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(Selina's POV)

When I got home, I saw 4 of my cats resting in the living room on their perches, but Princess was probably off hiding someone. They did take notice of me with a little boy knocked out in my arms. I put my scare down and took the boy with me to my bathroom to get him cleaned up while he was still out of it. I turned on the water and got his clothes off before I put him in the water. He was too small to sit up on his own like this, so I resorted to just pouring cups of water onto him. This was easier than washing my cats at first, but then... he started waking up.

Selina's mind-So much for an easy bath time.

???-Groan... Huh?

He looked up at me and noticed where he was while also being given a bath by me. He was still weak from the gas but tried to get up and even scream.

Selina-Woah, calm down. I'm just giving you a bath and going to wash your clothes.


He slipped and hit his head on the end of the bath. He now started to cry while holding his head and now I could hear Princess crawling at the door.

Selina-Princess, no!... Come here, little guy. Let me see. ~

I sat him up and moved his hands to see a little bump on his head. I washed the soap out of his hair that he got from the bubbles in the water at the bottom of the tub. He was clean enough, so I turned off the water and took him out with a towel to hold him.

Selina-You'll be fine. Let's just get you dried off and some ice for that head. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I know that costume and her from the news. It was Catwoman, but I had no idea how I got here. She was holding and bouncing me until I heard crawling at the door when I was only whimpering, so I opened my eyes to see her.

Catwoman-Princess, I said no!

I was very nervous to talk to her even though I know she doesn't hurt good people a lot. She's just a thief... She's also pretty and when I thought of Daddy calling her hot before and Mommy smacked his head my head hurt a little more again. She opened the bathroom door and looked down at "Princess", but turned my head into her.

Catwoman-Eh, stay down... Good girl... I got a robe for you until your clothes can get washed.

She got to her room with me and I heard meows from somewhere in the house. She put me on her bed laying down to dry me off before putting me in a robe that was way too big for me.

Catwoman-Awwwww, you look smaller somehow. It's adorable. ~

She poked my nose and my face burned before she tied the robe and folded the bottom to cover my feet.

She lied by my side and stretched a little before she looked at me again.

Catwoman-You got a name, or should I come up with a pet name for you?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N).

Catwoman-Well, (Y/N). Do you know where we can find whoever takes care of you?

(Y/N)-... Sniffle M-Mommy and Daddy hic hic are g-g-gone and I don't know hic who d-did it! Then-!

Catwoman-Woah there. Let's take a deep breath and assume I know the rest... Here is what we are going to do. I am going to go put your clothes in the wash and we can settle down for the night.

I tried to calm down, but then something jumped on the bed that made my heart sink.

Catwoman-Well look at that. Princess came to say hi to her guest. ~


(Diana's POV)


I crushed Boomerang's foot and heard his bones crunch since the last two needed time to recover a little. I used my lasso of truth on them, but none of them knew where Waller or my baby was! I leaned into Boomerang with my foot still breaking his with my weight. My lasso was still wrapped around him, but I need to ask the right question... I think I found it.

Diana-I know that you know something about my son's kidnapper. What is it that you know?

Boomerang-Ahhhh! I-I don't know anything! I didn't even know you were a mother until you came here! Grunt H-Harley, came by and gave us a gadget to get the bombs out of our head and wanted us to stay in touch and call you!

Diana-... Quinn...She should be in Arkham where I left her! Where is she?!

Boomerang-I-I don't know! She only gave us the damn device and buggered off!

I got off his foot and unwrapped him. Tears were coming out of my eyes and I wanted to give into rage so badly, but they were my only lead to Harley. They don't even know where she is... I took Deadshot with me and his phone to get to the Hall of Justice and wrapped him in the lasso of truth before I grabbed his phone.

Diana-What's your phone's PIN code?

(Harley's POV)

Ivy and I were searching the town for clues as to who took (Y/N)! There is no way that anyone could know about him except Wonder Woman and she would've put us in Arkham without the sleeping gas, so it wasn't her! Who would want to come in and still (Y/N) anyway?! Ivy pointed fingers at the only suspect outside of Arkham.



This place was empty and there was not a kid or a doll in sight. I know I ran faster than Ivy to Dollmaker's old hideout unless she somehow got her faster than me and cleaned house. I checked the place and it looked like he hadn't been here since the last time he was arrested.

Harley-(Y/N), Ivy, Dollmaker?!... Now whose brains am I supposed to bash out?!

I left the warehouse and just then Ivy showed up and she was covered in blood until she wiped it off with a big leaf.

Ivy-Dollmaker didn't have, but he said he wished he did.

Harley-Is that his blood?... But I wanted to kill himmmm! hmph

Ivy-Just be happy he wasn't with that psycho with a doll fetish. Only problem is there is nobody else I know who would know or even want him.

Harley-... Riddler?




Harley-But they goons all over their turf... I got dibs on first blood!

(Selina's POV)

I just put (Y/N)'s clothes in the washer with some soap and fed my cats before I made us some pork chops and got a raw steak for Princess. When I walked into my room I saw Princess laying on top of (Y/N) to keep him pinned down after he tried to slip away in my robe. As adorable as that looked, this was even more so.

Selina-Oh Princess. Look what Mommy got for you. ~

I tossed the steak to the bowl for her in my room and she went over to it. I got in my bed and held the plate with one hand.

Selina-I figured you would be hungry. Hope you like pork chops with potatoes and grilled fresh green beans. ~

(Y/N)-I... I don't like green beans. The water in the can makes them icky.

Selina-Oh, I don't do canned vegetables. The fresh ones tastes much better when you cook it right. Trust me. Say ahhhh. ~

I held the vegetable he claimed he hated, but he looked at the seasoning I put on it and it gave it a nice flavor. After a little sniff, he tried it and his eyes looked surprised.

Selina-See? You can taste the difference. ~

He enjoyed his food until he was full, so I had the rest and just snuggled with him. I got Princess to leave the room and go mingle with my other kitties when she hopped back up here and made (Y/N) yelp.

Selina-Hey, Princess is a bad tiger when you are my friend... Unless you mess with her food, but only I get to do that.

(Y/N)-... Catwoman.


(Y/N)-Well... When are you going to... get rid of me?

It sounded horrible when he phrased it like that, but it did slip my mind. I don't want to send a child to an orphanage here to suffer after giving him a taste of a good life. He also just lost his parents recently and doesn't even know their killer. He looked nervous and... He is kind of adorable and it would be fun to tease men to think I am taken. I can also have another little kitten to cuddle with.

Selina-I don't think it would be a good idea to go back out there with those crazy people... How about you stay here with me? ~

(Y/N)-B-But... You're a villain.

Selina-I'm more of an anti-hero, Kitten. Can I call you Kitten? ~

He tried to scoot away and he was just being shy. Just then Princess came back in and he went from struggling to clinging to me. I liked this feeling and when Princess hopped on the bed with us to lay down... I let her stay there.

Selina-You don't want to cuddle with me, Kitten?... Do you want to cuddle with Princess and my other kitties instead? ~

He looked at Princess and I guess that made her drag herself over a little and scared the timid little thing. I petted his head to comfort him, but Princess got jealous and nuzzled over.

Selina-See, she's a sweetheart like you. ~

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

Selina-Chuckles Having fun, Kitten? ~

I had Princess pick Kitten up from the like it was a sac of money and he was dangling as she sat down in the middle of the living room and my other cats were pawing him. He looked at me hanging his head upside down and had a little begging face on him... I took a picture of this.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please tell Princess t-to put me down. I-I wanna get down.

Selina-But your clothes aren't dry, yet, and Isis, Hecate, Ms. Kitty, and Otto are having fun... I think Princess really likes you. ~

I got up from the couch and walked over to him to rub his cheeks with my thumbs. I wasn't kidding though. I try to bring a man home once and one scream from him sent her damn near into attack mode. When I kissed his cheek next he blushed so adorably for me. I gave him what he wanted though and took him from Princess to sit down with him on the couch.

Selina-There you go.

I saw he was still nervous around me and looked at my old weapons I upgraded from, but kept them there to just admire them. I make them look like pieces of art too for some style. When his clothes were done, he looked tired or maybe just mentally exhausted.

Selina-Ok, bedtime for you... We can go out for a walk tomorrow. 

Almost all kids will trust you if you give them treats or have something they like, so I think a trip for some ice cream or cake or something sweet he likes. When I got into my room I closed the door to keep Princess out I got into bed with him and snuggled with him while he continued to look tired and swaddled up in my robe. I'll take a shower in the morning, but I closed my eyes and called it a night.

Selina's mind-I think you are the only boy that I like that doesn't brute himself into the shadows all the time... You're staying. ~

(???'s POV)

My therapist is the only thing keeping me out of Arkham by a deal from the court, but all it really does is remind me that I can't enter the dating world, I can't hold a job anyway with someone asking me, "Where are your parents young lady? Did you stuff your shirt and ants to look older?", and to top it all of, my therapist says I should try to open up to other people for a circle of trust! I tried dating a freak like me because I thought they would understand, BUT CROC CHEATED ON ME!!! I came back home late in tears from another hard day and put my groceries away before looking in the mirror.

Mary-Tch A sound maturing woman in the body of a baby... The treatment will work, they said. You will be tall and normal in no time... I'M A FUN SIZED HOSTESS!!!

I can already see what the next guy will see me as if I go back into the dating world and I will always be a little girl to everyone! I got in the shower to get ready for bed, but I passed the room that was my only escape on earth... The only part of my life that makes me the least bit happy and normal... A room I pretend to be a little girl in.

Mary's mind-I'm going to be alone and unwanted forever... Aren't I?... Well, who needs some idiot who can't see past my condition?


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