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(Catori's POV)

I was waiting patiently for my sister to return and I had the man cub's treatments ready for when he comes in to be our slave. Anusha should be here soon enough assuming the trade went well. I passed the time by just relaxing and enjoying the human treasures we have in the bed I made for myself. I even thought of all the things we could make him do for our entertainment without worrying about any adults coming for him. I heard some bells ring when the tent opened up, so I went out to the rest of the tent to see my sister and she had the human cub with her!

Anusha-Sssissster, look who I got! ~

Catori-Excellent work sssissster. I have everything waiting for him. Let me hold our little man cub ssslave. ~

She gave him to me and he looked so adorable and timid. Just as I like my prey, but he was meant to be enjoyed another way. He squirmed a little in my arms, but nothing that could ever dream of escaping me. I even bounced him a little to have some fun while I carried him to another part of the tent where his treatments were.

Catori-Sssissster, be a dear and light the herbsss in the bowlsss around the text. I will prep our little ssslave for hisss firssst treatment. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Catori was taking me to another room and I was so tired from trying to get away from Anusha since I thought she would slow without legs. She would put me down on purpose to let me run, but she was very fast. When Catori put me down she felt my lips and gave me some water before she made me lay down on a table. I looked around the tent for a way out, like crawling under the tent, but there was a bunch of stuff blocking the way in a lot of places and it looked really tight. When I turned to see Catori coming back to me I saw Anusha lighting the last bowl.

Catori-Let'sss begin. Firssst, just relax and breathe. Your new ownersss will do the ressst. ~

The room started to smell almost like flowers and ash. My head was feeling funny and my body felt heavy while they put clothes or something over their mouths and noses. Catori flipped me to my side and stuck something into my ear that looked like a tall candle. It felt weird and she did the other side after... It was getting harder to stay away. I got put back on my back and saw her look at me in the eye and there was something about her eyes now... 

(Y/N)'s mind-So... pretty.

Catori-Hmmmm... Sssisster, come see if our ssslave isss ready. I can't tell. ~ *echo

Anusha leaned in before she left and came back to leave my head to put my nose over the bowl.

Anusha-It needed to be stronger. He jussst needsss to take some more in. ~ echo

I smelled more of this weird flowery smell and saw a pink and green powder in the bowl where it was not burned... I could barely think now.

Anusha-Much better. He'sss all ready to start. ~ echo

Catori-Wonderful... Hello, our little ssslave. Pay attention only to my wordsss right now. ~ echo

((D/N)'s POV)

My wife and I were tossed to the ground in front of a pack of hyenas. I tried to break free from being tied up and I noticed one of them wearing a shirt that said "Bitch" on it was giving me a seductive and hungry look.

???-Who know these bitches knew how to have a good time. I got dibs on the male first. ~ growl

Mkali-We come to offer a trade. Our human cub slave for 2 full-grown adults.

The one that looked like the leader walked forward and the others feared her getting too close, so they backed away from her.

???-The human cub is no longer here.

Sanna-Where is he then?

???-That is none of your business... Shenzi, Eahira, take the adults.

Kimya stepped on my back to pin me down after 2 of the hyenas stepped forward and Mkali looked angry.

Mkali-Growl You are testing my patience Uzzie, and you know I don't have a lot. Tell me where our slave is.

Uzzie-Hmmmm... Fine. We traded him for food and supplies.

Sanna-Too whom?

Uzzie-The information will not come for free. Kill us if you must, but good luck scavenging the lands for a little cub. You will need to trade something for-.

My wife and me were literally kicked over too the hyenas and Eahira grabbed me first and had a smile on her face. I struggled, but the ropes were still too strong.

Kimya-Take them! Now, tell us!

Uzzie-The Sepant Sisters. They planned to trade them to someone else. As for that, I don't know whom.

Mkali-You hyenas make me sick. You steal from us and trade it off... I should kill you.

Just then Uzzie's pack started to act up while my wife and I were being dragged to a cave by Eahira alone. We could not hear them anymore, but soon we saw them walking back so no fight happened for some reason. I heard my wife begging through her gag, so glared and tried to swing my body at her to shut her up.

Eahira-Wait your turn... Hubby is up first and since we have lots of food to spare... I am going to enjoy you two. ~

She unbuttoned her pants and used her unique trait to retract her private area from a male part to a female... and then back to a male... Meant for me.

Eahira-Chuckles. ~

(Anusha's POV)

(Y/N) looks like his mind is complete mush and he is just letting every word we say sink into his head. When he is conditioned enough we will move on to his next stage of hypnosis. It's weird not doing this on someone who didn't swindle us to use them for something bigger, but this is a special case. We want our little slave to be well-behaved and show everyone in the Savanna that we can truly get our hands on anything.

Anusha-Sssqueeze my finger 3 timesss... 'Gently'. ~

I put my finger in his hand and it took him some time to respond, but he did what I asked. We have a little control over him now so the first step is complete.

Catori-Warm up the bath water in that tub. I will continue thisss a little longer. ~

I went to start a fire under the tub and saw the minerals were already in the water. After 20 minutes I put out the fire and let the water cool before Catori got him ready for the bath he needed to soak in. The smell of the burning herbs still filled the room to haze his mind and now the minerals are going to take care of his body.

Catori-Our little human cub ssslave. Do you feel ssstrong enough to lift your armsss? ~

There was no response, so we lifted his arms up for him and then slowly sank back into the water while trying to stay up. He needs a little longer. I just went to prepare his bowl of mushed berries, herbs, and just a touch of sugar that all looked nearly like a paste. We waited until his mouth gapped open all by itself which meant...

Anusha-One more thing before we can ssstart teaching you. Sssay ahhhhh. ~

I put the food in his mouth and Catori would rub his throat to make him swallow. I made sure he got every little bite and his pupils were completely dilated. Catori snapped her fingers in front of him and clapped very hard into the ears we cleaned to make sure he would hear properly, but there was nothing. We took him out, wrapped him up, and took him to the darkest part of our tent. He just focused on our eyes now.

Catori-Human cub... Obeying feelsss nice, doesn't it? This warm and fuzzy feeling you feel... Can you feel it every time you obey? ~

Anusha-Of courssse he can. He lovesss listening to usss. ~

Catori-It is only a basssic need to listen... The next week of conditioning will be blissss for you. ~

(Y/N)-... Ho-... Mom-mmmom, d-d-d-daaaaa-.

Anusha-Giggles That'sss enough talking for you. Think about cuddlesss tonight before we do thisss all again tomorrow. ~

He still tried to bring up his parents, but it only has been a day. Smaller animals mean fewer resources we have to use, but the time is all the same. We tried to get him to stop trying to talk about his parents, but it was not working and getting annoying since we know how backward humans are at parenting. I gave him something bitter when he talked about his parents that should still have the same effect on him, but it will also associate them with something bad.

(Shenzi's POV)

We could hear Eahira playing with the human adults in that damn cave and I was trying to eat! It's so pathetic when a male cries like a baby and I only get breaks with that when he chokes on her, smothered, or just gagged, then I get the female crying.

Shenzi-Deep inhale Shut up. whisper

Soon she finally came out panting and putting her shirt on.

Shenzi-When are you just going to kill them? It's annoying.

Eahira-Oh boo-hoo. I never get to enjoy myself like this, so until Uzzie kills them or the food runs out, I'm going to have fun.

Shenzi-Take it to another cave!

She gave me a smug look before she started to walk over to the food and water we had.

Eahira-What crawled up your ass and died? Why don't you go enjoy them? The male squirms the most when you take him from behind and it's 'fucking' hilarious. I'll be back on them in 15.

She can rape them all day for all I care, but she could at least do it somewhere else. It's bad enough Uzzie was out right now just for the hunt. It took hours and when she, Ricca, and my daughter finally got back, Eahira finally stopped. I mouthed out "Thank you" to the sky.

Uzzie-Eahira, you better not have been breaking the adults in my absence.

Shenzi-You care about some human adults?

Uzzie-We keep them around in case we need them. When we have the cub though, I want them dead... Ricca, bring me some food.

Uzzie went to her rock and Ricca brought her some food. I was curious about this next part in her plan, so I went next to her rock and saw the adults in the cave being complete messes on the ground. What was more pathetic is that they could barely move even if they were not tied up anymore... Uzzie just didn't seem to care.

((D/N)'s POV)

(D/N)'s mind-It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault. It's not my fault, it's all their fault.

I have never been so violated, but I will be free and beat this! Yes, I have to win! They left me untied and thought I would lay here waiting for them to use me again! Eahira, (M/N), (Y/N), the lionesses, the employers... MY NEIGHBOR!!! IT ALL MAKES SINCE!!! HE WAS JEALOUS OF ME AND PULLED THE STRINGS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!! EVERYONE WAS IN ON THIS!!!

(D/N)-... I figured it out... whisper Hehehe, hahahaha! I figured it out! whisper yell snickers

I looked around with a smile on my face to plot my next move. I saw a rock I could pick up and crawled over to put my hand on it.

(D/N)-Ohhh, Honey. I know you are still mad about the first anniversary. I got a present to make up for-. ~



(Uzzie's POV)

I heard a noise from the cave so Shenzi and I looked over to see the naked female on top of the male hitting his head with a rock. This might work against me, so I walked over to them.


She kept on hitting him and blood was getting everywhere before she rolled onto the ground crying. When she looked up at me I raised an eyebrow wondering what she would do, but she only curled up to cry.

Uzzie-How 'pathetic'.

I kicked her in the face to knock her out and decided to look after the last human we might be able you use. I had Shenzi tie her up and put her on my rock. I might as well use her body for comfort.

Shenzi-What about the male?

Uzzie-We don't waste food here.

I saw the disappointed look on Eahira's face as silence took over the canyon except for the sounds of chewing. We just need to wait for the lionesses to get the human cub out for us and with a bit more planning... I might just be in so much of a good mood, I could follow Eahira's lead a little by taking Mkali in front of her beloved pride.

Uzzie-Sigh... Shenzi, you will be going out with Ricca to keep an eye on the lionesses for when they come back. Don't attack, just come back when you see them... Now.

Shenzi-So soon? Don't you think they would still be on their way?

Uzzie-Knowing Mkali... Closer than you think.

(No POV)

A few miles away from the tent of (Y/N)'s captors were 3 very angry lionesses stalking in the tall grass. One of which was glaring more intense than the others.



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