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((Y/N)'s POV)

I loved this harness thing! I can be held whenever I want and Mommy and Mama can put me in front of behind them like a backpack to play with their hair. It's also great to be in front because I can just sleep on them while they are walking. Mommy was holding me in front to brush my hair gently while I played with a toy necklace she had on while she was busy. There is one thing I do want from her right now, but she was doing paperwork in a meeting and now playing a game with her friends that they had to play. Something about making them better people... Also, Niffty was not allowed to be alone with me anymore for some reason. I kept on waiting for the game to be done, but I could not play since I didn't have a secret to tell that I never told anyone. Finally, the game was done and I opened my mouth to wait for her.


Mommy-Giggles Ok. Here you go. ~

She put a finger in my mouth and I sucked on it while she pet my head. Mama came over to scratch my head too.

(Husk's POV)

Charlie and Vaggie were hovering over this kid non-stop. I have not seen him even touch the ground since he got back and Charlie had that carrying harness for him. She even pushed for another face and settled for her and her cat, Keekee. We all looked at them and then back to Niffty who was literally on a leash I had to hold as she was running to them in place. I get this whole mother thing but isn't one part supposed to let him explore... Maybe in a place with fewer freaks in it.

Husk-Do you think you both are hovering a little too much?

Charlie-What makes you say that?... We are just being mothers.

Husk-This is something else. This is you wearing your kid front and back for days. Is he even walking?

(Y/N)-I ruh aron an play in our roo. muffled

Husk-... Right.

Vaggie-This is to keep him safe. In case you didn't notice, he needs to be watched extra carefully, especially with Niffty and Radio Demon around looking for things to entertain him.

Husk-You are turning this into an obsession.

Charlie-We are not obsessed.

Husk-Then put him down.

Charlie looked surprised a little and Vaggie glared at me, but they know that I'm fucking right about this unhealthy love for this kid. 

Charlie-... I would... but he is enjoying himself and gets fussy if I take away my finger too soon.

Husk-I didn't say you had to do that. Just put him down.

Vaggie-Don't tell us how to raise our baby.

Just then Angel leaned into me and covered his mouth a little to whisper something into my ear.

Angel-Husk, you do 'not' want a repeat of last night... The crazy bitch broke into my room and threaten me with a spear when Niffty got loose on my watch. whisper

Vaggie glared at me extra hard before she turned and saw (Y/N) reaching for her... She actually gushed a little before they worked together to get the harness on her and she took him upstairs. I was going to go to my bar, but then a knife landed right in front of my feet. I turned to see Vaggie standing on the steps and looking at me with her finger in (Y/N)'s mouth.

Vaggie-Oh no. I think my hand slipped... Be sure to watch your step, Husk.

My stomach sunk a little when she went up the steps and out of sight. Charlie came over to pick up the knife and take it with her. This whole time Niffty was running to him and shifting her direction slowly. Angel just picked her up to keep her away from Vaggie.

Niffty-Boy, boy, boy, boy! ~

Angel-You do not want to go near his crazy bitch of a mother, Nift. Trust me.

Niffty-Hahahahahaha! ~

I can see why they don't want him alone with Niffty and Alastor at least.

(Vaggie's POV)

Fucking drunk bastard. Telling me how to love and raise my son. I can carry my baby whenever I fucking want and he loves it. He is even sucking on my finger still to this moment and when I got to our room and let him on the bed. He was just a little fussy and wanted back in.

Vaggie-Giggles Ok. Ok. ~

I put him back in and he was in a better mood. I gave him some kisses and he nibbled on my finger a bit. Just then Keekee jumped up on the bed and that's when (Y/N) finally wanted out.

She playfully pinned him down and Charlie and I even got him to learn to listen to Keekee. She herds him to keep him in our room while we have our backs turned on him for even a minute to get his bath ready, get dressed, pick out clothes for him, or Charlie and I kiss. He even pushed me into Charlie to kiss her in bed while he crawled on top of us. Keekee was pawing him and he only curled up and giggled while Keekee enjoyed him.

(Y/N)-Giggles I like being a pet with Keekee!

Vaggie-Sweetie, you are not a pet. ~

(Y/N)-But pets get more cuddles... If I am a pet to the pet, does that mean I get double cuddles?

Vaggie-You can't be a pet to Keekee... Then what about her cuddles? You need to share.

I tried using his logic or guess what his logic was in this case. He thought about it, but Keekee's ears perked and she nuzzled him while brushing her tail all over him.


(Niffty's POV)

They try to keep me from the cute good boy, but they can not do it forever! My smile got bigger when I thought about the next game we would be playing together. When they freed me from the leash I tried to rush to the room he was in, but it was locked. Scratching it was not working, so I have to try again or plan something. 

Niffty's mind-It's almost like they only let me off the leash when this door is locked.

I tried to see if any of my keys would work again, but they didn't and then I gave up for now. After running around and trying to think of a plan, I saw Charlie and she was on the phone with someone.

Charlie-Dad, everything is fine over here. I would not keep my-. I mean, a child here is I thought it was dangerous. My hotel is all about redemption and you can't have that without safety... I don't think a heavenship sighting is a bad thing. Heaven might be looking at the hotel which is what I wanted!... The hotel I ran... A while now... I did tell you... Well, if you come over I can show you and-... Today? Umm... Sure. You can even meet everyone. I even have a surprise... I'll see you when you get here.

She hung up the phone and when I thought about her being the princess of hell and that would make her dad Lucifer...

Niffty-The ultimate bad boy. Hehehehehehe. ~

(Mimzy's POV)

This had to be the shithole hotel the princess of hell lives at and I have a deal with the mob. They can take the bitch and I get what I want. We just need to pose as guests for her to invite us in and as soon as I find out where my little (Y/N) is, that's when we strike. Just as soon as we walked in the door I saw a similar face and these guys do not have a hope in hell of beating him, but I am lucky that we go way back.

Alastor-Ahhhh, Mimzy!

Mimzy-Alastor, Darling. How have you been? Good? Good. ~

We gave each other a little hug and he gave the gang of loan sharks a look and his eyes glowed for a moment.

Alastor-Friends of yours?

Mimzy-It's a long story, but to cut it short, we are looking for a place to stay and I thought a friend could help us out. ~

Alastor-Well, it would be nice to have another familiar face around. We can get you all settled in.

Mob Member#1-Yeah, yeah, then we-! gag

Mob Member#2-Better get moving to our rooms. Wouldn't want to seem impolite to someone serving us.

Alastor-Right this way. The owner is busy doing other matters, but I will tell her the good news. I look forward to seeing you trying to be better and fail.

Mob member#3-Don't you just mean, 'trying to be better'?

Alastor-Keep that spirit up. 

Mimzy-Oh Alastor. Hahahaha. You're so funny. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

While I was playing with Keekee, I got a little sweaty and Mommy wanted to clean me for cuddles. I was sitting in the bath with her right now while Mama sat on the side to watch us. While I was playing with the bubbles Mommy hugged her arms around me.

Mommy-Sweetie, someone important is coming to see you. ~

(Y/N)-Are they nice?

Mommy-He can be... a little goofy and not know how to talk to people, but he means well. You get to be with Mama while we talk.

(Y/N)-I thought he didn't know how to talk.

Mommy-Giggles Don't ever change. ~

When we got out, they wrapped me in a warm towel and wanted me to wear something else. When I got into some new clothes, Mama just carried me and sat on the bed with me in her lap. I asked more about this guy and they said that it had to be a surprise. Mommy got a text on her phone and she looked really happy.

Mommy-18 guests?! WE GOT 18 GUESTS!!!


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