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((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up this morning, I took another shower since she said Sally was coming over and I had tear stains on my face from in my sleep. After a while, I looked much better and Amy said to just relax, close my eyes, and listen to some music to take my mind off of things. She told me that I didn't look as cute when I cried which made me a little embarrassed. I thought about asking her about Sally, but what if she thinks that it is the start of betraying her and I really am like my grandpa? Is this going to be a trap?! Suddenly, she put eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me and my body jumped before I looked at her. 

Amy-Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to spook you. Breakfast is ready and Sally is on her way. I just need to listen to these 2 simple rules ok.


Amy-First, is that you need to stay away from the door and any window that an open curtain. Second, just don't scream because she is a friendly person. Follow those rules and stay adorable, and everything will be fine.

(Amy's POV)

I looked away when he blushed and started eating on the table. I know Sally will like him, but I just don't want someone peeking in or getting suspicious, so we just need to keep (Y/N) away from public view. Sally even said her mom knows about him being here, but not her dad. Luckily, she is supporting us and keeping (Y/N) secret from her husband and the guards who are more loyal to her than the king. When we were done eating and I put the dishes away there was a knock at my door. I looked at the couch to see (Y/N) running for a hiding spot which was cute, but also something to take care of later. I answered the door and it was Sally.

Sally-Hey Amy.

Amy-Hey Sally. Come on in. He's in the living room.

She came inside and I closed the door. Hardly anybody was out right now, so if he screams a little by surprise, it shouldn't cause too much attention. I can just say I am babysitting someone or taking care of an injured animal. When we got to the living room, she was looking around for him.

Amy-(Y/N), come on out. This is Sally. The friendly person I told you about.

She knows to keep it a secret that she is the princess here. When (Y/N) came out from behind a chair she got on her knees and smiled at him.

(Sally's POV)

He looked so cute. It was hard to see any resemblance to Eggman at first besides the hair color. No mutations or anything that I could see. He looked nervous and timid when he was staying by the chair for a sense of security. 

Sally-Hi there, little man. My name is Sally Acorn.

For a moment, I thought I messed up since Acorn is my family's name. I just hope he doesn't know and judging by his reaction he doesn't know or at least isn't putting it together right now.

(Y/N)-I-I'm (Y/N)... Do you know about the map?

Sally-I was hoping we could talk about it a little. But first, why don't we get to know each other? It'll be better on a comfy couch. ~

He got on the chair to sit alone and we respected his space and sat on the couch. I kept it simple and easy for him to answer at first by being careful about what to ask him. There wasn't much though until I settled for slightly harder questions. One of which was his hobby. Something he liked to do.

(Y/N)-I... used to like computers.

Sally-Used to?... Was it the map?

He nodded his head and looked like he was getting ready to cry when he held his knees.

Sally-Hey, it's going to be ok. Slow your breathing and take your ti-.

He took a big breath while looking frustrated and ready to explode.

(Y/N)-I made that map to just have fun outside as much as I could, but it hurt a lot of people! I didn't know he was using it until it was DONE AND HE SHOWED ME WHAT HE WAS REALLY DOING!!!

Amy-((Y/N), calm down!)




I pulled him into my body to muffle his shouting that still continued until he stopped to breathe, cry, cough, and gag on himself. Amy closed what curtains were left open to keep others from looking in and I felt (Y/N)'s legs give out. He tried yelling more, but he didn't have the air anymore to do that so he just shut himself down. We got him to lie down and gave him some water after his firey episode.

(Y/N)-Pant pant I d-didn't pant know. sobbing

Sally-Oh, sweet thing.

I gave him a hug and felt like I was looking at a kicked baby while feeling more hatred for Eggman. He even treats his family like this and this is the result. Amy came over and sat down after putting him on her lap to cuddle him.

Amy-Poor, Sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong. ~

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Y/N) fell asleep in between us and finally calmed down. He was a sweet little baby who just used his talent to have some harmless fun, but now he hates his talent because Eggman weaponized it. His nap didn't even last an hour when he had a nightmare and woke up. He was going to cry until I kissed his head and he looked up at both of us while shrinking down. When he was about to talk, Amy put a finger on his lips.

Amy-Nope. No more apologizing for something you didn't do... You just need more love. ~

(Y/N)-But it was-.

Sally-Eh, eh, ehhhh... You want more cuddles or do you want to be held? ~

(Y/N)-... Held. whisper

Amy got up with him first to hold him while he blushed and he wanted to talk again, but I stopped him by squishing him between us. My soft cooing made him blush harder and he hid his face in his hands. My heart raced at the sight of this. My goal was to just make him feel so fluffy and flustered he stopped having another episode where he explodes.

Sally's mind-You are just so fragile and cute... You need to be protected and... you have nowhere that you can really be free... Why can't Daddy understand that you are not Eggman?! I could give you so much in the castle!

(Amy's POV)

He just has no idea how even holding him is not enough for me anymore. After a while, Sally got a call from her Dad to talk about business in the kingdom or something. She gave (Y/N) a few kisses and a hug goodbye.

Sally-I'll find out something to help you even more here. Bye, Sweetie. ~

She left and I had (Y/N) all to myself again.

(Y/N)-I-Is there anything I can do?... I-I just want to pay for what I-.

Amy-You didn't do anything and that is final... But if you want to feel like you are paying for something, I do have an idea now that we are alone.


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I had him do cute little poses and dances for me to take pictures of and record on my phone. The blush on his face said it all and I was getting it all on camera. I wish I had outfits for him though. Soon, he got tired again and wanted to go to sleep so I took him to my bed and tucked him in. I would love to cuddle with him, but this would be a good time to do some shopping. 

Amy-I'll be back before you wake up. ~

(Y/N)-... For the punishment, I-I was thinking like a slap... or a spanking. whisper

Amy-Don't say that... If there is one one mark I want on this baby face, it's the one you have now. ~

He wanted to protest and I remembered I had a pacifier for some animals I took care of before. I went into my drawer and put it in his mouth. I used this for a bear cub, but close enough.

Amy-Don't spit it out and get some rest... I love you. ~

I left my house and made sure it was locked up tight. When I made it to the market to do some shopping for some food I thought about what I could make (Y/N) for a dessert. Knowing him, he might want to be punished with no dessert to help his guilt, but I will have him let me feed him like a baby if it came down to it. That also got me thinking of him wanting to be hurt... 

Amy's mind-Would he hurt himself?... Should I not even be here and be with him?! What was I thinking?! HE NEEDS ME!!!

I was now starting to panic and was going to sprint back home, but when I turned, I instantly bumped into someone I knew.

Amy-Oh, sorry!

Vanilla-Hello Amy... Is something wrong?

Amy-It's just an at-home problem. I just don't think I should be out right now! Excuse me!

(Vanilla's POV)

Amy looked really worked up and worried about something before she just took her empty basket home with her. Cream and I looked worried for her too, but we continued our shopping for the last few things we needed.

Cream-Mom, can we go check on Amy? I never saw her like that before.

Vanilla-I'll get you home first and I will go check on her myself. Just be a good girl and stay put at home. I shouldn't be gone long.

We finished our shopping and I got Cream home and made sure she was safely locked inside before I headed over for Amy's house. I wonder what would make her act like that. When I got to her house I noticed all the curtains were closed and she normally lets sunlight in. I knocked on her door.


No answer, so I tried knocking on her door again.

Vanilla-Amy, are you alright, Dear? 

Now, I normally would not do this, but I tried opening her door and it was locked. Luckily, she gave me a spare key for when I water her plants when she is gone for multiple days. I opened the door and helped myself inside. The basket she had was carelessly tossed on the floor and it was kind of dimly light in here.

Vanilla-Amy, I'm coming in Ok?... Tell me where you are.

I heard something in the hallway, so I walked over to it and headed for her room, and gave it a knock before I opened it. There was noises in the bathroom like running water, so she was in the shower. I felt relieved that she was alright, but then I was surprised by who I found sleeping in her bed.

Vanilla-A child?

I walked over to him and they were sleeping so peacefully. I wasn't sure if they were an overlander or a human at first, but I saw no mutations. They were cute, but why are they here? I decided to wait for Amy to come out and explain herself, so I went back out to the living room after leaving a note that I was in here and just wanted to talk to her. I was going to leave, but then I heard whimpering coming from the child. They were having a nightmare and would wake up. No doubt, being here in a new house must be hard for them and they don't need to wake up crying next to a stranger or alone... I knelt down to his side and got close to his little ear.

Vanilla-Lullaby and goodnight, with roses bedight. With lilies o'er spread is baby's wee bed. Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed. Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed. Lullaby and goodnight, thy mother's delight. Bright angels beside my darling abide. They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast. They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast. ~

His stirring stopped and he looked peaceful again so I left before Amy could walk in on us. I left my note in a place that was easy for her to find.

Vanilla's mind-Where did you find a human?

(Alicia's POV)

My husband wanted to surround himself with yes-men right now, even after calling his daughter back home. She would not even pretend to side with her father on the grounds of claiming the child that is here in secret is a threat to us. I got her to be alone with me while her father just wanted to yell. We just waited until we got to her room to talk.

Sally-He doesn't know anything about him! I meet him and this child not only not a threat to us, I am his only hope!

Alicia-Don't you mean 'we'? As in you and your friends?

Sally-Not now Mother, please. I need to think... I can't just let (Y/N) stay with Amy and coop him up in a house like a glorified chicken! How is that any different than what would've happened back at his old home?!

Alicia-Sally, Dear. Calm down. You are doing all you can.

Sally-I just want him to at least have freedom to be here and show that he is not like Eggman at all!

Alicia-Your father-.

Sally-Would have him arrested on the spot! I know!... Ugh!

Now, my daughter was worked up. She was talking to herself, so I just left. I know she just wants to help and my husband is in the wrong, but I can't pick one side or pretend to without betraying another... I think it's time I see this child for myself, but I will need to wait until night. While I wait for that...


Guard-Yes, your Highness?

Alicia-Summon Bunnie Rabbot her at once. Keep this information confidential to her and her alone that it has to do with (Y/N). Nobody else is to know about this. Not even the king.

Guard-Yes, your Highness.

He left to go fetch the easiest person I could have here since Sonic was in the room with my husband. I just have to wait until tonight to see the child in person or sooner if it becomes that urgent. Sally can't know about this either.

Alicia's mind-I will be seeing you soon, (Y/N).


Richard Osborne

Loving it so far, I hope Julie-su, Shade the Echidna and Mina Mongoose make their appearance next