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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was put in a cart and hidden under stuff and a blanket to be taken somewhere. When the cart stopped I heard other voices and felt scared. They kept on walking until we got to a darker room or maybe they just closed a door. I started to regret even getting on this cart, but even being with Amy and Vanilla and Cream felt wrong... I just wanted to be alone. Everything was quiet for a moment when I heard a door open and footsteps entered the room. I felt like everyone was looking at the cart I was hiding in and I remembered Sally telling me that they know I am coming.

???-Give us the room, guards. Back to your positions.

I heard of lot of footsteps and it was completely quiet when the door closed. The blanket on top was pulled off and a few towels and stuff were taken off me. That's when I saw a new lady with Sally and Bunnie. I just tried to look smaller and back up into the other things in the cart a little.

Sally-It's Ok, (Y/N). This is my mother. 

???-My name is Queen Alicia Acorn, but just call me Alicia. My daughter told me about you. ~

(Y/N)-... Even the map?

Alicia-She did... Oh, but I know it wasn't you who planned those attacks.

She held a hand out to me and for some reason, Bunnie looked nervous. I should be the one that's nervous! This is the Queen of the Kingdom my grandpa attacked and took people from! When she saw I was scared to take her hand Sally helped me out of the cart and put me down to stand in front of her.

Alicia-Do not be afraid, little one. We mean you no harm, but we do have a few small conditions and rules to ensure your safety. We just want a little bit of information and please stay by me and my daughter.

(Bunnie's POV)

(Y/N) looked as shaken as the last leaf falling off the tree. They took him inside and I was right behind them as we walked down the hall. Poor thing tried to hide behind Sally but that didn't stop any of the stares he was getting by the guards until we got to a room.

Sally-Bunnie, stay out here. I'd feel better if a good friend was guarding the door.


I needed time to think to myself and I won't be able to do that in there. At least this way I can keep unwanted guards out of the room. I don't think it will work on the king though. At first, I didn't hear anything in the room until they started talking and soon it was like (Y/N) exploded. He was yelling and crying for a moment and I won't even act like I'm surprised. It sounds like he's had a really messed up life. My thoughts were interrupted when a guard came up to me.

Guard-Move aside.

Bunnie-Ah can't do that. Ah have orders from Princess Sally.

Guard-I'm one of the elite guards that work under his majesty.

Bunnie-Is this ah direct order from him tah come here?

Guard-That is none of your business.

Bunnie-Ah'm working under Princess Sally an' Queen Alicia righ' now. Ya arrest me an' barge in there, ya will be hearin' about it from them especially if yah make the human boy cry or even more scared than he already is.

He looked mad and that meant this was not under an order from the king himself, so if he walked in on the queen and princess with me in handcuffs, he'd be the one on the hook. When he left, it made me think of if he did go on... He can't stay here. It'll be too much work to just keep all of this drama from him and it can just take one incident for him to get hurt or snap. Later on, the door opened, and (Y/N) was clinging to Sally Girl. I only looked at him though.

Sally-It's all over now... Do you want to get to my room? ~

He nodded his head and we all went to Sally's room and she put him to lay down on her bed. Her mom even went as far as to tuck him in under some blankets, but he was still crying. That's when the door opened and we saw Sally's father come in.

Maximillian-I wish to speak to this human.

Alicia-We already got him to talk and it's all on tape. It explains the map, what little he knows about his old home, and of Eggman. You have all you want.

He glared at (Y/N) and (Y/N) tried to hide in the blankets a little until Sally got in the middle of them.

Sally-Dad, stop!

It turned into an argument that they took out into the hall, leaving me alone with (Y/N). He was crying, so I went next to him and gave him a hug.

Bunnie-Hey, Hun. ah know yer scared. ~

(Y/N)-Hic sobbing cough cough!

I got up to get him some water to help him stop crying and coughing before I put him on my lap. He looked at my robotic limbs and looked even more upset.

(Y/N)-Y-You hate me. whisper

Bunnie-Wha'? No... Wha happened tah me was not yer fault. Come here. ~

I heard their talking get farther and farther away. That's when I decided to talk to him privately.

Bunnie-Do all the guards an' the big castle scare ya, lil' guy? ~


Bunnie-Ah though' this was ah bad call, bu' Sally Girl is ah good person. Believe me... How's about ah get somethin' else set up fer yah at mah farm? It's much more private there an' still safe... Jus' a secret between us, got it? ~

I gave him more cuddles like I saw others do to calm him down. I think he liked the idea of more privacy. I also told him that when Sally comes back I would be leaving to get things ready for him. He looked conflicted to agree, but he did.

(Y/N)-B-But the king-.

Bunnie-Queen Alicia doesn't harbor hate for ya either. Just listen tah their rules and leave talking tah them tah me. 

I gave him an extra firm hug to comfort him before only Alicia came back in the room.

Alicia-I apologise on behalf of my husband. He is still... adjusting to these arrangements.

Bunnie-Yer Highness. Ah need tah tend tah work at the farm.

Alicia-I will watch over the child.

I gave one more look back to (Y/N) and gave him a wink. When I left, I told myself they just needed time tah see this place may be the safest from the people, but not from guards and a king with a hate for humans and overlanders alike.

(Alicia's POV)

Bunnie left and I took my spot back next to this little guy. It was hard to get him to talk without him exploding and he treated me like I was an abusive prison warden to him. I knew he is just scared since we all see his grandpa as an enemy of our kingdom. Honestly, Sally is tearing into her father and I was getting sick of his hatred from this war. I tell him he needs to take breaks and focus on good things in life too so he doesn't end up as heartless as Eggman. I even make sure to give the generals those times to do so even before this war. When I felt (Y/N) shivering I just gave him a soft look and cuddles.

Alicia-Heeey, don't be scared... I think you just need some food... Anything you would like? ~

(Y/N)-Um... maybe some crackers. whisper

Alicia-Giggles You need more than just crackers, Sweetheart. ~


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We were sitting at a table in my daughter's room and she was still out there with her father. She must not be backing down. As for me, I ordered the food (Y/N) wanted and his mouth was watering a little. It was cute.

Alicia-Say, ahhhhh. ~


I gave him his first bit of (F/F) and he looked like he really enjoyed it, so we kept this up. It was my idea to feed him and show him that I was not a threat to him. This reminded me of when Sally was a baby or if she was sick and wanted her Mother to take care of her. My husband would've gotten the same treatment from me if he wasn't too prideful to just be taken care of like that. He missed a little on one bite and he looked at me a little embarrassed.

Alicia-Awwwww, you got a little on yourself. Let's get that. ~

I cleaned him up and he curled up a bit while blushing from being babied a little. I highly doubt he ever received this kind of treatment at his old home.

Alicia-You are so adorable. ~


Alicia-Giggles. ~

When he finished his food I thought he would like to play, but just not in the eyes of any guards. We do have video games in the Kingdom, but none really in the castle. Not even my daughter was a big gamer because she was mainly out with her friends or handling her duties as a princess.

Alicia-Hey... I can get a computer or something for you to play a game on. I understand that you don't want to go out right now.

He quickly shook his head no to the computer idea since I think he was blaming his talent. I won't press on it right now, but later I think he needs exposure to his problem to move past it. Just then a guard came in and he was a loyal one to me. He even quickly kneeled.

Alicia-I asked not to be disturbed.

Guard-Please, forgive me, but it's an important call. The King and Princess are still arguing and you are all who is available.

I walked up to the guard and took the phone before I answered the video call to see Blaze. One of my daughter's friends.

Blaze-Queen Alicia, I'm sorry to bring this up last minute and I'm currently on my way to your kingdom, but my people need help and I need to talk now.

Alicia-Is it about the attacks that were more successful on Eggman's end?

Blaze-Yes. I understand if this is a lot to ask, but-.

Alicia-Not to worry. Just come here and I want you to make a few promises before meeting someone.


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