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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mkali was in my cage with me alone and made me do things like little dances, and show her things on my tablet that she found cute, and wanted me to copy them. We were doing one now where I curl up in her lap and making me I had to make a whimpering noise whenever she had her finger on my nose and only my nose. She would try to trick me and every time I didn't do something wrong I would get one spank on the side of my leg or something before I had to try again. That's what she told me, but I was careful and did not get anything wrong, yet.

Mkali-You're being such a good slave. What else is on this tablet?

I really hated how there was weak internet out here somehow and when she made me look up things about sleeping aid, it showed a lot of videos called ASMR and medicine stuff. She clicked on one that she saw a tongue on and I don't even know what this is. After the video, I know what was going to happen and she looked at me when I looked up at her.

Mkali-So humans do like tongue baths. At least some of you have some sense of strong compassion... Lay down on your side.


She spanked my leg when I said that and it hurt and made me scream a little before I cried.

Mkali-I didn't stutter. Lay down on your side. I am going to do what the video did.

I wanted to say no, but I knew what she might do if I said that, so I did what she said. I felt her breath on me before she started to lick inside my ear and it felt so weird. My body wiggled around and my spine felt weird. When it was dark out, I knew Melah would be back soon. When she came in, Mkali finally stopped.

Melah-Can I be alone with him? I want the tablet thing too.


Mkali left and Melah took over what she saw Mkali doing for a little before she went on the tablet. We did things until... We heard a roar outside and... Laughter?


Melah pinned me under her and looked like she was ready to attack in a random direction. Soon though someone jumped in through the window.


Ricca-There you are. ~

(Uzzie's POV)

Shenzi and I were sticking to the tall grass to hide from surprise attacks as much as possible. This won't bet them, but it will keep their attention on us. After a few more minutes, Ricca's time was up so we tried getting some distance before we told them what happened. I told Ricca, no killing a lioness because that will be less hunters working for us. Soon, she out to the field and made her presence known.

Ricca-WHISTLE!!! echo

We all looked and saw her with the cub in her arms which made all the lionesses furious.

Ricca-Don't move girls! I have the human in my arms and your other cubs locked up!


She held the cub tighter when Mkali tried to charge at Ricca, but she acted like she was ready to hurt him so Sanaa got in front of her.

Sanaa-Mkali, stop! She has him hostage!

Uzzie-Chuckles. ~

Her ears perked up after she heard me from way over there and her eyes looked so fierce, but I walked up to her. Sanaa and the others looked just as angry.

Mkali-If you so much as harm a hair on his head-.

Uzzie-'That' is up to you all. Ricca will take the cub somewhere else for a little while we go ba-... On second thought. It looks like a nice setup here... Shenzi go bring the others here. As for you, Mkali... Get on your knees.

Mkali-I will-!

Uzzie-Get on your knees and do as you are told or else you will have to guess our signals to say all is well for the sake of your human slave cub?... Is that what you were going to say?

She saw Ricca running off with the cub and nobody could stop her. Mkali got on her knees and I smiled feeling truly happy.

Uzzie-He will be back around tomorrow. Just be a good bitch and crawl back to the human territory... Hands and feet, not hands and knees! All of you!


Uzzie-Tails up now. Oh, and one more thing. 

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I had them carry those clothes they were in their mouths while crawling the way I told them to, but I would hit Mkali to really enjoy this moment. I was even telling them how all of them except Mkali would bring back an amount of food for each of them. When we got to a place where it was really comfy to sleep, I took Mkali in it with me and stuck my foot in her mouth to get her really mad.

Uzzie-You know... I think I have never been happier to-.

(Ricca's POV)

Ricca--hold you like this! You have been so well trained since last time. Was it the Serpent Sisters? ~

He looked too embarrassed to talk and I gave him little kisses. I tried to do this with Aulete when she was just a few weeks old, but she was always the way she is even to this day. (Y/N) was letting me hold and cuddle him even if he looked scared. I was still running with him until I found a tree somewhere to rest next to for the night.

Ricca-I missed you so much, Squishy. Did you miss me? ~

Squishy-M-My name is not Squishy. whisper

Ricca-Oh, you just need some more training. I guess the Serpent Sisters didn't finish whatever they had planned for you. Let's put some love and care into this. ~

I spent the next few hours cooing, cuddling, and teasing the human cub while he was mostly submissive to me. He would try to say no, but a little scolding makes him do anything I want. I just want him to do it on his own and just learn I do this because he is cute. Also, lucky not to be food like a lot of bad human cubs and adults were.


Ricca-Oh, you're tired? You do have no fur... It looks like you will need to cuddle every night for warmth. ~

Squishy-I-I don't feel cold.

I knew that that was a lie. I pulled him into me and saw he had nowhere to run to and I could catch him easily. No lionesses would come looking for him and risk getting him killed. I did find out a few more things about him though... He loved having his back scratched, his tummy rubbed when he got flustered and tried to hide his back from me.

Ricca-I can't wait to train you. Our other humans were or are so whiny. ~


Ricca-Shhhh... Just stay with me in the pack and I promise I will love and dote on you unlike the others... You might just get some teasing sometimes, but nothing is perfect. ~

Squishy-Wh-What's going to happen to the lions?

Ricca-Oh, don't worry. They will just bring food for us. Only one I feel a little sorry for is Mkali, but not so much as to help her out of what Uzzie will do to her... What did the pride do to you anyway? I'm curious.

He gave me a brief run on the treatment of a slave and he had it pretty good for a slave. He even told me about an all-breastmilk diet they put him on... I can make milk too, but I don't know if Shenzi will help me with this. He closed his eyes and fell asleep on top of me, but I stayed up since I didn't feel tired. I listened to his soft snoring and wondered how he looked so peaceful... He must be used to not having his parents around, but I wish I was the one who broke him into this. After a while, I decided to get some sleep too.

(No POV)

In the city next to the savanna people we going about their lives and getting ready for bed or nighttime work hours. Everything was just a normal day for the citizens...


A barrel fell from the sky and a cloud of powder reached 5 city blocks. A couple more managed to engulf the whole city in a blue-ish powder that everyone was breathing in now rather in their sleep and being woken up or already in the streets panicking. One person saw the first physical attack with a clothed elephant ramming into the police station/armory which was just mostly sticks and bladed weapons now. 

He used the gun and the full clip he had to shoot the elephant, but it was not enough to take her down. Out of bullets and having a clouded mind he tried to run to avoid being trampled or something... He soon couldn't think straight at all and just felt groggy as he lied on the ground then got picked up and taken somewhere.

Roya-What were those things? Mosquito bites?

Elsewhere in the city a cop managed to get a gasmask on to breathe without. The gas already had an effect on him and he tried hiding behind a truck, but something landed on the truck' hood. When he looked to see his mask was ripped off by...

Halona-I don't think so.

Feathers expanded and stuck up behind her arms to let her fly and she used her talons to rip the mask to shreds before she picked up the man with said talons. He was too out of it to fight back and soon dropped into a cage that was being pulled towards the city by the Serpent Sisters.

(Catori's POV)

Holana and the other harpies were doing a great job of bringing the most humans, but we need to talk about them bringing the bad ones. One of them had a weapon and tried to cut me, so I bit into her neck and left her to die with my venom.

Catori-How isss the plan proceeding? ~

Holana-My sisters and I are having no problems. Your counter for the powder you made doesn't even make us feel drowsy.

Catori-But of course. After we are done here, you may pick a any human your flock likesss. ~

Holana-That will be up to our chief who she picks. We want then ready to go, so it'll be after you train them all.

Catori-Underssstood. My sssisster and I may jussst have one more favor after we sssettle in here. We can talk when your ssslave is picked. Alssso, no more bad humansss. One tried to kill me. ~

Holana-I'll pass it on to the others.

The carts all made it to the human territory and Rajini came out holding 10 humans and Sita was crying and leaving. 4 of the humans were cubs and I am pretty sure one of the humans are dead.

Rajini-Here is some my and the others caught on the ground. One... had to be killed.

Ashuna-What happened? Why isss Sssita crying? ~

Rajini-When a lot of humans were killed in a fight, we saw humans trying to kill other humans and came after these poor defenseless cubs. She stomped on a lot of them and they had these kinds of clothes on them.

She tossed the dead one and gently put the others in the cages. The plan had a steady capture of humans at first, but by the time it was all over my sister and I went into every building which took hours in the night, but only came up with 188 humans that we put in other cages we found. After some help in getting their treatments started the ones who are able to resist and prove to be bad will just be turned into food. We will separate them first of course. The chief of the harpies landed in front of me and Alani.

Enola-If that is the last of them, we will be back to pick in a few days. All 5 of us

Alani-Sita is still rather upset, so she will pick up tomorrow after she calms down.

Catori-Underssstood. It hasss been great working with you all. ~

Anusha-We will have a human ready and calm for you to pick and train for yourselvesss if you like. ~

Enola-We want a cub as well. If the adults are going to be meant for breeding, I say use all you can before more come.

They both left and that just leaves my sister and me to nap before getting started on a less-than-effective treatment that we used for our cub slave. When this place is underway we will take all the treasures it has and the lionesses will not stand a chance.

(Sita's POV)

Why would humans kill each other and even their cubs?! Lionesses and other races killing humans and their cubs is one thing like they did to us, but why turn on each other?! I couldn't understand and didn't want to see another dead human again! I was out for a walk on my own and the others said I can pick a cub tomorrow, but I wanted all of them. When I couldn't have that many, I tried to think about it. I want a cub who would need help and a loving caretaker. While I was walking out into the fields alone, I saw something in the dark and got closer before my heart sank.

Sita's mind-A hyena has a human cub?!

They are some of the most brutal predators in the land and they have a human cub! She must be planning to eat him when she gets hungry if she hasn't eaten his parents already! Horrible and backward or not, it must have been so scary for him! We were supposed to have all the humans from their territory, so I don't know how he got away and captured!

Sita's mind-What do I do, what do I do?!

My body was fidgety at the thought of any more killing... I won't kill her, but I am taking the cub away from her. I slowly walked to them and tried to be silent. I gently moved her arms in her sleep which was difficult without waking her up. She would grip him tighter as a reflex to keep him, but I got him away from her and scooped him in both hands. When I walked away while she was asleep, she looked mad in her sleep now, so I sped walk away while the cub was sleeping in my hands. I thought her pack might be close by and they won't mess with me if it was for nothing of a fight I could win, but if they just need to get to him...

Sita-I gotta hide you... Awwww, you look adorable. ~ Focus! whisper

I thought about hiding him in my boobs since they were closed now, but what if he slips through and hurts himself because he wasn't holding on?! I thought about how we watch our young where a baby would hold our tails with their trunks, but he doesn't have one... I could slip him between my cheeks and give him a bath later, but what if I sit on him?!

Sita's mind-How do humans watch their cubs and keep them safe?! They kill each other in a spree!... Think! Holding him out in the open is too dangerous, I can't risk sitting on him, he might slip through my boobs, I don't want to put him in my mouth because I don't eat meat!

I felt eyes on me and felt so worried for the cub I wanted to keep safe. Am I just being paranoid or are others really watching me?! HIDE HIM QUICK!!! DON'T WAKE HIM UP!!! BE CAREFUL!!!


(Timeskip 50 minutes)

I made it back to the others and I was careful to wake up the cub. I did find out he was a cuddlier which I think most human parents would love too or at least I hope. When I got the girls to gather I... reached into my neck I had tucked in and carefully took him out. I had to signal them to be quiet because I got this far without waking him up and I don't want him to be disturbed on his welcome.

Rajini-Sita? whisper

Sita-I found the human I wanted... Hehehehe. whisper


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