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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a big bag that Octavia put me in before and it was kind of fun to be carried like this. I just had to be quiet and I could have extra cuddles with food. Octavia was holding me and letting me cuddle her arm too when we got inside. I never heard music like this before, but I think one of these was a saxa-something Daddy told me about once. I wanted to have a little peek, but Octavia pushed me back down and rubbed my chest to keep me down. I only listened to the music and wanted to go out there and have fun, but that would make me a bad boy. I don't want to be a bad boy. When I could not hear the music very well anymore after a door closed, Octavia took me out.

Stella-Ugh. Poverty.

Octavia-Mom, this club is 4 and a half stars.

Stella-That is just a way for poor people to spend money they don't have or barely make it to have this life.

I was confused about what she meant since I thought all life was the same if we were all still alive. She took me from Octavia and sat down on the bed in her arms for me to cuddle with her. I wanted to dance still since I never did it before, so Octavia played something on her fun. I got down from Stella and tried dancing, but I saw I was not as good as the others on the phone while I watched them.

Octavia-Hey, don't watch them... Follow my lead. ~

She took my hands and made me follow her feet and this was pretty fun.


Stella-Pet, when the song is over I want you back on my lap.

(Vaggie's POV)

I rode on Dazzle over to where Charlie called and stayed here when we learned that (Y/N) was not here anymore. She went off to go look for him while I interrogated the staff. I killed 4 of them off the bat for trying to claim that they don't know anything about a human. Now, they were all begging and telling me everything I wanted to know. They went somewhere in a limo earlier, but don't know where. The driver should be coming back and I will be waiting. I left them hanging in the living room or whatever that room was and waited by the garage door. When the driver came back and stepped out of the car I snuck behind him and pinned him to the ground then held my spear up to his neck.

Vaggie-You so much as twitch a finger I way I don't like I will cut you piece by piece and make you wish I will finish you off... You're going to answer my questions.


Vaggie-The lady of this house and her daughter left with my baby. You drove them. Where are they?

Demon-... I can't tell you. She'll kill me.

Vaggie-If you don't, I'll kill you... 'Slow'.

I dug my spear into his back and my angelic steal must be agonizing for him.


Vaggie-Which one?

I twisted the spear on his spine and he screamed even louder.

Demon-TH-THE 1920s ONE!!!... PLEASE, DON'T TELL HER I-!!!


((Y/N)'s POV)

Stella had me on her lap to cuddle with her and do more tricks for her. I wanted to dance with her, but her dancing and music were not as fun and more fancy-like. After our song and dance, they both left the room to go get some food for later. Stella told me to 'sit and stay' on the bed and they will be back soon... I counted to 10 and thought that was soon enough. I could hear music outside and wanted to dance out there where Octavia was.

(Y/N)-STELLA?!?!?!... SISSY?!?!?!... whine

I waited a little longer, but I wanted cuddles or someone to play with. I thought pets get all the cuddles they want. I got up to go see what was taking so long after 2 minutes. That has to be long enough. When I got out of the room I tried to guess where they went, but there was 2 ways and if I pick wrong... I didn't feel good and started to cry before I just sat on the ground in the hallway to hope they would hear me.

(Y/N)-Sniffle St-Stella, Sissy... Mommy, hic Mama.

I heard footsteps and felt a shoe tap me a little.

???-Hey, kid. What's with the water works?

I looked up to see who it was and they looked a little taller than me if I was standing up.

???-You just gonna sit there and cry some more?.. What's with the gawking?... Am I just that adorable? ~

(Y/N)-Sniffle I-I want my sissy or someone. I don't want to be alone.

???-They ditch ya here or something?

(Y/N)-They went to get food... They were gone for over 5 minutes.

???-... Ya really got it rough, don't cha?

(Y/N)-I-I hic just want to be with someone to play with or cuddle.


(Y/N)-Sniffle Can you help me?

???-Listen, Kid. I don't know where your big sis is.

(Y/N)-Whimper hic hic... Cuddle?


I got up and hugged her and she held both her hands up then grabbed me to hold me in front of her.

???-Hey, what are you doing?!

(Y/N)-I wanted cuddles and thought you were nice and pretty.

She looked a little surprised by that or something, but turned away a little when she let go.

???-I'm not so easily flattered, Kid... Though it could you if ya keep it up. ~

(Y/N)-What's flattered?... I only called you nice and pretty.

???-Chuckles Such a sweetheart... Wanna stick with me, Kid? ~

I had no idea why she was talking like that and tilted my head a little. She laughed a little at me and I felt so confused, but she took my hand.

???-The name's Mimzy... I'm the hottest and cutest lady you are going to find working here.

(Y/N)-Really?... Do you dance too?

Mimzy-I do. Why?

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Mimzy's POV)

This little bundle of joy shouldn't even be in hell! He was such a charmer in the most adorable way! He was trying to keep up with me on the dancefloor in my room here! He was still trying to keep up with me and it was fun to watch him try! He even fell over himself, but would laugh it off before trying again. To see a baby do this was cute and all, but he looks way too much like a human to be a sinner. I didn't care too much about it though. Cuteness does sell down here, you just gotta know where to sell it. I got an idea and paused the music to let him rest with me on the sofa.

Mimzy-You are just an adorable little guy! Who would want to leave you alone?! ~

(Y/N)-I don't know. pant pant I like you too, Mimzy. I like making new friends.

Mimzy-I'm so glad that you think that, Babyface... How would you like to those baby feet to work for some money? Some people are into sexy milfs with adorable babies. ~

(Y/N)-What's a milf?

Mimzy-Don't worry about that, Hun... Are you feeling tired? ~

His eyes looked droopy and he looked exhausted when he rested from all that dancing with me. Instead of giving me an answer, he just crawled onto and closed his eyes. He was so innocent and loving... some pictures for a calendar place her, an adorable dance next to my fabulous dancing and good looks there and I could be making scores with this kid.

Mimzy-Hmmm... Finders keepers. Sleep tight, Honey. ~

I relaxed and he gave me a kiss on my cheek and wished I got a picture of him doing that. After 10 minutes of thinking to myself about ways to make some money with this kid, I heard his adorable snoring. I felt like getting a drink, so I slipped out from under him and went out to the club to go to the bar, but in the lobby.


I turned to see a white bird in a dress yelling over the counter while a black bird was damn near having a panic attack.


Counter-Madam, we don't even allow pets.

In that instant he was turned to stone and that's when she looked at the assistant of this place

White bird-We had a rare pet and someone broke in and took him. You have 5 minutes to find him.

They both left to go search the club and I hid behind a plant and put 2 and 2 together.

Mimzy's mind-Ohhhhh, shit.

I think I will live without that drink and started to head back to my room to hide until they are gone... Or sneak out the fire escape with my little money maker. Just then I saw a dragon burst through the door and it hit me in the head. I was bleeding a lot since I could not die in hell, but in moments I saw things mostly clearly, I saw another dragon and two women walking to the desk... Then I blacked out.

(Charlie's POV)

(Y/N) was here. He has to be here and they are going to give him back to me! I already called and told my dad everything for help, but this is just me and Vaggie coming here. When I got up to the counter the receptionist looked worried of me. I usually don't like these looks, but now I do not care.

Charlie-There is a human boy here and he is my son... Did you see anything odd today? echo

They were froze at first until Vaggie stabbed the desk with her spear.

Vaggie-Your princess just asked you a question.

Demon-U-Um, r-r-royal demons-. Bought room for overnight-. Turned boss to stone-.

Charlie-Which room? echo

Demon-I-I don't... I swear, I don't know.

Charlie-... Ok...

I smashed the asked with one hand and transformed it back to normal. I contained myself when we went to the dorm room areas and just heard people having sex in most of these rooms. Whatever room was locked, we just busted in to mostly catch people having sex, but we still searched the room... Well, I would search and Vaggie would keep an on the demons and kill them if they do anything. I wanted my baby back more than anything. When we got done with the 3rd room and only killed one couple that was going to shoot at us with guns... We saw our baby walk out into the hallway rubbing his eyes and looking tired.

(Y/N)-Mommy? Mama?

Charlie-MY BABY!!! ~

Vaggie-Are you alright?! ~

I ran up to him and scooped him in my arms to give him hugs and kisses before I helped Vaggie look for anything off, like cutes or small holes from needles.

Vaggie-Did anyone hurt you?!

Charlie-You need to tell us if they did!

(Y/N)-No... I made new friends, but they were gone for so long. yawn Where's Mimzy?

He rested against me to go back to sleep and I will learn who Mimzy is later, but we are leaving now. I got on Razzle with my baby to go back to the hotel and I missed the feeling of him in my arms.



(Y/N)-Do you promise to be with me when I sleep... I just want someone to cuddle with.

I just gave him kisses and he smiled.

Charlie-I promise... You are 'never' going to be left alone again. ~

Just then, I pictured myself wearing a harness with (Y/N) in it. I just wonder which would be cuter. Him on my front to adore him or on my back hiding in my hair. When I heard him going back to sleep...

Charlie-Oh, I am so getting that harness for you. ~


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