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(Kasa's POV)

Our cub is getting a bath after Halona said he had a little meltdown and it made him get really messy, but Halona made sure he wasn't hurt. I'm not surprised he was scared so he's not in trouble but we are going to need to talk about this for when this council happens. Our chief sent me back and kept an eye out for a signal to bring him, but we can't show him like this. Halona looked disappointed that it was just me and bathed with us in the pond in a bit of a bad mood.

Kasa-Are you mad about your sap supplies?

Halona-No... I don't want to talk about it.

Kasa-He's just a cub, don't blame him for being scared.

Halona-I'm. Not... Just bathe him before I do it.

She can be sweet at times in her own stoic way, but she can have a bad attitude when something doesn't go right. By the time we were done, the cub was curled up and feeling cold, so I wrapped him in my wings for warmth. I started to think about the meeting with the Serpent Sisters since I was supposed to be there until Elona made a judgment call to bring the cub at her signal.

(Elona's POV)

It didn't start off very good and nearly ended in us fighting until I discussed the situation in details which made sense to her. Apparently, before we found him with the hyena he was with the elephants, and when they told the sisters they had the cub they were looking for they got mad. 

Anusha-You will return our cub ssslave to usss? ~

Elona-He will be shared between us to prevent fighting. Now, before we get further into this. Is anyone else attached to him?

Catori-... No.

(Mkali's POV)

We got into the human territory and it was way too easy but when we saw how humans were trapped it made a lot more sense. We stayed hidden to see more about this place until we saw the Serpent Sisters with the harpy tribe. 

They have to know something about our cub so I took Nala and Sanaa with me while Sarabui and Kimya stayed behind to watch the cubs. We were getting close and then I looked back to check on the small team I had.

We al silently crawled and once we were around a corner of them we heard what they were saying.

Enola-Don't lie to us. The cub told us his story here. Why hide the lioness's pride? They are one of the best hunters in the land. Having them with us will only benefit us.

Catori-That isss our businesssss. ~

Enola-You would rather have them as enemies than allies?

Aponi-Did something happen that the cub left out perhaps?

Anusha-We have no idea what you are talking about. ~

Enola-Serpent Sisters. We are happy to join and forge this alliance and our new way of life. While the hyenas are out of the question I will not wish to have the lionesses attacking us in our sleep and take the cub by force.

Mkali's mind-That's not 'un-true'.

They kept on talking about us and the cub, but then I heard someone getting slammed to the ground so I turned to see Nala pinned another another harpy.

I know who she was from the time she and her tribe interfered with our hunting.

Cynthia-Ladies! We have company!

They came over and when they saw us I was about to cut my losses and just focus on taking the Serpent Sisters with me if it came down to it. That's when Sanaa got in the middle of us to stop me.

Sanaa-What is this about an alliance?

Catrori/Anusha-Hiss! ~

Now, Enola and 2 of her tribe members got in front of the serpent sisters. I still wanted to rip them apart for stealing our cub slave in the first place but Sanaa kept me at bay with her hand keeping me back.

Enola-Enough!... Let's. Talk. This out. Catori, Anusha, what good is this going to show others if the cub we have is constantly in distress and not being allowed to adapt due to constant fighting and stealing?

Mkali-That is our cub slave! We had him first and we spilt blood for him! 'That' is our claim!

Sanaa-It is... But what if we can have something better for all? We don't have to like them.

She turned back to the others.

Sanaa-But the cub is ours.

Nala-Where is he?

Enola-... He is safe with our tribe. One of us just needs to fly high in the air and they will bring him.

Mkali-Do it!

Enola-Not if it leads to more fighting. We all fight the cub is left more vulnerable each time... We work together.

Nala-That is our cub slave! I fed him like I would a new born and planned a full milk diet for him! 

This was all pointless and I don't see why we just couldn't fight and take what is rightfully ours by force. Uzzie is gone so the hyenas can cower someone away from us now. They kept on talking and told us their plan for a new world ruled by us but we would be sharing our cub with the elephants, Serpent Sisters, and the harpies. They had basic rules decided for turn sharing and also having the cub be who he wants to be with sometimes too. There is still a lot more to be thought of for our cub slave and we refused to surrender our claim over him that much... Well, Sanaa did. Nala and I did not want to share him at all even if this did sound like we could finally beat the humans.

Enola-It's clear we all need to be present, so I propose a meeting between leaders only tonight. The cub will be with us while our members are close by... All of us will have a say.

Sanaa-I will go in Mkali's-.

Enola-I said leaders. No seconds.

Mkali-I'm not giving up my cub slave.

Enola-And you won't... Cynthia, signal the others to come. If you have the rest of your pride with you they need to be known. One of the sisters can bring the elephants here.

Catori-We did not agree to thisss meeting! ~

Enola-Then how will your plan work?

She looked angry but I am the one who should be angry after what they did! They brought the hyenas into this in the first place! When they left in anger I sent Sanaa to bring the others here and Cynthia flew high in the sky. One of my conditions was that my pride would see that he was ok when he gets here. Still though...

Mkali's mind-My cub slave is mine by the laws we live by! Find your own cubs!


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