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(Rosie's POV)

I was having a nice dream about eating my first husband when he was nice and plump. While I was eating him, I felt something wet hit my face. It made me stop dreaming and stir a little awake before I felt it again. My eyes were still closed and there was a small and comfy weight on top of me. It almost made me go back to sleep until I felt the wetness again. I finally figured out they were kisses and I remembered what happened before I took this nap then opened my eyes to see (Y/N) was awake. He was just being affectionate and silly when he kissed my cheek again.

(Y/N)-You're awake!

Rosie-Well hello to you too, Little-. Oh! ~

He gave me a hug and snuggled into me so sweetly. I just stretched a little before sitting up and moving him to my lap but he never broke the hug.

Rosie-Awwww, you are just so adorable that I could just eat you up! ~

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~

He tried to brace his feet to push me back down, but I just got out of bed while holding him before I saw it was nighttime. I guess we were out for a while. He must be hungry too, but when I got to my kitchen I found some food set on the table, but it wasn't my food. It was from the cellar that I kept food for my food to eat and get plump. He looked a little slapped together but in a cut way.

Rosie-Did you do this? How long were you up?

(Y/N)-I don't know. I woke up when someone was yelling for you. She said, 'Rosie, I know you are in there and the McCoasters are being too noisy again while their dog of a daughter is being a sleazy bitch with her food again'... She said more, but I forgot and found a cool feather to play with.

Rosie-Sigh Susan... You didn't open the door for her or talk, did you?

(Y/N)-I tried at first, but she wouldn't stop talking, so I couldn't interrupt her... After she left I found this food you don't need to cook and thought you might be hungry, so I woke you up.

Rosie-Oh, I don't eat this stuff. Those are for... guests. Like you. ~

I knew one thing from back in my days on Earth is food gets scared and won't behave if you tell them that they are food. (Y/N) isn't food, but I don't think he needs to know right this second. He did however love to be on my lap and when I picked up some of his food.

Rosie-I'm trying to watch my weight and figure, but I think you might be hungry.

(Y/N)-Oh... Ahhhhhh.

He had his mouth open and ready for me to feed him. Does he ever stop getting more adorable? While I was feeding him and having a great time I thought of something... I "accidentally" smushed a little too much food on his last bit. The most adorable thing is he still tried to eat it.

Rosie-Oh my, just look at you. You're messy now. ~

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~

Rosie-Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)


He looked like he was trying to find something to do while I was washing him in the bath. He wanted me to come in with him and it would be easier... It was late and I doubt he is old enough to understand. 

(Lucifer's POV)

Charlie called me crying saying that her son was kidnapped and she sounded utterly destroyed as it was the second time this had happened... It will be the last and I am going to make sure everyone knows. I made sure to send my best on the job to find him and make an example out of whoever made my daughter cry!

(Missi's POV)

Lucifer made it clear that my leash was off for me to find this kid from that hotel and when I find the overlord who took him, I can go all out. I like good fights, but it just depends on who it is. I don't know about any of them that would kidnap a child and much less a child connected to Lucifer's daughter that will end up pissing off the king of hell. He didn't want me to go and and speak to his daughter since she was an emotional mess and I didn't want to deal with that easier. I picked up his trail just fine and it led to Canniable Town. Almost everyone looked away from me, but a few dared to give me those creepy smiles. When I returned the favor, I towered over them and they ran off. Normally, I would chase them, but I am on a job right now. I got the scent, but I already knew where this kid most likely was. When I got up to the house I gently scratched the sides of the house and then heard the sound of water splashing faintly in the house. 

Missi's mind-Found you. ~

This is no doubt Rosie, but I know I can take her and if she was smart, she would know it too. I got down to the size of a normal sinner as best as I could while I walked around the house. When I got to the front door, Rosie came outside already wet. 

Rosie-Well, you sure now how to pop up when the timing is awful. I was in a bath.

Missi-I can see that. I also know that you know why I am here.

Rosie-Hmmm, can't say I do, but I do have a problem with it. You should leave.

Missi-Chuckles Where's the boy? ~

I grew back to the size I liked and she showed her teeth to me. I can regenerate, so she might get a couple of bites in, but I can grow bigger and stronger.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Rosie told me to stay in the closet and stay wrapped up in a blanket to hide, but I was so bored from being alone. I just got out and got dressed before I looked for Rosie. I found something like a laundry with red paint in a room. I opened it and tried to look inside. I couldn't see, so I climbed in until I slid down and it was like a smelly waterslide or something. When I landed, I saw a lot of wet bags and they were smelly.


I climbed out of this box and there were more bags falling from the ceiling out of more chutes, so I guess this is where all the garbage goes.

(Y/N)-Rosie! echo

I miss her already, but I wanted to get out of here and away from this bad smell. I got to another room and I heard others in the next room. I wanted to go talk to them, but then I saw something shiny in a few boxes... Maybe I can bring something back as a gift. I went into the room and climbed on boxes until I got to the open ones. Everything in here was shiny and pointy. Just then I heard a loud buzz before the door closed by itself.


I tried to run to the door and open it, but the room started moving.

(Carmilla's POV)

I girls should be bringing in the next shipment from Canniabal Town soon and with the new angelic steel they have been hoarding. I tried dealing with other areas on the phone and to no surprise most want to try to scam me. Let's see how they fair when I give them a hard time. Just then I turned on the radio to listen to the news from Katie Killjoy.

Katie-Hello, I'm Katie Killjoy with breaking news!


Katie-Nobody 'fucking' likes you, Tom! Two overlords are fighting in Canniable Town. Missi Zilla and Rosie! We are also getting that the citizens in the town are being eaten by Missi Zilla! I don't know what these bitches have to fight over, but I'm sure Tom would love to interview the winner!


Katie-Shut the fuck up Tom! We will be back after these messages!

I turned the radio off already and my daughters are in that area. I called Olette and the phone rang for a bit before she answered feeling me with relief.

Odette-Hello, Mother.

Carmilla-I heard there was a fight between overlords. Did you or your sister get caught in the middle?

Odette-I guess we left before things got heated.

Carmilla-Bring the shipment here and I will check it myself.

I hung up and I went down to the garage to wait for them to get home. Moments in the garage felt much longer. If overlords are fighting, it can spread across the whole ring that we are bound to. When the garage door opened I just looked at the truck coming in and my daughters came out.

I felt relieved that they were ok and gave my girls a hug as the garage door closed. The warehouse garage was empty, so we just did a report on the delivery here. 10 angelic steel weapons, 259 pounds of metal, and 3 cases of gunpowder.

Clara-Mother, what was this about a fight between overlords?

Carmilla-It does not concern us. We keep to ourselves and no trouble will-.

???-Hello? muffled echo

We all looked at the truck and someone was knocking from the inside. It sounded like a high pitch force, so I thought it was either a child or a runaway snack from Canniable Town. 

Oddette-I told you check the truck.

Clara-Then I got caught up in side deals they wanted to pitch. I told the staff there to make sure everything was there.

Carmilla-Stop. Let's see what our 'guest' has to say.

We walked behind the truck and when I slid the shutters up to open it, I saw someone who I know I saw somewhere before... It was the child from that hotel? The princesses failing hotel.

He looked curious at us before smiling and crawling to the end of the truck.

???-Hi! Are you friends of Rosie?! I'm (Y/N)!

Carmilla-... Odette, Clara.

They could feel my rage that this clearly 'human' child was oblivious to because he hopped down from the truck to look around like he was in a candy store or something amusing to a child.


Carmilla-Do you know who this human child is?

Clara-He... said his name was-.

Carmilla-I did not ask for his name again... This child was the previous short-term face of the hotel the Princess of hell is operating. Now if Missi Zilla, Lucifer's personal attack dog is fighting Rosie after you came from Cannibal Town... What might her job be?

They were both looking at him as he walked around a little ignoring us. They knew what made sense because overlords don't fight each other without a good reason. Missi would be an exception because Lucifer can send her after anyone! Now, we have what he is looking for that is no doubt that his daughter is here!

Odette-Mother, I have no idea how! He must've snuck on or... um-.

Clara-One of the men I asked to check must've put him there! He's covered in blood, so it must've been planned!

He looked at us when my daughters panicked and I held my head.

Carmilla-This talk is far from over young ladies... You.

I walked over to (Y/N) and looked at his state before he just smiled and held his arms up to me, asking to be picked up.

(Y/N)-Is this your house? It's big.

Carmilla-Do you know where Charlie Morningstar is exactly?

(Y/N)-Mommy?... Um... I think her house hotel if she's not out doing something... Do you know Mommy?

I could take him back right now, but if she's not there, I don't want to walk around with Missi looking for him. When that fight is over, she is going to win and she is going to realize he is gone before she kills Rosie. Regardless, his scent is going to bring her here.

Carmilla-Come. You're taking a bath before someone comes for you?

(Y/N)-Is it Mommy and Mama?

My daughters and I looked confused for a moment, and then I remembered that the princess of hell had a girlfriend.

Carmilla-I'm sure you will see them again.


He suddenly grabbed my leg and I didn't mind the blood, but I found it annoying and surprising like my daughters did. Many would not dare glance at me the wrong way, let alone hug my leg.

(Y/N)-Ohhhh, you're shoes look so shiny and pointy. You must have the bestes balance in the world.

Carmilla-You mean best... Come along. Bath time.

(Y/N)-Yeah! Do you have bubbles?!


((Y/N)'s POV)

She didn't have bubbles or bath toys. Bathtime is so boring and she was washing me while my clothes were being washed. I don't like that there is no fun. When she was done washing me, she took me out of the quick bath and put me in some kind of new clothes. It was all one piece like a onesie, but tighter and still comfy. I looked up at the lady and smiled.

(Y/N)-Thank you... What's your name?

???-I am Carmilla Carmine.

(Y/N)-I think you're very pretty and Odette and Clara too.

Carmilla-We're flattered. Now, tell me everything that happened before you got to Cannibal Town. I have more questions after.

(Y/N)-Well, OK... Can we play a game after while we wait for Mommy or someone to get here?

Carmilla-If you want that, you better get started.

He took my hand and pulled me a little to a chair in the room that I use for reading to have me sit down. The next surprising part was that he helped himself onto my lap. If this child did not belong to the princess of hell and could lead to Lucifer himself coming after me, I would cut him to bits. But with this forced restrainment... it reminded me of when my girls were little and would snuggle up to me like this more often. They would fit in my arms perfectly... I didn't know how much I missed this feeling when he snuggled up to me to get comfy.

(Y/N)-OK, it started back when my new friend Rosie came to the hotel.

(Clara's POV)

Odette and I were listening in and peeked through the lock hole of Mother's door and (Y/N) helped himself to Mother's lap. She even let him do it. Mostly because we want him in the best shape when Missi comes to collect him and send her on her way, it didn't change that this scene did look cute. We just didn't want to go in and ruin the moment.

Clara's mind-The princess would definitely miss this Sweetheart, but how did she get a human to hell in the first place?


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