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((Y/N)'s POV)

Velvet-Ahhhhh. ~


I was fed my last bite of food at the cafe for breakfast by Velvet and Coco had me on her lap. She even bounced me in her lap and scratched my head. I liked this feeling and she only did it while I was not eating. I felt sleepy again since I never really woke up this morning except when I smelled yummy food. When I was done eating, I put my head against Coco's chest to be a pillow and used her scarf to cover my eyes. When I got cozy enough to sleep, Coco rubbed my back while she ate. I heard them talking, but I didn't pay attention.


(Coco's POV)

I gave my Baby Bunny some more bounces on my leg while he was trying to go back to sleep. Velvet and I just watched him as we ate. He didn't look wide awake this morning at all and I don't blame him. He had it rough and must have been physically and mentally exhausted. When we were done eating we moved on from small talk to something more important when I heard soft snoring coming from (Y/N) under my scarf.

Coco-So what now? We were supposed to get shipped off somewhere today to look for him. You heard Baby Bunny too. Ms. Goodwitch wants him and he doesn't want her.

Velvet-Well... We can't really hide that we have him either because she will find out eventually. Maybe we can just tell her the truth and send him back to Patch after.

Coco-And if she says, 'no'?

Velvet-She is the new headmaster of Beacon after Professor Ozpin passed. I'm sure she knows she has no time to watch a child.

I looked at (Y/N) and felt a little comfortable. If she says no then he is sent back home and if she lets him go home then I still lose my Baby Bunny. I didn't want to let him go. How do we know she won't treat him badly? Just then, we were getting a call from her now.

Velvet-Coco... It will be fine. She's bound to be busy too... Let's just go, just the three of us. We can tell the boys after.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Glynda's POV)

I sent the male members of team CVFY Fox and Yatsuhashi and waited for Coco and Velvet to come to my office with important news. Meanwhile, my baby is out there being touched and cuddled by some brat or whore that has no business caring for him! They should be overseas by now! I picked up my scroll again to check on when they were getting here and this news better be worth it, but when I did the elevator doors opened. It showed the girls coming in and Coco had MY BABY IN HER ARMS?!?!?!

I could hardly believe it, but I walked over in shock at how they got him so quickly, unharmed, and even sleeping! It took everything I had to not yell and kiss him in delight! I got him from Coco and I missed this feeling so much! The girls saw how happy I was, but I regained my composure. I took him to the desk and moved us to the other side of the room.

Glynda-Ahem May I ask where you found him? 

Velvet-We found him in the city trying to get to Patch.

Glynda-Well, that is where he lived... I must say that you exceeded my expectations for this job. (Y/N) was returned to me unharmed just as requested. Excellent work. Needless to say, your little trip will be canceled. Please, inform your team.

Coco-So what happens to him now?

Glynda-It is not safe for him to return home and the Atlas military has complications, so I will take it upon myself to look after him myself, again.

Velvet-... I-If it's any trouble, we could do extra work to watch him.

Glynda-That won't be necessary. I believe I can take good care of him. Now, I do have work to tend to, so if you would leave, please.

They both gave each other a look, but I walked away and they saw themselves out. When the door closed I scooped my baby up from my desk gently to not wake him up and headed to the elevator next. 

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt like I was on a very soft bed and there was a soft blue light shining into my eyes before I opened them. I didn't see Velvet or Coco and felt scared. I think I saw this room before and knew whose room this was. That's when someone pulled me into them from behind and I turned to see Glynda.

Glynda-Good morning, my baby boy. Did you miss me? ~

(Y/N)-Where are Coco and Velvet?!

Glynda-Oh them?... They had to drop you off to me and I told them you are in good hands. ~

(Y/N)-Hmph I'm not talking to you!

Glynda-Awwwww, is it because of what you said on that broadcast?... You didn't mean me. ~... Right?

(Y/N)-Hmph You wanted to fight with everyone and not be nice!... Wait, I'm not talking to you!

I turned away from her and scotched as far as I could until I hit some kind of wall of light. A blanket wrapped me by itself. It rolled me to Glynda and smashed my body into hers. I was forced to cuddle now.

Glynda-Don't be so mean. I only wanted what was best for you... Did you want to live the rest of your life in a military base or camp? ~

(Y/N)-... No.

Glynda-What about a mean extremist group wanting to put you in a collar and a cage? ~


Glynda-See? I just want to love and care for you. Now, let's go over some rules, watch some cartoons, and get you a yummy treat. After... I know someone who loves a nice bath with some toys. ~

(Y/N)-... I... I don't-.

She stroked my head and put me on top of her then moved her boobs around herself to make me more comfortable. She got it right too. She turned on some cartoons and projected them on her scroll where I did not have to move my head.

Glynda-The first and most important rule. You being pampered and cared for hand and foot is mandatory. That means I will take care of 'everything'. ~

(Coco's POV)

Velvet and I put a bug on (Y/N) to hear everything and this pissed me off! We were even starting to hear her kissing him again and again, cooing at him, and other things we heard him warm up to. My blood started to boil and Velvet's ears stuck up while she looked mad. Then we both heard...

Glynda-Ok Sweeite, bathtime. I can move your cartoons in there if you promise to be cuddly while I get you clean. ~

(Y/N)-... Ok, but I am still... a little mad at you.

Velvet-Ok, we can't just leave him in there! 

Coco-Now you change your mind?!


We had no way to get him out of there! Even with our whole team, we have a slim chance of beating her and even then she will hunt us down! She took out her scroll and pulled up the file from the job we just had to get his information. That's when I saw recent pictures of what is (Y/N)'s sister's team.

Coco-What are you doing?

Velvet-Getting probably the only ones who can get him out for us. It's their little brother... They'll come running.

(Velvet's POV)

I tried to be kind and calm about this, but she just dismissed us without even letting us say goodbye or implying we could see him again! He cuddled with us last night and is just the cutest thing ever! I know I can't beat her, but I know I can beat a team of Freshmen to get (Y/N) back! I got their info and sent them a message that Ms. Goodwitch has their brother and even sent a picture of him taken in Vale while also sharing the location of the bug we put on him. I even sent the same message to all of her team.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Ruby's POV)

Yang and I were on a ship to get back to Vale as quickly as possible to get our brother. We had been looking for hours, but Yang even tried calling Raven. She was not answering and even if she did I don't know what she would do. I felt so worried and wondered who sent that message! If they did anything to hurt him, so help me I will leave them barely alive to feed them to grimm! Yang saw tears coming out of my eyes, so she pulled me into a hug.

Yang-It's going to be ok. When we get him back, we will go somewhere safe with him.

Ruby-Reports said he just vanished! What if Raven does have him and is gone by the time we get there?! The location was at Glynda's house and for all we know they could be working together!

Yang-Sigh... She doesn't know we are coming. We need to keep it that way... We won't be landing in Vale, but we will be flying over it. Hope you got a landing strategy ready.

(Weiss's POV)

My sister was flying her ship and Mother was with us as well. Her idea is to first try to buy him back and be reasonable, but if that does not work then Winter and I will handle things. We don't know who sent the message, but that only makes us on guard. 

Winter-Weiss, plug your scroll into the ship. I want the location set for auto-pilot.

I walked up and did what she said before I looked at her and Mother in the front seats.

Weiss-I will start by going in alone first. I will have comms to keep in touch. We don't need a fight with (Y/N) around.

Winter-If this is ransom and they run their mouths.

Weiss-I won't negotiate any further. I give them a set price and that is it.


Weiss-I'll jump out when we are over Vale. Go to the landing pad at the school. It will be over where we need to go.

(Blake's POV)

I was already in Vale because when (Y/N) was said to disappear all of a sudden, whoever did it needed to be a part of a military or a huntsman team. Ilia saw no signs of other teams from other kingdoms leaving the island and said The White Fang didn't either... So we split up to cover more ground. I took Vale, Seinna and Mom stayed in Menagerie, and Ilia went to Atlas. I was on my own and had no idea who sent this.

Blake-Mom, Ilia... I'll get him back. I swear.

(No POV)

While the girls were heading to where (Y/N) was, Velvet and Coco got another room to stake Glynda's home out. Glynda just got some food ready for (Y/N), but unknown to everyone else... She was already prepared for his sister's coming. She had access to their scrolls and could trace them thanks to them being students at Beacon still. What she was doing was not in line with the law, but being the headmaster... She could bend the rules and be above the law. 4 dots on the screen of her scroll and she glanced over to where she had 4 secret rooms in her room.

Glynda-Chuckles... Oh (Y/N). I have some business to take care of. How about we get you down for a nap? ~


Epic the Orca

Oh crap. Sounds like Glynda has a dirty scheme going on.

Epic the Orca

Oh crap. Sounds like Glynda has a dirty scheme going on.