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((Y/N)'s POV)

They were not kidding about an all-milk diet and my belly was completely full of milk. It was bedtime and Kimya was sleeping alone with me in the cage until Mkali came in and got comfy with us. I was squished between them and Mkali held Kimya tighter to squeeze me some more until I had one place to breathe. I could hear both of their heartbeats and when I moved, I felt Mkali vibrate a little when she growled. I got scared and she pushed me back down to where I was in between them before she put her tail on me.

Mkali-Stay. And. Snuggle.

She licked my head a little and Kimya stroked my hair. I just closed my eyes to go to sleep since I couldn't really do anything else without getting in trouble. The whole night was them cuddling and sort of playing with me until they fell asleep. 

(Timeskip To Morning)

Nala-Give her a kiss. ~

It was playtime with Ari before I have to play with Melia and when I didn't want to play with Ari since she was incharge, they wanted me to learn that she was in charge. Sanaa held up Ari's arms to help her stand still while I was forced to lay down and kiss her feet. Mkalia was one holding me done until I did it before she cradled me in one arm next to Ari for her to play with me. 

Sanaa-Come on (Y/N). Tell her what we told you tell her. ~


Mkali-Say it before we really make you her toy.

(Y/N)-I'm sorry about not playing with you the way you wanted... I'll be better next time, Ari.

Nala-Say it like you mean it.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I was finally done with Ari and was given to Melah who just wanted me to treat her like she was pretty, pouncing practice, and say things like she is big enough for me... She didn't believe me and made me kiss her foot too before she made me run and play other games until i got tired and she cuddled with me outside under a tree. 

Melah-Do you think I am the best to cuddle with? ~


I actually meant it because she really does go to sleep unlike the adults who play with me longer in my sleeping bags my parents left me with and the tablet with solar charger others use to watch things sometimes.

Melah-Thank you... Do you like my body on top of you? ~

I just kept on saying yes to her, but I only thought about when is someone coming to save me. I don't want to be here forever! They are faster and stronger than me and there is no way for them to leave me alone.

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait...

(Y/N)-Whimper... Yourmomishotter!

She stopped stroking my back with her arms and tail while still holding me in a hug.

Melah-... What do you just say?

(Y/N)-Your mom... is hotter... and your grandma.

She broke the hug and held me in front of her while laughing a little, but I did not like the look in her eye. I know I need to make them angry with each other, but this part is scary.

Melah-I... don't think I heard you right.

(Y/N)-You did.



(Melah's POV)

I jumped on him and pinned him down to give him a punishment like the adults do before I took him back! I also told him he and I are sleeping alone tonight, but he better plan on sleeping early like me before I am going to do whatever it takes to make him think I am hotter than the others! When we got back I went to Mkali since I knew he was more scared of her and did this.

Melah-Pride leader Mkali. (Y/N) was talking about his parents that left him and he wants to go back with them again.

(Y/N)-What?! No, I didn't!

Melah-Yes, you did! He even said that half breed hyena was better than Sanaa!

Just then, I felt her gave and I think he saw her looking at him. When she walked past me and they both looked at him, I gave him one last glare before looking away.

I went into one of these mud things and heard Kimya working in one of them, so I left her alone to be alone. That's when I ran into Grandma.

Grandma-There you are. Come on. We're going to go out hunting together again.

She took my hand for me to follow her, but I only looked at her butt before feeling my own. Why is it not coming, yet?!


Grandma-Are you ok?

Melah-I'm fine.

Grandma-Well, Ok... We just need to be back with food in time for Mommy and Grandma to feed (Y/N). She was going to let Ari push his head into Mommy for her... I can let you do it to him for me.

(Sita's POV)

Zoya and I were pulling empty rolling things called carts the Serpent sister's hid that could carry around 10 humans each and they were cages too to keep them inside. We had 4 each, so 8 in all and that will let us capture 80 humans but for now they had a barrel in each of them. One of the Serpent sisters with us since they found one more group to help in the attack. I turned to her now and she looked happy.

Catori-Isss sssomthing wrong? You look troubled. ~

Zoya-Yeah, you look gloomy.

Sita-It's just... What's in those barrels? We aren't using poison, are we?

Catori-Heavensss no. It isss jussst sssomething to help sssedate and confussse the humansss in their territory. Our help will take care of thisss part and then it will be your turn to help when the drug ssspreadsss. It's not nearly ssstrong enough for elephantsss. ~

Sita-You sure it won't hurt the human we pick?

Catori-The only humansss that will be hurt are the bad onesss. Thisss isss the perfect time to be rid of the human territory. After that, we will condition and breed to make way for a whole population of human ssslavesss for all. ~

Sita-All who will treat them well, right?

Zoya-They said that already. We still got a few days. Nothing bad will happen after that.

We made it back to the place where we will be setting up. The human territory is just over the hill and we are hiding everything in a cave or tall grass. The others were here too.

Rajini-These are going to be holding the humans? This won't be nearly enough.

Catori-It will. Thisss will hold 80 no problem. Cubsss are sssmaller anyway. You will have your human after the attack in a few daysss. The attack needsss to be foolproof. ~

Roja-What do we do in the mean time? We can't just leave everything here.

Catori-How long hasss it been sssince a human came out into the landsss?... Too long. They are not coming out and will be open. ~

(Catori's POV)

When the humans no longer are able to guard all their treasures, the lionesses will be no match for me and my sister. On top of this, we can hypontize every human and trade them wile also breeding and hypnotizing the cubs for more trading. Whatever humans come back to help a territory we take over will be pointless... The human territory will be ours and the slaves will help capture more. We will give them whatever human cub they like as part of our deal.

Catori-Rajini, be dear unload the barrelsss on the ground. ~

She did what I asked and my sister should be getting our other help ready before they arrive. After that we unleash the barrels and then wait.

Catori's mind-Patience and planning is key. Your human cub slave will be back in your coils before you know it. I bet he is thinking about-. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-I don't want anymore milk!

Nala was helping Ari push my head into her while she was feeding me milk and I even got in trouble earlier because Melah lied because of what I said! She was supposed to be angry with them so I could run while they fight and it was working, but I was hoping she keep me out of it!

Nala-Come on, you had plenty to know you like it. After your feeding, Melah wanted you two to have an early nap time alone together. ~

I couldn't look around for Melah right now because she was feeding me!

(Sarabi's POV)

(Y/N) was still adjusting into his new diet and I offered Melah to help me with him, but she just wanted to go wait in his cage. I guess she wanted to brag about talking about 'mature stuff' as she called it and use the tablet to help. She got mad when she saw the humans without a lot of these clothes things on and got mad when some females looked bigger than her. She tossed the tablet and is now pouting while waiting for him.

Sarabi's mind-She gets that from you, Nala... It's kind of funny. Just wait for a few more months and I'm sure at least you will mature to yourself having boobs and an ass coming in... I know Ari will move past occassion words.

Nala-Sarabi, here. Take him and watch Ari. I'm going to talk to Melah in that mud house next door.

She gave me the cubs before she left to go talk to Melah.

Sarabi-Just a few more months a the very most. She'll be delitated when her body matures.

Nala-At first.

Sarabi-I guess you both can be jealous of my body, but if it makes you feel better... We look the same size when I have this thing on. ~

Just then I took it off and let my girls bounce and she looked annoyed by this when she looked at her free boobs.

Sarabi-Feeding time. ~

Nala-Growl... Mkali!

She left and I looked at Ari who was already trying to help.

Sarabi-It'll come for you too someday. ~

(No POV)

Nala wanted Mkali's help with her daughter and to also ask her if she could do something to make milk too without the help of the Serpent Sisters. She knew the answer would be a no. She put the bra back on and went into the mud house with Mkila. None of them knew that 3 pairs of eyes were watching them.

(Uzzie's POV)

The time for waiting will soon be over and these lionesses made sneaking up on them easier than ever before. When the sun goes down and it becomes dark, the human cub slave will be ours, and with that, the lioness pride.

Shenzi-After their first hunt for us, I want that knot tieing bitch to tie herself up. Hehehehehe. ~

Ricca-Do what you want with her. I will just be the one watching the huamn cub.

Uzzie-Both of you... Before any of that, you will make sure you put Mkali right where i want her when I have the human slave.

Shenzi-Where's that?

Uzzie-On her knees. In front of her pride, and crawling like an unevolved bitch back to our pack. ~


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