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(Rogue's POV)

I was scanning room after room with quick glances and found small scores, but I wanted something big. The moment I grab something I will only have moments and not enough time or space to go from room to room for everything I would like. Big priceless painting in a golden and jewel frame?... Not shiny enough and the wind and draft could rip it if I go too fast. Plus, I wouldn't be able to grab much else. Nobody noticed me so I could take my time searching for now, but it didn't take long for me to see Princess Sally's room and she had 2 guests with her. One of them was a very interesting choice.

Rouge-An overlander?... Huh, no mutations I can see... Human?

Whoever they were they were not worth much... At first glance until I came up with something. Little Princess Sweetheart or Princess Candle Light is attached to this little guy. For what reason I don't know but I have a strong feeling they would miss him when he is gone and pay nearly anything I want to get him back.

Rouge's mind-Ransom... Let's see if I can find out how much he is worth to them.

I slipped the window one after I used a card to unlatch it and flew into the room. I was super quiet when looking around and I saw board games put up, but I have a feeling they played. There was nothing else to really look for except when I took the blanket off of them I noticed they were more than just cuddly with him. Princess Blaze had her tail wrapped around his leg which meant she really liked him. This made me see some nice jewels in my future. He did look kind of cute so he won't be so bad to have around until someone pays up.

Rouge's mind-Ok... How did I get him without waking them up?

I looked around the room to see what I could do as well as leave a note. I didn't see anything to write with so I will have to send a note later. I did see a bit of loose strands of carpet on the rug in here and a sewing kit with string... I had an idea.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

It was a homemade cat toy on a stick that I dangled over them to tickle their nose and other areas to manipulate Blaze since she was the only one that had a hold on them. I got her to turn over and stir until she grabbed Sally.

Rouge's mind-Cute. Now, for that tail... Come on... Just let go.

It wasn't working and then I heard footsteps and voices outside the door. Thanks to my hearing...

Man#1-They should both be out cold by now. muffled

Man#2-Don't rush this. If you wake them up, it's over. Don't even wake the kid up or they'll scream until we gag them. muffled

Rouge's mind-Sorry boys. This is 'my' key to ransom.

I tossed the toy out the window and just took the boy quickly and carefully. She stirred a lot and I think she was very close to waking up now but this boy was a heavy sleeper right now. It must be exhausting to be here after wherever it is he came from. When the doorknob turned I just made it to the window and stood on the ledge outside to lean against the wall before I flew off.

Rouge's mind-'That' was a close one... You better be worth it, kid.

(Sally's POV)


I shot my eyes up and jolted him when someone was ripped out of my arms, but then I noticed I was holding Blaze instead of (Y/N). I then saw 2 guards in here and one of them was holding a sack they looked ready to use. Blaze used her fire to attack them and knocked them down while I looked for (Y/N). I didn't see him as I looked around the room in a panic then felt fury when I got out of bed to stare at the guards. Blaze was glaring at them too.

Sally-Where's (Y/N)?!

They were both reluctant to answer so I called more guards into my room to arrest both of them and to search for (Y/N). I checked a few more places in my room like behind furniture, under my bed, and in the bathroom, but he wasn't here. Blaze and I went out into the hallway to look for him and call out his name while the guards loyal to my mom helped us. It was stupid of those guards to try and kidnap (Y/N) from my room and knew they would lose their jobs unless... Unless...


I went right up to my parent's room and swung the door open. The sound of the door hitting the wall woke both of my parents up and they saw how furious I was.


Father-It's the middle of the night! Wha-?!


I walked in and he got out of bed to stand up while Mother watched. Instead of stopping in front of us, I pinned him against the wall.


Father-I didn't touch him.

Sally-That's what your guards are for! They wouldn't do something this stupid unless they had insurance! Your! Word!

Mother-You. Did. What?!

Father-I didn't do anything!

Sally-It looks really bad when your guards come breaking into my room and (Y/N) is missing after you wanted to lock him up since he got here to make a map!

He continued to deny it, but I know he had something to do with it and I will get his guards to talk! I stormed out of the room and heard my mother arguing with Father.

Sally's mind-When I get in that interrogation room I'm gonna make sure losing your job is the least of your problems!

As I walked down the hall I came across the kitchen a guard was searching, so I went inside after they left. I slowly walked in and saw the knife set that we kept stuck to the wall with magnets... I grabbed one and hid it in my jacket before leaving.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard the sound of a door closing after my legs hit something which made me wake up. There was a light that was turned on which hurt my eyes for a bit while I was being held by someone... I now thought it was my grandpa and he was still mad at me which made my body go out of control to wiggle around.


???-Woah! Hey!

I fell and hit the ground a little and scrambled to get up then bumped into something soft. When I could see again I saw I was in another new house and this one was full of fancy stuff and jewels in cabinets and stuff. That's when I also saw who was holding me before.

???-Calm down, Kid. Nobody is going to hurt you... I take Grandpa is a sore subject.

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?... Where's Sally and Blaze?

???-Settle down... Name's Rouge. Your name?


Rouge-Good. They wanted me to watch you for a while they are thinking about some things and will call me later on. Just be a good boy for me. ~

When she said that I wondered if they were thinking about the map and what Grandpa did with it. Are they planning to get rid of me?! My body started shaking and I started to cry out of fear of dying, but I got so many turned into robots so I don't even know if I was allowed to be scared about this.

(Y/N)-Sobbing I-I knew it. hic hic They are m-mad about the map!

Rouge-Map? What map?

(Rouge's POV)

I thought he was talking about a treasure map or something, but through his sobbing and crying he talked about something that sounded like what was supposed to be a video game turned into a weapon. Well the video game part he told me about, but I know Eggman doesn't play games.

(Y/N)-I-I ki-killed enhale so many enhale! THEY HATE ME!!! THEY HATE ME!!! THEY HATE ME!!! cough cough gag*

He rolled onto his side and his face was turning red! IS HE EVEN BREATHING RIGHT?!?!?! I went to his side and helped him to try and calm him down, but he wasn't listening and just yelled at himself. I thought of something that could work and ran to go get a bag for him to breathe into while I held him still. 

Rouge's mind-Well so much for an easy babysitting job while I wait for ransom... I'll write that note and deliver it when he falls asleep again.

It took around 30 minutes and a cup of water to get him back under control... Well, not having a panic attack is more like it. I led him to my couch to sit down and he curled into a little ball.

Rouge-You wanna try to go back to sleep, Hun?

He looked around before he shook his head no then looked scared of me when my ears went down from his answer.

Rouge-Oh, I'm not mad... How about some... cartoons? You like cartoons, right?

I just put some on for him and I couldn't tell if he was watching them or staring off into space... I soon realized he was staring off into space because he was tearing up again. I thought since it was going to be like this either way, I just sat down and turned on one of my shows. In the middle of my show (Y/N) accidentally fell over and leaned onto me which snapped him out of it.


Rouge-... Chuckles Awwww. Are you nervous about snuggling up to a pretty girl? ~

He looked me in the eye with surprise and his face was turning red again from blushing this time. It made me giggle a little from how cute and funny he looked. I took it a step further and kisses his head which made him blush even harder.

(Y/N)-Eep! whimper

Rouge-Giggles You think you have it in you to do what your Grandpa did? Please, I bet you couldn't bring yourself to hurt a fly. Not with these baby hands. ~

He held a hand of his in front of him which looked so adorable. I shifted myself and laid him on top of me. He looked conflicted and scared to move, so I thought some more teasing would actually be good for him... And fun for me.

Rouge-You're so shy and harmless. How adorable?... And I see you are getting comfy. ~

He looked at where his head was with his chin resting on my boobs. Even though I put him there he looked so guilty and tried to avoid them now, but I just held him close.

(Y/N)-St-Stop, please. whisper voice crack

Rouge-Stop? Hmmmm... Nope. I think the adult gets to make the rules and you can stay there. 

We went back and forth for a while with my teasing. He's so cute and then I saw his eyes sparkle a little when I turned off the light to the living room and the TV for the moonlight to come in... So shiny those brown eyes almost looked like little gems.

Rouge-Yawn Well, I say we can call this a night and go to bed.

I wanted to keep an eye on him so I took him to my room to lay with him in my bed. I got changed behind a little wall and looked at myself in the mirror with more comfortable clothes on. I then grabbed the cup of water I had on my table.

I got back in bed and (Y/N) instinctively cuddled me then teared up again.

(Y/N)-You... think I'm harmless? But I hurt so many and made everyone angry at me.

Rouge-Oh really? Well then you little monster, hit me. ~

(Y/N)-Wh-What? whisper voice crack

I tapped my cheek and he tried to come up with more things to say, but the look I was giving him made him fall short and stop mid-sentence every time. He whimpered again when he made a little fist then barely tapped me with it... I pinned him under me when I rolled onto him and he froze with another blush on his face.

Rouge-You know what I think, (Y/N)? I think you are so cute and helpless, you just might need a crib again... Little Baby. ~

(Y/N)-I-I'm not a baby! 

Rouge-Awwwww. Do you prefer Cupcake, Cutie Pie, Darling, or... how about my Little Jewel? ~

I put some thought into it and this was fun to do. He blushed like each nickname was an attack to make him blush harder. If he is going to be my Little Jewel, he is going to need some polishing and get used to me.

Rouge-Well, until Sally and Blaze call me, you're under my care. This means when we wake you, you are getting more than a bath Little Jewel... I hope you like spa days with pretty girls. I can promise you that it'll last all day tomorrow from what I can already see you need. ~


Rouge-Eh, eh, ehhhh. Close those eyes. ~

He was so obedient when he wasn't scared of his own shadow. I turned off the light and cuddled with him thinking I could just make another grab at the castle another day. I closed my eyes and held (Y/N) while also toying with his back by rubbing my fingers and scratching it. When I got to the part of his back that was hard to reach he got tense and made noises for a bit before he went limp.

Rouge's mind-Winning my heart so fast?... I think I'll toy with this spot a lot. ~

(Blaze's POV)

Sally and I were interrogating the two guards we had arrested as well as another guard helping us. My heart ached every moment (Y/N) was missing and they knew how to deal with interrogation from this guy since they worked with him. Sally had enough.

Sally-Guard... Stand back.

He did as she said and she slowly walked up to one of the arrested guards cuffed to their chair. She put a hand on their shoulder while standing at their side.




She stabbed his shoulder blade and leaned into him.

Sally-You are going to listen to me and you are going to listen well. I know my father sent you or you did this for him as well as yourselves, but he is not here to protect you.


He tried to stop this, but I summoned a firewall to block him.

Blaze-Your princess just told you to stand back... Listen.


I watched her stab his arm this time and twist the blade while he struggled in his chair as the other guard watched in horror that the gloves were off now.

Sally-The boy... Now!

Guard#2-W-We don't have him! We don't know where he is we swear!


Guard#1-N-No! W-We were going in to take him, b-but he was already gone!

Sally-Hardly anyone knew he was there and none of my friends would do this! Antione wouldn't even do this because he would be too scared to! Which means you or another guard took him!

Guard#1-We're not lying... We're not ly-!

She slit his throat this time and knocked his chair over with tears in her eyes. She threw the knife down and sobbed where she stood. I just glared daggers at the other guard before I held a fireball.

Guard#2-No, no! Wait!


(Alicia's POV)

I was searching the castle for clues to find (Y/N) and I know my husband did this, but I didn't think he would resort to kidnapping behind my back just to torture a child! I had him on my mind and felt so scared of what he could have done to (Y/N) then I thought about the time I spent with him. His adorable expressions when I fed him, how cutely timid he was, and overall just a poor Sweetheart. Now, for all I know he could be strapped in an electric chair to be tortured until he complies to make that map again.

Alicia's mind-Maximillian... We. Are. Over.


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