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(Harley's POV)

I was in a holding cell after being scanned and the machine was making something that looked different from what Waller had to take our bombs out during the invasion. Sucks that she destroyed it. I could tell her that I think the bomb is only powerful enough to pop my head like a balloon, but the thing is if Waller was crazy enough to nuke a city she was in herself then I have no idea how strong this thing is. It could be if one of us fucked up and were close to that person we would go down with them... Or take out a few more aliens. Either or. When the machine was done making something, it was nothing like what Waller destroyed. It was small enough to hold in her hand like a flashlight.

Harley-Something tells me that this is gonna 'really' hurt. Give a girl a countdown?

Wonder Woman-Did you give others a countdown?

Harley-Would you believe me if I said yes?

Wonder Woman-Lay on the bed and face away from me!

Harley-Snicker Could've taken me out to dinner first.

Wonder Woman-Now!

I did what she said while laughing a little. She opened the cell door by putting the hard lights off and put the device on the back of my head. No warning and it did hurt like a bitch, but nothing make me scream to the top of my lungs. I was whining and tensing up like gears were digging into my head until it stopped.


She pulled the device away and some blood came out. I even felt for a little hole, but I guess the skin was mostly stretched and went back so it was like a slightly bigger needle hole. I looked back at her with the device and the bomb the size of a thumbtack.

Harley-My hero! ~... Ya gonna use that bomb?

Wonder Woman-Ugh.

She walked over to a compactor or something to close a small sliding glass door. She turned it on and the bomb was shot with a laser. It did nothing for a little while before...

Boom muffles

I saw the bomb crack the glass and she looked shocked and horrified.

Harley-Whistle Waller did mean a bomb when she said bomb... So, what's next?

She powered on my cell again to lock me in, but it was not like I was going anywhere. Having a bomb ripped out of ya without painkillers or anything really takes it out of a girl.

Wonder Woman-You are staying in there until I am able to put you back in Arkham Asylum. I'll get you some medical attention to stop the bleeding before I leave.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Diana's POV)

I gave Harley something to help with the pain and she fell asleep while I gave her some disinfectants, gauze, and some tape to hold it in place. I finally left the lab with her secure and flew straight up to my room where I heard (Y/N) trying to get out until I opened the door.

Diana-Sigh... It's ok, Sweetie. ~

He didn't seem to listen to me and was breathing fast again. I kept my distance again because I didn't want him to pass out. This is a serious problem and it's only a matter of time before he has a heart attack. I need to take care of this as soon as possible. There has to be something to at least calm his nerves to where his health is not at high risk. After a bit of thinking I remember a treatment at Arkham they tried to suppress memories that Batman talked about, but it didn't really change how they felt for the most part... It was better than putting him on drugs.

Diana-(Y/N)... Do you think you can trust me enough to follow me somewhere? I'll be right in front of you, so you can watch what I'm doing.

He looked scared still, but I did get him to follow me while I slowly flew backward. I kept up small words of encouragement, but the hardest part was the lobby. We saw Waller at the doors talking to soldiers.


Diana-Don't look at the army. Just look at me. Follow me... There, very good. We're almost there. ~

I got him down to the lab and when he saw it was the lab, he tried to run for it. I quickly closed the doors behind him with a tablet to lock the docks.


I didn't bother to look at Quinn still sleeping, but if she saw this she would no doubt make remarks about how this is no different than kidnapping and torturing. This is just for his own good.

Diana's mind-This 'is' what is best for him. You are his mother now so this is out of love. He may still be afraid of you after this, but at least he won't know exactly why.

He tried to run and find a way out of the lab, but I swiftly caught him and put him on the table. He looked horrified and he tried speaking... He 'tried' speaking.

(Y/N)-D-Doon'-! Wha-! I-I didn't do-! Stop i-! mumbling

I could not understand him anymore, so I just had him lie down and he did well enough to stay still. I put a breathing mask on him and let him breathe in the sedatives to not knock him out, but he was out of it.

Diana-Much better. Wait right here and I'm going to see what I can do. ~

I gave him a kiss on his cheek before I looked up this treatment on the computer. It turned out it was going to be me literally shocking his brain. It does not erase the memory as a whole, but it takes out details. The emotional behavior response to said memory can vary based on how strong it is. Needless to say, it was going to be very strong, so I wouldn't see him smiling at the thought of me. I got to work on the computer and put a headset on him.

Diana-Ok, Sweetie. This is going to be hard... Remember how your parents died. Think about why you are afraid of me.

He started to whimper and cry and that's when I started the machine. He slowly lost consciousness, so I put a heart monitor on him. His heart was normal for what I would expect after sedatives. I rubbed his cheek while the machine did its work and pulled out a chair. Later, I got an alert that a window's weight was less than it should be during the lockdown. Batman put this feature in the system in case thieves or villains find a way to cut through the shields. I got up to go check the window out by flying as fast as I could and saw a hole cut in the window! They must have disabled the alarm! I flew down to the lobby as fast as I could and saw they did not reach it, yet. I got back in the hallway and had my lasso ready.

Diana-I know you're in here! Come out now and I will have you taken back out gently!

I heard a tiny click of suppressed gunfire, so I put up my gauntlet and blocked the dart that must be meant to sedate me. I had his location now and rushed to the hiding spot of the soldier to pull them out of the supply closet with my lasso of truth. The first thing I did was rip the helmet off. They were a woman with a buzzcut and they tried to break free.

Diana-I don't need your name! Why are you in here?!

Woman-Grunt I was told to find Harley and bring her out while my team gets the front doors opened.

Diana-How many of you broke in?!

Woman-... 5, not counting me.

Diana-Where are they?!

Woman-Th-Three of them are hiding in the room next to you. The other found an elevator in Batman's room. I stayed behind because I was the better shot.

Diana-Elevator? What elevator?!

Woman-The buttons were labeled... grunt No!... LLLAAAAB!!! They went to the lab to find secret projects to report to Waller!

Diana-... No.

I kicked the door next to me in and knocked one of the men down with it. I saw another soldier point a gun at me, but I blocked 3 bullets before I threw the woman I had captive of him. I thought of every second I wasted, a soldier was with my baby... I walked into the room and a soldier pointed a gun at me shakily as he saw I pulled a sword off the wall that Batman had.

Soldier-D-Don't move!


(Soldier's POV)

To think I would find this big of a jackpot. Not only did I find Harley in a holding cell in the lab, I found tons of high-tech equipment, a supercomputer linked to a private satellite. I did not know who this little boy was though, but he was hooked up to something. I just grabbed my radio.

Soldier-Waller, I found a lab and Harley, but there is a little boy hooked up to a weird machine, please advise.


Soldier-Waller, do you-.

The lab door opened and I saw Wonder Woman covered in blood, had a sword in her hand,... and a head from my team in the other.

Wonder Woman-What are you doing next to my baby?

Soldier-I have eyes on Wonder Woman! She's hostile and lethal!


The signal was jammed and when she dropped the head I was about to pull the trigger, but she rushed over in a blink of an eye and crushed the part of the gun with the chamber and firing pin, so it didn't work anymore. I was frozen in from this and then she crushed both of my hands, gripping onto the gun before it ripped in half.


She dropped both pieces of the rifle and I looked at my hands to see bones sticking out. She picked up the sword she dropped and glared at me.

Wonder Woman-Nobody is taking my son 'anywhere'.

I started running from her while she stood there and watched me get into the elevator! She just watched me jam with broken and bloodied fingers in the buttons in agony! The doors were operated by a tablet, so my cracked bones did not work when the doors closed.

Slight screeching

I heard her scratching on the metal with the tip of the sword before the blade slipped in. It slipped back out and for a while it was nothing... The doors opened back up with a beep and Wonder Woman walked in.

I knew I could not do anything to stop her and I could not call for help either. She knelt down in front of me and when I tried kicking her, it did not stop any of her slow moments. She just looked at me in my eyes.

Wonder Woman-Did you believe I would let Waller force her newfound authority onto me just because it's Martial Law?

Soldier-... If you're going to kill me too then-!

Wonder Woman-Shhhhhh Answer my questions. I don't have the lasso of truth, but you are only hurting yourself by lying... Now, aside from the obvious answer to my last question. When I referred to that little boy you were 'so close' to as my son, you must know I am his new mother, correct?

Soldier-... Yes.

Wonder Woman-And any 'good and caring' mother would be rightfully upset in this situation, right?


Wonder Woman-I'm so glad you understand.

She smiled softly and stood back up. I didn't even see her arm or any expressions change.


(Timeskip ???)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and my head felt fuzzy, but I was also being held and hummed to by someone. When I tried to remember everything that happened I was running and scared of Wonder Woman because... because... I don't know. I still felt scared of her for some reason and when I looked around I saw the windows were covered by some kind of metal and Wonder Woman was cuddling me in her room. She was in a bathrobe and her hair looked a little wet.

Wonder Woman-Well, hello there sleepy head. Are we feeling better? ~

I felt scared of her, but I still don't know why. I tried to back away, but she already had her arms wrapped around me. She just pulled me closer.

Wonder Woman-Eh eh eh. Where are you going, Silly? ~

(Y/N)-Wh-What am I doing here?

Wonder Woman-Don't worry about that. You just need to relax and accept some cuddles. After, we can have some dinner and dessert... How about some kisses? ~

She gently kissed my head over and over again, but my body was shaking. Later, she got up with me to bounce me in her arms while she walked out of her room and to the kitchen.

Wonder Woman-I'm so proud of you. You are doing much better than you did before. I think someone earned some (F/F). Yes, they did. ~

I felt my face burning up from that baby talk and she put me down on a chair. I stayed put to not be bad, but I could only try to remember why I was so scared. I know Mommy and Daddy were dead, but I don't remember how Daddy died.

(Diana's POV)

After dinner and dessert, I plan to spend time with (Y/N) before I take Harley back to Arkham. Waller denied any knowledge of soldiers being sent in by her, but I let her play that game. I just cleaned up her mess and had the computer make robotic clones to be sent out on suicide missions to bomb alien nests. I'm just glad (Y/N) didn't have to see any of that, but I am staying in lockdown just in case she tries anything else. After a nice dinner with some dessert, I took (Y/N) to have a bath and play while I sat on the edge of the bath to watch him. After that, I put on some cartoons while we cuddled some more. He was still very nervous and fidgety, but better than screaming and passing out again.

Diana-How about you call me something besides my Superhero name, Sweetie? Just to show we can trust each other. ~

(Y/N)-... What's your name?

Diana-My name is Diana. Can you say, Diana? ~


I gave him some more kisses as an award and when it was close to midnight, he fell asleep in my arms. I just wanted to sleep with him, but I can do that when I get back. I just tucked him into bed with the TV still on just in case he woke up and was not alone in the dark.

Diana-I'll be back soon, my Little Snuggle Bear. ~ whisper

I went down to the lab to see Harley playfully kicking her feet in the air.

Harley-Heya, Wonder Woman... Missed a spot of blood over there. Something happen?

Diana-That is none of your concern. You are heading back to Arkham, now. I'll be taking you there myself.

Harley-Wait! Does that mean we get to fly in your invisible jet?!

(Harley's POV)

No to the jet, but we were flying! I would playfully swing my feet for fun, but she was going too fast. I did however look down and pretend I was Tinker Bell or a fighter jet about to drop the bombs!

Harley-Hey, some girl talk! On dates, did men ever ask for a free ride like this?! If not then they must feel so jealous if they find out about this! You would get tons of business if you had free time you wanted to kill!

Diana-Do you have an off switch?

Harley-There is a joke there, but I wanna keep the girl talk going instead of the dirty talk... Unless you're into that sort of thing. I don't judge.



When we finally made it to Arkham Asylum she waited with me for the guards to come before she left.

Harley-You'll call me and keep me updated on motherhood, right?! BFODSOTLF, right?! That stands for Best Friends On Different Sides Of The Law Forever in case you didn't know!

She flew off before the doors could close and the guards took me down the hall.

Harley-She'll call for a girl's night, right?

Guard-Sure, Harley.

Everything was the same old, same old here in Arkham. Saw the same villains, the same guards I don't care to know the names of, but something was missing.

Harley-Did anything change while I was gone on employment? Did my sentence get reduced from working with Waller?... Did you change your hair, Guard 17? ~


The alarms went off and the ground was shaking, but then it hit me.

Harley-Cologne! You changed your cologne!.. I liked the old one better. You should change back.

Vines burst out of the floor and flooded the room by covering the walls, floor, and ceiling. That's when a giant flower came out and bloomed to show my girl Red!

Harley-Red! You look great!

Ivy-You're back?

The vines grabbed the guards and pinned them to the wall before she walked up to me. I joined her at her side to head for the front door.

Ivy-I thought you were off doing community service. Then I saw you on the news until the broadcast stopped.

Harley-Well it was either that or my head gets popped like a balloon by a bomb Waller puts in your head.

Ivy-Bomb?! That human put a bomb in you?!

Harley-I know, right? And they say we're villains in all this.

Ivy-Where is the bitch?

Harley-Eh, most likely at Superman's stomping grounds. Speaking of which, you would not 'believe' the day I had or this job.

(Ivy's POV)

I got us to a hideout and she went on with her story and I could not believe it. Batman was dead, the Justice League's core members except for Wonder Woman are dead too, and we are the only ones who know about this!

Harley-So after the job was done, Waller got pissy with everyone, told my team and I to fuck off, and wait for it... Wonder Woman adopted a little boy!


Harley-Yeah, a real cutie too. He is just mentally traumatized. Guess that happens when an invasion happens and shit hits the fan.

Ivy-Harley, do you have any idea what you are saying here?

Harley-... I know that look. Spill. ~

Ivy-Sigh... Batman is dead, the Bat Family is all that's left, Wonder Woman is vulnerable right now while making a mental recovery, and we are the only ones who know about this.

Harley-Uh-huh. With you so far.

Ivy-... I love you like a sister, Harls, but sometimes you just don't see the writing on the wall. We can take Gotham by surprise or something even bigger! Wonder Woman can even be a part of that plan if we play our cards right!

Harley-Slow down there, Red. I'm up for bashing heroes as much as the next gal, but I like Wonder Woman, plus the little guy is actually pretty sweet. I could tell. I even took a few personal oaths if you would call them after my break-up to avoid red flags, and killing brats is one thing I can take as collateral at best, but sweet little ones. hiss That's a bit of a red flag.

I love the sweet side of her, but I do not see the benefits of this human or any of them except for her. Other than making a great fertilizer. She turned on the TV and it was the news showing my plants growing beautifully around the asylum until teams came in to kill them with pesticides and other chemicals.


Harley-Would bashing 'their' heads in help you blow off some steam?... I'm sure their bellies make a great place for some plants to grow. ~

Ivy-That is going to be a me thing later. We need to take this chance, Harley! We strike while the iron is still hot!

Harley-I don't kill the good kids with badass moms.

Ivy-... It's not killing either of them. It's just... babysitting for Wonder Woman and we go from there.

Harley-I don't know. She's a mama bear right now.

I tried to think of a way to put this that could get her on board since I can not do this job alone. I would also like to rule with the only human I care about.

Ivy-You said he was cute. Cute things are fun to play with, right? Think of it as a puppy or something. ~

She was tempted by the idea of being with this kid again, but she is hellbent on her own rules.

Harley-... Can we kill the guys on the news and see how we feel?

(Waller's POV)

Wonder Woman is going to respect my authority and appreciate all I do now! I tried to have other properties worth a damn to me seized, but there is no location on the Bat Cave, The Fortress of Solitude, or any other hideout that belongs to a superhero! All the information is in the Hall of Justice! She took Harley out and that meant she got in too! She is going to be my other ticket in even if I have to use her as a bomb to blow up the power to this place! I looked at the building on screen and felt my blood boil!

Waller-Just you wait. I. Will. Get. In. And you will obey me! I'm going to be your Daddy that you listen to!


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