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(Keenie's POV)

It's been 30 minutes into the meeting and it was spent getting (Y/N) settled in. More likely he will sit still and we tried a little game but that will distract him too much. We found out all he needed was juice in a sippy cup. Now that he was going to sit still and behave himself and we knew each other's names the meeting could finally get started I began with my opening statement on his conditions, story, and how someone like him belongs in heaven. Putting him back on Earth and in danger of demons who will try to get to him again is something we should be preventing. 

Keenie-I don't mind spending his lifetime in the living world until he passes so I may come back here with him.

Sera-I will need to look into these claims. Let me see the child.

Deerie came over and picked up (Y/N) before giving him to Sera. he didn't fight it at all and just kept on drinking in Sera's lap. He looked straight up at her with that adorable innocent stare and it even looked a little funny. I wanted to go give him kisses, but Sera was busy with him. She was judging his soul and looked a little sad at times before she chuckled when he reached up for her hair to play with it with one hand. he fell back onto her a little and swallowed his juice the wrong way.

(Y/N)-Cough cough cough!

Sera-Here, drink some more.

(Sera's POV)

I helped the sippy up back in his mouth and made him look ahead while drinking. It's clear to me that there was or might even still be a demonic claim on him until a proper exorcism is done... He is pretty cute and just full of love... Quiet literally. I can't find another ounce of sin in him. I think the only thing he would be guilty of is wanting a lot of attention. He has a very pure and simple outlook on the world almost like Emily but just more simple... Perhaps sheltered is more of the word I am looking for. When he stopped coughing he turned around as much as he could to snuggle into me.

Sera-You are certainly a pure-hearted sweetheart. Perhaps even too much for your own good.

Emily-So he can stay?!

Sera-He is still alive, Emily... Sigh This has never happened before.

Keenie-He is still the sweetest boy I have ever met. One who deserves to have a good life and come to have after. Sadly, I just don't know what the demons will do to corrupt his soul. It will nearly impossible 'not' to do. Just look at him.

I looked back down at him and he doesn't look like he's paying attention to us. He was out of juice and trying to suck harder to get more.

Sera-Deerie, would you please get (Y/N) some more juice?

When I said that he perked up and looked at her.

(Y/N)-Fruit punch, please.

She smiled and left to get him some more juice. We tried to continue the meeting about him but during a statement about a rule in Heaven, he wanted to play with my hair which Emily found amusing. I picked the child up and held him in front of me.

Sera-Child. This is not playtime.

She had both of his hands on my face and a finger on my nose.

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~

He dangled his feet in the air and this made my heart race from his cuteness. I had to keep my composure though.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I liked the big wing lady because she reminds me of Mistress Stella. She gave me to someone else now and then got a kiss on the cheek when Emily put me on her lap.

Emily-Hi there. ~

I just gave her a kiss back and she pulled me into a hug. Everyone kept on talking and Emily gave me her finger to suck on while I wait for my juice. I snuggled into her and curled up to get comfy while she held me. Suddenly, she said something after Sera and Keenie did.

Emily-Tied to evil? I think he doesn't have a single evil bone in his body. Look at him. He still has the innocence of a baby.

She tickled my belly with her free hand which made me giggle. That's when her smile got bigger and she put me on the table. I looked at the others in the room and got up to start walking to Keenie.

Keenie-Awwww. Do you want me?! ~

(Y/N)-I want the fluffy!

I tried to get on her lap gently but then the doors opened and it was Deerie with my juice!

I left Keenie to get my juice but then tripped a little over something and Deerie caught me.

Deerie-Oh my!... Looking for this.

She gave me my juice and I gave her a hug and kiss for thanks before she picked me up to fly with me to a chair.

Deerie-Daaawww. You're welcome. ~

I thought about Keenie again and wanted her to join too but then I thought of something better so I stopped drinking.

(Y/N)-Can I sit with you and Keenie on Sera's lap, please?

Sera/Deerie/Keenie-... What?

(Y/N)-Well, you and Keenie are soft and fluffy to hold and Sear and is bigger so I can-.

Sera-We know what it means. It's just not very professional at the moment. Perhaps we can arrange something now if you want to take a nap.

(Y/N)-I just want cuddles with my new friends.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Sera told me, Keenie, and Dearie to go to a room with a bed in it so she and Emily could talk about me. Keenie carried me to the room and put me on the bed to turn on the AC and tuck me in. Deerie put my head on her chest to cuddle while Keenie let me hold her as long as she could hold the bottle in my mouth. 

Deerie-You are just the cutest baby... You know, cute babies can do things like pet me. ~

(Keenie's POV)

I felt (Y/N) perk up at those words and he started to pet her. She jolted a little when he felt her tail then smiled at me before I put (Y/N)'s hand on my head to feel my fluffy hair. If anyone was going to be his favorite and guardian, it was going to be me!

Keenie-(Y/N), Sweetie. How would you like to go grab a blanket to go somewhere after a little nap?

Deerie-I'm sure you would love to be under a nice warm sun in a park or maybe under the shade.

He thought about it for a moment before he shook his head no and held us tighter. He was too busy drinking to answer us but I think he only wanted us to stay here because he was comfy. By the time he finished his second cup and juice, he turned on the TV for cartoons.

(Y/N)-Deerie, can you cuddle me a little tighter, please?

Deerie-Of course, Sweetie. ~

(Y/N)-Keenie, can you do it too but also scoot down a little?

We did what he said and he buried his face in my hair. It wasn't long after that we started to hear soft snoring. In this moment of cuteness Deerie and I looked at each other and I could feel her distaste for me.

(Sera's POV)

Emily and I watched the whole ordeal in the room on live video which was just too cute! Emily wanted to go in and join them but it was too late for that since he was already asleep and too comfy for one of us to join. We also had to consider the rules and where the course of action may be taken by them

Emily-Sera, look at him! He just wants to be pampered and cuddled all the time! Do you think he would sit on my lap if I took him out for ice cream?! ~

Sera-Settle down Emily. It's still unclear on what we must do. Human souls are supposed to be on earth, but now he crossed over to Heaven and Hell while still alive.

Emily-Well, his parents did that to him and we don't want to lose a soul. Why don't we take him out tomorrow for more tests?

Sera-We don't need all of Heaven knowing about this?

Emily-Then we can have a few others come in to see him... How about Adam?

I instantly thought about how Adam would behave. First man or not, his behavior is... questionable to say the least. I still wanted someone to test his resolve though if we are to do this... Perhaps Adam's hand, Lute. She will be better controlled.

Sera-Sigh... Not Adam, but go tell Lute we will need her later.

She looked happy before she left which ended this meeting. I let myself think about (Y/N) in a professional way at first until I trailed into thoughts about... Him snuggling into me again, playing so cutely, him napping in my arms, and perhaps calling me... I snapped myself out of it before I became too attached but then found myself in front of the room I sent him and the cherubs to... I opened the door and Keenie and Deerie looked at me in silence while (Y/N) was sleeping so peacefully.

I leaned over to him and only saw a bit of his mouth sticking out. I motioned for the girls to give me some room with him before I picked him up. I summoned a cloth to swaddle him in his sleep. He was a bit of a heavy sleeper which made the crack in his mouth more tempting... I carefully slipped my finger in his mouth for him to suck on it gently which made my heart skip a bet.

Sera-Keenie, Deerie, I want you two to stay with him and watch his progress through cameras when our guest comes later. whisper

They understood and I put him back in the bed in his new position. The girls took their spots back but when I pulled my finger out he stirred and whined so Keenie acted fast to take my place. When I left the room I held the hand that had the finger he sucked on while smiling.

Sera-Truly you do belong here... I wonder if you would love to live with me.

Thoughts flooded my mind and my desire to be a mother to a baby filled me with joy since it felt so close now. That will have to wait until he is tested tomorrow which I have full faith he will pass.

Sera's mind-You don't seemed opposed to the treatment of being babied. You already suckle on fingers in front of others.

Sera-Squeal! ~

(Lute's POV)

Emily-And he is just the sweetest thing you will over meet! No shame, not even so much as a blush, and just wants all the love you could give him! Oh did I tell you-?! ~

Lute-Emily... I just sat down with some food and I don't even know who or what you are talking about.

Emily-Oh... giggles Sera just wants you ready to be summed. We have a special case for you to do. It'll be very easy. Just come in something nice and you'll love it!

She helped herself out in excitement and I wondered what Sera wanted. I checked myself out in the mirror to see if I was ok to go see her after I eat and I think I looked fine.

Lute's mind-Come in something nice... I guess I do have a dress at home I can change into after I eat.


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