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((Y/N)'s POV)

Last night, I had weird dreams about a giant Raven taking care of me by destroying everything in my nightmare if it was not fading away. When I woke up I was holding onto Raven and she just woke up too before she pulled me to lay on top of her. She flew in the air while carrying me to get out of bed and then left her room where Diane was waiting for us in the hall. She looked a little angry for some reason before she calmed down and came over to us and took me from Raven.

Diane-We'll be talking about this after breakfast before I leave.


I had no idea what she was talking about but she left with me down the hall into her guest room. She rubbed my back and for some reason I wasn't shaking, but I still did feel a little nervous. She gave me a few kisses when she closed the door and cradled me to rub my belly while smiling at me.

Diane-Hello Sweetie. I'm so sorry about Harley taking you and everyone else wanting to take you away from too. Mommy is going to take care of everything though and will have a nice room made just for you. ~

She gave me another kiss before she went into the bathroom with me to give me a bath with her... Or I thought she was. It was just to grab a few towels and we went back into the hallway where we saw Starfire.

Starfire-Joy! You are ready to join the rest of us in the group bath already?! It is a nice and relaxing place to talk.

(Y/N)-Group bath?

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I felt so embarrassed right now being in a group bath with everyone that I closed my eyes. Diane kept me on her lap while washing me. I heard them all talking, but when I started to feel shaky, Diane would put me deeper in the water and the feeling of the water some kind of sweet smell made me stop shaking and feel a little calmer.

(Starfire's POV)

It was like looking at a scared Earth puppy that I just wanted to hold and cuddle with, but Diane is not letting us. If I saw Silky like this, I would probably do the same but I just wanted to hold him so bad. I scooted next to Wonder Woman and hoped this would help engage.

Starfire-Perhaps you would like someone else to hold him while you wash yourself?

Wonder Woman-I will be fine. I can hold my own baby.

Starfire-Then perhaps we could talk about easier topics for the arrangements here?

Wonder Woman-It is clear where I am needed and my baby needs me. Come to visit if you wish, but my decision is final.

I looked at (Y/N) when she poured water on his head to rinse him and he never opened his eyes. Kara flew over us Wonder Woman held on to (Y/N) a little more firmly.

Kara-You want to let him move around a bit before he goes and has a panic attack?

Wonder Woman-He is just fine. He only needs to adjust and he will be living with me.

Raven was staying out of it, but I saw her eyes glow for a moment. A bath has never been more stressful before even if it wasn't much. When we all got out We all pitched in for Breakfast, but for some reason I was banished from the kitchen when I tried to make a dish from my home world. I was sad at first because (Y/N) could not try it, but then I realized everyone was busy and he was alone in Wonder Woman's guest bedroom while they talk!

Starfire's mind-Joy! Oh, I can't wait to hold him again!

I made it to the room and saw him tucked into a bed. The look of shyness was so adorable!

Starfire-Why hello, (Y/N). I thought you could use the company.

(Y/N)-U-Um... Diane told me to stay put. whisper

Starfire-I only wish to talk. We can talk about games you love to play or perhaps other interests you may have. Oh, you are so adorable and shy. I know a man who was to shy about his feelings until he confessed. You just wear your shyness more and it is so cute! ~

His cheeks got red again and he tried to hide them, but I came down and poked his nose.

Starfire-Giggles. ~

(Cheetah's POV)

I was waiting inside of a cellar I found underground last night to hide in when more heroes came to aid Diana. When I woke up this morning I crawled back outside and looked up at the tower and listened closely... I faintly heard the other voices from last night and one of them was Diana's voice. She was still here, but I could not make out what they were saying. I could get some distance and stakeout the tower, but that could take forever. That's when I remembered that the Hall of Justice was basically unguarded. Even if Waller tried to move in, I know I could tear her soldiers to pieces like mere playthings.

Cheetah's mind-I'm sure stealing a plane or something to get back quickly can't be too hard. ~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Raven's POV)

We can't change Wonder Woman's mind and Starfire is trying everything to convince her that our tower is the safest place him. The most any of us got out of her was to get her to stay for this long, but now she was getting ready to leave. Kara had nowhere else to go, so she decided to stay but she's still upset that (Y/N) is leaving. I had a spell on him though that I could use to track him from far away if I focus enough and feel his emotions. I could feel his trauma from deep within him and it made me almost keep him here by force.

Raven-Calm down. It will be fine... You only known him for a short time and he cuddled you despite his fear.

I saw red for a moment and got myself under control before I went to my room to meditate. Later my door was knocked on and when I answered it, it was Kara.

Raven-What is it?

Kara-Wonder Woman just left with (Y/N) and Starfire sulked to her room.

Raven-I could feel it.

I could also feel her anger too. Not even with magic, it was just oozing off her and making the air more tense. She flew off and my vision got red again. This time it was longer.

Raven's mind-Stop it!

(Diana's POV)

It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I was carrying my baby back home after I made sure he was too tired to struggle. He was also not wiggling around when I gave him kisses. When I landed in front of the Hall of Justice, I was happy to see no guards tried to move in again. It looks like soldiers do know more besides orders from a tyrant. I walked inside and went straight to where would be perfect for him... The lock up cell in the basement. I won't put him in there now until I make it more homey for him and he will only be in there when I do not have a close eye on him.

Diana-Look, Baby. This is going to be your cozy room when Mommy is busy. I just need to get some more things for it. Like a nice cozy bed, a TV, some toys, and some nice decor to pull it all together... Instead of my colors, how about we do baby blue with some other soft colors? It'll be cute like you. ~

I gave him a kiss before I went to the computer and put the Hall of Justice on lock down again, but this time all the doors are wielded shut except for on the roof and windows will be glued shut. Only one way in and out. With that and complete privacy I got us both ready for a bath right her to put the clothes in a hamper before I flew with him to the bathroom in my room.

(Cheetah's POV)

The Hall of Justice was just put on lockdown... But I was already inside waiting for her in Green Lantern's room. I waited a bit longer to make sure her guard was down before I went looking for her. I heard running water and giggling as well as the sound of whining.

Diana-Hold still, (Y/N). I think you got some grime on you from the flight here. ~


Does she have a child with her? I used a small mirror to peak in their were curtains so I slipped in and sniffed the air a little... There was only 2 of them in there and it sounded like she loves doting on him. I could use this to my advantage and to enjoy a full victory over her... And I know just how to do it.

(Diana's POV)

When we got out of the shower I got dressed, but just swaddled (Y/N) in a warm blanket after drying him off to just walk and fly around with him. Giving him juice and a smoothie from the kitchen in a sippy cup as I held him with eye contact. His fear was now mostly gone and replaced by embarrassment. I walked to where would be his safe room even though it was a cell right now and he looked nervous when I stood in the doorway of it.

Diana-Look Honey. You'll be safe and comfy in here soon enough when Mommy is out on Patrol. ~ 

His fear was coming back, so I thought he needed another session on the machine to deal with that feeling in his heart. I don't know how I can help with this feelings without scaring him. Just then I was hit in the back of the head, my legs swept, and when my body turned (Y/N) was viciously ripped out of my arms before I was kicked in the stomach to fly against the wall by my attacker.

Cheetah-Hi Diana. ~


She closed the cell door before I could reach her! She smirked at me and my baby was almost to fir entirely in her palm when he screamed! I punched on the glass, but this was able to take a punch from Superman. Batman made sure of it.

Diana-Barbara! Put him down!

Cheetah-Chuckles How poetic. Look who gets to wither away behind bars now. ~

She looked at (Y/N) when he wiggled around in her arm then waved him in front of me mockingly.

Cheetah-I don't know why Waller wants you dead, but I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I am going to stay here for a while and watch you die nice and slow. Let's see how long you last... See you later. ~

My blood boiled even more when she said that Waller sent her for me. I attacked the glass again and again as she left!

Diane's mind-Waller.

(Cheetah's POV)

I heard Diana trying to escape, but I was once in that cell and I only left scratched after attacking it for hours. It'll hold her. I went back up to her room with this boy before I put him on the bed to tower over him. He looked so puny and pathetic swaddled up like that with a look of fear in his eyes.

Cheetah-So Wonder Woman decided to adopt?

He didn't even have the guts to answer me, but as long as I am here it couldn't hurt to toy with him. I am only get a chance of revenge like this once so I am going to do it right. I picked him up with one hand before laying on the bed to hold him over me.

Cheetah-I already know your name so spare me the small talk... Do I scare you? ~

He was quiet and nodded his head yes at me. I tried to think of ways I could milk this out for all its worth so I can't just kill him.

Cheetah-Awwwww. The little baby scared of the big bad Cheetah? We can't have that, can we?... Answer me. ~

(Y/N)-N-No! squeak

Cheetah-Did you just squeak at me like a little mouse?


I dropped him onto my belly and looked down at him. It reminded me of a puppy I used to have as a teenager from how small they are compared to me... He was even smaller looking.

Cheetah-Well, how do you think we can fix that, Little Mouse?


Cheetah-Heeey. Mice don't whimper. They squeak... Squeak for me again. ~... Now.


Cheetah-Wrong noise, but we'll work on it.

I picked him up by the back of his blanket and tossed him in the air with one hand again and again. Not too high so he didn't scream... I did get a few more squeaks out of him though which made me laugh.

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

Little Mouse was tired and fell asleep on me so I just watched some TV in here while playing with his hair. I changed the input accidently and saw Diana still attacking the cell with her bare hands which made me chuckle before I switched it back to my show.

Cheetah's mind-I wonder how long she can do that without food or water.

I thought it was a good time to call it a night and I would go down in the morning to tease Diana about this. I closed my eyes and thought about what else I could do to tease both of them, but then I focused on the sensation and feeling of something so small on my belly.

Cheetah's mind-... Well, when Diana dies, I don't see the harm in taking him seeing as all my charges will be dropped.


(Selina's POV)

I caused an uproar in a few gang territories to make a distraction for the bat family to deal with. I took this chance to enter the Batcave and disable all the cameras and delete the of me coming in before I got to work on my own. Bats has a satellite with face recognition software, so I got the selfie of me and Kitten out to do a search on it. The photo made me smile.

Selina-Oh Kitten... You'll be back with me soon. ~

It will take some time so I took this chance to do some snooping to see why Batman isn't showing his face. I walked over to the suits and saw that his suit looked really damaged and bloody. He had others, but I was focused on this one.

Selina-You've seen better days Bruce.

I went to another part of the Batcave and saw flowers and stuff but the Batmobile parked next to a computer with his symbol on it. This was getting weird.

Selina-Is this... for a private funeral?

I took a closer look and soon I found a report on the computer. It said, "12 hours, 52 minutes, and 47 seconds into the job, Batman declared MIA. Later found attacking with lethal force against soldiers and civilians in Metropolis City along side Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aqua Man, and other unconfirmed identities. Task Force-X was assembled to eliminate the turned Justice League members, but Wonder Woman terminated them herself to stop the attacks. Wonder Woman is the only confirmed living member to survive the attack and the others are confirmed dead. [CLASSIFIED]".

Selina-... Dead?... He's dead?

I felt a little sick to my stomach now. I may not have trusted him with Kitten but I still loved him! There was more about his actions in detail and many photos taken from live camera feed around Metropolis showed him with purple eyes and murdering people. When a tear rolled down my face I heard the console in the other room beeping.

Selina-Bruce... Sigh Rest in peace, Bruce.

I ran to go see where the system saw him last and it showed a blur on the screen, but I knew the building.

Selina-The Hall of Justice... He's back in Metropolis. 

I left before the Bat family could come back and see me here. I know I can most likely sneak in there if I go in through the roof where security is weaker. It will only be her and she would go out on Patrol, so I sneak in, lay low and when she leaves him to go on patrol I take him and leave with him out the front door... 

Selina's mind-I lost the love of life... I won't be losing my Kitten and be left with no one.


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