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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in my clothes again and outside, but Catwoman was holding me while we went across rooftops. I held on tight to her with each jump and she did this because she thought she looked cooler to me in the suit and she couldn't walk the streets with her suit on. I was being held like a baby too and didn't want to look outside, so I turned into her. I felt her rubbing my head before she finally sat down somewhere, so I looked and we were on an AC vent thing on top of a building. It was better than being close to the edge.

Catwoman-Calm down, Kitten. I do this every night and even have a cat, a painting, a bag of jewels and money with me... You're very easy to carry. ~


Catwoman-You wanna know where I am taking you? ~

(Y/N)-Y-... Yes.

She hopped down the AC and went to a door before she picked the lock and went inside. When we got inside I saw a big arcade and there were even some little rides. She turned the power on and everything turned on.

Catwoman-I thought you would like some playtime before I get things for you back at home. I just want a tiny little favor in return. ~


Catwoman-Let's just have some fun here and we can talk about when we get back home.

(Catwoman's POV)

I could see he was still skeptical about this, but I went to the coin machines and busted out some quarters to get a game going for us. The arcade was normally closed today, so it will be all to ourselves and before I get games for him. I got outfits online that I found and they would just look so adorable on him. I even got some cute kitty ears and a tail for him to wear. I'm sure making a house rule for him to be playing video games, he will have to be wearing those. The clothes I want are overseas, but I'm sure some rich prick or some store that loves overpricing things won't be too hurt if I steal a few games for my little Kitten. We were playing for about an hour, but he still seemed nervous and jumpy. I don't expect to form a good bond this quickly, but I thought video games would help him relax... Maybe he is more of a reader or something.

Catwoman's mind-I guess I'll just have to try them all.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I put (Y/N) on one of the little rides here and let him have some fun before I think we spent long enough here. He was still too timid to really unwind, but this did help. I just thought grabbing some chocolate before we leave wouldn't hurt though.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She's planning something for this favor, I just know it. I felt so nervous and wondered if I should just run, but then she would just catch up to me with no problem if she could travel by rooftops. With no idea on what to do, I decided to just take a chance and start hiding while her back was turned. When she came back, she looked around.

Catwoman-... Ohhhh, so you wanna play hide and seek with me? Here I come? ~

She started to look for me and I wanted to run out the front door, but I stayed hidden... Then I lost sight of her.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where'd she go?!

I was looking around and when I could not find her, I kept on checking behind me before I just ran for the front door. There were sticker posters on the doors, so nobody could see me coming, but they were also locked. That's when I got picked up from behind and screamed while holding my eyes shut. I was waiting for her to hit me or be mad, but all I got was a kiss on the cheek.

Catwoman-Don't look so scared, Kitten. I'm not going to hurt you. Let's just go home. We'll take the ally ways this time. ~

She gave me another kiss on the cheek before she started walking, but I still didn't close my eyes. I think she went out the backdoor though and would stop sometimes to check around before she moved. Soon though, we heard sirens and she stayed in place. I opened my eyes again to see no cars, but they were close and my chest felt a little heavy.

Catwoman-Don't worry, Kitten. Just hold tight and try not to scream.

She pulled out her whip and turned me into her. I did scream when it felt like we were going really high up, but it was muffled by her. We went the rest of the way by rooftops, but it wasn't much until we made it back. She put me on the couch and left to her room.

(Selina's POV)

It was fun taking my Kitten out to have a little fun his way, but I was ready to get into something more comfy and flattering. I think a few selfies online will make the boys jealous. Something about this was odd though... Normally Batman would be on my case about breaking into pretty much anywhere.

Selina-Come on, Batman. You're gonna make this boring.

When I got some yoga pants and a top on I went back out to the living room where (Y/N) was just sitting there awkwardly with nothing to do. I just helped myself next to him and had him do little poses with me and he was so shy and adorable with them. He even blushed harder when he saw the posts going up with messages I made sound like a doting mother. It stopped when there was a knock at my door, so I went to it and at first, I didn't see anything until there was just some mail on the ground. I picked it up and it was just some letter from someone who wants to hire me for a job and this guy pays well, but he always hits on me... A smile curved onto my face.

Selina-Oh (Y/N). Do you want to go out to eat tonight? If you're a good kitten, I'll get you dessert. ~

(Timeskip To Night)

I made sure to dress up in a way that would have men drooling while also holding Kitten in some comfy clothes since I was already pushing it by bringing him out here. When we got to the restaurant and hotel, they already had eyes on us, so I gave them a show by giving (Y/N) some affection. A man even tripped over himself while watching me. We got to the front desk and I was surprised by what I saw. Isn't this child labor?

???-Hello, are we booking a room tonight?

Selina-I am here to see someone. My name is Carly Mason.

She checked her computer and I just looked at her figure and she was a fun-sized model. (Y/N) was too busy hiding his face from me to see her.

???-He has a dinner reserved for you two.

Selina-A plus one wouldn't be a problem, right? I couldn't leave my son at home.

???-We have an exception.

Selina-Thank you.

(Mary's POV)

I saw the look this woman was giving me and I should just be grateful that her kid was not looking. When she left, I went on a break but on my way to the breakroom, some lady bent down to me and gave me a cooing smile with her hands on her knees.

Woman-Well, hello there. Don't you look professional? It's a nice costume. ~

Mary-Ma'am... I'm in my 30s.

Woman-... Oh.


I walked past her and he looked very uncomfortable. I just went outside where I could just be alone.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

They let me in with Catwoman, but I could not say who she was because she still had some weapons hidden in her bag. The biggest problem for me though was that they didn't change the table, so I had to sit in her lap and this guy looked uncomfortable like I did, but he wasn't the one being babied.

Catwoman-So, while dinner is nice. What is the job you wanted me to do, or did you just want an excuse to get a date with me?

Man-What I need to be stolen is... Should we talk with him here?

Catwoman-My baby would not tell a soul.

Man-Well... I am not telling unless the kid is not listening.

She covered my ears now and it looked like the man was still trying to come up with something. Catwoman let my ears go again before she propped me up on her lap a little more and fed me some of her chicken.

Catwoman-Looks like you did just want a date with me. Sorry, but the dating life is not for me. I already have my little guy right here. ~ Oh, you will be paying for dinner and extra for the next 'real' job... Unless you are willing to pay for dessert.

Man-I hired you for so many jobs and always had a liking for you. I just wanted to see how things would go.

Catwoman-What do you think Kitten? You don't want Mommy to leave you home alone, do you?... Well, I guess Princess and the others would keep you company. ~

My body started to shake and I shook my head no to that. She smiled and bounced me in her lap a little.

Man-I'm good with kids t-.

He tried to reach over for me, but then she grabbed a knife on the table and held me close, and I think she looked serious while she put the knife into the chicken.

Catwoman-Don't... Touch him.

My head started to hurt and for some reason, I heard something in my head or at least I think I did. It started to hurt and make me feel even more scared when the pain kept on getting worse. I even started to curl up while holding my head to help the pain even a little. now tears were coming out.


The noises were going away, but I felt so confused on why I was so scared and what was going on with me. My body acted on its own and jumped off her lap and ran to I don't even know where!


I bumped into so many people and she didn't catch me before I could get in between a big crowd that freaked out at the sight of me rushing through them. My body did not even try to slip through and one man with a tray tripped over me. After going through so many people I finally made it to a door and to somewhere outside. It was dark and cold, and I didn't know what to do. I had control over my body again, but I just wanted to sit down and cry against a wall.

(Y/N)-Sniffle sobbing!

What's going on in my head?! Why am I so scared?! I'm so confused!

(Mary's POV)

Most people who come outside for a break either smoke or chat with friends at work... I just sit alone and have something to drink with some sweets. Mostly because I don't want to deal with a whole thing to get cigarettes without getting attacked with questions nobody really believes my answers to. Everything was going fine-ish until...

???-Sniffle sobbing!

I got up to go see what was wrong and it was in an ally... I had my taser and pepper spray ready and missed the days I had a gun hidden inside of a doll because this is sketchy as hell. When I got into the ally I saw a little boy crying by the dumpster while also looking like he was having a panic attack.


He didn't even look at me, but he flinched at my voice. 

Mary's mind-Wait a minute... Is that the kid that came with that supermodel or something of a mom? What happened to him?

He clearly didn't want to hear from anyone right now or... at least an adult. I stepped back around the corner, took off my glasses to them, and buttoned up my shirt some more to make it look more like I did stuff... It wouldn't work, so I gave up on that and just put my glasses back on. Finally, I cleared my throat.

Mary-Hello. fake voice crack ahem Hello. fake voice *whisper.

Ok. I just hope it hasn't been too long since I used this voice... You got this Babydoll.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried really hard to find out what was wrong with and even harder to think about my parents before I ended up with Wonder Woman, but a piece was just gone.


I looked up and saw a girl that was younger than me with her finger on her chin and leaning forward a little. She was just dressing like an adult though and looked a little fat.

???-Why are you cryings? Are yous lost?

(Y/N)-Sniffle N-No.

???-Then where is Mama and Dada?

(Y/N)-I... I... hic I don't know how that are d-dead! I can't remember breathing faster and people keep on taking me, and I don't know what to doooo! sniffle I just want to go home, but it's gone!

???-Wow... That sounds pretty bad... How about we goes to my home and wait for my Mama and Dada to helps you? I just needs to call and tells them I am going him and they lets me walk there like a big girl... My name is Mary. My friends call me Babydoll.

(Y/N)-Hic hic (Y-hic (Y/N).

???-That's a nice name. Waits here.

(Selina's POV)

We were searching the hotel for my baby after he had a little episode where he panicked and ran away. Nobody could find him and for the first time in a while, I could not keep calm. I wanted my Kitten back and I wanted him now! What made him panic like that in the first place?! I came here supposedly for a job, my guy tried hitting on me, I teased him with Kitten, he tried to touch him, I didn't like it, and-... He's a fragile boy and 'he' tried to touch him.

Selina's mind-He caused the panic attack... He's the reason Kitten ran away from me. I know Kitten loves me because I saved him from 2 psychos!

When my 'date' and I were alone in looking for him on the upper floors since an elevator went up to the top floor, I just looked at him.

Man-Did you find anything out, yet?

Selina-Yes... I think I did.

He turned to look at me and I just walked up to him. Before he could ask what I found I reached into my purse to slip on my claw and then swiped at him without changing my pace in walking. I walked past him and looked at the blood on the tips of the claw and knew I cut his neck open then threw knives to take out the cameras, even though we should be in a blind spot. His last words he will ever hear is...

Selina-There is only one man for me. As for my Kitten, I would not even let my man touch him... Kind of like what you tried to do. So let this be a lesson before you end up in hell... You don't mess with something a woman loves.

I heard him finally fall over and I just geared up and while they look for Carly Mason, Selina Kyle will already be long gone. I changed clothes and got my gear on while putting my dress in my bag. I went up to the window and opened it before slipping out and jumping to swing with my whip.

Selina's mind-When I find you, you won't be going to any more of these... All you'll need is Mommy. ~

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

(Mary's POV)

I could off the rest of the day for an emergency and kept my act up at home too since he freaked out when I brought up the police or even asking the hotel staff to help him. I tried even asking a stranger, but it seems like he just doesn't want to talk to adults right now. As long as he doesn't know I am an adult, he should be fine. I even slipped into something more convincing for him.

We were in my playroom I would pretend in and while he didn't want to play, he did look cute curled up in 'my bed'. As far as he knows, we are only going to be alone for the night with my parent's permission, but it was because I was taking him in. I know a thing or two about this world failing me. 

Mary-You know what Mama would do when I get sad and scared from nightmares?... She would make hot cocoas, put on a silly cartoon in the living room, and rests my head on a nice soft lap. fake voice

I got him to get up and I started with the show for him and some hot cocoa by boiling some milk in a pot. When it was all done, I took it with me to the living room and let it cool while he rested his head on my lap.

(Y/N)-Um... You have a soft lap.

Mary-I gets it from Mama... Can you tells me what your most favorite show is? fake voice

We stayed up for a few hours asking mostly small questions until he opened up about bigger things... Wonder Woman, Harely Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman... That was Catwoman at the hotel.

Mary-It'll be betters soon... Why don't we try something since yous is getting tireds? We can play house and have a perfect home. Whatever yous want. fake voice

(Y/N)-... I don't play house and are you 4?

Mary-It's for getting better. I pinkie promise I will not tell. It will be betweens family secret, so that means you can never ever, ever, ever, for never evers tell anyone!... What did your Mama and Dada do for yous? fake voice

(Y/N)-... Mommy would hold me close and rub my head while Daddy sat next to us.

I just held his head against my belly and stroked him. If there is one thing I know about most men, is that even the strongest ones can have a soft spot... As for the psychotic ones or filthy double-timing crocs... I took a breath and focused.

(Y/N)-After a while she would clean my ears or give me a little massage on my neck and face by squishing it.

Mary-What do you want Mama Babydoll to do? fake voice

(Y/N)-... Both.

He had such simple desires, but I moved this to my real room and told him since 'my parents's bed' is bigger, it'll be more comfy. I spent almost another other cleaning his little ears, squishing is face, stroking his head, brushing his hair, and other things he liked... His eyes looked so droppy and adorable.

Mary-Sleepy times. ~ fake voice

I got out of bed and changed into something more comfortable to sleep in.

When I got back into bed to cuddle with him, I found it so adorable he was letting who he thinks is a 4-year-old and younger than him be his Mommy. He even looked scared around and I tried something to test something.

Mary-Mama said that hiding in her shirt is a safe place from the monster and my costume is really strong in the chest area... fake voice

(Y/N)-I-I don't want to do that.

Almost as if it was a gift from the universe, we heard creaking on the roof that must be from the people upstairs, he helped himself into my shirt and buried himself into my chest. Most would realize they are real by now, but I don't think he was crying a little again.

Mary-Repeat after me, ok... Monsters are not real. ~ fake voice

(Y/N)-M-Monsters are not real. muffled

Mary-Mama is right here. ~ fake voice

(Y/N)-Mama is right here. muffled

Mary-And she loves me. ~ fake voice

(Y/N)-Hic And she loves me. muffled

I kissed his head and felt my heart race. I have not felt this happy in a long time... Maybe I don't need to pretend to be a baby anymore. I just wanted to be a mother. This felt like a real purpose and (Y/N) needed my help. Maybe after a while, I can come clean. When I heard his soft snoring being muffled into me, I smiled and gave him another kiss.

Mary-I'm going to find out everything you like tomorrow when playing house. When you learn I am your new Mama... You won't be able to pretend you don't like it. ~


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