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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was starting to get dark outside and Odette and Clara wanted to get me ready for bed by giving me a bath. Carmilla watched them wash me, but there was still no bubbles and no toys to play with. After the bath, they got me back in my clothes after they were washed and brought me to Clara's room. They wanted me to sleep with her tonight, but I wanted to sleep with all of them. They said they would take turns and I didn't know how that would work if I went back to Mommy and Mama to sleep with them. I just listened to them since I had to and waited for Clara to get into bed to snuggle with her.

Clara-Oh, aren't you just cuddly... How about some TV before bed?


She turned on the TV and turned on a light for when it gets dark outside.

((M/N)'s POV)

I snuck away from the others and went to the church to look around for something that could be from Heaven. I tried not to overthink anything, but I just wanted to be done... I can't let Lucifer and my future child down. I kept on looking in this place and it was going to be open all night. After a while of searching, I think I found something on a statue.

(M/N)-The Jasper Stone.

A diamond is not made by man and to represent a whole religion is something that Heaven would send.

(M/N)'s mind-Bingo... I'm coming Lucifer. I can't slide onto your sacred c**k and let you have your way with me while I-. ~

(Keenie's POV)

I sensed evil in a lot of hearts but none of which are enough for what I am looking for other than to expose all at once. I wanted someone completely evil. One even the higher-ups could not ignore... Just then I saw a woman with a lustful look on her face looking at the Jasper Stone.

I was going to ignore her at first, but with my binoculars, I noticed something on her phone screen. It was a satanic symbol... She is a Satanist who worships filthy demons in the house of God! I got closer to her without others and I felt a great darkness in her heart. No, even worse... She made a pact or multiple pacts with a demon.

Keenie's mind-That's it! I just need to perform an exorcism and Heaven will have to come down and see what a good job I did! I would be breaking a human away from a pact of a demon!

I thought about telling the boys, but then I thought of Cletus being the one that killed in the first place and Collin would just include him... I missed my home so much and...

Keenie's mind-I'm sorry boys.

I need to get her alone.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Clara went to sleep from my cuddling and playing. I thought it would keep her awake and I wanted to play some more. I remember a story where someone wakes up from a kiss, so I tried kissing her in a few places on her face and she moved, but didn't wake up. I thought since I wasn't tired I could cuddle her however I like now. I needed some more pillows to help support me and I think there will be more in the living room. I left to go get some pillows, but suddenly I saw something splash on a window a little. It looked like strawberry juice or something else red, so I went up to it. I thought Carmilla could be making something yummy outside, so I looked for the backdoor in that garage. When I opened the garage door someone was already in the garage and eating something that was making weird noises in her mouth. She was looking at me and grew very big.

I couldn't believe it and my mouth fell open.

(Missi's POV)

I was hoping to pick off more before I took my target with me, but I guess I had to wrap things up. I reached behind him and gently closed the door while staring into his eyes with his mouth gapped open. I put my snout up to him that was bigger than him and he stood there frozen.

Missi-You must be (Y/N). If you are good I won't make it too hard on-. ~ mphm

He suddenly hugged my nose and looked happy while he climbed up to pet my snout.

(Y/N)-Pretty Dragon! ~

Missi-... What?

He hugged me a little tighter, but I picked him up with 2 fingers and stood up tall. He just looked at me all giggly and made grabby hands to me.

Missi-I see you're new here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Missi Zilla and I'm an overlord. ~

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N). Are you friends with Carmilla or her daughters? Are you a magic-growing dragon? How do your clothes grow with you? I never saw a dragon before. Do they sleep on treasure? I don't think that's comfy and a giant bed would be-. muffled

I just stuffed him between my boobs before I went out the garage door I came in and all the dead bodies outside won't been seen for a while. The footage will be on loop which I was hoping would buy me more time. I left the yard and got into the city and felt him crawl out from my cleavage and I looked at him.

(Y/N)-Giggles Hi.

Missi-you know usually, my prisoners scream and whine while squirming in my claws or mouth.

(Y/N)-Why?... You look pretty and cool to me.

He tried to climb on me some more, but I smashed into a building and made it like a chair to sit on. It was mostly empty... I say mostly because I feel a few demons wiggling under the rubble I was sitting on, but fuck them. I put (Y/N) on my knee, but he held up his hands to be picked up again.


(Y/N)-I wanna be next to your heart again.

This kid is weird. He wasn't afraid of me at all and would say things I would kill him for if it wasn't for Lucifer. I felt the demons under my ass wiggling to much so I put more weight on them until they stopped moving. This kid even got kissy and cuddly with me. Never got that from anyone.



(Y/N)-Can I try something?

He started climbing me again and this time he went on my head and inside my hair. I heard him giggling and felt him nuzzle into me.

(Y/N)-Your hair is so soft.

I felt him kiss my head and this kid was so stupid that it was cute. I felt kind of bummed that I had to give him back... I just got up and walked to the hotel where the princess was, but on the way he got really quiet. He stopped moving too.

Missi-Huh? Hey, kid. You still up there?

I put my hand on my head and I felt nothing which made my heart sink. Not for losing my target that my boss wanted... It felt personal.


I looked around and sniffed the air, but he was just gone, so I searched my whole body!

Missi's mind-WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! WHERE DID HE GO?!?!?!

(Flashback 10 Minutes)

(Keenie's POV)

This woman was walking around and trying to act friendly, but she had her eyes on the Jasper Stone, so that was going to be the bait I used to lure her away. I got a hoodie and janitor's uniform to make a manikin and acted like a person that took the diamond to clean. I looked through the hole of the uniform behind me as I flew with half the manikin on top of me and saw she was following me.

Keenie's mind-That's right. Come and get it you demon worshiping garbage.

I led her to the basement and made sure to stay far enough ahead of her to put the dummy down and then put the stone somewhere safe. When she tackled the dummy I flew behind her while she was confused and hit her in the head to knock her out.

Keenie-Misguided fool.

I got things ready by preparing real holy water and an old cross that actually had real power to it. Unlike the ones they replaced it with because it was solid gold with gems on it.

Keenie-Oh Heavenly Father, I am here to repent as well as save a soul you created from the grasp of the hellish demons! In your name, I condemn these demons that have her soul corrupted be cleansed and banished back to the depths of hell!

I splashed the holy water on her and it was boiling on her, but she was still out cold!

Keenie-Reverse what deal was made! RELEASE THIS SOUL!!!

I splashed her again and again until my bucket was empty and summoned my crossbow to slam it on her! A light came out from it and I felt the link being weakened. I poured the rest of the water I had on her and the light got stronger and opened a portal to hell above her. That's when a little boy fell through.

???-Oof!... yawn.

I was taken by surprise by this until I realized that he was a human sacrifice. He looked a little sleepy until he saw the woman under him.

???-Old Mommy!

He gave her a hug even though she was still unconscious.


That's when the boy noticed me and smiled before he flipped onto her back to lay on top of his mother. SHE SACRAFICED HER OWN CHILD?!?!?!

???-Hi, I'm (Y/N)... Are we in Missi's hair?

Keenie-... Ahem Why hello there (Y/N). My name is Keenie and I'm the one who just saved you.

(Y/N)-Saved me?

He appears to be confused and the sad part is I can just smell and feel the presence of a demon off of him from being fresh out of hell. I took a while to explain things to him, but he was too tired and it was late. He just wanted to go back to cuddling with his mother, but I will not let him go back to the likes of her.

Keenie-No, no, no... I... got a better idea for you. How would you like to meet some of my old friends from a very special place? ~

(Y/N)-Yawn I like making new friends.

Keenie-That's great... Would you like juice or milk before bed? ~

(Y/N)-Hmmm... Chocolate sleepy milk, please. What about my old Mommy?

Keenie-She's... on a time out.

I left the church and found a nice campsite that looked like it was used for youth groups for camping. I just went inside and made a bed for him and they had food and everything I would need for the night. I made his chocolate milk. He looked so comfy laying down, so I put it in a sippy cup for him and he looked at me happily with those soft... adorable eyes.

Keenie-Oh, how I missed this. ~


Keenie-Oh, nothing. Just go to sleep, Sweetie. ~

He held his arms out to me and I felt my heart skip a beat. It was even more adorable that he was still drinking his chocolate milk.

Keenie-You... wanna cuddle?

He nodded his head and his eyes were getting droopy. I thought back to when a drunk homeless pervert tried to pet me while pulling at my clothes when he got a hard-on. Now, I have an adorable baby that wants to innocently cuddle! I did not hesitate to make him the little spoon while I still fed him. I will open a portal to Heaven tomorrow and someone will come through when it rejects me again and sees him. He nuzzled into me and then turned into me when he was done drinking.

Keenie's mind-You are going to be more than my ticket back into Heaven... You're going to my purpose in life! I'll have purpose again!

(Stella's POV)

I had my IMPS drop a huge bag of money on the table that blocked the other imp's stupid fucking face to make me less sick. I told him about the child I want brought to me or my daughter alive, I give him a picture, and their hellhound will help them.

Stella-This is a part of your payment. If you want the other 70% without deductions, I expect results to return my pet to me alive and 'unharmed'. Do you understand me, imp?

He came from around the pile and still looked surprised.

Blitz-Understood. You want a child.


Blitz-Of course, of course!... M&M!!! LOONIE!!! GET IN HERE!!!


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