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((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up this morning I was wrapped in a tail and it was even lifting me. It was Cheetah and she took me into a shower with her and used her tail to hold my wrist and keep me close to her. When we got out I was the only one getting dressed since she didn't wear clothes. The clothes she put me in were the same clothes I slept in and she didn't even wash them. She held me with one hand while she took me downstairs to see Diana and when we got down there she was super angry at Cheetah holding me.


The glass was covered in scratches and she looked like she was kind of tired. She still attacked the glass and Cheetah walked up close to the glass.

Cheetah-Poor Diana, locked away for the rest of her short life. You don't mind if we have breakfast down here in front of you, do you? ~


Cheetah-Sounds fun, but I gotta go. Breakfast won't make and feed itself to this baby boy... That's going to be my job, but I'll let you watch. ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Diana's POV)

Cheetah was true to her word and came back down to feed (Y/N) in front of me to make me furious. The smell and sight of food were also making me hungry so I tried breaking the glass again with no luck. I heard her make train sounds at him while giving me a side look in her eyes. My blood was boiling for the whole meal so much that I didn't feel hungry anymore. She even toyed with him to make me very mad and she loved it!

(Cheetah's POV)

Revenge is very underrated because it feels amazing. She could not do a thing but flail at the glass cell walls to try and get out. When breakfast was over, I just put him higher up on my lap to get really cuddly with him for show and it also felt nice. Humans are really pathetic which makes me happy I evolved out of that shell and into something better and stronger. Maybe I can not only take the spotlight I deserve for my power but also make humans do everything for me. Even make them furniture if they are comfy enough to rest on. I will give (Y/N) the honor of being a little cuddle companion in bed so he gets to laze around while others work. In order to do that, the rest of the Justice League's small members are going to be a bit of a problem. One pest is not so bad, but a whole bunch is an infestation.

Cheetah-Diana, do you know the password to the computer in here? I bet you have tabs on the other heroes.


Cheetah-Maybe some more time in there will change your attitude when you are too weak to fight. No problem for me though. I got a baby boy toy, a comfy bed upstairs, food, and all the time in the world.

I took (Y/N) with me upstairs and left her alone. I just need to wait for her to be weakened by hunger then use her lasso of truth to get all the information I can out of her before she withers away. I got back to her room and lied back with my leg up in the air while (Y/N) was lying on his belly on my foot. The scared look he was giving me was adorable.

Cheetah-Hey, how comfy do you think humans are for a bed?


Cheetah-... Maybe not for comfort, but they will be fun to scratch.


Cheetah-How cute. You think you have a say. ~

(Y/N)-B-But you asked me.

Cheetah-I didn't ask if I could have your permission. I asked you if you thought it would be comfy... Maybe if they were the right amount of chubby and well-washed... Maybe it's good enough for an outdoor bed if I feel tired and there is nothing around.

(Y/N)-Whimper N-No.

Cheetah-Excuse me, Toy?

I pushed him up to make him fly a little and he landed on my belly and chest before looking into me eyes when I glared at him. He didn't say another word and tried to hide his face by burying it into me.

Cheetah-If you're going to be someone I cuddle every night 'and' you are going to be someone I cuddle every night, you are going to need some training... Let's start with 2 very simple and major roles in your job... Sit and stay.

(Selina's POV)

It was hard to steal an airship from the Batcave, but not very hard to steal from goons whose bosses are looked up or missing... They need better security. I jumped out of the plane to let it crash somewhere while I parachuted down to the city with my gear. Right now, I was climbing up the tower to get to the roof undetected. The shutters from lockdown made it very easy to find places to climb up with help from my grappling hook. It did make getting up easier but getting in was much harder than it needed to be. I got to the door and tried frying the electric lock as well as pick the regular lock. It took a while, but I got in without setting off the alarm since I know how Batman sets his alarms... 

Selina's mind-I'm gonna miss our games.

I went down the stairs and knew if I was going to get out of here with Kitten, the power needed to go out. I know Bruce was paranoid and kept things close to him for backup plans, so he most likely has something in his room. I've been here before on business so I went straight to her room as quietly as possible and closed the door. I looked around and saw a reflection of myself in the mirror before I got skeptical of it.

Selina-Wanting to look at himself in the mirror in his suit?... Yeah, right.

I walked up to it and tapped on it. Nothing. I tried swiping my finger down on it until I reached from top to bottom. I saw this mirror on the wall form words on it for a touch screen over a mirror.

Selina's mind-You sure did love your secrets. Password... Hint, the one who got away... Me.

I put in my name and it worked. I felt flattered he put me as his password. I saw controls for this whole building.

Selina's mind-Lockdown override, Member files, System check... Ah-ha. Powergrid.

Selina-Light's out, Kitten. Come to Mama. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Cheetah kept on teasing me and making me embarrassed but if I moved she said she would go out to bring someone here to kill in front of me. I was frozen in fear for a while but now I have to try not to move unless she did it for me. This went on until the lights went out.


(Y/N)-I-I didn't do it! whimper

Cheetah-Diana... If I see you so much as a hair out of place, I will drag somebody in here.

She left the room, but when she stepped out into the hall, I only saw a blur take her and something like a window and metal be smashed open with a big bang.


I jumped a little and then got scared because I moved! If Cheetah wins then she will kill someone! If Diana wins she'll be mad and I'm still scared of her! My body was shivering and I thought about making a run for it but then someone could die... 



I heard footsteps and then someone came into the room to see me crying... Catwoman.

Catwoman-Kitten! Awwwww, don't cry. It's just us now. ~

She ran over to pick me up, but it didn't make me feel better. She gave me lots of kisses before she took me with her out of the room. I was too busy crying to tell her people might die if I didn't go back to bed.

Catwoman-I'm so sorry Mama didn't notice her mean date scared you. Next time, I'm getting a child leash for you and it'll be someplace more fun. Let a woman's clothing store... or a pet store for kitty toys. Giggles I'm teasing... Though we could try to see if you like it. ~

She went into Batman's room to lift the lockdown and then took me down to the lobby to take me outside. She promised to get me things like normal toys or video games if I was a good kitty for her. She saw a military jeep in the street and the keys were still inside so she stole it to take us to the airport. The radio was going off to talk about a fight around the city until Catwoman turned it off.

Catwoman-Airport isn't far away... Oh, that's right. I brought something for you, Kitten. ~

(Y/N)-Wh-Wha-. hic

She let go of the wheel and reached into a bag before she pulled out what looked like lipstick, She held it up to me and opened it... It sprayed a bit of gas in my face and I felt dizzy.

Catwoman-Night, night. ~

I blacked out in the jeep.

(Timeskip ???)

I woke up in what I think was a small airplane before I blacked out again.

(Timeskip ???)

Something was being rubbed on my face and it felt wet. When I opened my eyes I saw I was being licked by... PRINCESS!!!

(Y/N)-Muffled scream! Hmm?!

I saw I was wrapped in a blanket and there was something in my mouth that I couldn't spit out... It with Princess's paw so I turned away to get it out. When I started screaming some more I was turned and stuffed into a pair of boobs.

(Selina's POV)

I though he would never wake up. I was ready to wait all night but I wish it wasn't while I was in a good spot in my book. I had to stop his screaming before it bothered the neighbors. I think swaddling him was a good call to make this easy for me. The cute part was that he instantly stopped screaming and started blushing while looking up at me when he saw where he was.

Selina-Hey Kitten. Lucky you, huh? Giggles ~

I sat up and held up and my cats and Princess swarmed up.

Selina-Look Kitten. They missed you... You know, Mama was going to get very bored with... a very close hubby of hers is gone and her job can't make her feel better all the time. Even my kitties are going to get sad. ~

Kitten-U-Umm... I-It's ok... I think.

Selina-Giggles So cute. You are going to be loved so much here. I think we can pull an all nighter so you can be here with everyone while I get you those games.

(Y/N)-I-I don't wanna go shopping.

Selina-Shopping?... Hahahahaha!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I got my suit back on and things ready to go before i took care of Kitten. I just put him in Princess's big bed with her to cuddle and put some catnip on his blanket for the cats to enjoy while giving him snuggles while I'm gone.

Selina-Be a good boy and tomorrow we'll go actual shopping at a clothing and pet store. I can even make something for Princess to hold and carry you around. Wouldn't that be nice? ~


Selina-I knew you would agree. Which is good because her birthday is coming up. Bye. Feel free to take another nap if you want. ~

(No POV)

Catwoman left her home to go get some games for (Y/N) to play in his free time from her. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city, there was a reason why security was so bad lately and Catwoman easily stole a plane from Penguin's gang... Most of the men were in a warehouse and most of them were dead already while the rest were horrified. One was scared the most because two pissed off women were in front of him after his friend had a tree quickly growing out of his body.

Ivy-Let's see if you have more mannors and common sense.

Poison Ivy shoved a seed down his throat and he wiggled to no avail.

Ivy-You want the cure and live past tonight? Just tell us what we asked everyone else.


Harley-Somebody took him and that means somebody here IS FULL OF SHIT!!!

He spent his time pleading for others to say something or come up with something they would buy... It didn't work and in 15 minutes he had a tree growing out of his chest and rooting into the wall. They moved onto the next man.

Ivy's mind-We are going to find you... My little flower and I don't care how many people we have to kill to have you again! I might just kill the rest anyway!


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