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(Diana's POV)

Harley was easy to track down since they shared locations on Deadshot's phone probably on Waller's payroll. I spent time looking for Waller to make sure my baby was safe when he came back to me, but she was well hidden and nobody knew where she was. I had enough of this and went after Harley. She was back in Gotham still for what I saw, but when I got to a hideout, all that was left was her phone. I tried waiting for them to come back and bring (Y/N) to me, but they never did come back. For all I knew, she could've left her phone here when I brought her back and she followed me back to Metropolis. She could be anywhere across the globe by now with the kind of stuff she does, so I am checking all abandoned areas in Gotham to find no sign of Harley.

Diana's mind-Where are you, (Y/N)?... When I get my hands on her.

(Mary's POV)

I woke up before (Y/N) and he was nuzzled into my belly in my shirt, so I guess he scooted down a bit in his sleep. He looked so adorable when I pulled on the collar of my shirt and looked at him still sleeping. The best part is when he woke up and it took a few minutes for him to realize where he was. He blushed super hard and tried to back away, but my shirt stopped him.

Mary-Chuckles So cute. ~

I quickly realized my mistake and he looked at me a little confused, so I cleared my throat.

Mary-Ahem Sorry. Tickles in my throat. I siads so cold. I will turns on the heater.

I let him out of my shirt and turned on the heater before I thought about getting in the shower after him. I just need to make sure he didn't notice my body wasn't just a fake bra with fake boobs in it for a costume. I made sure he used the hallway bathroom and got out and got dressed before he could get out. I wanted to clean his clothes too, so he had to be in a robe after. As for me...

I felt nervous he was going to find out and he just doesn't trust adults right now... No, he just needs to see me as someone he can trust first. It shouldn't be too long now. Maybe when I adopt him and get help from the state then I can stay home more to be with him. This could be the start of a functioning life and I can't mess it up.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We were only having cereal I got since I couldn't really cook without giving my secret away. It was nice, even if he was a little nervous around me. We talked about childish things which was a little fun before I took him with me to go play. He wasn't really playful and even looked confused.

(Y/N)-Where are your mom and dad?

Mary-Oh, um... They came and had to leaves for the hospital. Mommy got very sick. They thought you were cuties like me too. ~ fake voice

I will never get tired of that blush on his face.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I liked it here better than the other places with villains, tigers, or even Wonder Woman for some reason. It's just weird I didn't see her parents, yet. When Mary went to the bathroom, I thought about taking a look around and some mail came through the mail slot. I went to pick it up and put it on the table for her parents, but I saw her name on a letter... and another one. Her name was on all of them and I think some of these looked like they were from billing companies since it had electric in a title.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is nothing for her mom or dad?

She was still in the bathroom so I looked around the house some more. I used to hide things in my closet, so I opened the closet in her room to find little girl clothes and stuff... I went to her parent's room next and found more clothes, but... they were her size too with steps you can pull out. I tried looking for anything of her parents, even looking in drawers, but there was only girls' underwear and makeup. It could be for her mom, but there was nothing for her dad. I heard a toilet flush, so I closed the drawers and rushed back to where I was before she went to the bathroom.

(Mary's POV)

I did a little skip for show to be a little girl, but when I got back to where I left (Y/N) he looked a bit more uneasy.

Mary-Are you ok? fake voice

(Y/N)-Yeah... Can we just watch cartoons or something until your parents come home?

Mary-That will be a super duper long time. fake voice

I think he was starting to get nervous around me for some reason. I need to think of something to get him to relax and think about what boys like at his age. I only have little girl toys and nothing really much for him to enjoy doing.

(Y/N)-Mary, why do you have to wear that disguise all the time? Even to bed?

Mary-I just like it feels. I just think it gets a little hot and sweaty. fake voice

(Y/N)-Then take it off.

Mary-I... I don't think that's a good idea. fake voice

He didn't like that answer and I knew he was going to find out, but not this soon. I think if I just come clean and try to break it to him gently he would understand. I took a deep breath while he looked at me.

Mary-Ok, I know this is going to be a lot to take in, but before I start answering questions. I really do mean you no harm and it is perfectly safe here. You even said so compared to Catwoman and the others.

He looked completely shocked by my real voice and I tried to reason that he was hiding from Catwoman, Harley, Poison Ivy, and Wonder Woman. Now, it looked like he was thinking of something, and when I tried to comfort him he flinched.

(Y/N)-You... You were on the news.

Mary-(Y/N), it's alright. 


Mary-... Let me explain over some nice hot choco-.

He backed away from me before he got up to run to the front door. In that instant, my heart shattered. He was supposed to be the one thing I could have in my life that would be normal. I can't stand the thought of him leaving, I don't have anything else!... In a last-ditch effort, I just rushed to grab a knife and follow him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't think about it before because I just wanted to be away from all the adults who would control me, but she was an adult who looked younger than me! I had to get out of here since my whole was just screaming at me to run and find my home, but when I put my hand on the doorknob...


I turned around and saw Mary with a knife... against her own neck while she had tears coming out of her eyes. This made me freeze.

Mary-If you open that door hic 'THIS' WILL BE 'YOUR' FAULT!!!

I didn't know what to do, but if I opened this door, would she really do it? My body was shaking and when I touched the doorknob she moved the knife closer to herself. I want to leave, but... I don't want her to die... I took my hand away from the door.

Mary-Follow me to my room. Don't get too close to me, yet.

She walked to her room and I followed her while trying not to cry. When we got to her room she changed her hair and used the knife to point at the bed.

Mary-Go lay in the bed, 'now'.

I just did what she said and she put the knife down before she got changed in front of me and climbed on the bed.

Mary-Please, please, 'please', don't make me do that again. If you left... I actually know what I would do... You don't want that to happen to me, do you?

(Y/N)-N-No. whimper

Mary-Of course, you don't. Because you are just a sweet baby boy... I pretended to be a baby for most of my life... Now, I think it's time I got a baby for myself. ~

She crawled up to me and cuddled me while putting my face in her chest, curling up around my face, and stroking my head.

Mary-Now, we are going to go over a few rules... You can only call me Mama or Mommy and nothing else, and what Mommy says goes. When I take you out to fill out forms and get benefits of the states and with the money I already get for disability as well as discounts on my bills and mortgage... I can be here with you full-time. Do you understand? ~

(Y/N)-Y-Yes Mama.

Mary-Such a good listener. I'm going to sell all of my little girl stuff to get you some nice clothes and toys. Maybe even some video games, but in order to play with those, Mommy will bathe, dress, and feed you. You also need to snuggle into her. Understand? ~


Mary-(Y/N), does Mommy need to put the knife to her throat again? ~

(Y/N)-N-No! I understand!

Mary-Good. Now, on top of 'all' of that. You're not allowed to nap or sleep unless it's where I put you or in Mommy's embrace... You would never hurt Mommy, would you? ~

My body shook even harder now and soon she just put us both under the covers before she put me the way I was before in her chest with her curled around me.

Mary-I wonder what you like for toys. I would do a full baby treatment, but I'll hold off on that and save for it over the months before we try it with you... I think you don't need your own room so we will save a lot on the bed and other things. ~

She kept on talking, but I stopped paying attention and just tried agreeing to anything whenever I heard "Understand" come from her. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop shaking, and soon or what I thought was soon, but the sun was going down when I noticed it was almost sundown. Anyway, she took me out of bed and to the bathroom for me to get in a bath with her. She even gave me bath toys while she washed me and I tried to wash myself a little, but she gently took my arm.

Mary-Silly Sweetie... Do you want Mommy to die because you didn't listen? ~

(Y/N)-N-No! Please, don't do it!

Mary-I won't be doing anything. It's all up to you. Do you want toys or for me to have the knife? ~

(Y/N)-T-Toys, please.

I let her do what she wanted for the rest of the bath before we for out. Instead of dressing me, she put my clothes in the washer for tomorrow and made me help her swaddle me and she tied me up just enough to keep the blanket around me. She got back in a t-shirt and left to bring me some yogurt with berries and granola for dinner and then some water before bed. She had whatever I didn't finish before cuddling with me again.

Mary-I think I am going to add one more rule. ~


She rolled over to reach into a drawer and then put a pink pacifier in my mouth before covering me with her body again. I felt my face burn while I tried to hide my face from her since my hands were trapped in the blanket.

Mary-Be a good boy tonight and next time I will soak it in something yummy. Night night. ~

(No POV)

Mary felt so much better that she had no secrets left to tell him and had him wrapped around her finger. (Y/N) wanted to leave so bad and knew he could overpower her, but didn't want her to kill herself or really hurt anyone like that. He felt so conflicted. Meanwhile, a ship crashed on Earth and someone came out of the pod a little dizzy after being frozen for so long but quickly recovered as she flew out.

Kara-Kal, I'm here... Please, don't be too late.

She flew off in the new speed she had mastered from other planets she was on until she found where her cousin was. Others knew him as... Superman.



Uh-oh this is gonna trigger post traumatic memories