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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting on Octavia's lap while we watched something on TV and she was feeding me the food she ordered for us. I liked having her as a big sister. The food she had someone bring here was very tasty too. The show we were watching was like a cartoon I never saw before and if was funny. When we were finished with the food we had she put me back under the blanket before she called someone to take the plates and stuff. They didn't say anything, but when the door closed I felt something like a bowl on top of me before she pulled the blanket off. I looked into her eyes and then saw a bowl of ice cream on the table next to the bed.

(Y/N)-Gasp Ice cream!

I tried to reach for it, but I was still stuck in the blanket she wrapped me in after my bath. She only tapped my nose to make me stop.

Octavia-Giggles Calm down. I'm going to feed you. Just stay in your blanket. ~

She stroked my head before she got a scoop of ice cream, so I quickly opened my mouth for her to feed me. It tasted like Reeses Peanut Buttercup, but better. I even got the cherry on my first bite. She was getting the bite for me.

Octavia-Open up. Here it comes. ~

(Stella's POV)

I was starting to wake up again and my headache was mostly gone now. I am sure what happened was not a dream and what proved that was a note on the table that looked like it was written by a 4-year-old. I took the note and most of this was spelled wrong.

Note-Hilo Stela, I left u to nap and hop you fel alll bettr. I also think u shold smile more. A prity face is bettr when it is smiling and even more when they r a frend. I am going to Otava to play, but I will help u agan if u r sad or mad. Also, I gav u 1 mor kis bfor I left.

I crumbled it and tossed it in the trash before I sat up. When I did that I saw he gave me a blanket, put a pillow under my head, and even tucked me in a little. My first thought was he treated me like a fucking toddler, but then I remembered how my servants left me with him while I was vulnerable in my own home! I had the rest of the water he left for me.

Stella-Fucking incompentant idoits. What do I pay and allow them to live for? A child got past them and to me. A child!

Everything he did was still fresh in my mind and nobody ever treated me like that before... Without being paid. Not even my brother treated me like that because we treated each other as equals while he still adored and helped me... I got up and headed to my daughter's room to settle this. When I opened the door without any warning I saw my daughter feeding the brat some ice cream like he was a fucking baby.



She looked scared and surprised when she saw me walking closer to them. She tossed the ice cream and held them close while turning them into her chest.

Stella-Octavia... Give me the child.

Octavia-Mom, please! You don't understand! He was adopted by the princess of hell!

Stella-Give them to me... Now.

She knew I was serious. I was surprised by what she said, but I doubt it was true. Just a last-ditch effort to save him from me. I snatched him from her and he looked confused when I held him in front of me. No hangover was going to save him this time... I just need to turn him into stone.

(Y/N)-Oh, are you still mad?... You could have asked nicely.

He wiggled his hands out of the blanket but could not get his arms out. He just made little grabby hands that could only graze my fingers. I tried to find it in me to turn him to stone but I couldn't and he grabbed one of my fingers.

(Y/N)-Um... I can get this hug. hold on.

Octavia looked scared and tried to take him back, but I turned him away from her and gave him another look. He finally got his arms free and grabbed me to pull himself into me.

(Y/N)-There. Better?

Stella-Do you know what I can do to you?

(Y/N)-Um... Rule in a castle? Look even more pretty?... Is that possible?

I felt a little flustered by this and while the servants will hear from me later.

Stella-Octavia, Dear. Where did you find this little thing?

Octavia-... At a place during a trip.

Stella-Well, you know better than to bring home strays. If word gets out that filthy strays can get in then it hurts our reputation... You are lucky he knows true beauty when he sees it, but he is going to be trained and made presentable.

Octavia-What does that mean?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Octavia's POV)

I'm happy Mom decided not to hurt him but now she was taking control and that is usually not a good thing. It started with ordering a collar when my clothes for him came. When the collar got here she put it on (Y/N) and the tag had our family symbol on it. My worries kept on going down when there was no cruel treatment to him, given she tormented the servants. I wanted to dress him and she allowed it after she picked an outfit for him. Afterward, he wanted to go to the garden, so Mom had servants set up tea and other small snacks there. He tried to climb up to a chair that was too tall for him since it was for our height but he didn't even make it to our knees. He was cute watching struggle with this, but Mom had a problem.

Stella-Eh!... What do you think you are doing?

(Y/N)-Trying to sit on the chair.

Stella-Pets do not belong on the furniture. 


Stella-That's right. Don't think because my daughter brought you here and I have grown an attachment of sorts to you that you are suddenly an equal to us... No. Pets are either on the floor or on a lap.

I do not like the idea of making my baby brother into a pet, but he only ran to her when she sat down to be on her lap. She smiled at this and made him lay down on her lap.

Octavia-Mom, he is not a pet!

Stella-Of course he is. What else would he do here?

He peeked his head over the table and looked at me past the food with a twinkle in his eye.

(Y/N)-Do pets get more cuddles?

Mom-They most certainly do. ~

Octavia-(Y/N)! You don't want to be a pet!

Mom glared at me, but (Y/N) only sat up higher while using my Mom's hand for support to get up.

(Y/N)-But I like cuddles... I still think of you as the same. If I'm both then that just means more love.

My heart stopped at his cuteness. Mom put him back down and all I saw was his hands playing with hers.

Mom-It's settled then... We are going to need a trip to the groomer, next.

(Y/N)-What's a groomer?... Oh, is it getting groomed? Like having a bath and haircut before a ritual party?

Mom-Ritual party?... Well, yes. I also want those feet looked at and-.

She went off of a mental list of what she wants done to him and some of them involve getting intimate with him. There was no way that anyone was going to do that to him! We talked this over during tea time and during that time the servants brought cookies that Mom made (Y/N) do tricks to earn. 

Mom-Sit,... lay down,... sit,... arms up. Good boy... Now, 'beg'. ~


He got his treat and I can't believe he was loving this kind of treatment. Mom was even loving this and I thought she would be abusing him more directly. I thought she ruined what I had going, but then (Y/N) looked over to me and climbed on my lap.

(Y/N)-Hey, don't be sad. I love you too, Sissy! ~

(Stella's POV)

I do find this amusing and he even knows to keep me and my daughter happy. I wonder how he will fair if I have him sleep with me and Stolas, so I can smother him affection Stolas never deserved. He gave her kisses and hugs. The moment was ruined when the imp I saw left me before coming to my side with a phone.

Imp-My Lady, there is a Ms. Charlie Morningstar on the phone for you. She is looking for a little pale boy that I said you have here.

I froze when it turned out that what my daughter said was true. The princess of hell has a human for a son. I took the servant with me somewhere and when we were alone... I grabbed him by the neck.

Stella-Why the fuck would you tell her anything I fucking have? First, you left me with the 'human' when I hated him and when I gave him the honor of being the house pet he loves being, you ruined 'everything'.

Charlie-Excuse me?! faint

I looked at the phone and saw he did not put it on hold! I was so pissed off that I turned the fucker to stone and threw his body down to smash the phone!


(Charlie's POV)

After going through many family branches and households of this fucking bird family that Octavia belonged to...


I crushed my form and my demon form was coming out while fire swirled around me! The door swung open and Vaggie came running in with her phone in her hand! It took me a moment to notice her spear in hand and she crushed her phone too.

Vaggie-... Who?

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-Mistress Stella!

Stella-Good pet. Beeegg. ~


She gave me another cookie, but I was, so I only took a bite before I nuzzled into her fluffy feathers. She wanted us to get in a limo and go somewhere. This limo was kind of cold inside with the cold air on, so I pushed away from Stella for a bit and went up her dress to sit on her lap and nuzzled against her belly. It was as far as I could go since she was so tall, but I could breathe and felt warmer. 

Stella-(Y/N)! Get-!

Octavia-Mom, he was cold! It's freezing in here!

Stella-Sigh Driver, turn on the heater!

I felt someone pet me through the shirt and then whispered into my ear.

Octavia-When it's warm in here, how would you like more cuddles with your big sissy? ~

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~

(Octavia's POV)

Mom said the princess found us and would be coming for him, but she thinks if we hid long enough she would give up. Mom pet him through her dress now and we heard him making sweet little noises, telling us that he was loving this. He wrapped his hands around Mom just to cuddle her some more in her dress. I wanted him to be under my shirt and give me cuddles!

Octavia-Where are we going?

Mom-I know a dance club that has tolerable class for our standards. We can stay in the VIP rooms.

(Y/N)-Dance club?!... I like dancing! Can I dance with both of you?!

Mom-You can in our room... In fact, you need a bag to hide in when we go in.

He was clearly excited, but we can't let him be seen in public. We are already going to get too much attention already. I was already scared that the princess was coming after us and if she gets her dad involved... I shivered a little.

(???'s POV)

These fucking lightweights are all the same. They see an amazing gal in this joint working her ass off to keep the party alive, they think I throw myself at them or they can keep up with me on the dancefloor after. Only one demon could do that even when he was a man at the time. Another day in paradise, but a girl would like a change from time to time.

???-What's a gal to do?... ahem Bartender, notice when I want an ear to listen.
