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(Kara's POV)

(Y/N) needed more help than I thought. He was too skittish to feed himself properly or even eat a good amount of food unless I helped him. It helped when I covered my symbol and got him to eat a little more. Starfire wanted to help to and she just acted silly to try and make him smile or laugh... It didn't work, but he did feel a little more comfortable with eating until he ate 2 whole slices of pizza. It was time for him to call it a night and be put to bed. He already had a bath so that saved me more hassle and I got to take a shower by myself while using my x-ray vision to keep an eye on him. He tried to bring himself to leave, but something about him was fighting himself to stay. I rushed this shower a little to get dressed and get back to him. It took about 30 seconds and I rushed the dressing and drying which made him jump and yelp a little.

Kara-Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

I slowly got into bed and held him close with just a plain t-shirt and sweats on to cuddle with him. I heard a doorbell go off, but I stayed in my room since Starfire and Raven lived here. (Y/N) needed some TLC too and I think all children like cuddling, even if some try to be tough about it. I flew with him on top me to make slow and soothing movements for him.

Kara-I see those eyes getting droopy. ~

(Raven's POV)

I was on my way to answer the door wondering who it could be this late. Beast Boy should not be back, yet, Cyborg does drop by when he has free time but I don't think now will be the time, and Dick is busy with Gotham. When I answered the door I was surprised by who I saw.

She looked a little bothered by something and I was on guard.

Wonder Woman-Please... I need help.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Starfire came in mid-story and Wonder Woman told us that her friends in the Justice League were turned evil by the invaders, she had to kill them, she found a child, Waller made things harder for her when she started to abuse her power, and turned others on her. She had her lasso of truth around her, so this was all the truth. I think she was getting to the end now.

Wonder Woman-After I lost him, I have been searching tirelessly around the globe for my baby after Harley Quinn kidnapped him... Please... It's my way to make the hole the death of my friends left behind have anything in it.

Starfire-Whimper Raven, we must help her!

She hugged Wonder Woman and gave me puppy eyes but I still had concerns about all of this... Then again all she said has to be the truth because of her lasso.

Raven-You want to tell us more about this child you took in?

Wonder Woman-(Y/N) is a little boy who is tall and mentally fragile. 


Raven-Starfire, wai-!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kara told me to close my eyes and just focus on her touch. She is not changing it and I think I know when she is going to touch me again. I just need to breathe and think about the good things I like. It was hard to not think about her symbol and other things that I have no idea why I am afraid of. I opened my eyes when the door opened and I saw Starfire fly in.

Starfire-Joy! (Y/N), I found the Wonder Woman!


Just then Wonder Woman walked into the doorway and smiled at me while my heart sank for some reason.

Diane-MY BABY!!! 

She flew in and scooped me up before give me lots of kisses, but I screamed a little by surprise. She hugged me tight until Kara took me back from her.


Kara-You scared him! What are you doing here?!

I blocked them out and wiggled until Kara put me on the bed. I wanted to hide while they talked or maybe they were about to fight until Starfire got in the middle of them. When I got off the bed and left the room, I thought I could get out here, but then I bumped into Raven.

Raven-This is why I wanted to wait... Azarath Metrion Zinthos.

I felt calmer somehow... No, it was like someone or something lifted all the weight in my chest and I felt almost light headed.

Raven-Follow me. You're exhausted and you don't need to be around fighting.

(Raven's POV)

I had a spell to put his body on auto-pilot of sorts. It only works on weak-willed or fragile people with a sentient mind. He followed me and came to my room where I locked my door and put a spell on the outside of my walls, floor, ceiling, and windows. He had control of his eyes so I caught him checking some things out in my room

Raven-Get on the bed. I'm getting into a shower.

I heard him whimper and this made the will inside of him grow strong. He was looking at a baterrang Dick gave me and it was triggering something. I put it in a drawer, but it was done. He saw it and he only calmed down when I got closer to hold him, so the spell was stronger. I felt disgusting and really wanted a shower, but I couldn't leave him alone or even put him down.

Raven-Sigh... I can tell you are not mature enough to know... Looks like you are coming in the shower with me.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I had to take a shower. When I got ready to get in the shower, I took (Y/N) in with me. I used magic to wash myself while holding him and felt him calm down. By the time I was just getting started with my hair, I felt like I could leave him in my room again. I guess the warm water is calming him down.

Raven-Hmm... Something worth telling the others in case they don't know.

(Y/N)-I... I'm so confused, I don't know why I'm so afraid.

He was starting to talk about his problems to me in the shower and it was him mostly not having the answers. I could show him, but that would do more harm than good. He fell asleep on my by the time we got out of the shower and I got him dressed first before I did. When I lied down with him I made him a little spoon with me.

Raven's mind-This invasion... Wonder Woman's story... You being scared of Superman's Symbol and a weapon from Batman.

I think I know what happened or at the very least had a pretty good idea when I think about it now. The Justice League members killed his parents or had a big hand in it before attacking him. That has to be what happened. If Batman is gone then that means Dick is never going to leave Gotham with the expected crime wave that will be coming soon. With the other major villains that are going to learn this, Beast Boy and Cyborg are going to be busy out there. That leaves me and Starfire to hold down the fort... With Jump City about to be so much calmer and... empty this would be the safest place for (Y/N).

Raven-... You're going to be safe here.

I just closed my eyes and went to sleep with him.

(Starfire's POV)

We are making good progress on finding the common ground between us. They both want (Y/N)'s safety and with no clear place to go, I said that Titian's Tower was safe, secure, and a fun play for a child who likes video games, swimming, and board games that we have. They were still arguing about who he would sleep with, but it seemed that friend Raven had put a barrier around her room. They could break through it with no problem, but I pointed out that doing so would frighten (Y/N) and make my friend upset.

Starfire-Perhaps we shall sleep this off and discuss further arrangements in the morning over a nice breakfast.

Wonder Woman-... Fine, but my baby will be in my lap.

Kara-We will let him pick.

Wonder Woman-He is not well enough to pick. 

Starfire-How about to resolve, he will sit between you and get comfy how he sees fit?

I gently pushed them to guest rooms while they still seemed mad at each other over (Y/N). I returned to my room and thought about how joyous it would be to have (Y/N) live here with us! It will be fun while we wait for missions, plus I will learn more on the children of this world! Many humans have different addictions of touch to certain areas like how Silky loved being licked behind his ear...

Starfire-My first human child to care for! I can hardly wait! ~

(Diane's POV)

I wanted to break in that room and take my baby back because he should already be sleeping with me! I slept nude to be more comfy, but sleep did not come easy to me which made me very irritated. When I got dressed again I flew outside to try and peek in the room, but all the curtains were closed!

Diane's mind-My baby should only be mine! I have a home for him and everything! He is coming with me!

I landed on the ground and looked out into the ocean to think about when I take him tomorrow. My main concern is Waller trying something by using Harley again. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the lights all around me go out and it looked like the tower went out too. They might all be asleep, but I don't think they have a timer to turn everything off. Before I could be fully on guard I was tackled to the ground and pinned under my attacker.

Cheetah-Hello, Diane. ~ Roar!

She tried to claw at me, but I pushed her off me. She quickly recovered by landing on her feet and lunging at me to attack. I blocked her fury of attacks and nailed her in the stomach before the lights came on which made her confused and angry before she came in for one last attack... Only to fake it and kick dirt into my eyes.


I rubbed my eyes to get the dirt out and when I opened them, Cheetah was gone. Starfire and Kara came flying down.

Starfire-Are you alright? The power went out and you were not in your room.

Diane-I was ambushed. Where's Cheetah? Did either of you see her?

Kara looked around and it looks like she didn't find anything. 

Kara-Whoever attacked you, I don't see anyone, but I do see signs of an attack. 

Diane-She was just here! Where could she be hiding?! Check underground too!

She did what I said, but based on her speed, I bet she is almost back to the city and will go into hiding. I felt so frustrated and went up to Starfire.

Diane-My baby is not going to be safe here if the defenses aren't enough. I am taking him where it is safe when I come back tomorrow.

(Starfire's POV)

Wonder Woman flew off at high speeds and I felt my heart shatter when she said she would take in. For a moment, I started to see green in the last moments I saw her.

Starfire's mind-Take him?... He can't leave! He won't!


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