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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mommy still had me in the carrier and sucking on her finger, but I think I wanted to go out and play with other people today. I wanna go see Octavia and Mistress Stella or see someone new. When I asked her this she said no until she saw it made me feel... I forget what it was called, but it was not happy. She wanted to make it better and asked Mama if she had any ideas on how I can go play with my big sissy, Mistress Stella, or try a picnic again to meet new people.

Mama-No. Absolutely not.

Mommy-Vaggie, look at his face. ~

Mama-He looks happy sucking on your finger.

Mommy-I dipped my finger in honey, but we will just go somewhere alone. No public, no royal demons, nothing like that at all.

Mama-Where are we going to find a place like that? Hell is overpopulated.

Mommy-Um... Uh...

I took her finger out of my mouth when it lost all the honey and already had trouble remembering what Mama said. They were still talking and Mommy let me down to play in the room, but I wanted to go out, so I unlocked the door and quietly left to not stop adults from talking. My old Mommy and Daddy said that it is better for adults to talk first. I don't think they saw me leave, so I did a good job. I looked for a friend and something fun to do...

(Timeskip 10 Seconds)


I kept on sliding and it was so fun. I landed in a pile of clothes that even rolled until it hit a wall to stop. I laughed from how fun it was before I tried to put everything back to do it again. I opened a door to go see where I was before, but I was outside, outside where the sky was. I think I can go around back, but then I found flying bug, so I chased it to catch it and show Mommy and Mama and caught something. While I was running to get the bug, I saw someone coming up the hill.


(Rosie's POV)

I thought I had some free time and tried to behave and watch my figure, I would visit Alastor and see if this child he was talking about was real. When I got up to the hotel, I saw someone walking up to me from the side of the building.

He looked curious and normally that turned to fear from children not from my town. I wouldn't eat a child unless they had it coming or if I was just really hungry. It all depends since they are not as filling. He came up to me and went from curious to entraced by me.

???-Your eyes... Cool.

Rosie-Well, hello to you too. You must be the new prince. My name is Rosie. ~ ... Wait a minute, come here.

He came closer and held his arms up while jumping a little, wanting to be picked up. I'm surprised he would let me and when I did pick him up he held onto me and asked questions about my eyes some more. I mostly ask about them for jam, but his questions were more cute. As for his appearance and behavior that doesn't belong in hell...

Rosie-You're alive. whisper

???-Hm?... Oh, my name is (Y/N).

For a moment, my mouth watered until he saw my mouth opened a little and smiled before he kissed my cheek to snap me out of it. I have to remember that this is a prince.

Rosie-Oh my. Aren't you affectionate.

(Y/N)-Huh?... I'm a boy.

Rosie-Awwww. Where is your Mother? ~

(Y/N)-Mommy is in her room with Mama having a talk, so I came out to play and catch something to show to them.

Rosie-Interesting. Let's get you inside.

(Y/N)-But I wanna play... Can we play together a little?

Rosie-You want to play with me?

(Y/N)-A like playing with new friends. It must be nice to be named after a flower. Does your name Rosie make you a lovely person?

Rosie-You are just adorable. ~

I hugged him and he gave me a back before I felt him play with the feathers behind me from my hat.

Rosie-Giggles. ~

(Husk's POV)

Angel was gone, Alastor is up in his room, Mimzy was in her room, Niftty was who knows where, and Sir Pentious is with me at the bar talking with me about some stuff. That stopped when the door opened and I saw an overlord walk in with the last person I would expect. Sir Pentious even looked tense because he knew what the girls would do and there was no way they let him out on his own even if I did miss them going outside somehow.

(Y/N)-Hi, Husk! I made a new friend!

Sir Pentious-Oh... Did your mothers bring you outside?

(Y/N)-No, I let them talk and went to go play!

Rosie-Long time no see, Husk. Oh, it's been too long since you made a deal with Alastor. 

Husk-Where did you find him?

Rosie-Relax, you make it sound like I kidnap the sweet thing. ~ You could really learn a thing or 2 from this baby boy.

(Y/N)-I think you're sweet too.

Rosie-Awwwww... ~ See what I mean?

She has no idea how clingy his adoptive moms are and before I could tell her we saw Vaggie jump down the stairs and roll on the floor before she landed on her feet. It did look badass, but also a warning she was not to be fucked with right now.

Vaggie-Where is my baby?!



(Rosie's POV)

So much a sweet boy coming from sweet parents. They were both so protective, they act like I manipulated him to come out and be the sweetest thing in all of hell. The princess of hell was more worried while "Mama" would glare at me and with this attitude, I would be putting her on the dinner table. Alastor even came down, but Princess Charlie Morningstar or "Mommy" was in her own world holding the baby boy. He was so affectionate and snuggly with her and he would still give everyone attention and try to be with everyone.

Rosie-Alastor, you never told me the munching was a sweetheart... Or alive. ~

Vaggie-Alastor, did you invite her here?

Rosie-I came on my own to see him. 

Vaggie-And he told you about him?

Alastor-She asked about (Y/N). I couldn't be rude and lie to a friend. 

Vaggie-When did you care about this?!

Alastor-About right after the meeting.

She looked pissed of and when more came downstairs (Y/N) tried to get off his mommy's lap to go to them.

(Y/N)-Mimzy, Niftty!

Niftty-GOOD BOY!!! ~

She only held her son closer and turned him away from Niftty. She was not letting him socialize at all.

Charlie-Noooo, no, no, no. You are a little too much for him, Niftty.

Mimzy-What about me? I think I can hold him and he loves me. Don't you, Sweetie? ~


Charlie-Um... Maybe a little longer before we get there. It's an award system kind of thing.

Mimzy didn't like that and I am seeing a pattern here. She doesn't want to be mean, but she doesn't want to share as well. As for her partner, she is both. The talking kept up and the boys were going to get something in the kitchen and I offered to help myself. I just hoped that had a leg or something to spare. But instead of a snack, I mostly thought about the sweet baby and how they plan to replace his adorable face for this place that hardly anyone talks about for something else. When Charlie came in I saw the most adorable thing every while she was getting him some water... He was sucking on her finger gently and looked at her with big sparkly eyes.

Rosie's mind-OH MY STARS, SO CUTE!!!

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed more of him and it's not like they were willing to share him. I knew of a way that I could get him from when I was alive... Drug, knockout, abduct, and enjoy. I will just have a new way to enjoy and thought (Y/N) would be so cute curled up on my bed. I spent the next hour slowly prepping everything I needed and thankfully, someone left some drugs that make you sleep, called roofies. I put them in a drink and made a bit of punch for everyone since I thought this would be a place where you can't do anything to get addicted to or wasted on.

Rosie-Hey everyone, I made something sweet for you all! My own recipe! ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

We all got a drink and Mommy wanted to get my bottle or sippie cup, but I wanted some now and I promised to be clean... I got a little bit on me after a few sips and I tasted something... I guess it was sleepytime juice and not milk, so I just got comfy to go to sleep.

Mama-Chuckles Are you tired, Honey? ~

(Y/N)-Yeah... Can I cuddle with some of my friends? I think Mimzy would be really comfy.

Mimzy-See?! He wants to be with me!

Mommy-You will someday soon. I promise... groan Vaggie, I think I might turn in too. I guess that scare really got to me.

Everyone was getting sleepy from the naptime juice except Alastor. I guess he didn't drink it. Soon, we all started to go to our rooms, but Niftty, Sir Pentious, and Mimzy slept in the hallway. Mommy, Mama, and I made it to our room and got into bed together, but Mama fell asleep at the end of the bed. Mommy fell asleep in the middle and I was still a little bit awake to get comfy. Just before I could go to sleep Rosie came through the open door.

Rosie-Oh, you're still awake?

(Y/N)-Yawn Yeah... Did you come to sleep here too?

I tried to get the blankets ready for us to get in, but she just picked me up and gave me kisses.

Rosie-I think you're coming home with me. Would you love to try a new bed? ~

(Y/N)-Another home?... Yawn O... k.

Rosie-Just sleep tight and I will get something more your taste. 

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore when she started walking out of the room, but I put her finger in my mouth to suck on it. She tasted different, but it was fine and she rubbed my head.

(Rosie's POV)

By the time I got out of the hotel and passed Alastor, (Y/N) was finally out cold. 

Alastor just let me leave with him while having that smile that says he is up to no good. I think it was fine for me though. I walked through town and made my way back to canniable town. Every look I got that showed curiosity or hunger was met by me. My civilized people in town just needed to be told that he was not food. When we got into my home, I took him to my bed and lied down with him to cuddle as he still suckled on my finger like a baby.

Rosie-I can see why they wanted you to themselves... I know recipes that stuffed my victims like dumplings. You just get to live after and will probably let me feed you. ~

I put a free finger into his hand and made him grip it before I closed my eyes for a nap.

Rosie's mind-I wonder if the princess claimed your soul in her adoption?... I'm sure it wouldn't hurt you if I did it if she didn't. ~


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