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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

I was getting back into the building I called home through my secret tunnel in a broken vent to make sure Grandpa did not find out I was gone. He never checks in on me anyway, so I have a lot of time. I took some good data with a drone Grandpa let me have. I use it to scan the area from what I don't have on my maps by flying it far away and then bringing it back for the next part. I was so excited when I ran to my room and got onto my computer to upload the data and worked on animating them in 3D with the help of my AI program I made all by myself. I looked at my mirror next to my VR equipment and smiled while my AI did its thing.

(Y/N)-Squeal! ~

I looked at my wall next and looked at the last spot I needed to make the last part of the land to be worked on and soon I will have the whole outside in VR! I get to go outside, Grandpa won't get mad at me for breaking the rules, and nobody gets hurt!

(Y/N)-The Deep Canyons... It's almost done... I made a VR world of all of Mobius!

I ran to put my VR headset on and the Deep Canyons were still building, so I went to the Meadows. It loaded me onto an open field and I used the analog sticks on my controllers to move and grab stuff. I can even add and take away things from the land and it will give a realistic response, just more digital-like. It takes days to weeks to make a whole new space in this world and I thought Mommy and Daddy would be so proud of me. I made everything! I lay on the ground and changed the time to nighttime to look at the stars that I got from star maps. I stayed light this until it was lunch time, so I had to take my headset off to go get something to eat. When I got to the dining room, I saw Grandpa was in here already eating with his two... I think are his favorite robots he loves to hate.

(Y/N)-Hi Grandpa.

Cubot-Good morning, young (Y/N).

Orbot-It's the afternoon, idiot!

Grandpa-Both of you zip it!

I just sat down and tried not to look at him as much as possible while eating before I could go back to my VR world to see if it was almost finished. Everything was quiet except for my grandpa doing work at the table again and it made me miss Mommy and Daddy doing dinner with me. When we were done eating, I was about to leave but Grandpa raised his hand to stop me when his tablet went off and he smiled.

Grandpa-I see you have been busy with that drone and new AI of yours.

(Y/N)-Um... I just used your AI.

Grandpa-Don't lie. You can't. I even looked into it and saw what it was made to do... Or I thought I did at first.

(Y/N)-I'm... just gonna go play some video games.

Grandpa-Now, now. There is no rush. In fact, I just wanted to congratulate you on finishing the last piece of this creation of yours.

(Y/N)-Really? I thought you said video games and animating were just stupid and a complete waste of time and effort.

Grandpa-They are, but I don't think you see what it was you truly made and how it can help Grandpa.

He got up and put his hand on my shoulder before he walked with me down the hall. His robots followed us and for the first time, I think I saw him smile at me. He never did that before when I said I wanted to create games and other characters on a computer.

Grandpa-Do you know what I make around here?

(Y/N)-Robots and buildings?

Grandpa-I make the future. What is the future you may ask? It will be me reshaping this world and making use of others... Like you and the other kingdoms and disgusting lands.


Grandpa-I even found a great use for you which is why I let you break the 'no going outside' rule, but made you be careful about it.

(Y/N)'s mind-He knew?!

Grandpa-Now, I am not mad because I saw glimpses of your VR world. Or more likely your gameplay of it on my systems.

We were going into an elevator and he took us down to a floor I didn't even know we had. I had no idea what was going on, but I saw the smile he had and it didn't mean anything good. The doors opened and he walked me into a room with his robots behind me when I tried to back up. I some some kind of machine and it looked a little scary in here.

(Y/N)-What's that machine?

Grandpa-This makes the filth in the world into something better... My robots.

(Y/N)-Like... copies?

Grandpa pressed a button on his tablet and soon 2 swat bots came in with someone and he looked like a lion man. He was in handcuffs and shackles on his legs and he looked scared. Now, I was getting more scared and confused before they put him on the belt of the machine.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you doing?!

Cubot-Oh, oh! He is going to put the lion man through the robotizier to-!

Orbot-Not so blunt!

He hit Cubot and I looked at Grandpa and saw him activate the machine while the lion man struggled. He didn't call for help and that only made all of this even more scary.

(Y/N)-Grandpa, stop!

He didn't listen to me and I tried to grab the tablet from him to stop this, but he put his hand on my head to keep me from reaching it. Soon, I heard screaming coming from the machine and when I looked, the lion man was gone... No, he was inside the machine! 


He still didn't listen and when the machine was done... The lion man came out as a robot. My body was shaking a little and tears were coming out.

(Y/N)-Wh-... sniffle Why would you do this?

Grandpa-This was possible because of you.

I looked at him and backed up into Orbot in fear. He had to be lying.


Grandpa-From what I saw you do, you gave me pieces I needed to set up a perfect ambush and he was only 1 of the 5 prisoners I have in the holding cells.

(Y/N)-Whimper No. I-I didn't.

Grandpa-Why so gloomy? You made something that most armies would see as priceless! Not only did you make a map of the battlefield, but you made it VR in a way that one could find secret pathways, alter the land with accurate results, and weather conditions, map out the stars, weapon simulations, go back to a different time from older maps, and with that I will finally win this war!

(Y/N)'s mind-War?!

(Y/N)-B-B-But... I thought you just make buildings and robots... to make things better.

Orbot-And he does.

Cubot-The doctor needs more workers and that's what we just made.

My heart felt so heavy and Grandpa put his hand on my shoulder again with a smile that made me completely freeze. My body would not even shake anymore... He was a monster.

Grandpa-This was only seeing what you did. Once the map is complete, I will use it to its full potential! I'm finally proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too! I caught my most hated enemy because of your help too and everyone, everywhere will help you make your little games! You earned it!

The 3 of them gave me congratulations and pats on the back, my hearing turned into very loud rings, the robotic slave that used to be a person left the room, and there were more in the holding cells I thought he used for bad robots or something... He even showed me footage of all the things he has been up to and what his plans were to enslave the world to work for us, but the resistance fights him, and "Sonic" is his biggest problem... I think I am going to get sick.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I was getting sick in the bathroom of my room while Grandpa felt so happy, he wanted to set up a party before he uses my 'map' and turned his prisoners into more robots. When I had nothing left to throw up, I only cried in a corner in my walk-in shower. He had to be doing this for a long time and I saw the animal-like robots, but I didn't think they were real people!

(Y/N)'s mind-Why Grandpa?! Why would you do this?! He finally loves me and this is why?! I didn't mean to! How many did he hurt like this?! Can they come back from 'that?! I thought it was just land! I just wanted to go outside! I just wanted to make a game world to play in! I thought I was being good!

(Y/N)-Sobbing hic hic whimper It's... It's all my fault. I am hic so-oooo sorry. whisper

I walked back into my room and looked at my VR gear with tears in my eyes while getting angry at myself.

(Y/N)-... Hnnnng AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!


I threw it to the ground as hard as could and pulled the blankets off my bed, threw my pillows around, and one of them hit my case where I keep USB files of failed or glitchy items I wanted to fix... Most of them had viruses on that that Grandpa would kill me if they found a way into his systems! The cells also have USB ports for the TVs in there for messages or to upload something to a defective robot, but if it's all in the same system, I can upload the virus to break open the cell... I can't leave my map with Grandpa... I put so much work into this thing and it took so long to get it to where it is now... I started a full system reset to erase the VR world and the AI I used to build it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Grandpa is going to be so mad! He hates it when he doesn't get what he wants!... I gotta get out of here.

(Sonic's POV)

I could hear Antione whining and panicking in his cell during lights out while, Bunnie, Amy, Tails, and I were trying to calm him down. When he finally stopped screaming, you could hear him shivering and chattering his teeth. Egghead's swat bots already took one of our people out to another room for something that I am not going to let happen to us. I tried to think of a plan in silence with only the soft glow from the hard light shining through my eyelids. After a while, I thought I heard a door open. I wasn't sure, but I tried to ignore it.

???-Psst. whisper

I opened my eyes and looked to see a kid hiding behind the side of a cell and behind a pillar from a camera. Before I could say anything, he put a finger to his lips while looking scared and pulled out a laptop and USB.

Whoever he was, he was constantly looking over his shoulder so he was not supposed to be here. I don't know how a kid got past Eggman's robots and cameras without setting off any alarms. It took a few minutes, but the hard light cell went down.

Sonic-Hey, who are you?

He didn't answer and pointed to a camera that also must have a mic on it. He took me with him to another cell and to our luck...

Antione-AAAHHHHHHH!!! It is anather hooman! echo


Antione-We are done for! echo

Sonic-Antione, keep it down before-! whisper yell

The lights turned back on and the kid hid behind a pillar in fear before he forced himself to run back over to put the USB into Antione's cell. Robots started coming and alarms went off.

???-Sonic, I need a few minutes for each cell and there's a broken vent in the corner of the room by the last cell on the far right! It leads outside!

Sonic-How do you know-?

A laser shot past us and the kid screamed with Antione this time. I have no idea what's going on, but it looks like the kid is on our side.

Sonic-Don't sweat it, kid. I got them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Sonic turned into a very fast ball, but now I could not hear anything other than Antione screaming and laser fire! When he was done I moved to the next cell and with my heart beating so fast, I didn't know whose cell I was at, but I knew it was active. I kept on wanting it to go faster before I got shot and I was crying and getting dizzy. My ears were bringing very loud again and when I fell on the floor after tripping over myself when I got the door open, someone helped me up.

I didn't know what to do, but my body kept on walking to the next cell, so I plugged in the USB to upload the virus. The next prisoner got out and I didn't see anything, but yellow when my vision got blurry from my tears. It was time for the last one and the pink hedgehog stayed next to me to protect me. When the last prisoner came out... I was so worried and remembered that I helped do this to them... to her.

My hearing felt normal again and everything was just so loud. The bunny girl grabbed both of my shoulder to look at me.

???-Hey, snap outta it! We gotta hightail it outta here!

(Y/N)-V-Vent! The broken vent leads outside!

I pointed to it and we ran across the room and one of the girls ripped the vent open, but before we could get in.


I froze for a second before I looked to see my grandpa with an army of robots behind him. He looked really mad when he saw what I was doing and I don't know if he knows about the other stuff. Everybody stopped firing for a moment and...

Grandpa-What did you do?!

I saw the cells start to spark up from the virus I put into all of them and they exploded when a two-tailed fox shot them and Sonic smashed himself into my grandpa's ship.

The lights went out except for the fires we had for light. I knew about another broken vent, but it doesn't take you to a good place outside that was all muddy and smelled like oil... I ran for that vent when my body acted on its own.

Pink Hedgehog-Wait!

More shots were being fired and I ripped off the cover to the bad vent. I was going to slide down, but someone tried to grab me!


I shook my arm to get away before I broke free and slid down into the darkness. Everything was echoing and I could barely hear myself cry anymore until I saw a light. It was blinding for a moment and then...


I opened my eyes and saw I landed in the mud and oil. I tried to get up as fast as I could, but the mud made that harder to do. Grandpa was going to be looking for me which made me try harder to go faster. I was cold and tired when I got out of the mud and started to run outside of the city before drones started to come out. Just as I made it out of the city and felt so scared already, I heard the speakers turn on.


Orbot-I thought I was gonna be your second in command? echo


(Y/N)-Whimper hic hic.

I walked away whimpering since I could not cry anymore. When I got to a forest I thought about how much more real it looked than my old VR world... It even felt so much colder and I felt dirty. That was the only home I had left when my parents died. Now, Grandpa might really want to kill me or turn me into a robot, Sonic, and the others are gonna know who I am and I helped do all of this. When I had no idea what to do and knew I was hated by everyone...

(Y/N)-Faster breathing What am I gonna do? sobbing

(Amy's POV)

We got out of the city after hearing that message and Sonic was searching until then, but it's been hours. The city was on lockdown and going in right now will mean your end, even for Sonic if he doesn't have a plan. Which he doesn't. Not like he listened to us that much and had to convince him that we would come back for... Eggman's grandson. It felt odd to think about that, but I didn't want to leave him either and yet there was nothing else we could do.

Bunnie-I'm with Sonic, we can't just leave him here after he stuck his neck out fer us.

Tails-Amy does have a point though. We can't find him and searching the whole city like this is just reckless.

Amy-We aren't leaving him for good, but we need to tell Princess Sally and the kingdom about this.

Antione-I-I agree. We should go back to zhe princess and zhe royal family.

Sonic-How long are we talking? Assuming the kid wasn't grabbed.

Tails-He wasn't. Look, the drones are still out and Eggman thinks we left. He's looking for (Y/N). He's bound to have found a hiding spot in the city or left by now.

With no options left, we had to leave for the kingdom again. To think someone in Eggman's family is sweet enough to help us despite how scared he was and lost his home.

Amy's mind-Poor thing... I'm sure the princess will understand when we explain things to her and her family... Just please be alright somewhere.

(Timeskip to Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

How does anyone start a fire with just two sticks like they do on TV? I am rubbing them on a log, but nothing is happening. I wish I packed things before I went to the holding cells like a portable heater, some food and water, and... a nice soft bed or sleeping bag.

(Y/N)-... Mommy, Daddy. hic hic


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