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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was grown back to my normal size for a little while so I could use my bath to get ready for a very important party before I shrank back down. My bed was already made into a stage but they put something where my head was supposed to stick out to make a playpen that had a top with star-shaped holes and a door. We didn't go in yet but sat at a table while we waited for Tinkerbell and her friends to take me in there. I waited to save room for all the good food later but they said I should have a little snack they could feed me.

Fairy#1-Here, have some crackers. Say ahhhhh. ~

Fairy#2-Wait, put some cheese and some other stuff on it.

They made me a little cracker sandwich again and again until all 19 of them fed me one while I got to snuggle in a lap while being held. I had the bath earlier because I was too big to be held and don't like being bigger than everyone anymore. It was so hard not to try but they told me my Mommy wanted this while she was busy. More fairies started to show up with fancy dresses and even the scouts but I just saw Fawn come in with normal clothes.

Fawn-Hi, (Y/N)! Are you ready to go play?! ~

The girl holding me gave me to Fawn and she took me inside the pen. She put me down but I didn't like that and tried to be picked up again while tearing up.

Fawn-Awwwww, what's wrong? ~

Fairy#1-He loves being held now and gets fussy when you put him down. It's best just to hold him.

Fawn-But then we won't get to play... Here, I'll fix this. ~

(Clarion's POV)

By the time I arrived, everyone was in their places, and with Tinkerbell, her friends, her sister, Fairy Mary, and Nyx in the playpen with my baby boy... Fawn was taming him to not cry when we put him down. She was doing her ear scratching thing but I never saw him like this before.

Nyx-Fawn, be careful with him! He looks like he is about to forget to breathe!

Fawn-He's fine... And so much easier at this size. ~

He looked completely blissful and by the time she finally stopped and a whole crowd was gathered around Iridessa grabbed a ball.

Iridessa-(Y/N), let's play catch! ~

She tossed his ball over to it and he playfully smacked it away then acted like an animal to bounce Iridessa's lap. It warmed my heart to see my baby playing again but I know he will love to be carried anytime he can. I made my way to the stage to face the whole crowd.

(Fairy Mary's POV)

This is one of my most favorite jobs I have ever been given. I could just relax on a comfy mat and play with our baby while everyone else could only watch or feed him through the bars. While the queen was giving a speech, (Y/N) grabbed onto me and Nyx to pull us into a circle to play monkey in the middle with him. He even tried to pounce us a little since he had enough room to run. When he got into my lap he just looked at me with those adorable eyes of his.

Fairy Mary-Hi there, Sweetie. ~

I petted him a little before some girls got his attention with some roasted chestnuts. He ate them out of the palm of their hands and they gave him pets and kisses before more girls came over to feed him. By the time he was down, I guess one of the girls gave him a honeycomb cake because his mouth was covered in honey while he smiled. He then playfully jumped head-first into Vidia while we tried to stop him. It was silence and small gasps before some of us giggled and chuckled. The look on Vidia's face was a little funny.

(Y/N)-Giggles Hi Vidia!

Vidia-Sigh You are lucky you have a cute face... Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

Silvermist-Hold on Hun, I'll help you.

They left and Vidia tried to hide it but she loved holding him as much as any of us. She even bounced him a little while he nuzzled her.

Fairy Mary's mind-Ohhhh, I just want to take him home and baby him privately right now!

(Vidia's POV)

There was no running water again so we went outside and did it the old-fashioned way. I do like the running water better knowing it's powered by the same species that lost faith and almost killed us all. I bent down to (Y/N) and wiped his face clean of the honey on him and Rosetta was getting his shirt washed and dried off before he got him dressed again. I did the same with my clothes but then I noticed something glissen in the moonlight a little.


Rosetta-What is it?

Vidia-... (Y/N) go play in the flowerbeds for a little bit

He ran off to go roll around in the flowers which many fairies would love to smell on him. Meanwhile, I showed Rosetta my shirt and the spot where the honey was.

Vidia-Is that sand from a bad batch?

Rosetta-Hmmm... Not sure. It looks a little like pollen... It shouldn't be glowing like that though. What is that stuff?

We picked what we could off and it felt like a grain of sand then she sniffed it.

Rosetta-A burned flower?


We both looked but I rushed to (Y/N) at almost blinding speed to see him holding his stomach on the ground. My blood boiled when I realized what was going on!

(Nyx's POV)


My scouts and I had the fairy that fed him the honey cake detained while Fairy Mary went off with a few doctors to treat him. Many looked furious or scared of how angry all of us in power were and they were all suspects save for those of us in the playpen. Nobody was to leave this place until we conduct a search. Only one tray of honey cakes which were all clean but as for the poison, there was no trace on the fairy we detained pleading her innocence, no traces on any napkins so any hope for cleaning evidence up like this will have to be from the chefs or someone with access to water to wash it off... We found nothing so I went to the back with some scouts and the accused girl.

Fairy-Please, I would never hurt him! You have to believe me!

Nyx-Where did you get the cake? Did you ever leave it unattended? 

Fairy-I-I put it down when the crowd was too big and all windows were full for feeding him! I put it on my table to watch and wait for things to die down before I took my turn! That's all I know I swear!

Nyx-You're also a water fairy. Sounds to me you could clean yourself off and slip away.

Fairy-I wouldn't! My friends were with me when I got cake for all of us and one for (Y/N)! We played a game to see who would feed him and-!

Nyx-Friends? What friends? Who?

(Tinkerbell's POV)

My sister was trying to comfort me during a panic attack since this felt too much like when I lost my brother figures. Who would poison our baby?! I helped bring him here to save us and adored him while doing my best to make things work for him! He should be in the playpen having fun right now but now whoever did this SHOULD BE LEFT IN A ROOM CHAINED TO A WALL AND ALONE WITH ME!!!

Queen Clarion-All attendants are to line up and be inspected for any traces or scent from poison!

Just then, scouts came in with mice trained to sniff out bad plants for Garden Fairies to weed out or fix. I watched carefully but then Peri pulled my head into her shoulder.

Peri-It'll be ok, Tink... Just think. Whoever did this will go to me and-.

Tinkerbell-I am going to be there.

Fawn-Me to.

SilverMist-Me too.

Vidia-I'll be there.

Iridessa-We will all be there.

We all watched carefully but when it was done... Nothing.

Tinkerbell-HOW?!?!?! WHO DID THIS?!?!?!

(Fairy Mary's POV)

The doctors said that we caught this in time and (Y/N) was wrapped up, put in a bed made just for him, tucked him in while sucking juice and medicine out from a straw, and told me he will be staying overnight.

Fairy Mary-That is not acceptable! This is our baby and the Queen's above-!

Fairy Doctor-Which is why we can't take chances. We are treating symptoms until this passes through but that's all so far. If something else happens then he will need to be rushed back here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard muffled voices outside while I was drinking the tasty juice that was making me feel a lot better. I was also very warm and comfy but I still couldn't help but cry because I wanted to be held. This stupid paci strapped to me was in the way though. I couldn't move or call for someone but then a door opened.

Aunt Summer-Awwwww. You poor thing. You shouldn't be crying. Come here. ~

I tried to reach out for her to be held faster but I was still wrapped tightly in a blanket. When I was cradled they both leaned over me.

Aunt Winter-Is your tummy feeling better? Your Mommy wanted to make sure that you were getting better. ~

I nodded my head and Aunt Summer's smile got bigger while Aunt Winter took the paci that made me drink juice out.

Aunt Summer-We heard your poor tummy started hurting and since Mommy is having a very serious talk, we came to take care of you but I thought you needed extra babying tonight to make up from missing the party.

(Y/N)-Did you bring more dessert? Honey cakes?!

Aunt Winter-No.

(Y/N)-Jell-O, pudding, chocolate, strawberries with honey on top, or gasp-!... That ice cream treat?!

Aunt Winter-Sorry, but I can't get that, yet. 

Aunt Summer-Plus, you already get those and I said extra.

She sat on a chair and started rocking back and forth while Aunt Winter stood next to us to pet me. Aunt Winter reached under her dress by pulling it up and she had two bottles my size hanging from her. They were full of milk. One bottle was pink while the other was blue and Aunt Summer took to pink one.

Aunt Summer-Say-. ~


She put the bottle in my mouth while giggling.

Aunt Summer-Good boy. ~

I started to drink the milk and it tasted different but also very good. When I was done she put me over her shoulder to pat my back.

(Y/N)-Burp... I like it.

She gave me to Aunt Winter and she took her spot on the rocking chair while Aunt Summer got to pet me. It tasted a little sweet like vanilla and strawberries.

Aunt Winter-You'll let us know which milk is better, right? ~

(Y/N)-Is this a different kind of milk?

Aunt Winter-That's right. Freshly milked, chilled, and nothing else was added. Open wide for your bottle. ~


She put the blue bottle in my mouth and this one had a cinnamon taste to it like from one of my favorite foods in the winter forest. It belonged more to milk and baking like I saw others when they cooked for me. She smiled at Aunt Summer while Aunt Summer rolled her eyes. When I was done, she took the bottle out.

Aunt Winter-I'm so glad you like it. I made it special for you. ~

(Y/N)-More, please.

Aunt Winter-I'm afraid I don't have any more cold bottles on me. Those are back at my quarters and you need to stay here.

(Y/N)-B-But... whimper

Aunt Winter-Hold on. It's warmer but-.


She giggled while I waited for another bottle but there was no other bottle. She just gave me to Aunt Summer.

(Summer's POV)

I was the one who started my new diet for him a few weeks ago and she just copied me! I should be his favorite source of milk! I watched her start to get ready to breastfeed him but I was not going to be left out.

Summer-(Y/N), did you like the milk in the pink bottle too? I can get you more.

(Y/N)-Ok... Where is it?

(No POV)

Meanwhile, Fairy Mary was standing out of the room full of anger and jealousy that the ministers would keep something like this a secret or how it was even possible! The queen tried this before when she learned humans did it to their babies and she too tried everything to make it work herself but not even a drop came out back then. She flew off quickly to go tell the queen but stopped halfway there.

Fairy Mary's mind-If they found out how and the less that know this... The more room he will have for mine!... My apologies Queen Clarion but we all have our secrets.


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