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(Mimzy's POV)

It was time for bed like we had a curfew in high school or some shit and we saw the princess I promised the boys, but we are not touching her until I find who I came for! I had no idea where else this bitch would keep (Y/N) until we just found out her room is here on the top floor. I got to my rented-out piece of shit hotel room trying to think how I can get up there without looking suspicious. It's not like even Alastor can walk up there at this time for a simple hello and goodnight.

Mimzy-Come on, girl. You were the best in your time and basically landed the radio demon more than anyone. How hard can it be to get into the princess's room... in the middle of the night... and take a child from her... FUCK!!!

I don't even know for sure if he's in there and if I did, it just takes one call to Daddy for her and anyone in hell would be a goner! It needs to be a way that she knows it wasn't me and the boys get her. Not like they will hold her for long before the whole family dies unless they have a plan for that. Not like I care for that part. Just then my door opened and someone came in.

Mimzy-Niftty? Ever heard of knocking? A girl could be getting changed.

Niftty-Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Mimzy-I don't need room service or housekeeping.


She only still stood there and looked at me. I mentally sighed and just asked the question I bet she was just waiting for me to ask.

Mimzy-Ok, I'll bite... What are you doing in my room?

Niftty-I bite too. Hehehehehe. ~... I just want to get into the broken vent.

I looked at my oversized vent and that explains why it is so drafty in here despite its size that I need to open a window. Now, she was waiting for me to ask why.

Mimzy-... Why?

Niftty-It's the quickest vent to Charlie's room where the good boy is!

Mimzy-That's nice. Have fu-... Wait... Mind if I tag along? ~

I could fit in there and it was just a matter of helping me up there. When we got in the vent, I just followed Niftty as fast as I could, but she quickly ditched me. I don't know how she can crawl that fast and I saw a bunch of dead bugs in here and messages saying stuff like "You're next! The itsy bitsy spider had their legs torn off, and smiley faces with one eye. I caught up to her again and saw her looking out a vent. I was sure to be quiet and when I looked through the vent.

(Y/N)-Giggles! ~

I saw them just getting ready for bed and the assistant manager or whoever, Vaggie was bouncing him in her lap in a nightgown. He was looking into her eyes and got all kissy and cuddly with her.

(Y/N)-Mommy, when can I go see the guests?

Charlie-Just as soon as I think they are ready for you.

(Y/N)-... So how long does it take for them to get dressed?

Vaggie-... It takes them a long time. Just stay in here with one of us until then. Maybe we can even take you to the kitchen in private to make some cookies or something. ~

We stayed here until they all got in bed to go to sleep and I left Niftty to watch them sleep. When I got to my room I smiled to myself after coming up with a plan... I just need to get in a shower or a bath because that vent was disgusting as it was disturbing.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Charlie's POV)

I got ready for the day and (Y/N) really wanted to come with me to meet new friends, but I got him to change his mind when I said I was going to bring up cinnamon buns for him and Mama Vaggie was going to play with him. She was letting him on her shoulders to pretend that he was flying with her. Soon, I heard crying when I walked by a room and the door was cracked while the doorknob looked a little loose and broken. When I pushed the door open gently I saw Alastor's friend Mimzy crying on the floor looking like a bit of a mess.

Charlie-Mimzy?... What happened?

She looked at me with tears coming out of her eyes and even shivered a little.

Mimzy-P-Princess Morningstar? sniffle

Charlie-It's... just Charlie. What happened to you?

Mimzy-I... I c-can't say anything.

Charlie-Hey... The first step to redemption is being honest even when it's hard.

Mimzy-Hic hic... Well... It's those men I came here with... You're in danger and they are using me!

(Sir Pentious's POV)

It started with any normal breakfast. I have my cup of coffee and have my minions make breakfast and my bed, but it got ruined by the sight of Alastor biting a demon in half because they were mobsters coming for Charlie. The screaming and blood is one thing, but having that spilled out on my food in the cafe area from a runaway being caught by the radio demon having long arms and legs while walking like a spider...

Sir Pentious-I think I lossst my appetite.

He turned back to normal like nothing happened and he looked at me.

Alastor-Well that counts as breakfast. How is your morning going?

Sir Pentious-Traumatizing.

Alastor-Sounds wonderful! I myself just had a family-sized breakfast for one! Ha haaaa! audience laughter

Sir Pentious-If they were in a mob, would they come sssearching for you?

Alastor-Oh... I sure hope so. static sounds

I slowly got up and left the cafe area and saw Charlie with the new girl at this hotel. She was sulking a little on the couch with Charlie.

I didn't go up to them since I don't know how to help with this kind of stuff and I have my own horrors to deal with. Things were more hectic around here and just then Vaggatha came downstairs with the child in a harness again.

It was cute to see him very affectionate to his mother figure and she looked softer and more approachable. Maybe today will be an easy day.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Angel, Husk, and I were all out of breath of having to carry each other and carrying 2 people at once up the stairs, do a lap around the railing, and back down the stairs to the starting line.

Vaggie-I wanna those those knees high in the air!

Sir Pentious-I don't pant have kneesss!

Angel-How is this a team-building thing?! Where's the new girl anyway?!

Vaggie-She has a task on her own with Charlie... And watch your tone! My son is right here!

(No POV)


Charlie wanted to start her off easy to help get her mind of 'being used and threatened by the mob'. Her idea was to have her be open to her old friend Alastor like she claimed to be, but he went out for a while with the egg minions to keep Sir Pentious from using them. Vaggie wanted to get rid of them, but (Y/N) said you can't get rid of his friends like that... As for Mimzy's task. She just had to keep Niftty on a leash while (Y/N) was out of the room.

Mimzy-How do you stop this crazy bitch?!

Charlie-I'm... almost sure she gets tired eventually. Try calming her and asking her to stop pulling.

Niftty-Good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy! ~

(Alastor's POV)

I ran into Zestial on the way to a meeting and the meeting was just beginning now well the eggs were waiting outside. It was also nice to see an old friend and Lucifer's bloodhound.

Finally, the one who called this meeting walked into the room and got right down to business.

It was an informative 30 seconds before the door swung open and it showed someone who was late.

(Timeskip 6 Minutes)

(Rosie's POV)

That was certainly the quickest meeting ever, but now I have the afternoon cleared up. Maybe I could sneak in a nice lunch. I would love a nice arm or a leg with a liver. When I got to the elevator, I saw someone grab the door to keep it open and come inside.

Rosie-Oh my Stars. It's been a while since we talked Alastor.

Alastor-Indeed it has. How have you been?

Rosie-Oh, it's the same old, same old. Cannibal Town is ding nice. What are you up to these days? It's been 7 years.

Alastor-I am helping at a hotel with the princess of hell.

Rosie-Ohhh, royalty. Wait, is it the hotel of that flyer of the boy on it?

Alastor-Ah yes, the change of face. Even the adopted son of Charlie and the other one.

Rosie-Gasp A new prince of hell?!

Alastor-Technically, but I would not go as far as to say that he belongs here. It does make things fun to watch though.

Rosie-Oh, you and your games. Well, let the princess know I said congratulations and take care.

The doors opened and I saw egg creatures digging in the trash for something. I just walked away while Alastor waited for someone at the door. I did wonder what kind of demon the boy is on the flyer since he looks like a sinner. He had to have done something to get here, but Alastor said he didn't belong here in hell.

Rosie's mind-Why do you got to put this all in my head? Now I'm debating on lunch or a visit... You know what, food is important. I'm sure there will be a visit another day.


(Carmilla's POV)

Zestial just left and he understood that hell can not know that I know how to kill the angels. I had no choice. I do not care for the other fools out there who earned their way here and all in return just making myself a target. My daughters wanted me to rest for a while because they do some work. We just had a huge order returned from one of our biggest buyers, but it was not damaged.

Odette-Mother, maybe-.

Carmilla-We are not telling and that is final.

Odette-Maybe you should go relax at home or somewhere that is not the office area.

Carmilla-... Sigh Let me know if anything out of the ordinary happens.

Clara-Rest easy, Mom.

I left my daughters and the thoughts I had lingered on my mind. Like that arrogant attention-seeking brat, Velvette that runs with a pimp, and some arrogant puny TV.

Carmilla's mind-It is for your daughters... It's better this way. You are the ruler of Sin City. The highest ranking Overlord. That doesn't make you responsible for every living sinner who earned this punishment.

When I got to my room I let down my hair and decided to take a shower before dressing back up again to read. After a while I looked through some mail and most of it was just junk. There was more news on this hotel, but there was a new face to it if I looked closely.

Carmilla-Makeup?... Or is it smeared ink?

I put it down and thought I was overanalyzing from stress and trying to stay occupied. It may as well be from something I enjoy.

(Velvette's POV)

The old hag knows something and I may not know what it is for sure, but someone or something killed that angel. Not like I give a shit what happens to those old fuckers. I made it back to the shoot to see how my models were doing and some of these designs made me throw up a little in my mouth.

Velvette-Honey, if you don't that thing back to the 1950s, I will make you I will give a whole other meaning to the name Footloose to you.

I gave my thoughts on all the other projects, but only one barely made it. I guess it shows what happens when I am not around. When I got my break time, I thought about checking on some new things online. It looks like some cheap hotel tried to put a sinner child on a flyer around time and the papers.

Velvette-Who the fuck does flyers for the public anymore? It's all about social media now.

There was something about the kid though. I know cheap as makeup when I see it. Wonder what the deal is there though. Some sinner doesn't need makeup like that and it looks like they just slapped it on a fucking clown.


(Missi's POV)

I walked through town and I will never get tired of this respect and fear of me. I even saw some mailman being shaken down for money and spilling his papers out. One flew over to me and hit my arm. I took it off and looked like it. Just looked like some sinner for some hotel I heard about a while back. It belongs to Lucifer's daughter, so I can't really go there to fuck with her... I guess some small business store or gang hideout will have to do. Although, I wonder if Lucifer is gonna order me to protect this place. He is known as the king of hell but he also once had a breakdown with me around and got really pissed over being worried about his wife and daughter. He never mentioned a hotel though.

Missi's mind-I guess a check-up sometime soon to report back to him couldn't hurt. I wouldn't mind a few favors from him and maybe even expand my territory.

Just then I got hit in the back of the head with a bullet and while that didn't do shit, but fell like a little tap on the head... I smiled hugely while turning around to the gang members who froze.

Missi-Ok... Who shot that? ~

They were quick to point at each other, so Lunged at them ready to kill them all. Such big men were turned into whiney bitches when I got involved. I got all the time I could ever want and no orders...

Missi's mind-Fuck it. I'll kill the whole gang and double the workload for others. ~


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