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(Sally's POV)

It was nighttime now and I thought about what Sonic and my other friends said to me and my family. My first response was to be cautious because this child is related to Eggman, but it sounded like he could be in some real trouble. I wanted to order for a search team by the guards, but my father would not allow for it. I tried to convince him, but he got worked up and coughed sickly again, so Mother took him to their room with a look that said "I'm sorry". Sadly, the guards are loyal to my father even if he is not a very compassionate ruler. We all know why my Father, the king didn't want to send the guard out looking for him, because not only is he the grandson of our sworn enemy, but also a human. I just couldn't overlook how a child got in this much trouble to save our people, so I asked Sonic and his friends to look for him. Not as a princess, but as a friend... They accepted and would start in the morning. I walked back into my room from the balcony and looked at myself in the mirror.

Sally-Please, find him Sonic.

(Tail's POV)

Amy, Bunnie, Sonic, Antione, and I were all having a team meeting. Antione was mostly here to do a favor for Princess Sally rather than what her favor really was. We started by going over what we knew.

Tails-So (Y/N) is the grandson of Eggman that we just learned about and if I had to make a guess on his age, he would be about 5 to 7 years old. He is good with computers and seems to not be good underfoot, so I am willing to bet with all of this, he was locked up inside his whole life or for a long time.

Amy-How is he supposed to last when he's all on his own?

Bunnie-He can't Amy girl. Ah doubt he has a clue on how tah survive out there.

Sonic-So it's time-sensitive. I worked against the clock before.

Amy-You can't just go out there and search all of Mobius! We have no idea where he is!

Tails-Actually, I do.

They all looked at me and my theory may not be ideal, but it seems logical.

Tails-It's like a nocturnal animal thing to put it simply. He's most likely never been outside before of what he knows, so he won't stray too far for a while at least. It's all too new to him and-.

Bunnie-Are ya sayin' he could still be near that city?!

Tails-... Or hiding in it. It's just a theory. The least we could do is find a trail when lockdown is lifted.

Antione-Oh d-dear. W-We're going inside z-z-zat awful place again?

Tails-Too risky. We need our fastest looking for a trail inside and the rest of us will be in the forest looking around the perimeter. We're bound to find something.

Sonic-When are we heading out? We already waited the whole day to tell Sally.

Tails-It'll be hard to see at night, so we will go first thing in the morning.

Amy-We can't wait that long! 

Bunnie-Amy's right. He helped us and now he's by himself out there!

Sonic-Gotta side with the girls. Plus, we did searches at night before and things worked out.

Antione-B-But, I am sure a little nap iz also a good-.

Sonic-I guess we are taking a vote. All in favor of now?

He raised his hand and so did the girls. I thought it would be harder to do it this way, but they did have a point. I raised my hand too. All except Antione were in favor-

Antione-Um... Maybe a detour for sweaterz?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I hated it out here and hated myself! I couldn't bring myself to be farther away from Grandpa's city, but if I stay here his robots are going to find me, I just know it! I am so tired, but I can't sleep. It was also really cold, dark, and scary out here. I was hiding up in a tree that was very easy to climb that I knew about, but it was not a very good hiding spot and I remembered all of the trees being easy to climb in VR. I knew it was going to be hard to climb a real tree, but not this hard. Everything was harder than I thought it would be I saw Grandpa's city and I know it was bad to be here, but I am just so confused why running away feels so awful.

(Y/N)'s mind-He is not going to let you back in! He'll kill you! He killed that lion man and so many others! You helped him! What if the only reason he captured him was because of your map?! What else did he lie about?! You need to get out of here! You're all alone! You're a monster like him!

(Y/N)-Hic hic hic sniffle sobbing deep inhale sobbing!

I kept on crying and fell off the branch and into a pile of mud. I stopped crying to take deep breaths and then threw up when I thought something had gotten into my mouth, but it was just a little bit of water. When I heard some voices I just went quiet and crawled...

???-Antione, if you didn't want to come, why did you go to the meeting?

Antione-It'z a request from zhe princess. Th-Thi-Thiz place iz also giving me az they call it, the hibby jibbies.

???-Well you sure do want to get going already, so how about the sooner we are done with this, the sooner we can go back home?

I hid behind a bush, but the mud and stuff made my clothes feel more heavy. I was also tired and when I peeked through a bush, I saw the ones who were talking.

Pink Hedgehog-Huh?... Look, a firepit... I don't see anything to start it though. Might be from him.

Antione-M-Maybe we should stay put a-a-and wait for him to return.

Pink Hedgehog-If it wasn't lit now then he probably didn't know how to make a fire. We can at least tell that he was here. As for when, I can't tell since nothing was burned. It might even be from past teams camping out by the city.

Antione-M-Mz. Amy, may we pleaze ask Sonic to come search zhe forest?

Amy-We went over this Ant. Why don't you just sit down and take a breather and calm down? Before you ask. No, there is not a monster lurking in the forest. The eyes you feel are just from a flicky or another animal.

Antione-I am not afraid of the zhe stories for zhe campfire!

They were splitting up and the guy was coming this way. He was getting way too close and my body started to shiver more than it already was! I looked at his sword and thought of how I helped hurt everyone! They were coming to hurt me!

(Y/N)'s mind-No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

(Amy's POV)

Antione clearly doesn't want to be out here other than to just get an appraisal from Sally even though we are already friends. If he was going to be this loud during the search then I would've told him to wait back at the kingdom for us and get things ready for (Y/N)'s arrival. I still can't believe the king's hate for Eggman runs so deep that he would leave a child behind to fend for himself because he's human or an overlander... He didn't look mutated, but I didn't take in a lot of details from the heat of the moment. I hate Eggman as much as the kingdom does, but I think all life deserves a chance.


I jumped a little and pulled out my hammer! I looked for Antione, but he was gone so I was on guard. 

Amy-Antione?!... Antione?!

I heard whimpering and stuttering coming from above me, so I looked up and had a deadpan expression on my face.

Amy-Antione, what happened?

Antione-M-M-M-Mu-Mud monster!

Amy-Mud monster?

I looked around and didn't see anything and it must've been in his head. Just then I heard rustling in the bushes and went to it to see tracks in the mud, so I followed them in the direction where they ended. I heard more crying and followed it to a cave where it echoed in from. The moonlight was not bright enough to make it inside, so I pulled out a flashlight to point it in. I saw (Y/N) and I can see why Antione was quick to assume a "mud monster". He was caked in mud on his clothes and looked horrible from the first time we saw him.

(Y/N)-Gasp whimper.

He looked terrified of me and it made me think if we waited to come in the morning. When I realized he was looking at my hammer, I just put it down and tried to look friendly.

Amy-Hey, remember me? You helped me and my friends... My name is Amy Rose... Do you wanna come out of this cold cave?

He shook his head 'no' and was holding in his cries. He must be so scared and confused right now after everything this morning. I got a little closer to him nice and slow.

(Y/N)-D-D-Don't. whisper

Amy-Hey, it's ok. My friends and I are here to help... How about we can start by taking my hand?

(Y/N)-... B-But... I hurt you. whisper


(Y/N)-I-I made the map for Grandpa... sniffle I-I didn't know, I swear. hic hic I'm a monster. -whisper

I thought about everything Eggman said about how he knows everything we did and what we heard on the PA system. Knowing Eggman, I can only guess what he would do to his family he doesn't like, but we didn't know he had a child, let alone a grandchild. It looked like it was really messing with his head, but I could just feel that that well-executed ambush was not his fault. I could barely hear him when he curled up into his knees, but I did make one thing out.

(Y/N)-I-It was just for a game. I just wanted to have fun and follow the rules at the same time. whisper

I got closer to him and wanted to let him know I was getting closer by making noise. He wasn't paying attention until I put my hand on his knee and he jumped a little.

Amy-Hey, it's ok... Can you tell me more about this map?... Maybe after we get you somewhere warmer, have a bath, and into some clean clothes. ~

I helped him up and he still could not stop shivering and crying while I led him out of the cave.

Amy-It's not your fault. Just keep walking with me. You're going great. ~... Come on Antione, we're leaving!

Antione-Really? You found zhe-? AAA-!!!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We got back to a kingdom and Amy and her friends kept me hidden under a blanket and got me inside a garage to spray most of the mud off of me before I went inside to take a shower. This shower had no other functions besides the water, so I tried the best I could do. They wanted me to soak in lukewarm water too to get warm. Amy even said she was going to wash my clothes to be as good as new while I warm up and relax in the water. I met Sonic, Tails, Bunnie, and Antione again... Antione screamed when he saw me again and thought I was a mud monster, but Amy yelled at him to stop. After a while, I finally got out of the bathroom when my clothes were clean and Amy said she left them by the door. I took them and got dressed before I slowly went out to the hallway. When I got to the living room, I saw everyone else was gone and she was on the phone.

Amy-He will be ready to talk to you tomorrow, but he is still very disturbed... OK, see you in the morning.

She hung up and put her phone down before she saw me. She looked happy to see me too for some reason, but I still felt nervous and a little sick being here from what I had done.

Amy-You look so much better now! Are you hungry?

(Y/N)-... A little.

Amy-Well, I'm making something in the kitchen. The others went home since it was getting late. I just thought it would be good for you to eat before bed.

She is just so nice... It felt weird for her to be nice to me since nobody was this nice to me in a while. I sat down on a chair alone and looked at my own feet while wiggling them.

Amy-While we wait, do you think we can talk about a few things if you are ready? It'll make a talk with a friend of mine easier tomorrow.

(Y/N)-Friend?... Sonic?

Amy-No, not Sonic... He's like my boyfriend... He will be, but you didn't meet her, yet. Her name is Sally.

(Y/N)-Ok... Is it about the map?

Amy-If you are ready, but to be clear. You just need to tell me what kind of map it is... It'll really help us.

(Y/N)-... You'll get mad at me. whimper

Amy-I won't be mad. I can tell whatever Eggman used it for, you had nothing to do with it. Let's take a few deep breaths, I can get something to drink and talk over some food. Does that sound nice?

(Sally's POV)

I was relieved when Sonic sent me a message that he and the others found the boy and came back safely but said he was in bad shape after not even a day. When I got the text during dinner I called Amy as soon as I got to my room and she would try to comfort him as well as get him to get some things off his chest. I don't think it's a good thing to get him to talk about things that hurt him this bad so soon, but we need the information about this map and it could be good for him to let his emotions out. I will be there in the morning to let him sleep. 

Sally's mind-How did we not know about (Y/N)? A grandson? I didn't even know he had a child. Was this a test tube-growing kind of thing? I don't see him even having a secret wife.

My door opened and I saw it was my mother.

Mother-Your father finally calmed down after the talk at dinner about the human.

Sally-'I' didn't start that topic. He did. I only gave my opinion on the matter.

Mother-I'm not here to fight. I wanted to talk about this child myself without your father turning it into a fight.

Sally-Is that so?... What did you want to talk about him for?

Mother-Saving your friends is a great service to the kingdom and I don't see why our sworn enemy would let Sonic go just to have us trust a child of his family. It sounds foolish, so it makes sense that was a real betrayal to his grandpa.

Sally-I am aware of this.

Mother-I know that too, but what I also know is that afterward, Antione didn't try to come in at all today while Sonic was gone and The Tornado was seen taking off... Any thoughts?

Sally-I don't.

Mother-Oh really?... Where would they go to and come back this late at night without any orders?

Sally-Maybe out for a scouting run. I don't know.

Mother-... I was hoping you would be honest with me. I know you asked your friends to look for them in private and they went. Your father would be furious if he came here.

Sally-The child is not here and I didn't tell my friends to do anything.

Mother-Sally, Sweetie... sigh I just hope you know what you are doing. There are bound to be others who won't accept this.

She walked back to my door, but the second she put her hand on the knob I broke.

Sally-Are you going to tell Father?

Mother-Of course not, but that doesn't mean a citizen will report this. I, myself though would like to meet this child too.

Sally-You're the queen of this kingdom. You have the authority to let him stay here in secret.

Mother-With your Father around? I don't know where he is exactly, but it has to be better than here... Good luck.

She left my room and I was relieved at least one of my parents was accepting of this. Mother did have a point though. Father will sick the guards on any human for his hatred of Eggman and with this being his grandson, he will only find more reason to lock him up.

(Amy's POV)

(Y/N) told me everything about the map that he made and it sounded like everything his grandpa Eggman told him it would be to others. He did destroy the map and the AI he used to build it, so Eggman doesn't have it anymore. He only wanted to play outside in the forest and other places, but Eggman would not let him. Now, he was crying and opening up the floodgates of his emotions with more details of his home and I could not stop him. More like, I shouldn't stop him and have him get it all out. I put his head on my lap and let him cry into me while petting him.

(Y/N)-I-I-I d-didn't inhale know I was hu-hur-hurting everyone! I didn't know about the war! hic I swear! sobbing cough cough

Amy-Ok, that's enough. You're going to get sick and lose your dinner. ~

He tried to talk some more to apologize, but I just shushed him. He passed out on me in around 10 minutes and I carried him to my bedroom with me.

Amy-Come on. You had a long and hard day.

I put him in my bed first and got ready for bed myself before I got in with him. I thought about everything he told me and felt sorry for him. I wouldn't wish living with Eggman on my worst enemies in the kingdom.

Amy's mind-Poor thing... You get to live with me now. ~

(Alicia's POV)

After my talk with Sally, I got into bed with my husband while not putting him back into a sour mood. The only reason I know is because the guards reported to me instead of my husband because he was already riled up and yelling at everyone. Just that Tail's plane The Tornado took off at night and with no leads or anything for battle strategies or magic items we could use, I could only guess one thing about what they were up to.

Alicia's mind-Stay safe out there, little one... I just pray for you that my husband doesn't find out about you. 

I turned over to look at him sleeping and felt mentally exhausted.



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