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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mary kept on wanting me to act like a baby. When I tried saying 'no' to her she held a knife up to her neck and counted down. This made me do whatever she wanted me to do because I didn't want her to kill herself. Now, she was making me sit on the ground next to a chair to brush my hair. She said it would be relaxing, but I felt so weird about it. I think my hair was good enough, but she just wanted to keep on going because she liked it. When she was finally done, she put the brush down and curled up on the couch.

Mary-Now, put your head on Mommy's lap. ~

I did what she said and she rubbed my cheek while I rested on her. Something made my chest feel heavy and I whimpered trying not to cry.

Mary-Shhhh It's alright. You are just getting used to it. Just let it all out. ~

I don't know if she was trying to make me feel better if that was another order. Either way, I just let myself cry and she smiled while petting me.

Mary-There we go. Maybe later I can take you out with me to shop for those games. ~

(Kara's POV)

I flew around the world and tried to ask people if they knew where someone like me was and they said Metropolis, but something happened over there. They told me where it was and I flew over there. When I made it I saw scraps of Brianiacs tech and a ruined city being cleaned. Just as I landed where I saw a bunch of people that looked in bad shape and emotionally exhausted... they looked at me in fear. One of the children even screamed before hiding in their parents.

Kara-Um, excuse me. Have you seen someone with this symbol?

They all seemed reluctant to answer me and I heard their whispers loud and clear with my new hearing.

Boy-Is she with the aliens? whisper

Woman-Stay behind me. whisper

Man-She must be with Superman. whisper

Girl-I wanna go home. *whisper

I took Superman, but everything else was just in fear of me before I heard alarms and soldiers were coming. I took off quickly before any more unnecessary fights happened. With no idea what that was about, I wonder if Brainiac had something to do with this. Just then, I saw someone else flying from very far away. It was weird seeing this far, but they were still a spec to me. I flew over as fast as I could, leaving this ruined city behind.

Kara's mind-Kal-el, is that you?! Please, tell me you didn't have anything to do with this.

They were flying really fast, so I picked up the pace and soon caught up to them. When they spotted me, they stopped and drew out weapons.

???-Who are you?!

Kara-Woah, woah, woah! I'm not looking for a fight! I just wanna talk!

???-I'm busy!

Before I could get another word in she took out looking furious about something. What the hell happened here? I wanted to follow her, but she was clearly angry and I had to worry about my own business. I flew to other parts of the world to look for my cousin and over one town, I heard a lot going on. It looks like the authorities here were handling it, but it was just so much happening until I heard a name. "Nightwing". I don't know who that is, but then I heard other names like Red Hood, Robin, and Batgirl around this city. I wanted to get back to looking for Kal-el, but then my new super hearing caught something.

???-(Y/N), get back on my lap right now or I will slice my neck open.


I didn't want anyone to kill themselves, so I rushed over to where I heard it and it came from a small. I then used my new x-ray vision to look inside which felt weird on my eyes, but then I saw a small woman making a child rest his head on her lap with a knife next to her that she must've used to threaten to kill herself.

Kara's mind-Who does this to a child?!

She was holding him hostage by holding herself hostage! I think I saw a hospital nearby... maybe one in another city since this city just isn't safe. I wonder what else she is doing to manipulate him... Well, it's not going to happen. I need to get him out of there and her to a place she can get help, but I don't want to scare the boy. He's crying, but he's not in any real danger. No sense in scaring him even more and then losing all of his breath or having a panic attack.

Kara's mind-Come on, you have powers! You can save a little kid without scaring him even more... It's going to get bad either way. Just gotta rip the band-aid off.

Kara-Let's see if there is a door or window unlocked first.

(Mary's POV)

(Y/N) was still adjusted, but I could tell he was trying to fight himself how much he liked me scratching his head. Everything was going great and we were going to leave as soon as he started to look a little tired. I want him to be exhausted when we come back so he would just take a nap on top of me while I watch my show. It looked like it was the start of a beautiful life, but then I heard a door open and in that instant, I thought the mighty Superman was in front of me. It wasn't and (Y/N) went from shaking to being frozen.

???-I heard everything you said to them about 'hurting yourself'.

She looked at me like she was scolding me. I was about to grab the knife, but she swiftly had us both in her arms. (Y/N) was held properly while I was under her arm to be held by my belly. I was already furious that she was touching my baby!


???-If this is your baby then you are a very manipulative mother.

Before I could say another word she took off so fast I barely saw my house and backyard when we were in the air. I mostly kept on yelling for her to let me go and put my son down!

((Y/N)'s POV)

My head was hurting... My ears were ringing... My thoughts are whispers... I can't hear or feel anything. I only see the "S" for Superman and I was just like this. When I started to feel a strong wind on my face I started to wonder if I was even breathing. Soon we landed and my vision got blurry for a moment, but I never looked away from the "S"... I just felt so scared of it and I don't know why.

(Y/N)'s mind-S... S... What's the S?

I thought I smelled bleach or something and heard a screaming echo, but my vision kept on getting blurry when tears started to fall. My head was really hurting now! Why am I feeling like this?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!?!

(Kara's POV)

This woman was going into a psychopathic rant while some men carried her away. They agreed that she was already a danger to this child and herself and when I asked what about the boy, they told me that CPS would have to get involved which would be really difficult considering what was going on in the world. We weren't in that city anymore, but that invasion was a global emergency and all agency now have to report to someone... That was the stupidest thing I ever heard!

Kara-What about this boy?! Look at him! Her toxic behavior made him a mess!

Man-Um... I think he is more horrified of you right now.


I looked down at him and he was looking at the symbol on my chest like he was staring into the eyes of a monster. Why are a lot of people afraid of this symbol? It's supposed to give people hope.

Kara-Excuse me, but do you know why people are scared of this symbol?

Man-Scared? That's Superman's symbol. I don't think anyone would be scared of a cosplayer.


Man-Anyway we already lost half of our staff to that military draft.

He seemed rude when he walked away, so I went outside to tend to this child myself. I wanted to see why he was so afraid of this symbol and wondered if Kal-el had something to do with it... Maybe General Zod. He wasn't going to talk right now until I calm him down. Maybe a nice change of scenery. That small island looked good, but it might be owned because it has a "T" shaped tower.

Kara-Hey... Do kids like parks here?

(Waller's POV)

Diana was a major problem and I lost contact with Task-Force X so I am assuming she dealt with them and she is going from content to content looking for me or her kid that has gone missing. I tried to send in men to occupy the Hall of Justice, but the last force that went in was met by her when she was silently alerted. One of them even knew my location, so I had to move in that very instant. All of my hideouts were gone and I saw 2 figures flying overhead. There was no fight and that was not good news for me because I either needed a boat or a helicopter to get out of here, but with Wonder Woman scouting the area for me and someone else in other parts of the world I had no window. She'd spot me before I made it anywhere... I need more help, but her strongest friends are all gone... Maybe she just needs an old 'friend'. I called the prison where 'she' was and a guard answered.

Man-This is-.

Waller-Agent Waller! Director of A.R.G.U.S. and I want to speak to the warden now!

Man-This is him, Ma'am.

Waller-I demand you to talk to a prisoner I am willing to cut a deal with... Put me on a video call with Cheetah.

(Kara's POV)

I made sure to keep rocking the child gently and assuring that he was safe while nobody was going to get hurt. He would only want to look at the symbol on my chest, but I guided him to look into my eyes.

Kara-Heeey. shh shhhh ~ whisper

This reminded me of Kal-el when he was a baby and I held him once before the destruction of our planet... I can only hope my cousin is still alive, but hope is something I need to bring back.

Kara-Are you ready to talk? My friends call me Kara... Do you think you can tell me yours?

???-... (Y/N). mumbles

Kara-You seem like a nice boy. What's your favorite food?

(Y/N)-... (F/F).

Kara-Sounds good... Do you like to do anything for fun?

I kept up the small and fun questions to warm him up before I asked a very difficult one.

Kara-Ok... Take your time with this one... Do you know where I can find your mommy and daddy or any family to take care of you?

I had a bad feeling about this, but I had to be sure. His face alone said it all and I felt sorry for him. He took breaks in the story about how there was an attack, but during his story, it was like his brain repressed some of it. It must've been too much for him to think about, but he could still feel it. I remember those people being afraid. After the attack he was alone, soldiers harassed him, and someone named Wonder Woman took him in, but more stuff happened. Kidnapped again and again. Poor thing. He was going to let himself cry, but he looked conflicted and confused.

Kara's mind-This CPS... Are they equipped to deal with this? Am I?... Well, it sounds like this world is in a bad time and some very bad people are coming after him... I'll hold on to him for now and go from here.

People said Superman and that has to be Kal-el... Maybe they know where he lives? He doesn't look ready to talk anymore and I don't want to calm him down to work him up again... Someone has to know where he is. I bet Wonder Woman knows since she seemed like a superhero. They could've worked together... I can't go back to that city with this child on just a hunch.

Kara-Sigh... He'll show up eventually. whisper... Hey (Y/N), let's find a place to stay around here that can help us.

(Y/N)-Sniffle hic N-No hic money. grunt hic whimper

Looks like this world has a currency that I have none of. That has to be someone willing to take us in at least to help a child... Right? I looked at (Y/N) and the awful state he was in one more time. I had no idea what I was going to do... No, I do.

Kara's mind-I need to keep the hope alive... Starting with him.

(Waller's POV)

I was on my laptop in a ruined cafe waiting for the video call to happen. When it did I saw the room was empty until a few guards opened the door and led Cheetah inside. I know her powers and she will rip the bomb out barehanded is she had to and I would be on borrowed time. I had to appeal to her.

Cheetah-You're the woman that hired King Shark, Deadshot, Boomerang, and Harley?... You don't look like much.

Waller-Neither does a Cheetah when bars are in between us.

Cheetah-Growl For now.

Waller-Speaking of which, I have a deal for you that grants your freedom.

Cheetah-I am not afraid of your bomb. I can rip it out and in moments, it will be a flesh wound.

Waller's mind-Let's see who's faster in that case.

Waller-I know, so there will be 'no' bomb attached.

Cheetah-... You are either very stupid or 'very' desperate. Either way, I'm not gonna be some puppet to someone weaker to me.

Waller-You might wanna here the deal first before you jump to conclusions. You have one target and in return we will drop 'all' of your current sentences... Wonder Woman.

Her ears flickered at that and she looked surprised but kept up her glare and composure.

Cheetah-You want 'me' to 'kill' Wonder Woman?

Waller-She's gone rogue and my last task force is gone. In this deal, you get freedom, a ride to your enemy, and your freedom. You just have to kill her.

Cheetah-... Growl chuckles. ~

(Dick's POV)

No word from Bruce, yet, and at this point we are starting to lose hope he is coming back from a mission like that. The only one who has been spotted lately is Wonder Woman and she's flying all over the place placing for who knows what. Meanwhile, Jason, Barb, Damien, and I are keeping Gotham from falling apart since they know Batman is away. I was resting after an all-nighter and thought other parts of the world were having it tough too... I got into contact with some old teammates. It took a while to reach them, but they answered and were both there.


Dick-Good to see you too. Both of you.

Starfire-You look... tired.

Dick-It's another day in Gotham, but how are things holding up over there?

Raven-The drafting cut the numbers of this town to almost half. Crime is at an all-time low. Mainly because hardly anyone is left who isn't a criminal.

Starfire-They also transferred prisoners to new facilities to take guards for this drafting.

Dick-Sounds quiet over there.

Starfire-If we may. We can offer some assistance in-.

Dick-No. Batman and most if the Justice League is... missing as far as we know. Only sighting is Wonder Woman and we have no idea what she is doing. If you come here, other criminals might see this as Batman is going to be gone longer than they thought.

Raven-Then why did you call?

Dick-We need more eyes. Brother Eye is damaged from the tech from that invasion, so we're mostly blind globally now. Just report anything you see as suspicious.

Starfire-We will. Stay safe old friend.

Dick-You too. Keep in touch.

(Starfire's POV)

Dick hung up and I missed when we were all together, but he went back to Gotham when Batman left it and things were going to get more quiet here. Beast Boy too is at another part of this world helping with the control of damage and Cyborg left the team when he was mostly gone now how his promotion to the Justice League... It is not so bad with me and friend Raven here alone.

Starfire-How about we do the spa treatments together?

Raven-You can. I'll just read in here next to you.

When I put on a foot spa massager out here I thought about checking the footage we have watching the city. It took a while, but I found someone flying into the city. I couldn't see who though exactly... I just started this treatment, but even Raven saw this.

Raven-Wonder Woman?

Starfire-I do not know... Let us go see.


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