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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to Suu licking my ear and it made me shiver awake then when I sat I I saw that Papi and her were already awake and were smiling at me in their bathing suits. I just wiped my ear to dry it off and it just felt so weird, but there wasn't that much.

Papi-Good morning! Come on, we're going back to the beach and Ms. Smith said we were having breakfast there!

She took me out of bed with Suu and we all got changed together before Suu picked me up and we left the room to go out in the hall and they were about to take me to the elevator, but then we heard something.


We all turned to see Centorea and she had her arms crossed at Papi and Suu then walked up to take me from them, but Suu turned me away and whined a bit.


Centorea-Where do you think you're going?

Papi-Ms. Smith said we were having breakfast on the beach, so we woke him up and were taking him.

Centorea-You still need to wait for us. We have to keep an image of all of us together..

Just then the elevator door opened and we saw Arachne come out and Centorea was mad at this.


Centorea-And where were you?! Did anyone see you out on your own?!

Arachne-Relax, no paparazzi saw me. I just had a little fun last night.

Centorea-If we get in trouble-.

Arachne-Calm down... I'm taking were heading out?

Papi-Uh-huh! We're going to the beach!

Arachne-Alright, i'll go get ready and see how our babysitters from last night are doing.

Just then she went to the room Manako and Zombina were in and soon the others finally came out and I was so happy that we were able to leave as soon as Arachne and the others come out and when Zombina and Manako came out with Arachne they were just blushing.


(Y/N)-Are we really having breakfast on the beach?

Ms. Smith-That's right. The staff is making a whole table just for us.


We all took the stairs now since the elevator couldn't hold all of us and on the way down I saw Tionsha wave at me, so I waved back at her then she walked closer to us and Suu just looked at her.

Tionsha-Hey, do you mind if I hold him for a bit, please.

Suu-... Eh.

Suu just gave me to Tionsha and she was so happy to hold me and even gave me a kiss on my forehead. When we made it out to the lobby I was shy again because those people with the cameras were here again and Tionsha just held me close and tried to hid me in her arms.

Tionsha-You're gonna be fine. It's just a few pictures... Here, how about you go back to one of your mommies.~

She just walked up to Miia before she gave me to her and now Miia just held me close and even gave me kisses to help me feel better, but it just made me feel a little embarrassed that people were taking pictures of it now. We just went outside with them following us until we made it to our spot on the beach where they couldn't come in, but I still wanted to be held when Miia tried to put me down.

Miia-Awww, do those mean camera people scare you?~

(Y/N)-Um... kinda.

Miia-*Giggles* It's ok. I got you.~

She just gave me another kiss on my head and soon I saw the table of food on the beach and everything just looked so good.


Miia-Can someone make us 2 plates? Our darling here doesn't want to be put down.

Arachne-I'll make him a plate with yours.


Miia just sat at another table with me in her lap and Arachne was grabbing us waffles, fruit, bacon, eggs, sausage, all kinds of good stuff. When we got our plates and started eating it all tasted even better than it looked. I even went back for seconds before I was full and so were some of the other girls while the rest were still having their first plate. When I just left the table feeling better I was grabbed by Suu, Papi, and Mero.

Papi-Come in (Y/N), we're gonna bury you in sandcastles!


Mero-It's something we mermaids see human parents to to their young. You head and feet will be sticking out of a sandcastle we build. It'll be fun.

(Y/N)'s mind-That does sound fun.

They took me away from the table just a bit to where everyone can still see us as they got started by laying me down and Mero put my head on her tail as a pillow and Suu and Papi started to sand on top of me. Soon everyone else came over to help and I couldn't move, but this was still awesome and I never did this before.

Miia-Not too much sand. The weight will make it collapse.

Mero-Someone get some water and we can make a molt.

Suu and Papi went to go get some water and I couldn't see everything , but I could tell that this sandcastle looked amazing so far and sometimes they would pet my head or rub my feet in a way that didn't tickle and I accidently ruin the castle.

(???'s POV)

I was forced to get a story out on this and the sight even from far away makes me sick to my stomach that a child was legally allowed to live with monsters and have them be "mothers" to a human child. I tried pushing in a few white lies for a good reason and get this to a proper human family, but the editors I work for are in league with the Interspecies Exchange and Adoption Program. I took a closer look at that kid with my zoom in lens on my camera and he looked so happy, but he just doesn't know better.


This world needs to learn that keeping the humans and monsters apart is the only way for us to live in peace.

???'s mind-I will get this kid removed from this disgusting program if it's the last thing I do.

(Timeskip 5 hours)

I was playing beach volleyball with Centorea on my team and we were up against Tionsha and Manako and right now Centorea lifted me to the net when the ball was coming to me and I spiked it and it hit the ground. We took a short break because we were getting tired and Centorea laid down and I leaned on her stomach when I sat down. Soon before we could get back to playing...

Ms. Smith-Let's wrap it up girls! I got the whole spa rented for us for 5 hours in an hour.

They were all excited to hear that and Papi, Miia, Mero, Zombina, and Lala got out of the water and started to dry off and we got off the court.

(Y/N)-I wanna keep playing.

Centorea-We'll play later, but I think you're going to like a nice trip to the spa. You can even take a mud bath with me.

(Y/N)-But I thought mud was dirty? You wouldn't let me play outside when it rained because you said it was muddy outside.

Centorea-This is different now. Just try it and you'll see why.

(Y/N)-Well... ok.

We soon left our spot on the beach and I hated the camera people, so Centorea just held me closer to make me feel better, but on the way back to the hotel I saw one lady looked mad at us, so I just turned my face into Centorea's neck to not look at them.


(Haley's POV)

I'm gonna find something they do wrong with him and when I do I "will" put an end to these exchange programs for good.

Haley's mind-Filthy monsters!


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