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(Sanaa's POV)

I was walking behind Kimya and Nala went off for a bit to give her girls a hunting lesson before we got to a camp we thought would be best after some cleaning up for the sake of our slave's mental health. When we made it to the human village we wiped out a few weeks ago, there was more blood than I remembered. Mkali told Kimya to stay out here with (Y/N) and wait for Nala and the girls while we check the village out again. Nothing new and the humans I remember killing were mostly picked clean by scavengers. Only a little pit of decaying meat left on his bones so there was not that much of a smell left. I just dragged the body out and for someone who was my height and had a six-pack, he was truly pathetic without his boom sticks.

Sanaa-Now he is just mostly bones. 

I threw the body in a fire pit here and Sarabi and Mkali say that is a place to burn skeletons. After the bodies were gone a little dry blood isn't so hard to clean. Splash on some water and it will be good to go. Kimya came over with Nala and the girls and Nala looked so happy and (Y/N) was out of his sleeping bags.

Nala-Sanaa, Ari is biting into meat now all on her own!

Sanaa-Congraulations, but... what is (Y/N) doing out?

Kimya-It was getting hot out here, so I thought taking him out would be a good idea... Which one of this mud houses is ready?

Sanaa-All of them. Just a bit of dry blood. Thought I would suggest the biggest one near the center. It has one of those things that humans put their young in.

Kimya-Those won't hold his size... I'll make a bigger one.

(Kimya's POV)

I went to the biggest mud house and I have no idea why humans love these things. You can't see all your surroundings and it makes it so much easier to sneak up on you. I should know. When I got inside I saw the small human cub carrier bed thing. Ari could fit in these if we wanted to put her in, but not like we would. I just need some wood and more tall grass, I can have a big enough version of this for him at the end of the day. Maybe even a more secure one, so we don't need to constantly worry about him trying to run.

Kimya-Here, just sit in here while I get to work. If you are good, I'm sure we can find some nice berries for you. ~

I put him in the small human bed and he looked thirsty, but there was water here. I gave him some before I grabbed some big wood pieces in these and some other crafting material. I will give the humans this, they know how to gather useful things to make some amazing stuff. I started by laying out his sleeping bags for him and whoever sleeps in here very soft to rest on. 

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Kimya-You look so nervous? giggles I'm not going to hurt you. It's cute that you are a little timid. I had enough of humans thinking they are big and strong. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I watched Kimya work on something while I sat in this crib. I still felt awful that Mommy and Daddy left more or maybe they were lying and they were gone... Both were making me cry, so Kimya used her tail to rub me while she worked. She would take breaks to hold me, but nothing could make me feel better. Now, she was bouncing me in her arms.

Kimya-Poor little cub slave. I know... If it makes you feel any better, all cubs deserve parents, but not all parents deserve cubs. So it's not your fault they were selfish. ~

(Y/N)-Whimper P-Put me down... Please. whisper

Kimya-Sorry, but slaves don't tell their owners what to do. I think you need to be held anyway. ~

I tried to push away and say no, but she tapped my hands down to be tucked into her.

Kimya-Awwww, you don't want to be held?... I can get Sarabia to watch you. I think it's been a long enough time since she fed you anyway. ~

I knew what she meant by that, so I just curled up into her.

Kimya-Good boy... How about you stay wrapped in my tail while I work? ~


(Rajini's POV)

The sisters were not very pleased that we were not allied with other species since we preferred to keep to ourselves. Not like that really helped us in the end. We were told of how we could overthrow the human territory stronghold and enslave them for the sisters with the promise that they would only kill the bad ones by judging them. It would take preparation, so they will get us when they are ready due to our lack of numbers. When I walked over to Sita she also seemed a little troubled by this action, but knew it was the only way to protect ourselves.

Rajini-Are you alright? You are hardly eating today.

Sita-Oh, I'm... nervous.

Rajini-It is ok to feel that way. Just remember that all the bad humans will be dealt with and the others will be enslaved.

Sita-But that means anyone can trade for one. Some races can be just as cruel.

Rajini-I'm sure the sisters will not give a human slave to an abusive and cruel owner... How would you like it if we took a slave in? I'm sure there is something they will be good for, no matter how small they are to us. ~

Sita-... I want a human cub.

Rajini-Then we shall have one. ~

I love how she is the sweetest in our herd, but that brings me to my most violent when I watched her happily punch a boulder over and over again until it broke. It made me worry about how she would act on the job, so I went up to Zoya.

She just has a lot of mood swings and is not a cruel person, but she will get carried away without us stopping her.

Zoya-Hey. pant We get word, yet?

Rajini-You do know that the Serpent Sisters left this morning, right?

Zoya-So... Nothing yet?

Rajini-I know you believe this is justice, but try not to go too wild and scare the good humans too much. Sita wants us to trade for a slave cub.

Zoya-Ones that fit in your hands? pant Cute.

She picked up a piece of a broken boulder before she tossed it back into the pile. I just let her do her own thing and went to my most trusted friend.

Rajini-Hello, Alani. 

Alani-Oh, hello my friend... Did something happen?

Rajini-You already know what happened. I'm just worried that there is conflict in the herd over this.

Alani-Well... Of course, there will be. We never thought of an attack like this before. It's scary before, during, and after. Just look at Roja.

She pointed over to Roja and it looked like she was having a mental talk with herself about this. It did cause me to worry a little.

Alani-You know her to be a timid female in a lot of cases until push comes to shove... We got some time, so why don't we do a sharing circle to talk about what we could do after?

Rajini-Well... Sita did talk about getting a human cub. So that's a good thing to come from these... On the other-.

Alani-Eh, eh, eh. Save it for the sharing circle.

(Timeskip to Night)

We talked out our feelings and decided that we would only get one sweet human cub since Sita wanted to take in all of them. We got her to settle on one when I reminded and assured her that I would make the Serpent Sisters promise that no good human that is captured is brought to a bad owner. Another rule we set is an age limit, no killing 7 or under unless it is a means of self-defense, we travel in groups of 2 or 3 with the sisters if need be, and when we do have our cub, try to not have blood on yourself. We expect the cub to be scared at first and to prepare for nibbling when holding them for a while. I looked into the water we were all sitting around and took a deep breathe, feeling a little better about this.

Rajini-Is there any more questions? We have until the sisters come back.

Sita-Yes. When we do have the human cub we want, what will we be doing for protein and nutrients? We don't hunt for meat.

This caused a bit of whispers in the group. I thought about for a bit and in my moment of heartbreak, I told them I could-.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nala-Open wide. ~

Nala made me breastfeed off of her instead of Ari since she wanted to tear into some meat and they didn't cook any for me this time. We were all in this big mud house eating while Nala was feeding me on her lap. I tried to say no early, but Sanaa told me that it is never my place to say no and flicked my nose which felt annoying. They all watched me feed off of Nala or watched Ari eat by herself by tearing flash off a dead animal. Sarabi leaned over onto Nala and she pushed onto her I think by accident, but Nala felt a little annoyed.

Sarabi-Oh (Y/N), do you think my milk is better? I even have more of it. ~

Nala-He is fine. I'm sure he likes mine anyway. He is too shy to admit it. I'm enough for him anyway.

Sarabi-For a meal. Too bad Ari no longer needs milk and they won't get as big as mine... Or tasty. ~

Nala-Growl... Maybe Ari outgrew it now, but I still have him!

Sarabi-Oh? But his belly is so big. Do you need some help with an all-milk diet for him? ~

My body jolted a little and my heart sank. I felt my head fall back a little, but Nala shoved me back in before looking at me.

Nala-I can feed him on my own!

Sarabi-But which does he like better? ~


Just then Sarabi took her top off and my face was burning.

Sarabi-Prov-. ~

(Sarabi's POV)

Nala Latched (Y/N) onto me and his adorable blush just got so much more visible and Ari crawled over to try and help push. After a few minutes of drinking, she finally let him go for only this one reason.

Nala-Mine is better, right?

Sarabi-Or is it mine? ~

(Y/N)-I ju-... Your-... It's-... muffled whines

He covered his face in his hands to scream into them, but I gently pulled them away and got closer to him and his blushing face.

Sarabi-I guess you got more time to decide... It's all you are getting now. ~

((M/N)'s POV)

I would keep on begging for no more, but Eahira would only laugh at it. Now that she was finally asleep I crawled away from her since I couldn't walk right. When I got back to where the others were I thought they were all asleep... All, but one and she jumped right in front of me with a smirk on her face.

Aulete-Wow, Eahira really had her way with you. It's so funny and pathetic that you can't even walk right now.

I tried to just crawl past her, but she only dug herself under me and carried me sideways across her shoulders. She had trouble with it but slowly walked with me somewhere while snickering. I was even too tired to all for help. To be carried in tattered clothes and in such a state was beyond humiliating. When she finally dropped me in a cave, I looked to see someone else.

Shenzi was sleeping and I had no idea what this little hyena girl was up to. She took my hands and put them next to her mother's butt and then put a wooden board next to my hand.

Aulete-Good luck talking yourself out of this... Bitch. ~ whisper

She picked up the board and wound up for a hit on her mom-...



She quickly put the board down next to me and pretended to go back to sleep while her mom's eyes were closed. When she looked around and saw me with a board while standing up holding where she had been hit.

Shenzi-You? growl

She knew none of them could kill me without permission from Uzzie, but that didn't stop her from picking up the board herself while looking serious.


(No POV)

Shenzi gagged (M/N) with spar junk lying around and hit her in all areas besides her face. Her already weak screams were muffled to almost nothing. Meanwhile, Aulete was silently laughing to herself while watching.


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