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((Y/N)'s POV)

I told her my story like a promise and she wanted to know about my old Mommy and Daddy too. Now, we get to play a game like she promised, but I felt so sleepy in her lap now, like it was story time without the sleepy milk. I just sucked on her finger and it made it harder for me to keep my eyes open. She even tried to pull it away a little to play, but I kept her finger and won the little game. I wanted to touch her shoes earlier, but she wouldn't let me. She just kept on looking at me until she sighed and held me a little tighter.


Carmilla-Are you tired already?

(Y/N)-I like to take a nap after storytime.

Carmilla-And why must you suck on my finger?

(Y/N)-Um... It feels good and I like it.

(Carmilla's POV)

This group of family friends of his parents sounded more like a cult and he was born to be a sacrifice. It's a miracle for them that this did work, but from one mother to another, I find it disgusting that she births a child with plans even before her being pregnant to kill them. He went to sleep faster than I thought while sucking my finger. That's when I got up with him and his body leaned even more into mine. I looked into a mirror and saw my hair was let down and he was sleeping like a baby in my arms,

I remember years ago when my daughters were in his place. Someone this innocent should not even be in hell in the first place, but the damage is done since a deal had to be made that has hell claim his soul forever. He would be chewed up and spit out eventually with how things are going with these incompetent demons looking after him while others out there would use him.

Carmilla's mind-Honestly, does Lucifer's princess even know how to care for a child in a place where others range from pedophiles to serial killers?... I doubt the claim was to Lucifer himself since no demon showed up.

From the looks of him, I don't see any claims and I do not take the souls of children. What others do with the weapons I sell is out of my hands. I heard tapping on my door before it opened and it was my daughters.

Odette-Mother, we had reports of Missi being in the area... She will be here soon. whisper

Carmilla-... Girls, get a truck ready. I will be down in a moment. whisper

(Missi's POV)

The child was close by and it looked like he hitched a ride and snuck away somehow to get away. I was too caught up in the fight, but the boss doesn't need to know every little thing about the job. I was following the scent and I was getting closer until I saw a truck leaving Carmilla's factory. I just knew where the scent was leading me there at first, but I smelled it on that truck too. The drivers saw me chasing them and sped up when I knew the boy's scent was on that truck.

Missi's mind-Oh, a chase?... I'll play with my food for a little bit. ~

I chased the truck down and grabbed it before it shocked to burn my skin a little more than any fire. It did hurt and slowed my regeneration while I winced in pain. I looked to see the truck speeding off.

Missi-Ooohh hohohohooo! Big mistake!

I sprinted after the truck now and thrashed anything in my way before I realized it was no longer in the streets. I still had its scene and looked into an alleyway where it turned into to see marks on the ground. They ended and I punched my hand into the ground to see a secret hatch into a tunnel, so I ripped the door off. Something was off about the smell now, but I kept on going to get this kid and then rip those fuckers to pieces.

(Clara's POV)

We put (Y/N)'s socks along with some chemical agents to make the smell stronger. It's really effective for hellhounds if you get it on their target. That should keep Missi busy for a while and Mother said that we were keeping him. He was going to be our new little brother. Odette was even holding him while we sat down to have a family meeting while he was sleeping still with her finger in his mouth to suck on. I thought only babies did that, but it was kind of cute. We talked louder, but not enough to wake him up.

Mother-We have no other spare rooms right now that are ready for him. He will just have to be with one of us. 

Clara-Do you think he is going to have a problem on his first night here?

Mother-He sat in my lap and later sucked on my finger before taking a nap. Now, he is doing the same to your sister. We do not need to worry about him being restless.

Odette-Understood, but what about the princess? Lucifer? Missi?

Mother-I know how to keep my secrets under the radar and you two will do the same for your little brother.

I looked at (Y/N) curled up to Odette looking completely peaceful. I'm so used to guests who are not overlords either here for violating business deals or scamming us on their knees begging for mercy. 

Clara's mind-Well... Mother is no fool, so she must have a plan. I'm sure nothing bad could happen.

(No POV)

In a tunnel, a truck was torn to pieces and screams echoed off the walls until they were suddenly silenced. All that was left was an angry and hurt Missi from the defenses of the van. Realizing that she was hurt this badly by a van and fooled like this, she started to see red.

Missi-Growl Carmilla. snarl echo

She ran back to the factory and saw the place was on lockdown and she would tear through them, but the weapons would leave her vulnerable for a short while. She knew she was holding her target in there.

Missi-You love the kid so much?... I'll rip him from your arms after I rip your daughters apart.

(Missi's POV)

I could just tell my boss Lucifer where his grandson or whatever he is to him, but I want this to be all mine! I dealt with Rosie and she will back off if she knows what's good for her and her little town! When it gets darker at night, I will make my move and it will be worth the wait.

Missi-Chuckles. ~

((M/N)'s POV)

We made it to St. Peter's Balisca and decided to stay in a hotel while we prepared what we needed to do to get in while being forgiven by Lucifer. He may be testing us, but going into that holy building stands against everything I believe in. If we play our cards right, I can even be looking at being the vessel for his next child. We could see the building from our hotel room and practiced setting up the ritual we needed to perform when we find the descendant from Heaven.

(M/N)'s mind-I will be your chosen one and birth your next child or even children for the future. I would even love to ride your-. ~

(D/N)-Honey, why are you smiling so much?

(M/N)-Nothing. Just thinking about tomorrow.

(D/N)-Tomorrow?... Do we need to find the descendent first? Heaven has to be filled with tricky angels and other creatures, so they won't be in plain sight, but still close by... Or they knew we would think that and hide in plain sight, but not in the center of the stage... All signs point to the janitor!

(M/N)-What signs? You just said a few things out of thin air?

(D/N)-Yeah, that's great. hold that thought. Guys! Find out where that janitor lives! I want his wings clipped!

He left our room while yelling more things in the hall. I must admit that I am pissed that it most likely won't be tomorrow anymore, but still...

(M/N)-Fucking dumbass... Can't even work with the tool he got to make a sacrifice pleasurable.

(Keenie's POV)

I can't believe we were resorting to hiding in the attic of one of the most holiest places on Earth. We stayed up here to pray, beg for forgiveness, confessing, I even took credit for throwing the first real hit, but nothing was happening! I had a headache while crying and when Cletus took the center of the room I couldn't help, but glare daggers at him through my fingers!

Cletus-Ok, so praying here isn't working.

Keenie's mind-No... FUCKING SHIT!!!

Cletus-We are going about this the wrong way! We can do a deed so good that Heaven has to notice! There has gotta be some secret this place has that some shitty person is keeping! If we expose that evil-!

Collin-They will hear us out!

Keenie-... We. Tried. That.

Cletus-Small lies are not going to get much attention. Exposing a big evil done by someone is what will get attention in a place like this.

Keenie-And what?! Do you think someone so evil, so disgusting, and completely irredeemable is going to show up on our laps at the drop of the hat?!

Collin-Keenie, calm-.

I peeked at him through my fingers and he took the hint to shut up and I just wanted a separate room, even if it was a closet to curl up and cry in. 



Keenie's mind-A sinner like that ever showing up anywhere near here?... We're going to be stuck on Earth forever... Please, God... Just grant me one last chance to prove I am still pure!


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