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(Ricca's POV)

UZZIE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!! I have been looking for the cub non-stop even when I should be back with him by now! I'm already going to be in a lot of trouble for that alone, but if I show up without him!... The lionesses will kill us before Uzzie can kill me and that'll be a mercy! He had to be somewhere or with someone! Did he go back to the human territory?! I thought about rushing there, but if I went there alone, I would be killed before I even got close to someone. Everything was just so bad that I thought I could never go back and face my pack again.

Ricca's mind-How did he get away?! I know I am a bit of a heavy sleeper, but still!

I thought about it and thought about him having to cross another territory to get to the humans and there is no way he got past everyone unnoticed. I just ran around in the direction of the human territory and checked with everyone. I crossed my fingers sometimes, but it didn't matter when I saw Squishy again from very far away being held by someone.

Ricca's mind-You gotta be fucking joking.

Out of all the species that could've picked up him it just had to be the most powerful, but emotionally sensitive species in the lands?! I can't take them on alone either because even is they don't like fighting, that won't stop them from crushing me to defend themselves or each other. I would be lucky to get a few bites in that bleeds for a little while.

Ricca-Just think... It's just a herd of elephants. Maybe playoff as a worried mother and they will show sympathy... Squishy can't be awake or around when I do this. Ugh!

(Uzzie's POV)

The lionesses just brought back food for all of us and I am trying to hide how angry I was with Ricca since she is very late! Not even using Mkali as a seat or a footrest or something else humiliating will save her! Because she will be killing us all if they spot you out there with the cub! They are going to be more gutsy later on if they suspect something happened! I can't even think clearly over the human's whining from Eahira raping the fucking bitch when I refused her to do the lionesses until I have a firm hold over them! I turned back and saw her dressing the damn thing in her clothes then she froze.

Uzzie-Eahira... You keep her quiet or I will feast on you both.

I looked back at Mkali tied up from when I made Kimya tie her up and when I didn't like her looking at me, I kicked her in the face to make her look ahead to a wall.

Uzzie-Don't look at me.


Uzzie's mind-Where are you Ricca?... You better not have run off with the cub for yourself.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Roja was holding me after the bath all of us had and I couldn't even swim because they would always hold me in their palms since they didn't think I could swim. She put me in her bra again to only let my head stick out while she petted me.

Roja-You look so comfy and that bath showed us you needed more soft and soothing love in your life... I think you can sleep there just fine. ~


Roja-No?... Oh, that is just your old treatment of neglect and abuse talking. Let's get you something to eat and you can safely take a nap with me... Or you can pick one of the girls. ~

She bounced me and gently tapped me back in when I tried to crawl out then walked back to the girls. I saw Zoya walk up to us and she looked happy.

Zoya-Look at you. You fit perfectly in there. Are you sure human mothers don't use bras for this and you aren't just lying? ~

Roja-Zoya, don't remind him of his... old ways.

Zoya-Relax, I just wanna have some fun. I'm sure he will be doing that with me in no time.

Roja-You's not even wearing one.

Zoya-I'm sure he could fit in one of these things that he calls pockets.

Roja-No! What if you sit on him or if it rubs him in a way he gets a rash?!

Just then Sita came with Rajini and Alani and then Sita leaned in to kiss my head before petting me with her trunk.

Rajini-Let's not fight in front of him. There must be other things we can get for our little cub later.

Alani-I think it would be great to try new things for him. He was getting used to us spraying him down for a bath.

I shivered a little at the memory since I thought of like getting sneezed on, but the girls saw this before they formed a circle to put me down in the middle of it. They wanted me to play when they gently nudged, grazed, pet, kiss, poke, tickle, or even hold my hands to make me dance. Whenever I got mad they would just cuddle and hold me. When Sita put me on her shoulder to pat my back after Zoya made me dance I thought I saw something. 


(Mkali's POV)

There was no word to say how angry and humiliated I was! Eahira was promised she could rape members of my pride when our cub slave comes back, but we have seen no sign of him coming back! Ricca hasn't even come which was making Uzzie angry, but if we step out of line... I had time to think while hanging upside down to be used as a toy for the Hyena cub. That was until Uzzie wanted to speak with me and my pride alone before telling the others to leave. She looked calm, but we all knew and felt what she was really feeling.

Uzzie-The resourceful one. Ungag the bitch.

Kimya did what she did and stepped back before she came to me and shoved a bone in my mouth and down my throat.

Uzzie-I see all the looks you and your pride give me and my pack. I should have my way with you in front of my pack while Eahira does her thing.

She looked at Melah and Ari for this part.

Uzzie-She loves a good snack before-.

I bit down on the bone to break it and then yanked at the vines so hard they snapped and tackled her to the ground.

Uzzie-You! The human cub-.

Mkali-Is not in your possession anymore. Ricca would be back by now with him. I don't know what happened, but for what you did to enslave my pride, take my property, and force us to leave our territory... I'm going to make sure you pay. growl

The girls all looked at me and Sanna game over and gripped Uzzie's muzzle with a tight grip.

Sanna-Making me hunt for you is one thing, but to be used as a pouncing and slapping dummy for a cub and her mother-. Ohhhh, I have so many ideas. ~

I got started to dig my claws in her stomach to make her scream. She took advantage of her free claw to attack me, but Nala caught her and bit into her arm.

Mkali-Growl ROAR!!!


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

She was no longer recognizable and I took back everyone that was mine before we went to a mud house the others went too, but only saw the human female in the cave, but everyone was gone. 

Sarabi-Where did they go?!

Female-I-I don't know! I don't know I swear! The cub just came running back in and told us Uzzie was dead!

She could see how angry we were and I still had a lot of anger built up inside of me as did the others. Just then Melah walked up to her.

Melah-You humans have amazing things. Do you have anything for tracking?

The female looked horrified of us and she just dug her claws into the female's leg!



Melah fell back while holding her face. She looked mad and hurt, but in that instant Nala and Sarabi pounced on her to kill her. When they were quickly done...

Mkali-Enough of this planning and wait! We are going through the lands and we downright hunt and kill anyone in the way of our slave! Nobody! Messes! WITH THE PRIDE!!! ROAR




(Ricca's POV)

I had a plan to slow the elephants down. I got spikey little balls and other things to slow them down. I looked at the circle of elephants again but had my eyes on the prize. I accepted I can't go back to Uzzie, but I can still have one thing out of all of this.

Ricca's mind-Just me... and you... Squishy. ~

They put him back down for more playtime and I had to be fast! I sprinted as fast as I could into the circle and the first reaction from everyone was panic until Ragini brought her hand down to try and squish me! I grabbed Squishy before anyone else could and ran!

???-NO!!! STOP HER!!!

They all got up to chase after me, but I tossed the bag to release everything to slow them down and their tender feet made them slow down or even fall in pain. By the time they could even start to slowly get out of my trap, I was away. I heard one of them say something.

???-My cub! echo

Squishy-P-Put me down! scream

I ignored everything and headed for the forest area. There are a lot of places to hide there and as long as I am careful, I will be fine. When I was in the clear, I sat down to rest while holding my crying little Squishy.

Ricca-Awwww, don't be scared. I just took you back... Also, no more Uzzie. ~

He looked at me and his crying went down a little which told me he liked that news. I gave him a few kisses while cradling him and told him a little story...

Ricca-I know she was too scary for you and that's why you ran away, but we don't need her. No. we. Don't. I'm going to take care of you all by myself and be your best Mommy. Yes. I. Am.~

I gave him more loves and I was starting to really love the idea of not sharing him with the pack. I can hunt for my own food just fine and as long as I watch my step in here, we have so much food for me and him. I felt rested enough and just got up to find a cave somewhere for us to nap in...

Ricca-Hmmmm... I think I can't trust you during a nap after what happened last time... I'll find some vines or something to keep you still while we nap. I can't let you go again. ~

Squishy-I-I won't run.

Ricca-Don't lie to me, Squishy. I don't want to punish you... Maybe you need a gag too. My Squishy is not going to lie to Mommy. No, no, no. ~

(No POV)

She kept on walking and talking to "Squishy" like a baby, but what they both didn't know is that someone spotted them. Soon, that someone flew above the trees to report back to the others of her flock.

Kasa's mind-What's hyena doing here with a human cub slave? I thought the chief said no human will go to anyone cruel. Hyenas are some of the most cruel predators out there.


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