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(Kara's POV)

I tried everywhere, but people were already going through hard times from the draft, and no word from loved ones or news of loved ones being dead. I can't ask them to take in a stranger and a child. However, I might get desperate enough to try because (Y/N) and I need help too. I will happily offer services to the one that lets us into their home. I think anyone would like having the hard chores done or some kind of help that can make us less of a burden. This place seemed so empty for its size compared to other cities I saw that were bigger and just packed to the brim with people. He even still looked nervous and scared around me so that would cause some form of understanding and others gave me looks too. 

Kara's mind-Why is everyone so afraid?

I kept on walking in the streets until I heard his stomach growl, so I thought a trip to a jungle somewhere for some fruit would help. Just as I flew up into the sky, I saw 2 others flying to me, but they were not Kryptonians.

I had my guard up because the last one I saw flying was not friendly and I have a child to protect. They looked at me a little confused before they gave each other a look and stopped right in front of me.

Kara-I'm not looking for any trouble. If this is about those scared people, I did nothing.

???-No. We just thought you were someone else.

???-Greetings. My name is Starfire and this is my friend Raven.

Kara-Kara. This is (Y/N).

Starfire-Why does he seem so scared? Does he have a fear of the heights?

Kara-Well... Maybe you can help me. He and so many others are afraid of this symbol I'm wearing. Do you know what it means here?

Raven-... When did you get here?

Kara-Not that long after the invasion. I think I just missed it.

(Raven's POV)

That's another red flag. We can't jump to conclusions though so I think it would be best if we keep her close and I can see what happened to the boy. If she is hostile and the same species as Superman then Nightwing should have something to deal with her in the bat cave. Just then, (Y/N) curled up a bit more when he looked down. Starfire flew closer to them.

Starfire-I too was new to this planet at one point. Please, allow us to help and give you a place to rest. We even have food to fill any number of stomaches you may have.

Kara-Uh... Ok. Thank you.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We made it back to the tower and Starfire got Kara into a guest room. She was cheery as usual and wanted to be a good host to make some food for Kara and (Y/N)... I'll show mercy and just get her to order some takeout. When a pizza was ordered Kara and (Y/N) came out to the living room with Starfire. I only looked at our two guests and Kara was holding him while he looked nervous of her symbol.

Starfire-And this is our room of the living. Also our kitchen and dining area.

Kara-It's a very nice home. Do you have something (Y/N) could snack on?

Starfire-Does her like fruit like bananas and strawberries?

I think he only whispered an answer under his breathe but those two heard what he said. Kara just came over and put (Y/N) on the couch while I was meditating. He had some strawberries with him, but looked at me a little shyly.

(Y/N)-... A-Are you magic?

Raven-You could say that.

I don't think he needs to know I'm half demon. He ate his fruit and looked exhausted, but couldn't sleep. I could feel how troubled his soul was and I bet it has to do with the attack on the planet. I stopped floating and sat next to him and he flinched a little.

Raven-I'm not going to hurt you... Did you ever hear of the Teen Titans?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes... R-Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Starfire, and you.

Raven-Then we are here to help. You can tell me why you are scared.

(Y/N)-I... I don't know. I can't remember... sniffle I'm so confused.

Sounds like he repressed his memory. I could reach into him to see, but it would make him see it too and whatever his brain is doing to protect him will be undone. That could be dangerous for him. Just then Starfire flew over us and was smiling.

Starfire-How joyous! You are bonding with him already! Kara, may I hold him?!

Kara-Um... I guess.

(Starfire's POV)

I remember when Silky had left this life and I was heartbroken. He is not that much bigger than him when he was at a certain point in life. He was even wiggling a little when I picked up and hovered low to the ground to avoid scaring him. After a little bit of flying close to the ground to act like a fun ride, he wasn't wiggling anymore. HE MUST LIKE THIS!!!

Starfire-Giggles Raven, is this child just not adorable?!


Kara-I think you are making him blush.

Starfire-It is adorable! I just want to cuddle and hold him forever! ~

He blushed me when I gave him a hug and then when we went by Kara he looked at her symbol again. His body shivered a little.

Starfire-Are you scared again?... Kara seems like a nice person.

Kara-It's another problem I have been having. People are afraid of this symbol.

Starfire-But it belongs to the most well-known superhero on this planet. Superman.

Kara-Unless you met others other than my cousin then I don't know why many would fear this. Our symbol means hope.

Starfire-Then it must be a misunderstanding.

I felt (Y/N) shiver even more and it looked like he was trying to think about something. It was cute, but also concerning. Kara took him from me and I already miss the feeling of having him in my arms.

Kara-I think I'm gonna get a bath ready for him before the pizza gets here.

(Kara's POV)

I had to fight the erg to just take him back, but I didn't want to seem rude. When we got back to my guest room, I tried to put him down so he could get undressed to get into a bath across the hall, but he didn't seem to really function enough to do it... I guess I had to help him. The process was heartbreaking because he was too scared to even fight me. By the time I got him undressed and in the bath, he was holding in his cries while I washed him.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why? whimper whisper

Kara-Hmm? Why what?

(Y/N)-Hic Why am I so scared? whisper

(Raven's POV)

I was listening in through the vents and was surprised that a stranger was washing a kid she hadn't met until recently. This conversation though... A child is confused about what to think or feel because a piece of their life is utter torture and it changed them forever... 

Raven's mind-Kind of like me, I guess.

I wouldn't wish what I went through on him and whatever it is... No, I won't let that happen. It's clear that (Y/N) needs to stay here where I can keep that memory in check. It's most likely that he doesn't have parents anymore or maybe they are the cause... Whatever the case is, I can't let him leave with something that bad in his head just waiting to be let out.

Raven's mind-Maybe Dick can help us. Batman has tabs on everyone and everywhere.

Just then the bell rang and it was the pizza when we looked at the camera live feed on the other side of the like.

Starfire-I shall get it. 

She flew out with some money and came back with the pizza. That's when I decided to have a little talk with her about Kara and (Y/N) while they were not here.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Diane's POV)

I felt so exhausted and just wanted to nap even after I just took one on a roof. My body was not letting me stay up and falling back asleep only for a few hours. By the time I could finally stay awake, it was night time and that meant another night without my baby by my side. I bet Waller is out there enjoying her newfound power, but she would be a fool if she thinks she can stop me with her army. I walked out into the city and this one lost half of its people like others that I have seen of the days I have been on edge. I don't know if I am just irritated or paranoid, but I feel like someone is watching me.

Diane's mind-Maybe I'm going about this search all wrong... Think it is like hiding from Batman.

I started to think about what I would do if I were hiding from Batman besides the obvious stay away from government buildings and places with cameras... Ruined cities and low-developed towns will be great hiding spots, but those are all over the world. Plus, I would be remotely in touch in case something were to happen and that means I need internet and service... 

Diane-As for my hostage, I would keep them separate, and in the last place, I would think to look.

That could be a lot of places... Or on the move with another hero under her payroll. How would she get someone to go against me though? I thought of that new girl from earlier, but it sounded ridiculous. 

Diane-Think. At this rate, you'll never find him.

I had that feeling again and turned to just see a drunk guy staring at me with a smile. I just flew away. The last thing I want to do is go to the Batcave to find help because then the others will ask why I am looking for Waller if she hasn't turned them on me by now. I made it to another city and just by looking at it... I just knew I was going to get nowhere. I was just doing the same thing and already checked here.

Diane-Sigh... hic hic sobbing*!

I needed help, but the Batcave and Bat Family are just too risky in being close to Waller... Maybe someone close to the Bat Family that would hear my side and help me... I stopped crying when I realized who would be perfect to help me.

Diane's mind-Nightwing and Cyborg's old team... the Teen Titans.

(Cheetah's POV)

This job was so annoying because Wonder Woman was all over the damn place looking to kill Waller. I offered to make a scene to bring her in, but Waller said no... It's not like she found out I killed a few men in a bar to get a good drink I never had in a while. I relaxed on a boulder in a park to look at the sky and the earpiece was going off again.

Man-Cheetah, Wonder Woman is on the move again. She should be on her way from Bar Harbor to 89 degrees southeast.

Cheetah-I think I found something worse than a bomb in your head. mumbled

Man-I did not hear that clearly. Repeat that.

Cheetah-Heading for her now. 

He was talking again which made me growl, but then I saw Diane fly over my head.

He kept on talking, but I just tossed the earpiece and started to chase after her in the direction she was going!

Cheetah's mind-Finally! You're mine and I get my freedom after it! ~


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