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(Anusha's POV)

I had the adorable human cub in my coils on my bed and it looked like he was trying to think again already. Nothing a few more sessions won't fix and make him eager to obey us. I just wanted to enjoy cuddling him while he didn't try to resist at all. Everything was fine until I felt a bit of vibration in the ground. I think someone might be coming to trade, but there were multiple of them from what I could feel. They were mostly soft steps like they were trying to be quiet or maybe they were just small... I don't like this. Catori looked over to me with a serious look and I rushed to hide the cub in a basket before going back to my bed. Soon the lionesses came in and they looked very angry.

Anusha's mind-Those filthy hyenas! I knew we should have gone to someone else!

Catori-Isss there a problem? ~


Anusha-Excussse me? ~

Sanaa-What she meant was that we know you have our slave. We don't to make this harder than it needs to be. Give him to us... Now.

Catori-I'm afraid we do not have your ssslave, nor do we have information. We are dissspleasssed whoever that you come into our tent and threaten usss. ~

Kimya-We can smell him on the both of you. It's fresh. growl

My sister curled up to show that she was getting ready to attack and I did the same. If we even get one bite on them they are finished without treatment soon. They all growled and were going to get ready to fight too until Kimya rushed to the side of the tent and threw a bunch of our powder down! It caught us by surprise and got in our noses. This powder makes the victim itch, but it was also very dense, so it didn't stay in the air too long. Not like it mattered because my nose felt like it was on fire. I still felt them get closer and lunged at them with my eyes closed.

Anusha-HISSSS!!! ~

I missed and I got hit in my side to make me fly out the exit of the main tent and into a smaller tent. I could not help but scratch my body and then saw a lioness jump into the tent. I could not fight like this, so I slipped under a gap in the tent and saw my sister thrown outside bleeding.

I rushed to her side and ignored the agonizing itching all over my body to run into the tall grass to hide. I hoped that she at least bit into one of the lionesses as I failed to, but I noticed one of her fangs was gone! On top of that, we were forced to abandon our slave before we could complete his treatment!

Anusha's mind-'This' isn't over! NOBODY CROSSES THE SERPANT SISTERS AND LIVES!!!

I knew the hyenas had to have played a role in this, so they would feel our wrath as well! I just need to find someone big and strong enough to bring both of them down!

(Mkali's POV)

This has to be a tale worthy of becoming a legend! I stole a fang from one of the Serpent Sisters! It started with slaughtering the evil humans, capturing a cub of there's alive for revenge, and enslaving the parents to these lands. Now, we have done more damage to the traders of this land than anyone could have hoped for in their own tent! Saying I was in a good mood would be a huge understatement! We searched the tent and were careful not to step in the powder while taking what we wanted. We just took food and water to last us for days and Sanaa found our slave hidden in a basket and he looked so groggy and cuddly with her a little.

Sanaa-Awwww. Is our little slave looking for cuddles? ~

She spun around playfully with him and Kimya and I took all the food and water we needed before we left the tent.

(Timeskip to Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt like myself again in the middle of Nala giving a lot of kisses and giving me a tight hug with her girls. I tried to push away from her, but Sarabi took me from her and gave me her own hugs and kisses while rubbing me against her body.

Sarabi-Oh you sweet little thing! Did you miss me?! ~


Sarabi-Oh, you know who has a big and snugglier body. ~

Nala-Scoff Hey!

She sat down with me next to her while they were cooking meat tonight, but then Sarabi wanted to feed me her milk first. I tried to push away a little, but when she was about to spank me I quickly did what she wanted.

Sarabi-Good boy. ~

(Sanaa's POV)

As cute as it was seeing (Y/N) breastfeed to his embarrassment and Nala being a little angry while feeding her baby while we cooked to celebrate, we had a big problem. We are way too exposed out here. (Y/N) doesn't know what happened to his parents who are most likely dead, but when we leave in the morning we will tell him they just ran off while he was gone. The whole Savanna was not going to be safe for us with the connections the Serpent Sisters have. Hyenas are going to want to mess with our slaves again since they know we care about our property and that can be exploited. A ruined human village or camp will be our best bet, but it will still be very dangerous. 

Kimya-Hey, I'll have that harness ready in the morning and it will keep his arms and legs trapped inside to make carrying him easier.

Mkali-I still don't see much of a reason to leave. When others know what your pride leader did, they will not dare cross us.

Sanaa-It's because of what you did that the sisters will want us dead just as much as the humans did. If you thought their making a deal with the hyenas was bad, just think about what else they are willing to do... They want our slave cub and that means we need to find a new territory.

She was angry, but she also knew that I had a point. It had to be soon too because those hyenas would try something again.

(Uzzie's POV)

Shenzi came back earlier and it's just a matter of time before my plan works. I rarely smile and the pack was worried when I do smile, but it was not for them. My fantasies of crushing that pride in body, mind, and spirit, but my fantasy kept on being ruined by that sound of the human female. 



Eahira-S-Sorry! Shuting her up!

I heard a gagging sound in the cave before she was dragged somewhere far away while choking on Eahira. Eahira is really gross, but at least thanks to her, I can enjoy my thoughts in peace. The once proud lion pride was reduced to only females like the rest of us who were dealing with the killing and captures until there were no males left out here am now going to hunt for my pack and do whatever we tell them real soon. We will rest for the night and in the morning we will plan to obtain the cub for good this time. I opened my eyes and looked up at the moon.

Uzzie-Chuckles. ~

(No POV)

Somewhere else in the Savnna was the Serpent Sisters doing something for another group of animals in exchange for a few favors while also appealing to their bleeding heart. They were making extra long clothes they yarn, twine, and fabric for back at their tent from what the lionesses did not take. When the sisters were done, they were left with their future helpers still crying.

The elephant with gold came up to the sisters while still having tears dripping down her face and trying to hold herself together. Before she could speak though...

Catori-Don't try to hold it in for usss. ~

Rajni-I-It's... nice what you did for us. sniffle We are just... so lost right now.

Anusha-And nobody would dare blame you. Elephantsss are a very proud, but gentle race... Then thossse humansss had to come and take away your familiesss. We all underssstand. ~

Rajni-Hic Really?

Catori-Of courssse. We told you about the human cub that isss now a ssslave to the landsss, correct? ~

Rajni-We... don't believe in slavery though.

Anusha-SSSlavery is a ssstrong word. It dependsss on the treatment that givesss it meaning. Honessstly, itsss the adult humansss that have it backward. Teaching their young to kill for sssport. SSShameful. ~

Catori-Which bringsss usss to our little favor. We want to bring the lassst human territory ssstanding under our rule. Thisss isss a big asssk. but doesss jussstice ssspeak for itssself?... Your malesss and other captured family may be there ssstill. ~

The elephant went from being sad to looking sad and worried.

Rajni-But the humans will come back after us after calling for help from far away somehow. It spells doom for all of us!

Anusha-Do you find it odd that no adultsss are coming for thisss cub the lionessssessss have?... We all picked them clean out here and helped hasss ssstopped coming. You bring down the humansss territory with our help and we will let you take whatever or whoever you pleassse. ~

The elephant looked at her herd and if their males were there then they could repair themselves, even a little bit more... Or at the very least, ensure that no more humans will turn out bad around here ever again.

Rajni-... Alright, but I want to hear this plan in the morning.

Catori-Before that... Who elssse are you allied with? ~

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kimya wrapped me in my old sleeping bag to trap me and wrapped me in another sleeping bag then used one more sleeping bag as a backpack. She used woven grass and stuff for rope to keep everything together. They said my parents ran off when they came to rescue me. We all started walking while it was still cold out and when I cried about my parents being gone they just gagged me while trying to comfort me too.

Nala-It'll be ok... Awwww, Ari wants to cuddle with you. Looks like she was jealous I got to sleep with you by myself last night. ~

She put Ari where she could lay on the layer of sleeping backs and curled up behind my head.

Nala-Giggles... I think Kimya and I can build you a nice... 'room' when we get to where we are going. ~

She gave me a kiss before Ari's tail acted like a blindfold to me...

(Y/N)'s mind-Where are we going?!


jacob pannell

Honestly A bit surprised but so far Enjoying the Story and if i were actually there I wouldn't be as Different as Y/n but I would be more comfortable with it as Lions are one of my favorite animals