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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being alone in the room after a nightmare. I was back in that lab where I saw that lion man get turned into a robot, but everyone like Sonic, Bunnie, Antione, Amy, Tails, and Sally were all turned into robots. Grandpa just couldn't stop laughing and had my map out to show everyone what he was doing in the VR world. There was fire all over the walls from the machines and everyone was screaming and crying while it even echoed off the wall. It all stopped when I heard a song and closed my eyes and just stayed in the dark in silence when the song was over. I wondered if I was still in my nightmare since I had a nightmare in a nightmare before and those things are so scary. I slowly got out of bed and went into the hallway thinking I might be jumpscared or something by a monster or a robot or just see my Grandpa. I don't know which one was worse though. I got to the living room and saw Amy talking with someone I never saw before.

They didn't see me at first, but when I tried to hide and peek around the corner the bunny lady saw me.

???-Oh, did we wake you?


I thought about hiding even though I was sure I was awake now, but I just didn't want to see more new people after my nightmare. Amy just came to me and helped me out onto the couch.

???-I saw you were having a nightmare and you still look shaken up by it. Do you want to talk about it?

Amy-Did you have a nightmare?... Was it about your Grandpa? ~


???-Oh my. Why would you be scared of your Grandpa?

Amy-It's a very sensitive subject... We were talking a lot about you. This is Vanilla. ~

Vanilla-I know to keep you a secret, but I have a daughter who would love to meet you. She's about your age. ~

I didn't know what to say and thought about my nightmare that could've been real if I stayed home with Grandpa and had my map finished. I heard them talking and I don't know if it was to me, but I was even hearing my nightmare again. When I saw Vanilla get up I felt Amy hold me a little tighter.

Amy-I think he still needs space. You're still too new for him.

She still came up to us and bent down and hummed a sound that sounded familiar to me from my dream. I didn't know what to think or do, but I only kept on thinking that I could've gotten her killed.

(Vanilla's POV)

The poor thing is so tense and troubled from his past life of abuse from a family member. He reacted well to my song in his sleep, so I just hummed it to calm him down and reached my hand for his side while I made sure he was following it at a steady pace. He jumped a little at my touch, but he didn't scream.

Vanilla-I think it will be better for you with us... Amy, I think you should go finish your shopping after I go check on Cream.

Amy-I-... Um... I think I can wait on shopping a little longer.

Vanilla-Non-sense. You need food in your home if you plan to care for a child. It's a basic need, but if it's too much trouble I could-.

Amy-Please, you do enough for Cream. I do see your point on food... How long would take for you to check on Cream and come back?

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Cream's POV)

Mommy said she had something to do when she came back to help a friend and I needed to be in charge of the house. I didn't want to let her down, so I did some chores around the house that I knew how to do and made something to be ready for her when she comes back. I don't know why I couldn't go with her, so I guess it must be a secret. I could go outside and play in the area I was allowed to play in, but that was it. I tried to ask around, but I only knew she was helping Amy and nobody knew anything.

Cream-I wonder what's going on with Amy that Mommy can't tell me.

(Vanilla's POV)

(Y/N) is very sensitive and shows signs that he is just not used to affection like sitting on a lap and being held. I could feel his body shaking sometimes and I wanted to ask about his nightmare, but Amy said the last time they touched that subject he blew up. He just needed comfort without any form of pressure, so the only sound in the room come from my humming while petting his head. There was something on his mind, but I think it was better he let it come out on his own. The only I didn't expect was that it came out when I saw a few tears came out.

(Y/N)-I-I hurt so many people. sniffle I didn't mean to. whisper


(Y/N)-I-I m-m-made something so awful. I didn't hic think he would use it for that. whisper

Vanilla-Shhhhh Take a few breaths and try talking slowly. ~

During his explanation he was going to explode in emotions and panic, but I got him to calm down which was like soothing an angry baby. You don't talk them down by speaking over them, you hold and comfort them with soft expressions. As for his story, it was simply dreadful. He was the Grandson of Eggman and he just made a game version of the world to have fun, but Eggman turned it into a weapon. After he saw someone robotized that Eggman had captured, he was horrified and blamed himself.

Vanilla-You poor thing. You only wanted to play, didn't you? ~

He only nodded his head and more tears came out of his eyes. It was clear he needed to play and socialize, but the Kingdom would have a problem if they found out he was here. He comes from a broken home and that's being generous, but now he is forced to live in secret here. None of this is fair to him and I couldn't stand for that. Even if it's one friend, he needs one desperately. No, he needs more than that... I know Amy means well and she's trying, but she doesn't have much experience as a mother. Her saying he blew up and it was hard to stop him is understandable, but also proof.

(Y/N)-I-I just wanna go home... But Mommy and Daddy are gone and Grandpa hates me. sniffle

That's it. I will apologize to Amy later, but he needs more than being alone in a house at all anymore for whatever reason. I got up and placed him down in front of me before I looked for a pen and paper to leave a note. I could just call and text her, but this way is more private. After I left a note stating it would be best for me to have him and she and her friends could come visit, I knelt down in front of (Y/N).

Vanilla-Sweeite. I am going to take you to my home, but in order to do that I need you to listen carefully.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Cream's POV)

Everything was almost ready before Mommy got home, but I still didn't know when that is going to happen. Just then I heard the door open and I felt so excited! Mommy was back home, so I ran to the front door and saw her.


I wanted to hug her for coming back, but she stopped me and I saw she was holding her dress from in her pockets a little weird.

Mommy-Cream, I have someone I want you to meet. Just be gentle with him. ~

I was confused and then she lifted her dress to show someone who reminded me of Eggman, but he didn't look like him that much. He even looked nervous while he held on to Mommy's leg for a ride.

Mommy-Cream, this is (Y/N) and I think he needs to learn how to have a friend. ~

I only stared at him and Mommy helped him off her leg. He looked around and at me nervously, almost like he looked guilty for something. I guess being under Mommy's dress would be bad, but she wasn't mad at him.

Mommy-Now Cream, (Y/N) needs to stay a secret, at least until he is on good terms with the kingdom. I know you'll be nice to him.

I smiled and walked up to him, but he stepped back a little. He looked very shy and I would ask if he wanted to go out and play, but if he had to be a secret I know some games we could play inside.

Cream-Hi. Do you like board games?

(Sally's POV)

Amy was calling me in a panic telling me that Vanilla just took (Y/N) to her house in broad daylight. I was shocked that she did it at first, but she did always have a thing for children to be motherly. It wasn't too far out of character for her if you think of it like that, but that was a very risky move. She sent me a picture of the note claiming (Y/N) needed a friend his age and I know she meant Cream which is another risk. If she can not keep a secret then that will put (Y/N) in danger and this whole kingdom in an uproar.

Amy-We need to get him back! He needs to be with me!

Sally-You mean hidden, right?

Amy-... Yeah. Just help me on this!

Sally-We can't do anything and my father is going to be sending you out on a mission with your friends soon against Eggman.

Amy-So she just gets to take him?!

I never saw her this mad before or act like this since she is usually more understanding. Even had a fight with myself about having (Y/N) here. I got her to calm down a little bit, but she still hung up angrily wanting (Y/N) to be back with her. As for me, I went out into the hallway and was automatically greeted by my father.

Father-Sally, I wish to share something with you.

Sally-What is it?

Father-It's about that grandchild of Eggman. The one you defended.

Sally-I don't want to argue about this.

Father-I am sending your friends to retrieve him after all.

Sally-... Excuse me. Does this mean... you had a change of heart?

Father-Absolutely not. I just need the child since his Grandpa is looking for him. 

My heart sank and I felt disgusted. Father was once so proud and I was proud of him, but... No, he was always like this. I just never understood before that his hate for Eggman was hate for all overlanders and humans.

Sally-What are you planning on doing with him when he gets here?

Father-If they are family and maybe just as smart as him, we could use that or even give us inside intel that we can use.

That was just another way he was going to be a prisoner of war, but how he treats his prisoner is what worries me. Sending Sonic and the others will be a waste of time for us now, but I don't know what will come of (Y/N)... I want assurance.

Sally-... What will be his conditions? (Y/N)s'.

Father-Huh?... He will be in a cell of course.

Sally-No, if he is going to be here then I want to make sure he is treated fairly.

Father-That is not your call. My word is going to be law!

Sally-I will stand by and let you treat a child that did nothing to hurt us like a criminal!

Father-He is the grandson of an overlander that is currently trying to wipe us out! Now, I am done with this argument!

Sally-You think a child will function to actually help if you stuff him in a dungeon?! 

It was almost an hour of us arguing and for a moment near the end, I felt my body act on itself when my mind went somewhere... I wanted to hurt Father, really hurt him. I was surprised I had to catch and stop myself which threw me off the argument for a moment and then Mother came out into the hall.

Mother-Enough!... Let's discuss this in another way. I heard 'everything'.

This was going to turn into a family meeting which is more civilized for family matters. I know she's on my side too, but it's more than family in this case.

(Cream's POV)

I like playing with (Y/N)! Mommy said to be gentle with him and he barely does anything, but that makes him perfect for a game of House. He is trying to be nice to and follow the rules, but he always looks a little sad or guilty still. I wonder what happened to him and why he needs to be a secret. Right now, he was just sitting next to me and watching a TV you could dance too, but he wouldn't dance. After a while, I thought he would just like to rest since he really didn't want to play right now and needed something else. Mommy was making lunch and I think was on the phone with Amy trying to calm her down which made me feel a little nervous. 

Cream-I don't like it when Amy gets mad.

He tensed up when I said that and he tried to lean over a little to listen.

(Y/N)-Do you think she's mad at me?

Cream-Why would she be mad at you?

(Y/N)-I... did something very bad and being nice to me feels weird.

He curled up and I didn't think he was bad. I wanted to know what happened, but I thought of something he needed more. I gave him a few pulls until I got him to lay down then went to get a blanket and sat next to him.

Cream-I don't think you're bad and just need to learn that someone being nice to you is a good thing. 

(Y/N)-No, I-.

Cream-Please. I just want you to be happy.

I gave him a pleading look before he just lied down and let me take care care of him. I think some fruit or some treats would help him feel better. Maybe I can ask Mommy to make something for us all. Food really helps me when Mommy makes it. She was still busy, so I got small treats to feed to him and this felt like taking care of someone who was hurt.

Cream's mind-I think he needs more than a friend... He needs a best friend! ~


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