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((Y/N)'s POV)

Glynda-Come on, Sweetie. Ahhhhh. ~

I opened my mouth, but I did not make the sound. I still felt a little sleepy, but she kept me on her lap and in the sunlight to help wake me up. After a few more bites, she put me back in the stroller so she could eat. A lot of people were looking at me until she pulled the cover over me and I could only see out the little window and under the cover. Everything was going fine until the power went out and I felt a little nervous. I never saw a restaurant with the lights out before and Glynda stood up from the table and made the Stoller move to her.

(Blacksmith's POV)

I watched over everything. Even if I could interact I don't think I would need to because this fighting over him will play right into my hands. When that happens, I will make my own portal to him again when the tree there is no choice, but to repair him. When I saw the human and faunas I smiled not because something was going to make Precious scared and uncomfortable, but because he would be one step closer to eternal happiness. 

The moment he loses all attachment to that world he will have nowhere to be put that he belongs, but here. 

Blacksmith-Sigh It'll be hard, Precious. I know, I know... You just need to know you being there is what hurts you the most. ~

Those two may have his trust for now, but enough betrayal and broken hearts would make anyone need repairs.

(Velvet's POV)

I used my semblance to copy Weiss's fighting style to switch snatch the stroller in the dark and through the window with the stroller in tow. It will be harder to run with this, so I used the weapon I summoned to cut him loose after I removed the couple.


Velvet-No, no, no. It's me remember?... Come on, let's get you away from the mean lady.

I took him out and I thought he would fight this a little, but it looks like he was just confused and conflicted. I'm sure that is just normal considering he didn't want to be with her and yet woke up with her. It will not be happening again though. Coco should be buying us time long enough for me to run through multiple alleyways and calmly walk into a crowded arcade to blend in. There is a back room I got the owner to let us hide when I showed him my huntress license. When I sat down in the break room I looked for the message that meant all clear from Coco. When that happens, we will go to Patch ourselves to be more secluded, but also nearby to avoid suspicion.


Velvet-Hey, what's wrong? ~

(Y/N)-Y-You g-gave meee t-to her and now you are fighting. sniffle... You promised.

I felt awful for making him cry and just gave him a nice hug in my lap. I wanted to cheer him up somehow, so I put on a song for him to listen to that would help calm him down while mixing it with some soothing background noises. His whimpering and sniffles soon went away when I softly apologized for giving him up.

Velvet-It'll never happen again... Us bunnies have to stick together, right? ~ whisper

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know how to feel about this, but I did feel a little better. I think I just wanted to go back to sleep and let this all pass me, but I was wide awake and still sad everybody was still fighting. Soon, she gave me more kisses and snuggles to try and me feel better. We stayed like this and when she got a text she got up with me to go back outside.

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Velvet-It's a surprise. I think you're going to like it. ~

(Coco's POV)

Ms. Goodwitch was going berserk back there looking for (Y/N) and called for a whole search. I bought all the time with short distractions that I could give Velvet and I told the boys I needed them to request to see Ms. Goodwitch. Fox asked me for what, so I told them to make something up even if it was extra class lessons. We just need them to buy us time to get on a boat to Patch but on the way...

Coco's mind-The general's hand and some woman?... Atlas is here?

I didn't see any other soldiers, but Ms. Goodwitch said we could not trust them, so I had to message Velvet to hurry up and get on a boat. When I got to the port... I saw that they were letting nobody on the boat and I spotted Velvet with (Y/N) next to an angry crowd.

Coco-Hey, what's going on? You were supposed to be on that boat by now.

Velvet-They won't let anyone on!


(Winter's POV)

Mother and I were going to the house where the message was sent to my sister and it was just some house. I knew knocking could be a bad idea, so I just snuck up to the house and peeked through the window for any sign of my sister. It looked like nobody was home. I tried calling her again, but there was no answer again. I started by finding a power box and Mother was following me around the house to check things herself. When I found the box I managed to turn off the security system without setting it off and then opened a window that was cracked open. 

Winter-Mother, stay out here and go across the street. Just blend in and keep a lookout. Send me any text at all if someone comes up to the house.

Mother-Be careful in there.

She left and I got into the house and looked around to see pictures of Glynda Goodwitch in some places receiving awards. This must be her residence. I checked every room in this house, but nothing.

Winter-Weiss?!... Weiss?!

There was no answer, but I did find traces of (Y/N) being here, so I planted a few bugs in her house to keep tabs on Glynda before I left. When I left the house and closed the window that I came in with until it was cracked the same way as before, I went across the street to Mother.

Mother-Did you find anything?

Winter-No, but they were both here. I have the house bugged, so we will be watching this place closely. We need to keep moving until my fleet gets here. We will do rounds at the docks and airports until help gets here.

(Willow's POV)

Why must the world be so cruel to me? It has been cruel to me my entire life, but to make matters worse, now, my daughter was missing after she went to look for my adopted son.

Winter was getting a call, so I went on without her while she dealt with whoever was on the phone. It might even be the help she called to return my baby. I made it to the docks and I was greeted with the sight of an angry mob trying to leave. I knew better than to face mobs like this since they blame higher-ups rather if it's their fault or not. Just as I was about to leave, I saw...

Willow-MY SON!!!

(Elm's POV)

My whole team should be in Vale in mere moments and our job was to locate and secure (Y/N). Harriet and I will not have an opening for now, but by getting him back to Atlas, we will have more room and time to plan to have him to ourselves again. Clover was on the scroll with General Schnee, but we already knew what we were going to do.

Elm's mind-Hold on. We're coming... I can't wait to have your tiny body in my hands! ~


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