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(Ava's POV)

Mother had my sisters and me wrapped in her arms and tail defensively while our human was on the counter. She was still very overprotective of us and it's hard to deal with this. Even if we told her that he was the only one who got hurt when he tried fighting us while we did nothing, she would get mad at anyone daring to fight us. I love Mother but this is one of the reasons we moved to our own cave together and see if she would calm down... That clearly did not happen and now I was being held against her with my sisters.

Raisa-Mother, for the last time. We have all of this under control.

Gerta-Seriously, he doesn't have any claws, weapons, sharp teeth, or anything to make him a threat.

Ava-And he's adorable! Just look at him!

We all looked at Squishy wrapped in his towel too scared to take his eyes off of us. He looked so adorable I just wanted to go over there and hold him up to my face for kisses! Mother just won't let us go.

Mother-What does this human act like?

Ava-He's a sweetheart and he's also scared. It would help if you weren't looking at him like he was going to be a snack... Can you let us go so I can get our pet dressed, please?

Mother-Growl... Fine.

She finally let us go slowly and I got (Y/N) to get him into a cute squeaky onesie. Mother saw him wiggle around in my claws and she looked angry.

Gerta-Mom, just let Ava dress him.

(Chusi's POV)

HOW DARE THAT LITTLE WORM STRUGGLE AGAINST MY DAUGHTER!!! HE SHOULD BE THANKING EVERY GOD AND DEMON OUT THERE AFTER THANKING HER THAT SHE IS HOLDING HIM!!! Ava was dressing the little creature in something that looked like a toy suit for him but he was still resisting her. I had to stop myself from going over there to get into his face and make him fear me so much he listens to her without question. Even then he would be lucky compared to the things I did to other humans for the sake of my daughters. Now, Ava was holding the human up in the air while looking happy.

Ava-There you go, Squishy! You look so adorable! ~

He curled up and I could just tell that the human was not grateful for what was happening to him compared to what other dragons would do to him. Nothing compared to what I would do. 

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I AM GOING TO PUNISH THIS LITTLE BRAT!!! He kept on running away from my daughters as they played with him and they had to put a charm on him to make him come when should already be listening. He even looked pouty when he was being fed! He tries to stay away from me most of all and he should be afraid of me. Now, Raisa picked him up and put him on her collarbone before laying down in her horde then he fell on her neck.

Raisa-Mother, I can feel your glare from all the way over there. We have him completely under control.

Chusi-I saw the charm at work. I just don't like how he treats you.

Gerta-Humans always run in fear of us, Mother. He just needs to be trained.

Chusi-You saw me do that before, Sweetie. Just give me 5 minutes with him to-.

Ava-Not with my baby. No matter what he does, he's powerless to do anything. He even looks cute in my horde.

Chusi-What will you do when you try to sleep?!

Gerta-Tuck him under our wings or in our armor plates.

I grabbed Gerta and held like I used to when she was a baby. She tried to push away but I knew I was allowed to hold my baby girl. They are my babies before they are pet owners to the very species that would put a sword through our hearts if they could. I sat in her horde with her.



(Raisa's POV)

Seeing Gerta held like a little hatchling was funny but I felt like this would get out of control soon so I tucked Squishy into my chest with his head sticking out so Mother wouldn't try anything I couldn't stop. When I walked up to her just out of her range to grab me she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Raisa-Mother. The 3 of us love and respect you but the pet is here to stay.

Squishy-I'm not a pet!


Fire fumed out of her mouth and when I held my forehead up in annoyance, Squishy shrunk down into my chest.

Squishy-*Eep! I'm a pet! I'm a pet!

As cute and funny as it was for him to admit it and bury himself in my cleavage to hide from Mother's wrath, this needs to stop.

Raisa-See? This is what I'm talking about.

Mother-He doesn't respect you and he's not worthy of you! Nobody is! You're my babies! Mine!

Ava-Mother, we are not 85 anymore. We are in our 210s.

Mother-You leave home for 4 months and I feel like I need to move in!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was too scared to go outside with that very mean dragon out there thinking she might burn me alive or just eat me. I wanted Mommy and Daddy to come and save me but they were taking so long or they didn't know where to find me. While they were talking out there, I thought that not moving would help me hide but Mommy would be mad if she knew where I was hiding. After a while, I was scooped out and screamed a little in surprise but it was Raisa that took me out.

Raisa-Before you say anything to protect whatever amount of pride or ego you had, just know that we are giving our mother a chance to hold you to try and get her to calm down. I don't think she will try to kill you but you don't want to make her angry.


Raisa-Just go out there walking on your squeaky feet, wobble around, and do what you do when we play minus the escape attempts and she should be less angry with you.

(Y/N)-I-I don't want to be held by her!

Raisa-Do you want her to move in with us?


(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

Raisa walked me to her mommy and I fell over so many times since I couldn't focus on standing up. When I made it to her legs, she used her tail to scoop me up and put me on her lap. She didn't look happy and I would rather be held by Raisa even if she lied about eating my parents which made me sad, she wouldn't really do it.

Ava-Mother... Maybe petting Squishy would help him feel less scared of you. 

???-To 'Squishy', it's Chusi.

Ava-Any more of that tone with him and I'll take him back.

I tried to think of something to make all of this better and then thought they all liked it when my feet squeaked. When I was about to do it, it might annoy her like many adults do when you try to have fun around them inside. I think my best bet is to not move and stay quiet because if I do nothing then she can't get mad at me for... She looked like she was getting mad and I had no idea what I was doing.

Chusi-Are you not comfy on me? Is there a problem?


Ava-Mother. I will take him back.

Chusi petted me with a finger and then Ava had a few more things to ask her to do with me.

(Chusi's POV)

I can't believe my daughters want me to cradle this human as if he is my own hatchling. I really need to move in with them or have them move back home if this is how soft they are getting. After hours of taking part in playing and watching my daughters tease him, I had to make sure he didn't resist when they tucked him in their boobs while cooking or doing something, or move when they told him to sit still. He did show he could learn but when he threatened us with his parents I remember Raisa telling me that his parents were taken care of. It made me chuckle at his worthless little attempt. His parents must be failures for putting their child in danger and being too weak to protect him. They should be thankful my daughters kept their child as a trophy.

Chusi's mind-Maybe I have been looking at this wrong.

Even though he should be on his knees thanking them for everything for every second of every day, I took a step back... Stupid, helpless, no survival skills, weak, insecure about how helpless he really his, doesn't even fully accept his new name... 

Chusi's mind-Even for a baby human, they know the names they are given. They do seem fun to toy with.

I reached over with my tail and poked him from behind.


He jumped and turned which made his little feet squeak a few times. When I saw the scared look on his face he blushed when I chuckled. In a little tantrum when one of my daughters picked him up, he screamed and tried to get his toy suit off which was impossible since he couldn't grab anything with it.

Chusi's mind-He's not considered a person anymore... He's a pet, a toy, anything we want him to be.

If he belongs to my daughters, I won't hurt him so long as he doesn't make them cry or make me angry. I gave it some thought when thinking over about my life and my ex who tried to leave me. He went on about green being the pure dragon color, none of our girls being green like him, humans wearing crowns while he can only collect them, and wanted to leave me to wage war on humanity. Killing humans I could understand, but talking down about our babies and leaving me... I did the only thing I could do... I ate him. It took forever to lose most of that weight and it went right to my thighs but he was delicious. This made me think about the kingdom not too far from here and the thought of a human walking in here... 

Chusi's mind-What if they walk in on my daughters changing?!

That made my decision final on moving in or they move back in with me but before I can give them time to argue... That kingdom needs to go. While they were playing with Squishy in the kitchen while Ava was baking...

Chusi-I'll be back. I'm just gonna go out and stretch my wings. When I come back... I want to see more about how you baby this human.

(Ava's POV)

Mother left and we were all confused on how calm she suddenly was which was not a good sign. It could mean anything though but none of us can stop her by force so I took Squishy from the counter and brought him with me to my horde to make something.

Squishy-What are you doing?

Ava-Stay still, Squishy. Mommy is going to make something special for you... Would would be cuter to restrain your movements?... I think I can find something to make a paci for you.

Gerta-You think more babying will make Mother reconsider? We know what she's gonna say!

Raisa-Oh no. No, no, no. Get me my books and Ava you are sewing enchantment seals into every new pair.


((M/N)'s POV)

I was just forced to walk into a village naked until someone gave me a blanket to cover myself with. Men whistled at me and all those looks of pity in the eyes of the others. The one who helped me said that I literally smelled like shit!

(M/N)'s mind-I'm... I'm the hero! The dragons will pay for humiliating me!


DJ peace maker

I see ya used the asmr vid I shared to ya ^w^


I really don’t like were this is going