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(Bunnie's POV)

Queen Alicia had an order for me to make a cart to move (Y/N) around in case of emergencies, but a cart with a blanket over it is going to cause a lot of unwanted attention. Plus, he isn't really ready to keep a low profile enough since she told me he had a panic attack in Amy's house when I heard about it from Sally. He sounds paranoid, scarred for life, has very low social skills from being under lock and key by Eggman, and to top it all off, he blames himself for everything his so-called Grandpa did. It's all just one big flaming pile of hay and adding more fuel to the fire.

Bunnie's mind-Ah swear. Any more pressure is gonna make the lil' guy snap. Doesn't help that the kingdom would start a literal man hunt fer him.

I made it to the castle and had to also make this look like a pickup to take something, but still ask for Sally. After all of this, I was told the royal family was in a private family meeting and didn't want to be disturbed. Now, I had to wait for what felt like a whole hour before Sally came in and looked relieved to see I was still here. I just wish these guards were more for conversation.

Sally-Oh, thank goodness you're still here. Thank you for coming.

Bunnie-So wha' are we gonna do abou' the 'yah know wha'' problem?

Sally-We'll talk about that come inside. We'll talk in my room.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

Bunnie-WHA' THE HAY?!?!?!

Sally-We actually talked him down.

Talked him down?! He is going to be locked in a single room and transported through the castle in a bag or something to hide him! It only works because her dad thinks (Y/N) is of any value to Eggman still and he can help gather intel on him he most likely doesn't have what he is looking for!

Bunnie-Wha' did he want in the first place?! Make weapons?!

Sally-Blueprints for weapons, but not the point. My father thinks he is still out in the forest, but I will stage a takeoff and when it is time to come back, we will bring the wagon in from outside of town to keep (Y/N) hidden.

Bunnie-Ya'll are locking him in ah castle with guards tha' can and will turn on him!

Sally-Not my mother. One of the conditions she is telling the guards now is that her guards are going to be on watch.

Bunnie-Personal an' loyal are 2 'very' different things. Ah don't like this.

Sally-Well if someone so much as spots him in a house through a window, what do you think will happen?

It just seems like he is hunted everywhere he goes and it makes me sick because he's a sweet boy. I trust Sally with this, but her dad and guards are another story. Now, she wants to have him hear around them after her dad is ready to leave (Y/N) to fend for himself before.

Bunnie-Can 'we' talk abou' this? This is 11 kinds of crazy. Ah mean this with all due respect as yah being mah princess and mah friend, but yah can't sit there an' tell the truth that yer daddy means no harm tah him.

Sally-I don't trust him with (Y/N).

Bunnie-Then why is he comin' here?

Sally-I trust my mom and I know that guards are loyal to her more than my dad.

Something was still not adding up here and I didn't like this plan one little bit. She was completely leaving everything to chance because I know for a fact that most of the guards are loyal to her dad. 

Bunnie's mind-Ah love ya almost like ah sister Sally girl, but ah can't be on board with this... He can't stay here and if it does turn out he could most likely be spotted, ah would rather take chances with mah family at the farm. Ah think Ma and Pa would understand.

The moment (Y/N) comes here the king is going to know he is here though and if I take him, he will do something to get him back... What am I going to do?

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all watching a show and Vanilla had me and Cream on her lap for us to cuddle with her. I didn't think I should, but she insisted and she looked happy. She even gave both of us kisses. Soon, Cream wanted to go out and play but I had to stay inside with Vanilla. It was like being back home, but this time I had no computer and it made me feel sad. I want a computer, but the last time I made anything with a computer, people got hurt. 

Vanilla-Hey, please don't cry. I know you can't go outside and play, yet but we can do something in here.

(Y/N)-I... I just miss doing something.

Vanilla-Awwww. Come here. ~

She held me a little and rocked back and forth while the show went on.

Vanilla-I'm sure Cream will be back soon. She might just be picking flowers somewhere and makes them into crowns. ~

(Y/N)-... I miss my computer... I know it hurt a lot of people, but... sniffle I don't know.

Vanilla-It's something you love. Don't be sad about it. It wasn't your fault. ~

(Vanilla's POV)

I could see the poor thing blamed himself still and I decided to take action. I carried him with me back to my room and he looked confused when I put him on my bed and closed the door to make sure we had extra privacy. Cream loves this and it's good for their health too. I got a little kit out and put him on his side with his head in my lap.

Vanilla-Here, just relax and let me clean your ears.

(Y/N)-Um... I don't like it. The water jet hurts.

Vanilla-Giggles Well, there is no water jet here. You have never had a gentle touch before, have you? ~


I stroked his head before I got started and was careful not to hurt him. A water jet to clean your ears doesn't sound very pleasant. During my work with him, I never thought I would do this to a human before. Cream walked in on us and (Y/N) looked groggy which she smiled at.

She loved being around him as a friend, but being the most home he had in probably his whole life. Cream had flowers with her and started to make crowns as I showed her in silence before we both saw him fall asleep. Cream just came over to us and put a crown gently on his head.

Cream-Mommy... Is he living here now? whisper

Before I could answer that I heard a knock at my door and left (Y/N) back here with Cream and when I opened the door...

Vanilla-Princess Sally? Bunnie?

(???'s POV)

It was another day in my kingdom and it was almost no longer going to be that. I don't know what Eggman was doing before to plan these attacks, but it seemed to have stopped. My people on the other hand lost loved ones and were forced to know that they have been turned into robots. Before I can reach out for aid from the Acorn family I need to tend to my people first to keep the hope alive. When I looked in the mirror, I felt ashamed because I had never been hurt like this from Eggman before.

Blaze's mind-What are you going to tell them?... What can you tell them? If only I had something to use.

Blaze-Calm down... Keep the hope alive as much as you can and then get ahold of the Acorn family... You can put up with him if it's for your kingdom.

I went out to my balcony and saw my people affected. Not by only 3 dozen soldiers being taken prisoner, but how strong those soldiers are supposed to be as well as experienced. When they saw me, I gave them a speech to express my worries and what I plan to do next, but until then nobody is to leave the city unless given clearance which I will only give to farmers escorted by armed guards to plant or harvest food. They looked depressed and when I went inside to call for aid...

Blaze's mind-Please give me a miracle. Please.

(Cream's POV)

I could hear the others talking through the door outside and they were talking about (Y/N). Sally said that she and Bunnie needed to take him to the castle where it would be safe, but Mommy didn't think that it was a good idea. When they came in I saw Sally alone and she looked at me with a smile and then saw (Y/N) sleeping.

Sally-Hi Cream. I'm going to be taking your new friend, but you can come over to see him sometimes. ~ whisper

I heard Mommy crying out in the living room with Bunnie right now and I felt uneasy. She still gently took (Y/N) and left his flower crown on his head. I wanted to beg her to stop, but didn't even know what was going on. She saw the look on my face though.

Sally-Hey, it'll be ok. ~ whisper

Cream-B-But... He's happy here. Mommy wanted this to be his home.

Sally-Cream... I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous to have him in town. whisper

Those words hurt me a lot when she left the room and I soon felt... angry. I wanted to stop her, but I was so lost in thought until I heard a door close...

Cream-... Sniffle hic hic sobbing!

I felt so many emotions and for moments at a time, I saw myself hurting Sally and Bunnie that took... MY NEW BROTHER FROM ME!!! Mommy came into the room to hold me and I didn't look at her, but I heard her holding in her cries.

Vanilla-It'll be ok, Honey... We're going to get him back when the time is right... This kingdom does like secrets.


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