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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and it was still night outside but Millie was in my bed with me for cuddles and Moxxie wasn't. I guess he was busy. Millie was very sleepy too so that just meant I get less cuddles but I also climbed out to look for some water before I tried to fix it. I made it to the kitchen and got a cup but the sink was very confusing to use. I got hot water at first so I poured it out and got cold. After a nice drink, I put the cup down and thought about how I almost never get to get my own drinks. When I got back into the living room, I saw the window over the baby crib Millie was sleeping in was open. I tried to get back in the crib but I couldn't climb back in.

(Y/N)-Millie?... Millie? whisper

I tried to gently wake her up to get her to help me get back in to cuddle with her but then...


I turned to see a toy on the ground and it was the one Loona had. I wanted to go back in the crib to sleep but I didn't want the toy to be out here all alone... It's also very soft to cuddle with. I was getting very sleepy from just waking up.

(Y/N)-Yawn... Did I take you on accident?

I walked up and picked up the toy but while I was bent down I was also picked up. I was cradled and saw who was holding me.


She put the toy in my mouth before walking with me out the front door. I bit on the toy a few times while walking down the hall and she smiled when the toy squeaked. When we got outside she went into an ally to take a shortcut, I guess.

Loona-I know you love me more and would just be more comfy wrapped in my tail, wouldn't you? ~

I felt happy when she said that but I love everyone. She did have a fluffy tail that I would love to cuddle but I was too sleepy to make it back to her home. I buried my face into her chest and she made puppy sounds while I listened to her heartbeat to help me sleep.

(Loona's POV)

I loved how easy he was being with how he loved everyone but he just needs to learn to only love me. He should even be lucky I'm the hellhound who found him because the ones I grew up with in the pound would eat him alive. Also with him there, Fatty would eat all the damn food and let him starve. When I heard his little snores while I walked with him for a moment I heard something else so I turned around... I didn't see anyone.

Loona-Who's there?... Millie?

I sniffed the air and I didn't smell anything so I tried to pick up the pace to get him but then someone came crashing down and this made me on my guard and (Y/N) jumping a little to wake up.


???-You have someone of mine. Thanks for bringing him out in the open. ~


Does he know her?! He was even reach for her with his toy in his hand and she smiled before she grew 4 times my size... I was fucked if I fight her.

Missi-Now... Why do you have my stuff? ~

In a moment of fear, I lost my grip a little which let (Y/N) wiggle out of my arms but she caught him before she grabbed me. I tried struggling and biting her but my mouth wouldn't reach and she was too strong.

(Y/N)-Is this your toy? I'll give it back if you-. muffled

She smiled at him while pushing him into her boobs then glared at me.

Missi-I smell him all over you... You don't look like you can do much magic. Where did you find him?

Loona-Give! Him! Back!

(Missi's POV)

To think I was going to take a nap just now. She brought my little guy out in the open where I could smell him and did it in a place where ambushes were so easy. Whoever this bitch is she was a feisty one. I could just bite her in half right here but I want to know where she found him so I could kill them and see about killing her. I just pushed her deeper into my fist to keep her quiet then took her with me back to my hideout after running across time to get there quicker while paying attention to (Y/N)'s movements. Felt like he was getting cozy in there to go back to sleep.

Missi's mind-I don't know what happened last time, but I am claiming your soul 'tonight'.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everything was just so soft, squishy, and fluffy in here with the sound of a heartbeat. It's like she was made to help you sleep and I wanted to sleep in here every night forever. If I ask her nicely, I'm sure she will let me. I closed my eyes when I got cozy and the soft bouncing made me go back to sleep very fast.

(Y/N)'s mind-These are the best cuddles ever. I want Millie and everyone else to cuddle with me in here. I'm sure, Moxxie, Blitz, Husk, Angel, Alastor, and Sir Pentious would love it in here too.

Before I could go back to sleep I was scooped out and held in front of Missi again in the palm of her hand in a big building. It looked kind of messy in here. I looked back at her and held out the toy she was looking for then saw Loona in her other hand looking really tired.

(Y/N)-Here you go. We found your lost toy.

Missi-That's not mine, kid. Let's just get this started.

(Y/N)-Ok... Get what started?

She put me on the ground and then started to draw a circle to put me in before she shrunk down to put Loona on a table. When she came over to me and knelt down she rubbed my cheek.

Missi-Do you know how to spell your name?


Missi-I'll work with this. Just stay in that circle and do not move while I get things ready. It's about time someone claims ownership of your soul.

I don't know what she was talking about because Mommy and Daddy told me I belong to Lucifer but I guess I should listen. I just sat in the circle she drew and looked at Loona when she was moving a little. I crawled over to her and gave her cuddles then saw her open her eyes before her neck made a weird cracking sound. That's when she grabbed me but she needed some help getting up.

(Missi's POV)

I kept that hellhound barely alive just to see her face when I claimed (Y/N)'s soul in front of her before I eat her. Right now, I was thinking about what deal I should make for (Y/N) since he would sign anything I make up without so much as me lifting a finger in return. I started with I could do whatever I wanted to him but what else should the deal include. After having free range to do whatever I want with him I would state he loses half of his intelligence or something but I feel like if I did that then I would have to remind him how to breathe.

Missi-Fuck it, I'll have him sign another contract if I think of something.

I finished creating the contract and went back out to the warehouse but noticed that (Y/N) and the bitch were gone. I could still smell them though so I smiled at the thought of a chase.

Missi-Ohhhh (Y/N). Where did you go? I know you were tired and loved it where lots of men would kill to be... If you come out, I can make that where you sleep when you are a good boy for me. ~

(Loona's POV)

I still felt a little dizzy from her shaking me in her hand but I was getting (Y/N) out of here. He did perk up at her offer when he heard it though. When I made it outside I tried to hide in the allies but could not stop since she could smell us.

Loona's mind-How does a sweetheart who can't even know what danger is if you put a gun to his head know an overlord?!

The more I ran the better I felt and I could move faster but before I could react to anything a hand came from around the corner to grab us again. It wasn't Missi but before I could see some powder was splashed onto me. I had no idea what this stuff was but before I could gag on this I was pulled back and my mouth was held shut. Footsteps were getting closer, and they sounded huge until they passed. That's when I felt a needle in my neck.


I managed to bite their hand to make them let go of me and saw they were a cannibal.

(Y/N)-Hi! echo

((Y/N)'s POV)

This big guy with black eyes was carrying me and Pupp Loona somewhere while keeping some kind of powder on us. I wondered where we were going but he let me have a shoulder ride which was so fun! He went on his phone to call someone while we were walking.

Man-It's me. I got him and a hellhound... He's fine. What about the hellhound?... Understood. Have my payment ready.

He put the phone away and we passed many places until we got to a little town that looked familiar somehow.


I turned to see Rosie running to us and I had not seen her in what felt like forever!

The man grabbed me with one arm to give me to her and she gave me kisses all over my face which made me laugh.

Rosie-Oh, I was so worried about you! Why did you crawl onto that truck?! What is this stuff on you?! Is it itchy?! You need a bath!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Rosie's POV)

I gave the man who found my baby the award I promised which was 30 pounds of free meat a month for a year. I had that hellhound tied to a guest bed to get answers out of later but right now my baby was enjoying his bath. I need my questions answered to make sure the contract I make is airtight and it starts with no other overlords besides me are coming near my baby in any way. Doing this to everyone might just hurt my baby so I needed to be careful.

(Y/N)-Rosie, do you think Loona can come in and join us? The bath is big enough and a game I fun with more players.

Rosie-Sorry Sweetie, but my friend made her go night-night so I can't do anything until she wakes up. Plus, I am sure she will need to go home after.

(Y/N)-Oh... I have lots of homes so do you think she can live here too?

I chuckled at this while washing him because his innocence is something hell will never see from anyone else. After I got him washed, he just wanted to play in the water which I saw no harm in because his contract was in the other room just needing some finishing touches. 

(Carmilla's POV)

I had a patrol out for my baby still and Verosika said she could perform as soon as tomorrow night and I would find my baby even if I had to use angelic weapons to wipe out the whole crowd. They are mostly owned by the V's anyway. Just then I got notified of a visitor and my daughters were not here to turn them away so I just had to get this over with. I was not in a good mood.

Carmilla's mind-It's just one meeting today. How bad can it be?

Just then my door was swung open.

Velvette-Hey Darling! Been a while, hasn't it?

Carmilla's mind-... Of course. Why not add more fuel to the fire at this point?

Carmilla-What are you doing here?

Velvette-The boys and I noticed your people moving in on our streets and it's really fucking up the vibe. So I wanted to talk, hot shit to old bitch.

Carmilla-My business does not concern you.

Velvette-Oh but does when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong. So are you gonna leave or offer me a seat to talk?

I wanted to do nothing more than to pull out an angelic pistol and unload a whole clip into her legs then torture her slowly... That would cause problems by bringing her posie to my doorstep. Perhaps if I give her something to drink and an empty promise with a lie she will crawl back to her sex den.

Carmilla-30 Minutes. Take a seat.


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