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(Harley's POV)

My favorite girl helping the cutest thing on earth calm down with her pheromones and even if it was to calm him down from that little incident we had, it was still adorable. She even gave him a few other things so he doesn't die around her. I still had some contact with the boys and took a selfie with Ivy and (Y/N) in the background. I lied back and kicked my feet in the air while typing and see what others were doing online. Sadly, not a lot accept my friend requests, so I am forced to look at random people on my for you page. I wonder if it's because I am in prison or busy. Not my fault I'm a busy gal. It's hard being me. Just then I saw Red standing over me and the little Cutie Pie was looking pretty out of it.

Ivy-Hey, do you still have contacts to your old squad under the government bitch?

Harley-The boys? Yeah. Are we calling them up already?

Ivy-Yes. We can't call them directly, so they are going to relay messages for us. Better for us this way.

Harley-Ok. What do we want them to say to Waller?

Ivy-Not Waller. Wonder Woman.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Diana's POV)

I had this section of the army under my command and they are to strictly help people and clean this city like they are supposed to be doing. Everything was going fine until one of the soldiers got a call transferred to them and the call was for me specifically. I told them if it's Waller they can tell her to come out of hiding and make it easier for everyone. They told me it was someone else and they asked if I was 'missing someone'. I took the phone.

Diana-Whoever this is, you better not have harmed a hair on my son's head!

???-Hello, this is King Shark. There is no need to worry. We do not wish to harm your son. You just need to follow these instructions.

I flew to a van with the soldier and signaled him to trace the call. He got started, so I just need to keep King Shark on the phone. I want to get my baby on the phone too.

Diana-How do I know you even have him?

King Shark-We don't have him, but we were that he was screaming and crying when he almost got into a crash, so it would be best to listen.

Diana-Excuse me?! Crash?!

King Shark-Oh no, he is fine and they told me to tell you. I don't know what they are planning to do with him. 


King Shark-That came out wrong. The instructions are to dismantle what is left of the government in Metropolis and then call for your next task. Your son will not be harmed too much if both of you just listen. 


Just then the soldier got the location of the call.

(King Shark's POV)

Deadshot and Boomerang were in the other room and let me handle the call to Wonder Woman for Poison Ivy and Harley. I think she took a few things the wrong way since Harley. They also told me a few things, like keeping track of the phone call to keep it under 30 seconds. I didn't see why I had to keep it under that time or have them call me back.

King Shark-I believe emotional stress is dangerous to humans.


Debrie came flying at me and a light shined into the room before I saw it was Wonder Woman and she crushed the phone in her hand looking furious before she flew at me to pin me to the wall by my neck.

Diana-You are going to tell me who has my baby and where he is before you face the wrath of-!

(Ivy's POV)

Harley--an early bedtime for you, Mister. ~

I tried to tell her that he was going to be really tired, but she insisted on playing with him. She was still full of energy and I did not trust her enough to really let this kid sleep, so I decided to step in and take him from her.


Ivy-I think you yourself are not ready for bed. Assuming you won't just wake him up.

Harley-I was just going to watch him sleep. And he is just on sedative from you with a few other things. I think he would be good to go in a few hours.

Ivy-I'm sure one of you will. Just keep an eye on the news and check on your old team to make sure Wonder Woman is doing what she is told.

Harley-She might take her time. I told Boomerang to handle the call and tell Wonder Woman that (Y/N) is perfectly safe with her bestie.

I took him with me to another room and made a giant flower to use as a bed for us and this flower just has a nice scent. 

I closed all, but one petal of the flower to make it darker and easier for (Y/N) to sleep without suffocating him in here. He had his eyes closed for a while now just trying to sleep, but Harley made that impossible for him. I just held him close to comfort him since I was already here and might as well get comfy. He started snoring softly and I looked at him after backing away a bit and he did look adorable.

Ivy-I guess not 'all' humans are greedy and disgusting monsters that only know how to destroy... I bet when you are not scared, you are just the sweetest little thing. ~ whisper

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

(Y/N) woke up by himself and Harley said there was nothing on the news and no word back from the boys. That either means Wonder Woman didn't do her job at all or she did it too well. The boys have no idea where we are either. While we were dealing in my room I watched (Y/N) sleep while taking a little nap myself until he woke me up with his cute little squirming and Harley came in with a bunch of jewelry and money.

Harley-Who wants to try on some jewelry?! After we got money for ice cream! ~

(Y/N)-L-Let me go!

He kept on trying to get away, but he was so easy to hold in my lap with a little bit of vines holding his legs together and up a little. I just had him with one free arm since he was scared to grab or push me away.

Ivy-Giggles... Why don't you just put those away for now... I think someone needs to be broken into having us around a lot more. ~

Harley-Gaaaaasssssp! ~

She only threw the stuff into a closet before slamming it shut and jumping onto the giant flower with us and I closed it all except leaving it cracked at the top. Harvey used her phone as a light for us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When the vine let go of me I rolled out of Poison Ivy's lap as fast as I could and tried to push the giant flower open! I only heard them giggling when I pushed and scratched at the flower, but my nails were clipped not that long ago, so it was more like rubbing my fingers on the petal!

Ivy-Oh, (Y/N). ~

Harley-Where are you going, Cutie Pie? ~

I felt one of them drag a finger up my back and I shivered while tearing up a little! Harley picked me up and pulled me back into the both of them! I could not get out, so I curled up and tried not to breathe too much in case the flower was poison!

Harley-I knew you were just going to love him! I knew it! We can do dress up, and get those cute little basketball hopes to play with him! Oh, when this is over, we are just going to be laughing over this! ~

Ivy-I was thinking. Do we 'really' need to give him back? Wonder Woman never officially adopted him... Do you think Wonder Woman is going to be a good Mommy to you? ~


Ivy-Nooo. She is going to be out doing superhero stuff and not care about things she thinks are little to her. Like the plants and water that give life to this world... or you... I'll have a lot of time just for you though. ~

Harley put the phone against the wall and I looked at both of them smiling and me before I buried my face in my knees.

(???'s POV)

I had my eyes on a beautiful piece of jewelry set that belonged to a royal in a museum a month ago that got sold to a 'company' for decoration. Tonight was my night to steal it, but when I made it to the organization of Black Mask I saw Harley running out with the alarms set off and bags full of money and the ancient jewelry collection. There is no way she is getting away with something I worked so hard for. I followed her back to some old beat-up part of Gotham that looked abandoned and to a warehouse. I crawled onto the roof and saw my reflection in a window before I got my used metal and titanium claws to cut the glass.

I put a suction cup on next and put the glass aside before I jumped down onto a metal beam. I see a lot of plants everywhere and they were bursting with flowers in life as well as they looked way too big and almost furniture-like... 

Selina's mind-Poison Ivy. Looks like the duo is back together.

I didn't see any sign of either of them in the room, so I used my whip to get down slowly. I pulled out some sleep gas grenades I planned to use to knock out Black Mask's men, but it looked like it needed to be for them instead. After listening around for the girls or anyone, I got to the back rooms and heard a little scream followed by... giggling and laughter from... a child?


I carefully and quietly opened the door to see a giant flower pod where everything was coming from. It sounded like there was a kid screaming and begging for them to stop in there. I may be a thief and anti-hero, but I don't want to leave a child with Poison Ivy. The top seemed to be opened up a little with a light coming out of it. 

(Harley's POV)

(Y/N) was so cute and fun to tease. I did play roll back and push him up with my feet to make it look like he was flying, but something dropped in and sprayed a bunch of gas. Poison Ivy tried to open the flower, but something was holding it shut and the gas filled the air. It was only for a moment, but I saw the 3 of us pass out.

(Timeskip ???)

(Selina's POV)

I kept my whip wrapped around the flower tightly until I didn't feel any fight coming out of it anymore. When I let go, the flower opened and I saw the 3 passed out.

I walked up to the boy and pushed Poison Ivy aside before I picked him up and wondered what they wanted with a kid. There is no way either of them got cleared for adoption or seemed sane enough to want a normal-looking child... At least he seems normal. I don't know. I took a closer look and noticed tear stains, he reeked of some kind of pollen, and his body was overheating. Probably from fear and his screaming.

Selina-Alright, let's get you out of here and you can tell me where your mom and dad are... Just as soon as I find...

I opened a closet door since that's where I used to hide stuff when I was younger and my precious jewels were all accounted for. I put them in the bag and took what money would fit in my bag after that. When I left the room with the boy I set a little wire tied to Harley's leg to set off another sleeping gas grenade to buy more time. I just ended up walking out the front door. The cold air made me feel how sweaty he really was in my arms.

Selina-Ugh. You earned a bath when we get to my place... And it looks like I have to give it to you... At least you won't be a fussy little kitten crying for Princess to come give me a hard time.


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