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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to hearing noises and remembered what happened after a long car ride. It was dark where we were and I was not in the car anymore. There was a bed, but it felt different than my bed, no stuffed animals to hold and cuddle with, and the blanket felt warm on the inside but when cold air got it, it was freezing. I put my face under the blanket to warm up while my teeth were chattering. Heard some yelling outside and I don't know by who, but I don't think I want to go out there to find out. The longer I stayed here, the more I heard fighting while I was in the dark like this was a nightmare... Please, let this be a nightmare. I can just wake up in nice soft arms, be surrounded by my stuffed animals, get ready for a yummy breakfast... (F/F) sounds great.

(Y/N)-Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Whisper

I tried a trick to raise my eyebrows super hard and then pinch myself... I was actually too scared to pinch myself since it would hurt. The door opened and I was too scared to come out from the blanket, but then I felt someone petting me.

Neyla-(Y/N)... Want to go say hi to some new friends? ~

(Y/N)-No... You're mean, so your friends must be meanies too.

Neyla-Awwwww, that's not very nice. I just play a little rough and Carmelita hurt me a lot. Would you be mad if someone hurt you? ~

(Y/N)-... I-I didn't want anyone to get hurt. We were supposed to be friends.

I felt her get on the bed and cuddle me. She even slipped her hand into the blanket to rub my tummy.

Nayla-I know you like this. I saw you smile at this when I brought you in here from the car. ~

This did feel nice and it got better when she went from rubbing to scratching before she took the blanket off of me.

Neyla-There's the Cutie Pie. I promise to be nicer... How about this? I accidentally left your toys in the car. Come say hi and you can choose to cuddle your toys... or me and your toys. ~ 

(Y/N)-... I don't know.

I looked at her fur and it smelled nice and felt really soft. It was also pretty warm...

(Y/N)-No fighting and I want my toys first... Can you also wrap your tail around me while we're out there? I heard yelling.

Neyla-Be a good boy and keep those cute lips shut unless I say so and I will even throw in more tummy rubs without these leather gloves.


(Neyla's POV)

He was too easy. Little did he know, he was going to sleep with me either way after the girls met the bait for this plan. Our enemies come to save him in the chaos and we will have something waiting for them. It's important that (Y/N) does not know that part. When I walked out into this run-down building, I saw my team I managed to convince to join me. The first was a former partner and she was hard to get back on my side.

(Y/N) looked at her and I think we both expected him to be afraid, but instead, he reached out to her. She looked confused and glared at me. I got her on my team not by trust, but by telling her she has nowhere to go and for a world ruled by one species like (Y/N) will arrest her and put her in a lab on sight. I was not going to let her hold (Y/N) either since I don't trust her not to do something the moment I give her a chance to.

Contessa-You are the little boy Neyla told us about? I never took her for a kidnapper, but I learned a lot of things.

(Y/N)-Um... My name is (Y/N).

Contessa-Nervous, are we? I am The Contessa... You can put your arms down before I think you really do want me to hold you.

(Y/N)-I do though... I wanted to say hi.

Neyla-Maybe another time. Let's go meet the others.

(Contessa's POV)

This 'human' was interesting and Neyla said as soon as the plan is done, we will have many humans underneath us and we can go our separate ways after. I still plan to keep an eye on her. When I watched them walk away I saw (Y/N) gave me a small smile and waved to me to say goodbye without her knowing. It reminded me when I got a hold of the Clockwork Eyes to hypnotize criminals to find their stashes thanks to her help... and then she took them.

Contess's mind-You really seem to care about him. Even if it is in a captor kind of way... Let's see how you like it when someone takes something you love. 

((Y/N)'s POV)

I really did want to be held by her because I was still a little mad at Neyla for hurting my friends, but I know it's not fair to blame Contessa for that. We got to the next person and she was just looking out the window.

Her ears were almost like Keira and Ashlen's ears. She turned to look at me and she looked confused or something before she just walked up to us and cupped my face. Neyla turned me away from her and pushed my head against her chest.

Neyla-(Y/N), this is-.

???-Seem. I never saw a creature like you before. I'm curious to see what you can do and what your world holds.

(Y/N)-Well... I think I saw some friends of yours.

I tried to reach for her to be held, but Neyla only walked away from her with me still in her arms. I don't understand why I can't be held by others.

(Seem's POV)

A child of this new world in the arms of someone a giant spider does not trust took him from his home, and the world would hunt us down without a second thought. I worked in the shadows before to meet beings higher than any of us, but I never heard of humans before. I looked out into the stars and thought about this plan of hers. It is the only way we can be free in this world after returning home is impossible, or so she claims. Either way...

Seem's mind-A child of this secret and sacred world must not fall into the hands of evil. Once I am free to move around, I will disregard this promised power and rule to find freedom somewhere of my own making. I will take (Y/N) too if I must.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Neyla was scratching my head and walking away with me again like she didn't want to share me. Maybe she was just trying to get me to meet everyone so we could cuddle in bed already, but I wasn't tired. The next person we got to was a robot like Kit, but she looked more like a person and kind of pretty. She looked at me with a smile.

I reached a hand out to her, but Neyla tapped it down and held me on the other side of her to keep me away from the robot.

Neyla-(Y/N), this is Courtney Gears.

Courtney-I'm sure this little guy knows my name. I'm very famous 

(Y/N)-I never heard of you... Are you a singer?

Courtney-Yes, I am and I am also a dancer. How would you like a song sometime? ~


She nodded her head and blew me a kiss. I smiled and tried to reach out to her again, but Neyla just walked away with me again.

(Courtney's POV)

The first thing I overheard when I woke up was Contessa and Neyla arguing about betrayal. They did not seem to know who I was so I put on this little facade. I never saw a species like (Y/N) before, but I saw ones close to everyone else before. It didn't change anything since they were all still pathetic and organic squishes that should be serving robots for a change. Now, I have a whole planet of squishes like (Y/N).

Courtney's mind-What better message to send to the world after I take it over than their children serving me under leash and collar before they all share the same fate?... I'll have a special spot for my first human slave though. ~

(Neyla's POV)

I said they could meet the key, but he would be mine and I thought (Y/N) would be afraid of The Contessa. I promised them more than enough already to keep them in line before we topple this nation with my plan. The first thing we need is to take this town first and get that machine fixed. Courtney will be in charge of that part and everyone else has theirs. We got to my next team member and I read about her before.

She looked at (Y/N) in awe and it was already getting on my nerves. (Y/N) already tried reaching for her and I turned him away.

Neyla's mind-What is with you wanting to be held by everyone?!

Mrs. Ruby-So this is the human you told us about. How fascinating... My name is Mrs. Ruby. You must be (Y/N). ~

(Y/N)-How did you know?... Is that ruby magic?

Mrs. Ruby-No, I just heard your name from your last little meeting... Why not let me hold the little guy? Just to show we can trust each other. ~

They were about to touch hands, but I stopped it. If anyone tries to touch what is mine again, I will not only backstab them, but I will 'backstab' them. I already expect The Contessa to betray me already for revenge and Mrs. Ruby will catch on soon if she has not already. They just have nowhere to go. I just need to worry when they do during my preparation for the next phase.

Neyla-We talked about this. This is only meant to be a hello... Now, I need to get him back to bed.

(Y/N)-With my toys!

Neyla-Sigh Yes... Oh and Mrs. Ruby.

Mrs. Ruby-Hm?

Neyla-You're up first in the morning.

She had a smile on her face that I did not like when I walked away to get the toys as promised. I mainly brought them, so he would shut up, but I think I would like a bit of company.

Neyla's mind-Maybe you need some conditioning if you are to belong to me in the new world... Maybe Mrs. Ruby can cook something up.

(Mrs. Ruby's POV)

I watched Neyla walk away with this fascinating new creature. I know there are going to be millions more, but I sensed something about him that had a feeling from my old world somehow. I need to have (Y/N) as mine. I suppose his family and Neyla would be in the way, but I know my way around obstacles... Maybe the parents can be on my dissection tables to help me unlock secrets to this world. 

Mrs. Ruby's mind-As for you, little human... You already are very sweet, but I think being clingy to me would suit you better. You are just too interesting to ever let go. ~

(Timeskip 20 minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were back in the room I woke up in and I just set my toys up while Neyla lay right next to me in the bed. She put one arm around me and I think we need to have an important talk. I told her what I thought about hurting my friends and not sharing me like I only belong to her because I am a free person. She frowned at this, but I think she understood what I was saying.

Neyla-So you are saying that I can't keep you to myself? ~


Neyla-I guess I was pretty mean... Maybe I should just go somewhere and be all alone again with nobody to care about me. ~

She turned over and away from me to stop cuddling me. I think she was even starting to cry.

(Y/N)-What? N-No. I just-.

Neyla-I never had sniffle a friend or a family before. Everyone hurt me before in my old life... Nobody loves me! ~

Now, I was starting to feel really bad about this. I didn't mean to make her cry!

(Y/N)-Th-That not's true! I-I can teach you how to be a better friend!

Neyla-You don't mean that. ~

(Y/N)-I do... I can give you some love and cuddles until we both get tired and I can teach you in the morning.

Neyla-Do you really mean that? ~

(Y/N)-Yes! We can even start now if you like!

She turned back to me and all her tears were already gone and she was smiling at me now while pulling me into a hug. She cuddled me and wrapped her tail around my leg.

Neyla-Well... I guess we could, but I just have a few conditions. Think of it as... a bit of dress up and the floor is lava. ~

(No POV)

Neyla gave her conditions to (Y/N) and when he said no to some things this made Neyla 'cry again' which made him cave in. They kept up until they fell asleep and (Y/N) agreed to every single one of her conditions while not asking for anything in return. As for the others in the hideout, they were making their own plans after the plan Neyla gave them was complete. Each of them has a reason for wanting you. Meanwhile, chaos was going on around town as a big green cosplayer was running from the police for being a vigilante... just a horrible vigilante. He was even on the news that someone was up late at night watching while working on a machine.

Rivet-What an idiot?


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