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(Sally's POV)

Amy was difficult to talk to but it was like talking to a wall with Vanilla about this. I ensured that (Y/N) was completely safe and cared for by us after we cleaned house around here by firing guards, leaving out the torture. They don't know about my father's death or they will say a murderer is on the loose. I should be talking them into a corner to show that that (Y/N) is better off here now but Vanilla still is not even calming down. If anything she is getting more worked up. I never saw her act like this before for any reason.

Vanilla-I do not like the idea of guards with sharp weapons roaming around a human child.

Sally-They are all loyal to my mother or too new so they are supervised by a trusted guard.

Vanilla-It just takes one second alone or your guard to be down for a traitor to seize their moment. Even an attempt shows this place is not safe.

Sally-The same can be said for a racist to even think they spotted him from a window in your house to act on it.

Vanilla-Oh really?... Where are the guards that got fired while out for war? Where's the king? Your father. I find it very convenient that when (Y/N) comes here, they move around a lot more, being fired, and not staying in the kingdom without the king so much as saying a word to the people.

She was getting way too close to home so I needed to wrap this up and send her away but things got worse.

Amy-Where is your Father? People only talked about seeing you, your mom, and Blaze leading the army off and back.

Sally-I can't tell you that. We are getting off-topic here. We are here for (Y/N).

(Vanilla's POV)

Her trying to change the subject is making me have an even more bad feeling about all of this. (Y/N) simply can not and will not stay here under my watch even if I have to resort to underhanded tactics. Her father is a sensitive subject as well as the guards they supposedly fired or died in battle at Rotopolis before they brought it down. Something was not adding up here and no child would be in his mess if I had a say in it, even if I need to move out of the kingdom with him and Cream.

Vanilla-Sally, I have known you since you were a little girl. I know when you are lying or hiding something. If it is not safe here, I want (Y/N) back this instant.

Amy-Hey, I found him and brought him here! He should be with me!

(Amy's POV)

I was being ignored here! I tried to reach for him back at the lab, I found him in the woods no thanks to Antione, and I was the first to bring him into my home and clean him! While they were talking I thought about taking (Y/N) by force and keeping Sally and her family at bay by holding the truth against them if they are hiding something. 

Amy-Sally!... If you can't show us that this place is safe for him and don't hand him over... I am going to do something I really hate to do!

Sally-Amy... You're my friend so don't make me do something I will regret doing.

We only stared at each other for a moment then...

Amy-What will the kingdom say if they know the truth?

Sally-You wouldn't.

Amy-Try me. Eggman is crippled and I can live on my own just fine in places you can't find me.

Sally-You got no proof of anything.

Vanilla-Tensions are high and people are already spreading rumors. Someone from one of your closest friends will spread like wildfire compared to the others.

(Julie-Su's POV)

I was outside with some of the guards just waiting to see if Cosmo or Rouge would try to do something. We tried to have Cosmo arrested but she left the farmhouse when guards showed up and has not been seen since then. Something told me at first that she went to find Rouge but it's not like she was going to share (Y/N) if she got him back and had other hideouts to take him to when she does. Suddenly, my phone started blowing up and I checked to see it was Blaze sending me text after text.

Julie-Su-Go to the main gate, do not engage, follow the ones with my baby, do not be seen, take him to a location I send you when ready... What the?

I followed the instructions and soon saw 2 women walking out of the castle while holding a blanket. The bunny was holding the blanket and nuzzling it while smiling happily.

Julie-Su's mind-(Y/N)?... WHY DO THEY HAVE (Y/N)?!?!?!?! WHY ARE THEY LETTING THEM TAKE HIM?!?!?!

I was going to call Princess Blaze but then I looked back at what was happening under her watch.

Julie-Su's mind-I go against a flirty thief, a plant that drugged him, followed him all the way to a farmhouse to steal him out a window and run which no doubt had him scared and confused... Just for you to let two women walk out with him without letting me have a turn with him.

I looked back at my phone and turned off the tracker and then my phone before following them. Blaze may be my Princess and friend, but I take pride in what I do so saving a kid just to give them to some strangers while claiming I need to follow them is not my favorite thing to do.

(Alicia's POV)

I walked to the dungeons to blow off some steam. My daughter's friend and another mother don't trust my security is enough, make me wake up in the middle of nap, threaten to turn the whole kingdom against us with 'theories' or their disappearance which I was close to calling, and take my son. Sally said we need to play the longer game and play some of my general's old tactics of bending info to put it off on someone for the good of the kingdom. Mostly, it was Eggman since he was already hated but let's see how this bitch of a mother likes a charge of poisoning the king being put on her.

Alicia-I decided to let you live longer, Sir General. No thanks are needed... I'm just waiting for a bunny to take your place. Seeing as anything I say will never leave this room I guess I can confess so you can understand.

I got closer to him and held a pair of gardening shears over his cock and balls. He looked helpless and horrified of me. The queen he saw as a second to his king.

Alicia-I wanted 'change' for so long but was always 'ignored'. I wanted 'the respect' of the army but was always given 'pity'. I wanted to be valued as more than a 'queen' but was basically a 'glorified housewife' with a few loyal servants... Where is your king now?


Alicia-He's dead... I poisoned him for trying to hurt my new baby boy. whisper

He gave me a hooked look thinking I could never do something like this. I find it amazing that others do things to create a monster but then are dissatisfied when they make one.

Alicia-My baby boy is going to bring so much change... Tech that we are ransacking from Rotropolis to Blazes Kingdom, a future where overlanders and humans are an ally or help instead of a threat, and I got to be a mother all over again... It's funny. You try to fight this war for years and we are lucky to get small victories that we need to defend sometimes. I bring others together for an attack with help from a child and I lead an army to cripple Eggman while sending him on the run from his home base.

I closed the shears a little but not enough to cut him. Just make him flinch.

Alicia-Are you listening to me now?

He nodded his head and I gave him the warmest smile I could...


General-AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! muffled

Alicia-Medics, get in here and stop the bleeding! I'm not through with him, yet!

(Vanilla's POV)

Amy came back with me to my home and when we walked through my door I unwrapped (Y/N) a little while he was still sleeping in my arms when we carefully took him.

Vanilla's mind-My baby boy... You'll love me being your mommy. ~

I turned to Amy after she still looked upset after having to turn on her friend like that but it was for a defenseless baby being put into a better home.


I turned to see Cream and motioned for her to be quiet before I knelt down to show her (Y/N) and she looked so happy.


She ran up to us and looked so happy while looking over him before trying to gently rub his cheek. I had to stop her to not risk him waking up before putting him in my bed in my room and then closing the door. I knelt down to my daughter.

Vanilla-Cream, you can go in there and cuddle but don't wake him up. ~


(Cream's POV)

I went into Mommy's room and just before I got on the bed with him, I remembered something. Mommy kept my old baby stuff somewhere. I just don't remember where but I think it would be in her room. I checked under her bed, her closet, some drawers, and the boxes in the closet but they were not there.

Cream's mind-Where did she put them?

I thought (Y/N) would look cute in them but then I remember Mommy giving him up in the first place and I never got to see him again, unlike what Sally told me. If Mommy gave him up once thinking it was for the best and waiting this long to get him back... Maybe I should be his mommy instead. I helped animals before and did some of them by myself. I crawled on the bed to look at (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on his head.

Cream-It's going to be ok... I'm going to be your mommy instead, my baby boy. ~

(Vanilla's POV)

I head a home in the woods miles away from the kingdom that I was forced to abandon in the war since it wasn't safe but now it's said the robotic army was crippled so I can move back safely. I turned to look at Amy who was getting an old baby stroller we could put (Y/N) in

Amy-We need to leave by tonight and a wheel is jammed. I can fix it though.

(Amy's POV)

I'm afraid that I can't fully forgive Vanilla about all of this either because even if the plan was to bring them to the kingdom, she gave him up to Sally without actually checking. It's clear after living with Eggman and his map being gone, he is going to be coming after him too. A house out in the open is not my first choice but the treehouse I had built out there is much more hidden. I could've stayed if it weren't for heat-seeking and thermal tech from Eggman but he took a huge hit so most of his support and base are gone now.

Amy's mind-I'm so sorry I let all of this happen to you. I gave you up first after helping you... I always wanted to become a mother. I just thought it would be with Sonic... He'll come around later on.

For now, it just needs to be me and (Y/N), and then I can call and ask my friends for help.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, there were a few drones scooping out the kingdom with Eggman's logo on them. They were given a task... Locate and retrieve (Y/N).

Eggman-When I find you, you are making that map after I robotize you!


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