me and squeezed me between them and with their rock hard bodies it wasn't uncomfortable, but at the same time wasn't comfy either.

Thora-Now... where were we before you ran?~

She was about to slid her hand into my pants and I couldn't stop her even if I tried which would make her angry or more excited or both, but suddenly Edith stopped her.

Edith-Keep it to yourself, for now. We agreed we claim him after we become chiefs when we come back with him.

Thora-Ugghh... Whatever, let's just rest for a bit before we go out.

There was no way I was just gonna sit back and let this happen, so I tried to think of something to get out of this again. I thought about what the ogres might see in leadership and they seem to be like "the best blood thirsty warrior is our leader", so i'll use that to make them question this and it'll buy me time.

(Y/N)-You think everyone is gonna follow you with me here?! They'll just think you like to bring your prey back alive!

They both just started to laugh and Thora grabbed me by my cheeks and made me look at her and she was just smiling.

Thora-You think they'll have a choice? We're some of the strongest warriors here and we have a special way to choose a new chief unlike those gnomes and whoever you were with.

Edith-If you wanna be chief you just have to do one simple thing.

Edith just rubbed the handle of her axe and I knew what she meant by that, but a system like that with people like these, you would think more than half would be killed off.

Edith-Just see how tough they really are. It normally happens when someone doesn't like how things are, thinks you're too weak, or they could just hate you. Either way... I think our motives are clear... We're keeping you and nobody else can touch you.~

Thora-Let's just have a good nap. We were up all night looking for you and bring you back and I wouldn't yell if I were you... You probably know we ogres aren't known to be patient or kind to others that annoy us.

They both just loosened their grip a bit before they just closed their eyes to get some sleep and I wasn't even tired anymore since I slept before we got here, so I just had to stay here until they wake up.

(Y/N)'s mind-It feels like i'm back to square one. I. Basically. Got. NOWHERE!!!

(No POV)

While Edith and Thora were taking a nap before they plan to kill the chief to claim the title for themselves the gnomes were told from the fairies that the human was no longer there and are not sure where he is anymore because if an attack. Carta, Opal, and Wentri were out searching with the fairies for their human, Olivia the elf wanted the human back for the elders to see and they agreed that the human was to be brought back by her alone while the village goes through repairs after the attack still. Nixie and the others told the news being careful to break the news to (Y/N)'s parents and they were all shocked, worried, and heartbroken that (Y/N) was taken and they vowed to bring him back. The dragons Chusi and Kaida were searching for their pet still not resting until he's found and back in his cage where they believe he belongs.

(???'s POV)

I just finished my run for the daily warm up and trotted over to the stations to get some water and lately I was over hearing about there being a lot of activity in the forest lately. All the more reason to be ready in case anything happens, but I wonder what's making everyone out there so worked up while we haven't noticed a thing... I just shrugged it off and went to go meet up with my herd since our council is going to be sending herds out on scouting missions today to come back with information of what's going on out there.


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